
XQual reserves the right to modify the content of its roadmap at any time. The following data are provided for informational purposes only.

For details about the changes in each version, see the change log.

xstudio roadmap

The numbering format is composed of:
  • The version number
  • An optional beta* postfix for the beta versions (i.e. 'beta1')
  • An optional sp* postfix for the service-packs (i.e. 'sp1')
Feature status (in all tables below):
done Done
being done In progress
not done Still to be done



Version 15 is going to be a huge release supporting also all developer's activities - a release is planned for Q4 2025

   not done  Projects management
   being done  - Tasks management
   not done  - Project and Sprint Backlogs
   not done  - sprints
   not done  - Velocity charts
   not done  - Integration with all the other modules: 'automated kanban cards'


Version 14 will allow to created custom dashboards and publish them in XQual TV - first release is planned for Q2 2025

   not done  XQual TV a module allowing to streams dashboards with real-time metrics
   not done  Ability to create Custom dashboards


Version 13 will mainly add a document management module and other add'ons - first release planned for Q1 2025

   done  Documents Management module (incl. inner links)
   done  Performance improvements (cache client side for each tree)
   done  Ergonomics improvements
   done  Resizable panels / splitter
   done  Improved Gherkin editor
   done  Contextual expand all/collapse all
   being done  Versioning features to the Attachments widget
   being done  LDAP users easy registering
   being done  Recycle bin
   being done  Coverage piechart, values, explaination, procedures in JIRA app
   being done  New metrics and charts on bugs (resolution rates, filtering on progress charts etc.)
   not done  Dataset Excel import at testcase creation time
   not done  Tracing of the actual test operator for each result
   not done  Previous and Next buttons in the manual execution interface (useful when the left panel is hidden)
   not done  Owners/approvers on SUTs, requirements and specifications
   not done  Reorganization of the sidebar and the menu to simplify the main interface
   not done  Mass verification of eSignatures
   not done  Other features will be added as we go along...

13betaEnd 2024 orange January, 05 2025
13End 2024 orange January, 14 2025
13sp1- maintenance/risk-free features green February, 3 2025
13sp2- maintenance/risk-free features green February, 24 2025
13sp3- maintenance/risk-free features green March, 4 2025
13sp4- maintenance/risk-free features green March, 11 2025


Version 12 is the current stable release.

   done  Exploratory Sessions
   done  Automatic generation of scripted tests
   done  Full editable traceability diagram (SUT <-> Reqs <-> Specs <-> Tests <-> Bugs)
   done  Inner links diagram (Reqs <-> Reqs and Tests <-> Tests)
   done  Digital Signature
   done  SQL Report IDE (syntax highlightling, refactoring)
   done  Complete refactoring of all the tables (allowing additional features - paging, filtering, searching, sorting, export to CSV etc.)
   done  Embedded help illustrations
   done  Enhanced TRAC and SOATest integration
   done  Signature Control Center (for auditors)
   done  New metrics and charts on bugs (progress on status/severity/priority, statistics per age etc.)
   done  Attributes and parameters overloading
   done  Multi-agents / parallel and serial tests execution
   done  Tree supporting more than 100.000 items
   done  New tree implementation supporting lazy loading and more for the future
   done  Test cases and Sessions are included directly in their trees (removal of the footers in those 2 trees)
   done  Idempotency/deduplication implementation
   done  Export of all the graphs

12betaEnd January 2024 green January, 22 2024
12beta2End February 2024green January, 27 2024
12beta3- not planned -green March, 11 2024
12End March 2024 orange April, 8 2024
12sp1- maintenance - green April, 21 2024
12sp2- maintenance - green May, 2 2024
12sp3- maintenance - green May, 21 2024
12sp4- maintenance - green June, 3 2024
12sp5- maintenance - green June, 19 2024
12sp6- maintenance - green July, 27 2024
12sp7- maintenance - green Sept, 8 2024
12sp8- maintenance - green Sept, 17 2024
12sp9- maintenance - green Sept, 17 2024
12sp10- maintenance - green Oct, 7 2024
12sp11- maintenance - green Oct, 21 2024
12sp12- maintenance - green Oct, 25 2024
12sp13- maintenance - green Nov, 4 2024
12sp14- maintenance - green Nov, 11 2024
12sp15- maintenance - green Nov, 17 2024
12sp16- maintenance - green Nov, 18 2024
12sp17- maintenance - green Nov, 19 2024
12sp18- maintenance - green Nov, 24 2024
12sp19- maintenance - green Dec, 3 2024
12sp20- maintenance - green Dec, 18 2024
12sp21- maintenance - green Dec, 19 2024


Version 11 is the previous stable release.

   done Completely new design + theme selection (legacy, modern and dark to start with)
   done Marketplace to import free or commercial testplans, automated test, glossaries, self-training etc. (from different vendors)
   done Real-time saving (removal of Submit and Cancel buttons in most of the screens)
   done Filters available on all the trees (incl. in the right panels)
   done 'Reset password' feature
   done Single sign-on framework with only 1 implementation for now: CAS (Google, Facebook, GitHub, SAML2 etc. will be implemented on request)
   done Mass update
   done A complete set of new metrics and charts on requirements/specification/tests/bugs (statistics, break out per status/priority/severity/risk etc.)
   done UX improvements on the test results display
   done New Excel import capabilities: Campaigns+sessions+results and Assets
   done Quick search and paging on Gherkin steps catalog
   done Better integration with Agilitest
   done Nicer selector for the launchers
   done Ability to filter specific results (i.e. Not Executable or Not Executed) in any results panel
   done Statistics on campaigns at folder level
   done Filtering on attributes in the tests tree

11betaEnd May 2023 green May, 30 2023
11beta2Mid June 2023 orange June, 25 2023
11beta3- not planned - red July, 6 2023
11End June 2023 red July, 23 2023
11sp1- maintenance -green July, 30 2023
11sp2- maintenance -green Sept, 21 2023
11sp3- maintenance -green Oct, 2 2023
11sp4- maintenance -green Oct, 24 2023
11sp5- maintenance -green Nov, 12 2023
11sp6- maintenance -green Dec, 17 2023
11sp7- maintenance -green March, 11 2024


Version 10 is the follow-up of the prioritization based on the results of our last customer survey - with a highlight on Access-Rights and Users management.
Some features are still being prioritized based on some new customers's demands. Final list will be unveiled soon.

   done  - Ability to set Access Rights on external connector's containers too
   done  - Multiple roles/profiles per team/project
   done  - Full Drag'n Drop support in trees to move items or folders
   done  - Several performance improvements (incl. Tree cache server-side and client-side, optimization of a few algorithms)
   done  - Better management of Jira custom fields
   done  - Saved tree filters
   done  - Ability to filter on custom JQL clause on Jira connectors
   done  - Ability to link requirements coming from different third-party systems together
   done  - More coverage information related to inner links (requirements or specifications)
   done  - Several usability improvements
   done  - Support for non-repeatability of passwords and expiration delays
   done  - Ability to update an expired password from the login screen
   done  - New Robot Framework launcher (v4)
   done  - XResultsPublisher: a command line tool to push results and messages to XQual
   done  - XQual Web service automatically keeps the database schema up to date
   done  - Avatar icons in the users tree
   done  - Support of Gherkin Templates

