Importer User Guide

Note: You can import data from various formats directly from XQual's GUI.
Please refer to the dedicated tutorial to know how to import data to XQual.

In addition, XQual comes with a standalone importer called XImporter that you can run through the command line on any computer.
  • On Windows platforms, you can find it in the xstudio folder. The executable is named ximporter.exe
  • On MacOSX and linux platforms, the executable script is named


XImporter is aimed at being called essentially programmatically.


To Trigger the import of some data you will just have to call the XImporter with the appropriate arguments which are...
Usage: ximporter.exe --inputFilePath  <inputFilePath>
                     --dataType       <dataType>          

	--conflictType <conflictType>

	<inputFilePath> is the full absolute path to the Excel or XML file to be imported
	<dataType> can take the following values: 1=SUTs (Excel),
                                                  2=Requirements (Excel + XML),
                                                  3=Specifications (Excel + XML),
                                                  4=Tests (Excel + XML),
                                                  5=Bugs (Excel),
                                                  6=Assets (Excel),
                                                  10=Links SUTs-Requirements (Excel),
                                                  11=Links Requirements-Specifications (Excel),
                                                  12=Links Specifications-Tests (Excel),
                                                  13=Links Requirements-Tests (Excel)
	<conflictType> can take the following values: : 1=Update, 2=Skip, 3=Rename


ximporter.exe --inputFilePath C:\import_links_suts_requirements.xls --dataType 10