User Experience Simplification
We used to have many tabs on some specific items such bugs.
Tabs provide a nice way to show selected or associated items directly in their tree.
Seeing items in their context (in this case a structured tree) is always a plus for clarity.
However, the cons of this is you must browse different tabs to see all the information related to the current item.
And the drawback of it is you need to click many times... too many.
Flat list, drop-down menus
Conversely, using flat list is simple, take only a few space (so can be integrated in a single panel) and hence is click-thrifty.
However, it is less flexible and provide less visible details on the selected elements.
The best of both worlds
To conciliate pros of both solutions, we've just introduced in XStudio.web 7sp2 a new widget that will be integrated in the main "Details" tab and that will "proxy" the selection task to a dedicated GUI.
This allowed removing many tabs from the right-hand side panel without losing the important information you need.
For each former tab that can be replaced with the use of this widget, you now have a new field in the "Details" tab providing all the necessary information about:
- Which elements are currently selected (in a list)
- How many are selected (in a badge above the list)
- And a button to see those elements in their context/tree and possibly modify the selection
As an example, let's pick a bug.
This bug has a reporter, a couple of people assignees and a few followers.
It must also show which version(s) the bug has been found in and which version it has been fixed in.
All those information where formerly available in 5 separate tabs.
They all have been removed from the GUI and it's now much simpler:
When you click on the Assigned to's button, you can access the tree with all the assignees pre-selected.
Just change the selection and submit... that's done!
Indeed, the popup will let you see the currently selected people in their context/tree - and eventually change that selection if you wish to.
That's it. Simple. Quick. Efficient.
Downgrade & update policies
You probably remember that we added in v6 the ability to configure Downgrade and update policies at requirement level
to define what happens to your tests if a requirement is modified or downgraded to an inferior status.
For example, you can send a push notification and post a message to all linked tests
(so that all contributors to those tests are alerted and can double-check if an action is necessary).
You can even downgrade automatically all those linked test's status too if you wish.
In version 7, we also added the same feature at test level to define what happens to your testcases if a test is modified or downgraded to an inferior status.
You have several choices including:
- sending a push notification and post a message to all child test cases (so that their contributors are alerted),
- and/or disable the 2 "Ready for manual run" and "Ready for automated run" flags of the child test cases to indicate they need to be reviewed.
In this case, the testcases not executable anymore until they are reviewed, and flags are set back to enabled.
You'll never have any longer tests or test cases that lost their sync with their 'related parents'!
Reports in Word format
A new output format has been added when you generate a report.
Now the complete list includes PDF, XML, HTML, Excel and Word

New message triggers email
Posting a contextual message about an item (SUT, requirement, specification, test, testcase, bug) now also sends an email to all contributors on this item.
Email's title have been designed so that the users can easily filters those emails using their email reader if needed.
The contents of the emails have also been improved and they are now supporting embedded images.
...and as always, all those wonderful features work on ANY browser
and on ANY device