Report Generator User Guide

XStudio fat client comes with a report generator called XReportGenerator that you can run through the command line on any computer.
  • On Windows platforms, you can find it in the xstudio folder. The executable is named xreportgenerator_console.exe
  • On MacOSX and linux platforms, the executable script is named


XReportGenerator is aimed at being called essentially programmatically.


To Trigger the generation of a report you will just have to call the XReportGenerator executable with the appropriate arguments which are...
Usage: xreportgenerator_console.exe --campaignSessionId <campaignSessionId>
                                    --reportTransform   <xsltName>          
                                    --reportStyle       <styleName>      
                                    --reportOutputPath  <path>    


xreportgenerator_console.exe --campaignSessionId 1090 --reportTransform HTML_Complete_with_stats
--reportStyle XQual --reportOutputPath E:/tmp