Results Publisher User Guide

Note: You can run any type of automated test using some dedicated launchers.
Please refer to the launchers documentation section for more details.

However, in specific cases, you may have to execute automated tests using a different process hence the need to be able to publish some results to XStudio. This can be done with a standalone program called XResultsPublisher that you can run through the command line on any computer.
  • On Windows platforms, you can find it in the xstudio folder. The executable is named xresultspublisher.exe
  • On MacOSX and linux platforms, the executable script is named
  • On any device you can run it using the java runtime interpreter using the command java -jar xresultspublisher.jar


XResultsPublisher is aimed at being called essentially programmatically.


To push some results to XStudio you will just have to call the XResultsPublisher with the appropriate arguments which are...
Usage: xresultspublisher.exe --restApiUrl  <url>
                             --username    <username>
                             --password    <password>
                             --sessionId   <sessionId>
                             --testcaseId  <testcaseId>
                             --result      <result>
                             --messages    <messages>

	<username> is the username of an XStudio account
	<password> is the clear-text password of the username
	<result> can take one of those values:
	        0 = NOT_EXECUTED
	        1 = SUCCESS
	        2 = FAILURE
	        3 = INDEFINITE
	        4 = NOT_EXECUTABLE


xresultspublisher.exe --restApiUrl --username admin --password adminpwd --sessionId 12 --testcaseId 34 --result 2 --messages "reason of the failure"