10betaEnd December 2022orange January, 6 2023
10beta2- not planned -green January, 23 2023
10End January 2023orange February, 3 2023
10sp1- maintenance -green February, 6 2023
10sp2- maintenance -green February, 13 2023
10sp3- maintenance -green February, 28 2023
10sp4- maintenance -green March, 2 2023
10sp5- maintenance -green March, 21 2023
10sp6- maintenance -green April, 7 2023
10sp7- maintenance -green May, 6 2023
10sp8- maintenance -green June, 21 2023
10sp9- maintenance -green June, 22 2023


Version 9 is mainly a big update in the way integration with third-party systems is done. The new implementation allows configuring several simultaneous connectors to different systems at requirements and/or bug levels.

   done  - Multi-sources support allowing to mix different third-party sources at requirements and bugs level
   done  - Results modification without having to re-run the session
   done  - Improved Kanban Dashboard (more information in cards)
   done  - Gherkin IDE improvements
   done  - Mass import of users (standard or LDAP) from Excel
   done  - Import of Gherkin Steps from Excel
   done  - Import of tests with their Gherkin syntax from Excel
   done  - Ability to run manually some Gherkin-enabled tests based on their Gherkin description
   done  - Plain-text search also search in Gherkin description
   done  - Support of Jira custom fields and JQL filtering
   done  - Multiple Copy, Move and Delete actions in one shot
   done  - Legacy client: support latest versions of Java 7, 8 and 9 (SHA-1-based signature not supported anymore)

9betaEnd September 2022green October, 4 2022
9Mid October 2022green November, 12 2022
9sp1- maintenance -green November, 27 2022
9sp2- maintenance -green November, 30 2022
9sp3- maintenance -green December, 1 2022
9sp4- maintenance -green December, 12 2022


Version 8 is aimed at improving again the UX to make usage of XQual even simpler. A few features from the legacy XQual client will also be migrated to XQual.web.
The list below is temporary and subject to changes.

   done  - Complete Schedules support
   done  - Gherkin IDE (with auto-complete, auto-format, refactoring, helpers) and Step Definition catalog manager
   done  - Gitlab integration at requirement and bug level (Sync + Async)
   done  - Improvements in the rich-text editor
   done  - Ability for a user to edit his own profile (incl. password) without specific rights
   being done  - Improved tree selection performances on large databases (>50.000 testcases) using iterative rendering

8betaEnd June 2022green July, 10 2022
8Mid July 2022red August, 3 2022
8sp1- maintenance -green October, 25 2022


Version 7 has been prioritized based on the results of our recent customer survey.

   done  - Advanced tree filtering (on almost any possible properties, custom fields, last modified date-time, risk etc.)
   done  - Creation of residual campaigns
   done  - Automatic generation of tests from specifications
   done  - On-the-spot test sessions / micro-campaigns per SUT, Requirement, Specification, Test or Bug
   done  - Pre-population of the integrated bugs when creating them from test or testcase execution
   done  - Full support of Generic requirements and bugs
   done  - Import results from Excel
   done  - SSL/TLS REST connection
   done  - Improvement performances of the manual testing module
   done  - Smart tests selection when creating a campaign (From SUTs, Requirements, Specifications or Bugs)
   done  - Easier access to parameter table combinations
   done  - Ability to select an element in a tree directly from within a form (hence getting rid of too many tabs)
   done  - Ability to create any report in Word format
   done  - Improved email notifications (embedded image, better content)

   XQual and XQual.web:
   done  - Downgrade & update policies
           (i.e. if a test is downgraded from 'Approved' to 'New', all child testcases are notified and their status downgraded too)
   done  - Integration with Cerberus
   done  - Integration with Smartesting Comet AI Machine Learning engine
   done  - Integration with Ponant eTASQ Motion from Ponant

7betaEnd March 2022green April, 5 2022
7Mid April 2022green April, 18 2022
7sp1- maintenance -green April, 25 2022
7sp2- maintenance -green May, 17 2022
7sp3- maintenance -green May, 25 2022
7sp4- maintenance -green June, 23 2022
7sp5- maintenance -green June, 26 2022
7sp6- maintenance -green August, 11 2022


The version 6 is focusing on improving XQual.web's ergonomics and aligning more XQual.web on XQual in terms of features.
Downgrade and update policies are also in the scope (to better cope with risks associated to requirement's changes)
Here is the list of the major features added:

   done  - 10+ new screens containing metrics, charts or KPIs
   done  - Quick update module allowing to update an item 'on-the-fly' without having to open it
   done  - ALL reports from XQual are now available (XML, HTML, PDF and Excel)
   done  - New Kanban board to greatly facilitate triages
   done  - Many ergonomics improvements
   done  - Easy tree filtering
   done  - Workspace (a.k.a Team filtering) to customize current view
   done  - Team's Access Rights management
   done  - testcase referencing reusable testcases
   done  - Server Settings updatable from the interface (as well as User Preferences)
   done  - Definitions/abbreviations management
   done  - Custom fields for testcases
   done  - Custom fields at step level to allow structured result reporting
   done  - Automatic generation of tests (from requirements)
   done  - Dynamic project filtering
   done  - Merge of sessions
   done  - offline launcher support for Gitlab

   XQual and XQual.web:
   done  - Downgrade & update policies
           (i.e. if a requirement is downgraded from 'Approved' to 'New', all linked tests are notified and their status downgraded too)
   done  - Performances improvements (faster and smaller memory footprint)
   done  - Freeze and digital Signature on defects

   done  - XAgent and XContinuousIntegration relying only on the REST API (no direct access to database)
   done  - REST API enriching with more than 150 new methods
   done  - New Atlassian Jira-XQual App (on Atlassian's marketplace) to comply with latest Atlassian's guidance
   done  - New Docker images
   done  - Improved internal tools to automate operations on our cloud infrastructure

6beta1Mid September 2021green September, 1 2021
6beta2Mid October 2021green October, 21 2021
6beta3Mid November 2021green November, 17 2021
6beta4(RC)Mid December 2021green December, 26 2021
6End January 2022green February, 4 2022
6sp1- maintenance -green February, 11 2022
6sp2- maintenance -green February, 24 2022
6sp3- maintenance -green March, 3 2022
6sp4- maintenance -green March, 18 2022
6sp5- maintenance -green March, 27 2022


The version 5 is focusing on improving XQual.web's ergonomics and aligning XQual.web on XQual in terms of features.
Here is the list of the major features added:

   XQual and XQual.web:
   done  - Improved Jira integration (synchronous calls, new Jira app, new Front-end for both-ways integration)
   done  - Improved reliability of the service against SQL connection leaks and memory leaks
   done  - Performance improvements
   done  - Better management of sessions especially on adding/removing agents
   done  - YouTrack integration
   done  - XQual: Ability to generate, store a report in the document repository on the fly

   done  - 24 new screens containing metrics, charts or KPIs
   done  - Assets Management module
   done  - Many ergonomics improvements
   done  - Dynamic inner references to other items in rich-text
   done  - Ability to chose which reports (including custom reports) to generate in XQual.web
   done  - Hide/Show closed defect in defects tree
   done  - User profile photo
   done  - New messaging/contextual chat widget

   done  - REST API enriching with more than 90 new methods
   done  - New Atlassian Jira-XQual App (on Atlassian's marketplace) + new front-end
   done  - New cloud infrastructure based on AWS (all SaaS instances in US + Europe already migrated on schedule)

