Here is the complete change log of XStudio.
13sp4 XQual ALM --------- * Create campaign: send tests in displayed/sorted tree order * Support table-filter in result > steps * Improve the probability output on the campaign estimated duration * More robust results assigning on heavy load * Bug-fix: - Manual test execution interface: many bug-fixes: . Oopss error messages . Deadlock error messages - [D_3577] Requirement > copy / move requirement: the selection of the integrated connector is possible - [D_3582] Connectors position shouldn't be impacted by the sorting of the tree - [D_3564] copy node > encoding issue with some special characters - [D_3488] Merge session > Destination folder tab is displaying the content of options tab REST API -------- * updated method: - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesForExecution() supports a new optional parameter "includeMessages" (true by default) - getSessionTestsForExecution() supports a new optional parameter "includeMessages" (true by default) - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesResults() includes the estimated remaining time to execute the session 13sp3 XQual ALM --------- * Add sorting functionality to the trees (by id or by name, ascending or descending) * Add Dynamic splitter in run session interface * Optimized report generation * Bug-fix: - