Integration with Cerberus Testing
As you know, XStudio uniquely provides a huge catalog of ~90 launchers allowing you to interface with any test automation framework on the market.
Last month we partnered with Cerberus Testing to add a great new integration to our catalog.
Cerberus is a low-code, open-source and scalable test automation solution.
Selenium, appium and others are already integrated and it supports testing cross-browser, mobile apps, APIs, desktop apps and more.
Do not hesitate to check Cerberus website for more details about what they do.
No coding
No need for a special infrastructure
Immediate results linked with your SUTs, requirements, bugs in XStudio
As usual, the integration within XStudio is ultra-simple:
1) Configure the connector in XStudio,

2) Reference your Cerberus test cases in XStudio,
3) Run your first campaign.
That's it!
Integration with Smartesting's AI / ML Engine
This month, we also partnered with Smartesting to integrate their Comet AI/Machine-Learning Prioritization engine.
The idea is quite simple: Comet learns about how your previous test runs discovered bugs and helps you prioritize your future campaigns so that you find the bugs as early as possible in the process.
Once you have created your campaign, you can go to the Order tab and click on the Comet Ordering button:
With Comet test scheduling, even if you only partially execute your tests, the ones proposed first are the most likely to reveal an anomaly.
And of course, the more you execute your tests, the more data you provide to Comet and the more Comet will be able to return efficient predictions.
Development is terminated but configuration/polishing still ongoing. We will deliver this as a beta in XStudio.web 7.
Residual Campaigns
XStudio.web v7 will include one of the most appreciated feature in XStudio: the Residual Campains.
The goal here is to facilitate the creation of campaigns with a very specific, and often small, scope based on history.
You only have to do that:
1) Select a few sessions that have been executed before,
2) Click on the Generate residual campaign button,
3) Pick a destination folder and the rules you need to apply:
A new campaign is created which contains only the tests matching the rules you specified (based on the previous results of the tests in the source sessions).
One-the-spot test sessions/micro-campaigns
One-the-spot feature allows you to run tests straight without having to plan a campaign and instanciate it in a session.
The Most basic application is to select a test (in the test tree) and click on the play button.
This will create a campaign and a session in a special [Playground] folder (in the campaigns tree) and will execute it on the fly.
Of course, all the results are linked to the SUT, bugs etc. as normal.
But that's not all! To make the test activities even easier you can do the same on SUT, requirements, specifications or bug!
Need to check a bug? just select it (in the bug tree) and click on the play button: all the tests that are linked to this bug are then executed.
Want to fully test a requirement or a user story? just select it, click on play and all the tests covering that requirement will be executed.
Want to test a complete release? well... I'm sure you got it! ;)
...and as always, all those wonderful features works on ANY browser
and on ANY device