5beta1End December2020green December, 28 2020
5beta2- not planned -green January, 4 2021
5beta3Mid January 2021orange January, 18 2021
5beta4- not planned -green February, 8 2021
5beta5(RC)Mid February 2021green February, 15 2021
5End February 2021orange March, 8 2021
5sp1- maintenance -green March, 21 2021
5sp2- maintenance -green April, 5 2021
5sp3- maintenance -green April, 12 2021
5sp4- maintenance -green May, 9 2021
5sp5- maintenance -green July, 15 2021
5sp6- maintenance -green August, 30 2021



The release 4.1 is focusing on improving XQual.web's ergonomics and aligning XQual.web on XQual in terms of features.
Here is the list of the major features added:

   done  - 50+ new methods supported and many improvements on existing methods
   being done  - Swagger support

   done  - Contextual real-time chat on individual items
           (SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Testcases, Campaigns, Sessions, Bugs, Tasks)
   done  - Push notifications for messages popup
   done  - Improved ergonomics based on customer's feedbacks
   done  - WYSIWYG rich-text: many improvements including a minimized version of the toolbar that works on very small spaces
   done  - Support for discussion threads / messaging on individual items
           (SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Testcases, Campaigns, Sessions, Bugs, Tasks)
   done  - Test attributes management
   done  - Testcase parameters management (incl. Pairwise algorithm)
   done  - User Profiles and rights management
   done  - Ability to create bug or link a test to existing bugs directly from the run-session interface
   done  - Third-party connectors: support for individual user preferences (filtering, SSO, etc.)
   done  - Availability of the agent real-time status from the agents tree
   done  - Full responsiveness (target tablets lanscape and portrait mode + smartphones)
   done  - Full compatibility with Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari
   done  - Personal dashboard
   done  - Pre-selection of the [Web client] agent in Session < Results
   done  - Support of copy/move folders in companies and categories
   done  - Export to Excel

   done  - Contextual messaging on individual items
           (SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Testcases, Campaigns, Sessions, Bugs, Tasks)
   done  - Customization of all status for Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Sessions, Bugs
   done  - Availability of the agent real-time status on agents
   done  - Better control authentication/password constraints (needed for a few auditors such as FDA 21 CFR part 11)
   done  - New Mantis REST connector to support the latest Mantis's recommendations
   done  - Attachment storage: JCIFS-NG to support Samba2/3
   done  - New tool "XDatabaseShifter" allowing to smartly shift appropriate ids in a database dump (SQLyog format)
           to help merging 2 separate XQual databases
   done  - New or improved launchers (Parasoft SOATest, Robot framwork, Katalon)
   done  - Workflow on sessions
   done  - New layout for testcase results
   done  - Export to Excel for SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, testcases and defects

4.1b1Mid February 2020green February, 19 2020
4.1b2Mid March 2020green March, 18 2020
4.1b3(RC)Mid April 2020green April, 9 2020
4.1End April 2020green May, 4 2020
4.1sp1- maintenance -green May, 6 2020
4.1sp2- maintenance -green May, 17 2020
4.1sp3- maintenance -green June, 14 2020
4.1sp4- maintenance -green July, 1 2020
4.1sp5- maintenance -green July, 10 2020
4.1sp6- maintenance -green July, 22 2020
4.1sp7- maintenance -green July, 23 2020
4.1sp8- maintenance -green August, 4 2020
4.1sp9- maintenance -green August, 31 2020
4.1sp10- maintenance -green October, 15 2020
4.1sp11- maintenance -green November, 6 2020
4.1sp12- maintenance -green November, 19 2020
4.1sp13- maintenance -green December, 8 2020



The release 4.0 is focusing mainly on XQual.web.
Here is the list of the major features added:

   done  REST API:
   done  - Wrapper for command-less URIs to comply with more standards
   done  - More methods available: ~97% completion

   done  XQual:
   done  - Java 9 + 10 support
   done  - Only minor modifications asked by customers
   done  - Customizable repositories for glossaries and models
   done  - New import formats: requirement's inner links, specification's inner links, test's author/developer/estimated time
   done  - Limit image size in rich-text components
   done  - Complete the support of trigger APIs
   done  - More launchers (customer requests based)
   done  - Configurable password constraints
   done  - Many bug-fixes

   done  XQual.web:
   done  - Many improvement on the ergonomics (new pace, toolbar's effects, color harmonization etc.)
   done  - Improved widgets for launchers, risk analysis wizard etc.
   done  - New design for tables, rich-text fields, testcase procedures etc.
   done  - Automatic/responsive layouts on forms, better status/severity/priority widgets etc.)
   done  - Animations on many components
   done  - Improvements on performance (i.e. linked trees)
   done  - New tree/panel layout (with pagination tool: only left, only right or both)
   done  - Retractable sidebar
   done  - Detailed tooltips in the trees (allowing to follow the link)
   done  - All edit functions (create, update, move, delete) supported on SUT, Requirements, Specifications, Tests
           Testcases, Campaigns, Sessions, Bugs
   done  - Execution of manual sessions directly from the browser + start automated sessions to be executed on their agent(s)
   done  - Report generation (full report in PDF)
   done  - Better selection process (click on the whole row in the tree to tick a checkbox or a radio-button)
   done  - Attachments drop zone (drag'n drop)
   done  - Better share
   done  - Drag'n drop on all the reorder tasks
   done  - All tables are sortable
   done  - CSS factorization
   done  - Configurable password constraints
   done  - many bug-fixes

4.0b1Mid December 2018green December, 19 2018
4.0b2Mid January 2019green January, 21 2019
4.0b3(RC)Mid February 2019red February, 27 2019
4.0End February 2019red March, 20 2019
4.0sp1- maintenance -green May, 7 2019
4.0sp2- maintenance -green June, 24 2019
4.0sp3- maintenance -green July, 12 2019
4.0sp4- maintenance -green September, 11 2019
4.0sp5- maintenance -green September, 26 2019
4.0sp6- maintenance -green October, 16 2019
4.0sp7- maintenance -green November, 5 2019
4.0sp8- maintenance -green February, 3 2020



The release 3.3 brought for the first time a supported version of XQual.web as well as a number of new features on XQual.
Here is the list of the major features implemented:

   done  XSTUDIO.WEB supporting:
   done  - SUTs
   done  - Requirements (incl. third-party)
   done  - Specifications
   done  - Tests
   done  - Testcases
   done  - Campaigns (recently added to the scope)
   done  - Sessions (recently added to the scope)
   done  - Bugs (incl. third-party)
   done  - Manual execution of tests (recently added to the scope)

   being done  100% scope REST API
   done  Self-Service/Collaborative sessions
   done  Import of models and standards (i.e. ISO9000, ISO27000, RGPD) and glossaries from our online repository
   done  More flexibility in updating sessions and schedules (params, attributes, configurations)
   done  Many usability/GUI improvements
   done  Trigger framework (that will allow developing custom processing actions on events using the dedicated SDK)
   done  Customizable colors for status, severity and priority when connected to a third-party system
   done  Step index in grid procedures
   not done  Mass update (recently descoped)
   done  Many bug-fixes

