Install XAgent Docker

How to run an XAgent (with a custom alias) in 1 minute

If you need to execute automated tests, then you'll probably need an agent to execute them.
It can even be useful to have several agents to execute several sessions in parallel or just to have dedicated agent for each test type.

To do this, just follow the simple procedure below.

On a Windows or Linux host

  • docker pull xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1
  • docker run --name xagent-linux-container1 -it -e SERVER_NAME=<xstudio-docker-host-name> -e SERVER_PROTOCOL=http -e SERVER_PORT=8080 -e XSTUDIO_USER=admin -e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=14594A028745E255AA16A9D6D37D8D61 -e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent1 xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1 bash
  • /root/ (this updates all the configuration files and run XAgent)
  • tail -f /usr/local/xqual/xstudio/xagent-log.txt (to check the output of XAgent)
If you remove the bash option at the end of the command line, will be automatically run so it's much more convenient. But in this case you'll need to connect separately to the container (using docker exec -it xagent-linux-container1 bash) to interact with it for instance to get traces etc.

If you wish to run several agents, you can use the same method but please make sure to change the name of the container and the XAGENT_ALIAS parameter:
docker run --name xagent-linux-container1 -it -e SERVER_NAME=<xstudio-docker-host-name> -e SERVER_PROTOCOL=http -e SERVER_PORT=8080 -e XSTUDIO_USER=admin -e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=14594A028745E255AA16A9D6D37D8D61 -e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent1 xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1 bash

docker run --name xagent-linux-container2 -it -e SERVER_NAME=<xstudio-docker-host-name> -e SERVER_PROTOCOL=http -e SERVER_PORT=8080 -e XSTUDIO_USER=admin -e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=14594A028745E255AA16A9D6D37D8D61 -e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent2 xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1 bash

docker run --name xagent-linux-container3 -it -e SERVER_NAME=<xstudio-docker-host-name> -e SERVER_PROTOCOL=http -e SERVER_PORT=8080 -e XSTUDIO_USER=admin -e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=14594A028745E255AA16A9D6D37D8D61 -e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent3 xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1 bash

This allows you to get an unlimited number of agents based on your needs (how many tests to execute and how to spread them on different agents).

To stop and exit an old XAgent container with name 'xagent-linux-container1':
docker ps -a
docker rm xagent-linux-container1

Image xqual/xagent-linux

To get this image individually: docker pull xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1
This Docker image runs a linux server including an instance of XAgent. The container actually contains all the available fat clients:
  • XAgent
  • XContinuousIntegration
  • XImporter
  • XReportDebugger
  • XReportGenerator
  • XDatabaseShifter
  • and even XStudio
in a headless linux distribution.

The docker needs a few parameter to be customized with your own preferences:
Parameter Description Example
SERVER_NAME Name of the XStudio docker host
SERVER_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to the XStudio server http (or https if you provide a SSL certificate)
SERVER_PORT Port to connect to the XStudio server 8080 (or 8443 if you provide a SSL certificate)
XSTUDIO_USER Name of the XStudio account that will be used to connect to the REST API admin
XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED Encrypted password that will be used to connect to the REST API password
XAGENT_ALIAS Alias that the agent will use -
LICENSE_KEY (opt.) The license key you purchased from us
If you do not provide a license key, the server will stay in community version with all its limitations
As you can see, this docker image can take an optional parameter which will be used only if you wish to insert a license key.

Based on the above example values, the image can be run in a container using the command:

docker run --name xagent-linux-container
-e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=984F1197F84B21DDA2A631F72F9D082501B4FA1AA3798DC420A26ADE0B8792504325EBD701
-e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent1
-e LICENSE_KEY=<license_key>

That's it! the XAgent is running and you can run some test sessions on this agent (aliased as **DockerAgent1**)


NOTE: When the container is running, you can log in to it (for instance to check the log) by running the command:

docker exec -it xagent-linux-container bash
Alternatively, you can run it this way:

docker run --name xagent-linux-container
-e SERVER_NAME=my-docker-host.acme
-e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=984F1197F84B21DDA2A631F72F9D082501B4FA1AA3798DC420A26ADE0B8792504325EBD701
-e XAGENT_ALIAS=DockerAgent1
-e LICENSE_KEY=<license_key>
xqual/xagent-linux:v13sp1 bash

In this case, you will need to run the configuration script manually first:


Then run manually XAgent (or any other program in /usr/local/xqual/xstudio):

cd /usr/local/xqual/xstudio
java -jar xagent.jar --alias DockerAgent1 --headless true (for instance)


The xqual/xagent-linux and xqual/xstudio-tomcat services must have some compatible versions to work together (without any additional step).