3.3b1Mid January 2018green 22 January 2018
3.3b2End January 2018red 19 February 2018
3.3b3End February 2018orange 5 March 2018
3.3b4- not planned -green 13 March 2018
3.3b5(RC)End March 2018red 15 April 2018
3.3Mid April 2018red 5 June 2018
(2 weeks delay because we lately added Campaigns and Session in XQual.web)
3.3sp1- maintenance -green 15 July 2018
3.3sp2- maintenance -green 23 July 2018
3.3sp3- maintenance -green 25 July 2018
3.3sp4- maintenance -green 5 September 2018
3.3sp5- maintenance -green 19 November 2018



The release 3.2 brought for the first time a prototype of XQual.web (only for SUTs, requirements and defects) as well as a number of new features on XQual.
Here is the list of the major features implemented:

   done  Unique and innovative coverage and quality calculation making it even more reliable
   done  All main trees now sortable (alphabetically or per id)
   done  Bug auto-generation assistant
   done  Add test executability (automatically computed)
   done  Add test status (workflow on tests)
   done  Add Test type (unit, integration, functional, user acceptance, etc. customizable list)
   done  SUT start and stop dates (used to make some projection based on the coverage and quality progress)
   done  New graphics and metrics:
   done  - On requirements: a filterable grid showing all the latest results on each requirement (at test, testcase and step level)
   done  - On SUTs: a graph showing the progress of quality and coverage (in terms of requirements, specifications and tests)
   done  - On SUTs: a radar gathering all the useful metrics
   done  - On SUTs: the test pyramid along with the results breakout
   done  - On SUTs: Results > Requirements > Per type: breakout of results per requirement types
           (required for ISO/IEC 25000 - SQuaRE)
   done  - On test containers: breakout per test type
   done  - On test containers: tests assigned to people and their status
   done  ALL paper reports available in HTML, DOCX and PDF
   done  XML Import:
   done  - Links can be imported
   done  - Now synchronizable using internal or external_ids (i.e. if you wish to synchronize with 3rd-party tools)
   done  - When internal or external ids are provided, an existing item can be automatically renamed or moved
   done  - When internal or external ids are provided, links can be created/updated
   done  XML Export:
   done  - Include internal id and external_ids (if relevant)
   done  Excel Import:
   done  - Import of reusable testcase
   done  - Import testcases referencing reusable testcases
   done  More powerful tests scanner
   done  Better search and filtering (more criteria supported)
   done  Usability improvements
   done  Wider REST API
   done  Better Import from Excel (import of reusable testcase, params etc.)
   done  XQual.web prototype implementation for:
   being done  - SUTs management
   being done  - Requirements management
   being done  - Bugs management

3.2b1Mid June 2017green 20 June 2017
3.2b2Mid July 2017green 20 July 2017
3.2b3(RC)End August 2017orange 7 September 2017
3.2Mid September 2017orange 2 October 2017
3.2sp2- maintenance -green 17 October 2017
3.2sp3- maintenance -green 30 October 2017



Release 3.1 is mostly focusing on performances improvement and security.
Here is the list of the major candidate features scheduled for XQual v3.1:

   done  - Background data fetching
   done  - Incremental loading of the trees and tabs
   done  - Better caching strategy
   done  Integrated SSH tunneling allowing to:
   done  - connect to a remote database without opening specific ports
   done  - encrypt all the communication
   done  XQual.web prototype (pure web version of XQual - limited to the requirements management module for now)
   done  Jira both-way integration
   done  - Add'on to install within Jira
   done  - Front-end (web service generating the content of the interface within Jira)
   done  E-signature of all the test assets to be 100% compliant with FDA 21 CFR Part 11
   done  Terminology preferences
   done  New packaging so that everything fits in Tomcat (don't need PHP anymore)
   done  Usability improvements
   done  3 new launchers (PyTest, TestOptimal_simple and Bat_with_params)
   done  Wider REST API
   done  Bug fixes

3.1b1Mid January 2017green 17 January 2017
3.1b2- not planned -green 22 January 2017
3.1b3(RC)- not planned -green 1 February 2017
3.1Early February 2017orange 12 February 2017
3.1sp1- maintenance -green 3 March 2017
3.1sp2- maintenance -green 25 March 2017
3.1sp3- maintenance -green 28 April 2017
3.1sp4- maintenance -green 28 May 2017
3.1sp5- maintenance -green 12 June 2017
3.1sp6- maintenance -green 21 August 2017
3.1sp7- maintenance -green 31 August 2017



Here is the list of the major features scheduled for XQual v3.0:

Graphical User Interface:
   done  Shareable URL in all the "Details" tabs
   done  Highlight of all the fields that are being or have been edited in a form
   done  Warning when exiting a not saved Details panel
   done  Extension Tracks to Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Campaigns, Sessions and Bugs
   done  Create campaign: filter on bugs
   done  Create campaign: filter on specifications
   done  Verify bug button to automatically create a campaign to verify a bug-fix
   done  When deleting an item, select its immediate preceeding item or parent folder
   done  Session > Results > Tree view > Test > Testcase: completely new messages tab with scroll capability and background
          colors to identify status
   done  Session > Results > Tree view > Test > Testcase: completely new attachments tab
   done  Add a column for user's email (in all the trees where some users need to be selected)
   done  Attributes are now presented sorted per type then alphabetically
   done  Do not expand by default anymore the trees in access rights page
   done  New side bar, new visuals
   done  ~300 new high definition icons for high-dpi displays
   done  'Dancer' image customizable (through a custom HTML page)
   done  Preview rich text in a separate window (i.e. useful when it includes big screenshots etc.)
   done  Reordering testcases

FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance:
   done  - Improvements of the audit log: all changes (creation, modification, copy, move, import, deletion etc.) on SUTs,
            requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, tasks, exploratory sessions, sessions, schedules, users, teams, assets,
            traceability matrix links, server settings, user preferences etc. are logged with all the details
   done  - All the user's login and logout are now also tracked in the audit log
   done  - Ability to freeze items on demand (SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, campaigns and sessions)
   done  - Audit log show by default up to 100.000 last changes in history (for performances reasons)

MANY new metrics/graphics:
   done  - A new column in the main test tree showing the number of bugs associated to each test in the tree
   done  - A new column in the main bug tree showing the number of tests associated to each bug in the tree
   done  - All the pie charts + Grid panels: when the user filters the items in the grid, the pie chart shows statistics on filtered items
   done  - Test results grid panels: ability to add 2 new (filterable) optional columns: "Bugs" and "Bug#"
   done  - "Bug#" columns filterable with min/max values

   done  - SUT: a new Results > History panel displaying some statistics on the results history:
            * a stack chart showing for each sessions in the timeline the results breakout
            * a stack chart showing for each day in the timeline the results breakout
            * two pie charts showing the results breakout at test and test case levels
   done  - SUT: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids:
            * a grid showing all the results compared per configuration
            * a grid showing all the results compared per agent
            * a grid showing all the results compared per operator
   done  - SUT: new stack charts (only with integrated bug-tracking):
            * severity breakout per active bug's age
            * priority breakout per active bug's age
            * status breakout per active bug's age
   done  - SUT > Results > Requirements and Specifications: added a pie chart + explanation text

   done  - Requirement tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing:
            * the requirements-specifications matrix (if specifications are enabled)
            * the requirements-tests matrix

   done  - Specification tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the specification-tests matrix

   done  - Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing:
            * the tests-bugs matrix
            * the tests-requirements matrix
            * the tests-specifications matrix
   done  - Test tree root: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids:
            * a grid showing all the results compared per configuration
            * a grid showing all the results compared per agent
            * a grid showing all the results compared per operator
   done  - Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the tests-requirements matrix
   done  - Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the tests-specifications matrix
   done  - Reusable testcase: a new tab to detail all the tests refering to this reusable test case

   done  - Campaign + folder + root: a new Results > History panel displaying some statistics on the results history:
            * a stack chart showing, for each session in the timeline, the results breakout
            * a stack chart showing, for each day in the timeline, the results breakout
            * two pie charts showing the results breakout at test and test case levels
   done  - Campaign + folder + root: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids:
            * a grid showing all the results compared per session
            * a grid showing all the results compared per configuration
            * a grid showing all the results compared per agent
            * a grid showing all the results compared per operator
   done  - Campaign > Results > Requirements and Specification: added a pie chart + explanation text
   done  - Session > Results > Requirements and Specifications: added a pie chart + explanation text

   done  - Bug tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the bugs-tests matrix
   done  - Bug tree root: new stack charts (only with integrated bug-tracking):
            * severity breakout per active bug's age
            * priority breakout per active bug's age
            * status breakout per active bug's age
   done  - Bug: the Impact tab includes:
            * a new "Sessions" panel showing in which session(s) the bug has been found
            * a new "Tests" panel showing all the tests associated with this bug

   done  All launcher's configurations are now using unrestricted text fields ('\' or '"' are now accepted!)
   done  Use the status RESULT_INFO in all the launchers when a log is not returning a success or a failure
   done  Auto-extractable html zip files
   done  OTF (on-the-fly) embedded images in the structured rich-text messages
   done  SQL_compare and SQL_select launchers:
   done  - Each testcase can now have some custom params used to replace placeholders in the SQL query before execution.
   done  - Testcase name is used instead of testcase index to find the physical script.
   done  2 new SoapUi launchers dedicated to performance and security tests
   done  A new Tape launcher (for javascript tests)
   done  Offline-launcher: reports better results at testcase level (not all failed if one step failed)
   done  Sahi60 launcher: support uploading screenshots + 6.0 pro version
   done  QTP/UFT launcher support of the new naming convention of the UFT v12.50+ versions
   done  New launcher VisualStudio CodedUi
   done  TestOptimal launcher: add "chrome" and options in browser selection
   done  Ranorex launcher: protection against if something goes wrong in the activities (not tests) during test execution
   done  Robot Framework v2 launcher: better reporting (i.e. embedded images)
   done  Improve perfs of the tree_step_manual launcher
   done  Sikulix launcher: pass all the parameters as arguments to the script
   done  Bug-fix: Sikulix launcher does not handle correctly Win64 hosts
   being done  Manual launchers: bug ids + visible name are displayed
   done  Manual launchers: We should be able to distinguish bug found in this session from those found on another session in
          manual launchers (and correctly handles links on closed ones)

   done  Integration Redmine

   done  Standalone XImporter command-line tool to programmatically import some data (SUTs, requirements,
          specifications, tests, test cases, campaigns and sessions)

   done  Extended REST-API
   done  - Better authentication using POST / Session cookie handling.
   done  - All timeshifting, settings/parameters, folders and requirements APIs available.
   done  New methods available in the launcher API:
   done  - public HashMap getTestcaseParamValuesHashMap();
   done  - public Vector getSessionParamsVector();
   done  - public Vector getTestcaseParamValues(int testcaseId);

XQual.web (pure web version of XQual):
   being done  A prototype of XQual.web focusing initially on requirements management

Paper Reports:
   done  Improve reports (icons, nicer .docx, thinner margins on .docx, no more white-border effect, better borders etc.)
   done  A few new reports on test and campaign trees
   done  Session reports include all step, expected results, step results and comments
   done  Better Session JUnit report transform (including much more details about potential failures)
   done  New testplan report "Coverage and hierarchy"
   done  The requirements and specification reports can now take advantage of the inner links (relationship) ids

   done  Ability to run XAgent with login and password (i.e. useful for instance to have personal third-party connector's credentials)
   done  When copying a session, ability to select which results to keep in the copy
   done  Bug-fix: GlyphView: Stale view: javax.swing.text.BadLocationException when using UDNO / REDO feature
           in some specific cases (especially item lists)
   done  Ability to specify if the status NOT_EXECUTABLE is included in all the "latest results" based reports
   done  Option to NOT display defect progression statistics on:
          - Bugs tree's root node
          - Bugs tree's folder nodes
          - SUT tree's SUT nodes
          (hence improving largely the performance of global refresh or even selection of the items above)
   done  Faster search (search in all revisions)
   done  Many other minor bug-fixes...

3.0b1End April 2016red 17 May 2016
3.0b2- not planned -green 25 May 2016 (emergency patch to workaround a bug in Java 1.8u91+)
3.0b3Early June 2016orange 17 June 2016
3.0Early July 2016green 14 July 2016
3.0sp1- maintenance -green 21 July 2016
3.0sp2- maintenance -green 1 August 2016
3.0sp3- maintenance -green 12 August 2016
3.0sp4- maintenance -green 1 September 2016
3.0sp5- maintenance -green 12 September 2016
3.0sp6- maintenance -green 15 September 2016
3.0sp7- maintenance -green 16 October 2016
3.0sp8- maintenance -green 26 October 2016
3.0sp10- maintenance -green 28 November 2016
3.0sp11- maintenance -green 17 January 2017



XQual v2.4 will be a mini-release mainly focusing on reporting and connectivity.
Here is the list of the major candidate features scheduled for XQual v2.4:

   done  Extended Dashboard/Hot Spot reporting ("tracks") [XQU]
   done  Add MANY graphics on integrated defects [ALL]
   done  Several new graphics on external defects [ALL]
   done  Performances improvement on huge database (> 150.000 test cases) [XQU]
   done  Contextual menus (on right-click) on all the nodes on all the main trees [ALL]
   done  Tests Scanner (tool to search automatically automated scripts on disk and import them) [AFR]
   done  Ability to use a local/private XQual keystore to Import X.509 trusted or self-signed certificates in it
   done  Implementation of a local/private X.509 TrustManager in XQual
   done  New parameters in the server settings:
   done  - LDAP SSL/TLS certificate (when connecting to a secure LDAP server - ldaps)
   done  - Third-party requirement + bug-tracking systems:
   done     . SSL/TLS certificate (when connecting to a secure HTTP server - https)
   done     . 'Accept Any Certificate' checkbox (to autorise not secure connections when you don't have the server certificate)
   done  Gradle launcher supporting nose and TestNg [INC]
   done  Jira REST connector (in addition to the existing XML-RPC) (requirement + bugtracking) [ING][SUP]
   done  Mantis SOAP connector (in addition to the existing SQL-based) [ACT]
   done  Bugzilla XML-RPC connector (in addition to the existing SQL-based) [ACT]
   done  Requirement and bugtracking connector's SSO (Single Sign-On) [ACT]
   done  New offline generic launcher (to retrieve results from a third party system) supporting 5 different formats [FLA]
   done  Increase size of storage for the test procedure (limit: 65535 -> 16777215 characters) [THO]
   done  Simplify the defect progression graphics [ALL]
   done  GUI customization in web package [AMO]
   done  Simplify the tabbing on the right panels (i.e. session: "attributes" + "params" in an "Overloading" tab) [ALL]
   done  Complete localization on all the 6 languages supported [XQU]
   done  New diagnostic tool to search and delete Orphan Images [XQU]
   done  Test Dependencies in the raw data report XML [THO]
   done  Ability to specify the following default settings (ready for manual/automated run) when creating a new testcase [TKI]
   done  Experimental QC/ALM connector [AFR]
   done  Many improvements in the ergonomy
   done  Support of styles in generated DOCX paper reports
   done  More details about third-party bugs in paper reports
   done  Better integrated screenshot tool
   done  Updated TestOptimal launcher
   done  NeoLoad launcher
   done  Mocha/MochaJs launcher

2.4b1End August 2015orange 2 September 2015
2.4b2Mid September 2015green 16 September 2015
2.4End September 2015green 30 September 2015
2.4sp1- maintenance -green 19 October 2015
2.4sp2- maintenance -green 26 October 2015
2.4sp3- maintenance -green 5 November 2015
2.4sp4- maintenance -green 11 November 2015
2.4sp5- maintenance -green 27 November 2015
2.4sp6- maintenance -green 15 December 2015
2.4sp7- maintenance -green 19 January 2016
2.4sp8- maintenance -green 22 January 2016
2.4sp9- maintenance -green 26 January 2016
2.4sp10- maintenance -green 24 March 2016
2.4sp11- maintenance -green 13 May 2016
2.4sp12- maintenance -green 25 May 2016 (emergency patch to workaround a bug in Java 1.8u91+)



Here is the list of the major candidate features scheduled for XQual v2.3:

   done  New clearer, modern, simpler Graphical User Interface (incl. a new sidebar) [XQU]
   done  Basic report debugger (to test/debug easily your own custom report XSLTs) [XQU]
   done  New statistics pie charts/stackcharts on ALL the containers/folders in Requirements, Specifications, Tests and Bugs tree:
          - Status, Priority, Severity and Risk breakouts
   done  User preferences allowing to select/save/restore for each user: [ALL]
          - The last main window position/dimension
          - The last split positions for each tree
          - Which columns to display for each tree
   done  Custom fields on Tests + Test cases (rather than just test cases) [SUP][MEC]
   done  Add user's title to repect ISO session report format [PRE]
   done  Inner links in between requirements/specifications [THO]
   done  Option to execute a session on ANY agent [SMA]
   done  Risk Analysis module [AFR][ALL]
   done  TestNg Launcher: support for methods calls [AGE]
   done  SUT description [SMA]
   done  Bug prefilling when creating a bug from a manual test execution [ALL]
   done  Merge: when all the source sessions are under the same campaign, generate the merged there by default [SMA]
   done  Copy testcase in a different test [ORS]
   done  Improved JUnit launcher (to log any custom message generated by the script) [AKK]
   done  New Sikuli launcher for Sikuli 1.1.0/SikuliX [AKK]
   done  New FitNesse launcher [AKK]
   done  New Robot Framework launcher [AFR]
   done  User's title (customizable in a dedicated table) [PRE]
   done  Import of assets [THO]
   done  Ability to search by id also Teams, Schedules, Projects, Sprints, Categories and Companies
   done  Preset the not-executable test and test cases before the session is started
   done  Headless XAgent [ACP]
   done  Ability to run an automated test manually [AKK]
   done  Import tests: import both attributes, params and test/testcase's custom fields [CSC][THO]
   done  Customization in the user preferences of
          - The default size of the fonts in the GUI [AFR]
          - The default choice when downloading a files that already exists locally: overwrite, skip or ask user [THO] [ACT]
   done  The authentication Third-party connectors configuration can be overwriten per user (in the user preferences) [AFR]
   done  Import Test: support test custom fields, testcase custom fields, test attributes and params [THO]
   done  QC/ALM bug-tracking connector (still experimental) [AFR]
   done  Test dependencies information in the RAW XML report on testplans [THO]
   done  XReportGenerator extension to generate a SUT report [THO]
   done  Ability to customize the header in DOCX reports [THO]
Refactored module to automatically select some requirements/tests (i.e. while creating a campaign) using 4 different "helpers":
   done 1) Ability to create or reuse an existing stored filter based on test's properties, attributes etc.
   done 2) Ability to select 1 or N SUTs (all requirements or tests linked to these SUTs will be automatically selected)
   done 3) Ability to select 1 or N requirements (all tests linked to these requirements will be automatically selected)
   done 4) Ability to select 1 or more assets (all tests linked to at least one of these assets will be automatically selected)
   done All above filtering can be cumulated/executed several times to refine the selection.
   done When cumulating filterings, a widget allows picking the rule to apply: AND or OR [SMA]

Plus many improvments on the assets management [THO]:
   done  Create Session: when the user selects N assets, give the option to create N sessions (1 session per asset)
          ("Create one session per asset" checkbox in the create wizard + asset name in the session name)
   done  Display in the tabular_manual.jar, tabular_step_manual.jar and tree_step_manual.jar launchers the information about
          the session itself (incl. the assets, the attachments, the operator and the SUT)
   done  Display in the tabular_manual.jar, tabular_step_manual.jar and tree_step_manual.jar launchers the test's assets
   done  Add the assets information in the Test and Session reports (incl. description, screenshots etc.)
   done  Import some assets from Excel
   done  Set the non-executable tests at session creation time so BEFORE the session is actually started.
   done  When modifying the assets in a session and if the session has not yet been executed, update the not-executable tests.

2.3b1End February 2015red 9 March 2015
2.3b2End March 2015green 30 March 2015
2.3b2sp1- not planned -green 31 March 2015
2.3b3Mid April 2015orange 20 April 2015
2.3End April 2015orange 4 May 2015
2.3sp1- maintenance -green 9 June 2015
2.3sp2- maintenance -green 29 June 2015


XQual v2.2 is a release focusing mainly on improving the attachments management module and the factorization of the test design effort by implementing reusable test cases and a new manual test interface:

   done  Reusable testcases [SUP][GOA]
   done  New tree_step_manual launcher (reporting directly on a test/test case tree) [THO][ALL]
   done  Import from Excel module that can import SUT, Reqs, Specs, tests, Bugs, links and QC export file [CSC][AFR]
   done  Option to store attachments on SMB File-system rather than on DB [ACT]
   done  Optimization of the attachments download/opening processes [ACT]
   done  JNLP Arguments to optionally start the app from a specific item, force IPv4 Stack and/or override its look'n feel [XQU]
   done  Parameter in the settings to "ignore the NOT_EXECUTABLE results in the metrics" [THO]
   done  Command line session report generator [ODS]
   done  Ability to specify a style in XContinuousIntegration [ODS]
   done  New testplan report to export testcases in CSV format [SIV]
   done  SUT report: includes all the requirements/specifications/tests path [THO]
   done  Import requirements from Excel: include type/category column [THO]
   done  Improved manual launchers [ABT]

2.2b1End August 2014green 21 August 2014
2.2b2End September 2014green 22 September 2014
2.2b3- not planned -green 6 October 2014
2.2Mid October 2014orange 22 October 2014
2.2sp1- maintenance -green 3 November 2014
2.2sp2- maintenance -green 11 November 2014
2.2sp3- maintenance -green 8 December 2014
2.2sp4- new certificate -green 31 December 2014


XQual v2.1sp1 is the latest stable release.

   done  Manual testing:
   done     - Tabular manual launcher: layout refactoring (column resizing, no more innoportune scrollbars etc.) [ALL]
   done     - rich-text (incl. integrated screenshots feature!) in all manual launchers's result's comments [SMA]
   done     - Messages tab (in the reporting) supporting rich-text and multi-line comments [SMA]
   done     - New tabular_step_manual (reporting of results/comments on each step) [THO][SMA][ALL]
   done  Assets/Environments management [THO]
   done  Completely new TestComplete launcher supporting SmartBear's project suites, projects and tests [GOA]
   done  Hide XQual when using the integrated screenshot facilities [XQU]
   done  Galera clustering / Master-Master SQL replication support [XQU][SMA]
   done  Paper report: export to table for Excel: status as text rather than icon [SMA]
   done  Bug-fix: Errors reported with Oracle with very big databases [SIV]
   done  Bug-fix: wrong rich-text formatting when applying 2 styles consecutively [DOC]
   done  Bug-fix: Headers do not support special characters (i.e. < or >) [DOC]

2.1b1Mid June 2014green 16 June 2014
2.1b2Beginning July 2014red 19 July 2014
2.1b3End July 2014green 31 July 2014
2.1Mid August 2014orange 21 August 2014
2.1sp1- maintenance -green 17 Sept 2014
2.1sp2- maintenance -green 24 Sept 2014
2.1sp3- maintenance -green 4 Oct 2014


XQual v2.0sp13 is an old stable release.
Official release of the final 2.0sp13 has occured on the 11 July 2014. Here is the detailed list of the features included in this release:

   done  Timeshifting (capability to recover temporarily all the objects in the traceability matrix at an older point in time)
   done  Filtering on reporting tables
   done  Undo Ctrl-Z/Redo Ctrl-Y on rich-text fields
   done  Rich text in test case procedures
   done  Screenshots insertion capabilities (with selectable area to capture & settable scale ratio)
   done  Customizable and filterable results table at almost any level (SUT, folders, categories, campaigns, sessions etc.)
   done  Results comparison matrix based on execution configurations
   done  Results comparison matrix based on agents
   done  Results comparison matrix based on test operators
   done  Test cases parameter matrix
   done  MariaDB support
   done  Excel export on all the filterable/customizable tables
   done  Odin Axe launcher
   done  Great performances improvement
   done  Improved robustness against networks failures, stand-by switching etc.
   done  Better handling of copy/paste and images rendering in rich-text widgets
   done  ClearQuest integration (bugs)
   done  VersionOne integration (requirements and/or bugs)

2.0b1End October 2013green 19 October 2013
2.0b2Mid December 2013orange 20 December 2013
2.0b3- not planned -green 5 January 2014
2.0End January 2014green 29 January 2014
2.0sp1- maintenance -green 18 February 2014
2.0sp2- maintenance -green 20 February 2014
2.0sp3- maintenance -green 24 February 2014
2.0sp4- maintenance -green 13 March 2014
2.0sp5- maintenance -green 21 March 2014
2.0sp6- maintenance -green 29 March 2014
2.0sp7- maintenance -green 5 April 2014
2.0sp8- maintenance -green 16 April 2014
2.0sp9- maintenance -green 29 April 2014
2.0sp10- maintenance -green 21 May 2014
2.0sp11- maintenance -green 16 June 2014
2.0sp12- maintenance -green 28 June 2014
2.0sp13- maintenance -green 11 July 2014


XQual v1.9sp9 is an old stable release.
Official release of the final 1.9sp9 has occured on the 2 Dec 2013.
   done  Exploratory testing/Session-based testing
   done  Automatic conversion from Exploratory Session's notes to scripted tests
   done  Test Procedure Natural Language (TPNL)
   done  New trends metrics format for all the dated metrics: stacked XY charts + line XY charts + pie chart
   done  New generic library for all charts (nicer, new commonly used colors etc.)
   done  Grid editor auto-wrap mode
   done  New coverage graphics/computation
   done  Better LDAP configuration
   done  Better reporting module including export to Word format
   done  Ability to design/pick some styles for the reports
   done  XQual 100% personalizable (logo, splashscreen, title bar etc.)
   done  Manual update of the results
   done  Word (.docx) reports
   done  Complete reporting (on requirements, specifications, tests, test cases and steps) at SUT and Campaign levels
   done  Formatted text checker
   done  Colorization on rich texts

1.9b1End May 2013orange 2 June 2013
1.9Mid-June 2013green 15 June 2013
1.9sp1- maintenance -green 26 June 2013
1.9sp2- maintenance -green 17 July 2013
1.9sp3- maintenance -green 26 July 2013
1.9sp4- maintenance -green 1 September 2013
1.9sp5- maintenance -green 8 September 2013
1.9sp6- maintenance -green 21 September 2013
1.9sp7- maintenance -green 14 October 2013
1.9sp8- maintenance -green 16 October 2013 (only the web server)
    Emergency patch to workaround a bug in Java 7u45.
1.9sp9- maintenance -green 2 December 2013


XQual v1.8 is an old stable release.

Official release of the final 1.8 has occured on the 17 May 2013.

   done  New grid procedure editor (tree/grid selector per test case) (XQual professional+)
   done  SQL custom reports/export to Excel (XQual professional+)
   done  Clickable/anchor nodes in the all the trees when they are docked in the right panel
   done  Auto-resized formatted text box (full width and smart height)
   done  Multiple-item move
   done  Better/more consistent params highlighting during editing/execution
   done  Performances improvements to support BIG database (tested successfully on 30.000 requirements + 50.000 tests)
   done  Audit log/events search (incl. tracing deleted objects) (XQual business+)
   done  Dependencies used to optionally import automatically ancestors and/or descendants tests
   done  LDAP/Active Directory integration
   done  New layout allowing trees and panels always in sync. / contexts saved when switching between trees.

1.8b13 March 2013orange 4 March 2013
1.8b231 March 2013green 27 March 2013
1.8b3- not planned -green 5 April 2013
1.8b421 April 2013orange 24 April 2013
1.8Mid-May 2013green 17 May 2013


XQual 1.7sp5 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.7 has occured on the 27 November 2012.
Maintenance releases (sp1-4) have been delivered later to fix a few bugs discovered after the official release to make it as robust as possible.

   done  Copy SUT and SUT folders
   done  Microsoft SQLServer (MsSql) support
   done  Multiple items (SUTs, reqs, specs, tests, test cases, campaign, sessions, schedules, bugs, projects, tasks, sprints, users,
          teams, agents) selection and deletion in trees (including shortcut with the Delete key)
   done  Automatic generation of residual tests campaigns
   done  All searches and filters can also use custom fields values as criteria
   done  Ability to save custom search/filters on tasks, requirements, specifications, tests/test cases and bugs
   done  Agent pools (capability to use the first agent available to run a test campaign)
   done  Formatted text field with embedded editor/viewer switching mechanism
   done  New improved version of the QTP launcher
   done  New Sahi 4.x launcher
   done  New JAR launcher
   done  New QF-Test launcher (from QFS)
   done  Global management modules for attributes and params
   done  Params at session level (overriding of testcase's params at run time)
   done  XContinuousIntegration can be run synchronously or asynchronously
   done  XContinuousIntegration can generate ANY kind of report locally
   done  New JUnit XML format report
   done  Nicer GUI
   being done  Up-to-date online documentation

1.7b1mid-Septembre 2012orange 21 Sept 2012
1.7b1_sp1- not planned -green 26 Sept 2012
1.7b2mid-October 2012green 15 Oct 2012
1.7b3- not planned -green 15 Nov 2012
1.7End-November 2012green 27 Nov 2012
1.7sp1- maintenance -green 09 Dec 2012
1.7sp2- maintenance -green 17 Dec 2012
1.7sp3- maintenance -green 06 Jan 2013
1.7sp4- maintenance -green 10 Jan 2013


The version 1.6sp9 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.6 has occured on the 4 June 2012.
Maintenance releases (sp1-7) have been delivered later to fix a few bugs discovered after the official release to make it as robust as possible.

1.6a426 February 2012red 3 March 2012
1.6a4sp1- not planned -green 7 March 2012
1.6a518 March 2012green 18 March 2012
1.6a61 April 2012orange 3 April 2012
1.6a715 April 2012green 14 April 2012
1.6b129 April 2012red 9 May 2012
1.6b26 May 2012red 22 May 2012
1.613 May 2012red 4 June 2012
1.6sp1- maintenance -green 10 June 2012
1.6sp2- maintenance -green 16 June 2012
1.6sp3- maintenance -green 1 July 2012
1.6sp4- maintenance -green 20 July 2012
1.6sp5- maintenance -green 25 July 2012
1.6sp6- maintenance -green 17 August 2012
1.6sp7- maintenance -green 27 August 2012


1.5sp4 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.5 has occured on the 30 September 2011.
Maintenance releases (sp1-4) have been delivered later to fix a few bugs discovered after the official release to make it as robust as possible.

1.5a320 June 2011green 19 June 2011
1.5a411 July 2011green 9 July 2011
1.5a51 August 2011green 30 July 2011
1.5b122 August 2011green 21 August 2011
1.5b25 September 2011orange 9 Septembre 2011
1.5b2sp1- not planned -green 13 Septembre 2011
1.5b319 September 2011orange 22 Septembre 2011
1.5End of September 2011green 30 Septembre 2011
1.5sp1- maintenance -green 16 October 2011
1.5sp2- maintenance -green 22 October 2011
1.5sp3- maintenance -green 13 November 2011
1.5sp4- maintenance -green 30 Decembre 2011


1.4sp8 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.4 has occured on the 1 December 2010.
Maintenance releases (sp1-8) have been delivered later to fix a few bugs discovered after the official release to make it as robust as possible.

1.4a119 September 2010green 20 September 2010
1.4a210 October 2010green 10 October 2010
1.4a324 October 2010orange 26 October 2010
1.4b131 October 2010green 1 November 2010
1.4b214 November 2010orange 17 November 2010
1.4b321 November 2010orange 24 November 2010
1.4End of November 2010green 1 December 2010
1.4sp1- maintenance -green 12 December 2010
1.4sp2- maintenance -green 26 December 2010
1.4sp3- maintenance -green 16 January 2011
1.4sp4- maintenance -green 1 February 2011
1.4sp5- maintenance -green 20 February 2011
1.4sp6- maintenance -green 14 March 2011
1.4sp7- maintenance -green 5 April 2011
1.4sp8- maintenance -green 15 May 2011


1.3sp1 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.3 has occured on the 12 July 2010.
SP1 has been delivered on the 20 July 2010 to fix a bug in the test search feature (not working when some tests has specific characters in their names).

1.3a327 April 2010green 27 April 2010
1.3a47 May 2010green 7 May 2010
1.3a5- not planned -green 16 May 2010
1.3a6/a728 May 2010green 26 May 2010
1.3b118 June 2010orange 21 June 2010
1.3b225 June 2010orange 28 June 2010
1.3b32 July 2010orange 5 July 2010
1.311 July 2010orange 12 July 2010
1.3sp1- not planned -green 20 July 2010


1.2 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.2 has occured on the 1st April 2010.

1.2a117 January 2010orange 18 January 2010
1.2a224 January 2010red 31 January 2010
1.2a37 February 2010green 4 February 2010
1.2a421 February 2010green 21 February 2010
1.2b17 March 2010green 8 March 2010
1.2b221 March 2010green 18 March 2010
1.2End of March 2010green 1 April 2010


1.1 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.1 has occured on the 19 December 2009.

1.1b16 December 2009green 7 December 2009
1.1b213 December 2009green 9 December 2009
1.1b320 December 2009green 15 December 2009
1.1End of December 2009green 19 December 2009


1.0 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 1.0 has occured on the 28 November 2009.

1.0a0- not planned -green 5 July 2009
1.0a19 August 2009orange 12 August 2009
1.0a213 September 2009green 4 September 2009
1.0a311 October 2009green 27 September 2009
1.0a4- not planned -green 14 October 2009
1.0b11 November 2009orange 3 November 2009
1.0b215 November 2009green 15 November 2009
1.0b322 November 2009green 22 November 2009
1.0End of November 2009green 28 November 2009


0.7 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 0.7 has occured on the 7 June 2009.

0.7a128 February 2009green 28 February 2009
0.7a229 March 2009green 29 March 2009
0.7a318 April 2009orange 23 April 2009
0.7b12 May 2009green 2 May 2009
0.7b216 May 2009orange 21 May 2009
0.7b331 May 2009green 1 June 2009
0.77 June 2009green 7 June 2009


0.6 is an old stable release

Official release of the final 0.6 has occured on the 5 January 2009.

0.6a128 September 2008orange 5 October 2008
0.6a212 October 2008green 12 October 2008
0.6a326 October 2008green 20 October 2008
0.6a49 November 2008red 19 November 2008
0.6b123 November 2008orange 27 November 2008
0.6b27 Decembre 2008green 7 Decembre 2008
0.6b321 Decembre 2008green 20 Decembre 2008
0.6End of December 2008orange 5 January 2009


0.5 is an old stable release.

Official release of the final 0.5 has occured on the 9 September 2008.

0.5a122 June 2008red 1 July 2008
0.5a26 July 2008red 19 July 2008
0.5b120 July 2008red 3 August 2008
0.5b23 August 2008orange 8 August 2008
0.5b317 August 2008orange 23 August 2008
0.5End of August 2008orange 9 September 2008


0.4 is an old stable release.

Official release of the final 0.4 has occured on the 1 June 2008.

0.4a116 March 2008red 28 March 2008
0.4a230 March 2008red 14 April 2008
0.4b113 April 2008red 27 April 2008
0.4b227 April 2008orange 29 April 2008
0.4b3- not planned -green 10 May 2008
0.4b4- not planned -green 25 May 2008 (Release Candidate for final 0.4)
0.4End of May 2008green 1 June 2008


Version 0.3 was the first public release of XQual, It was not the first version though. Beta trial last around 3 month. It ran from the beginning of November 2007 to end of January 2008.

Official release of the final 0.3 has occured on the 2 February 2008.

0.3b16 November 2007green 6 November 2007
0.3b216 December 2007orange 17 December 2007
0.3b330 December 2007green 28 December 2007
0.3b413 January 2008green 7 January 2008
0.3b520 January 2008orange 22 January 2008
0.33 February 2008green 2 February 2008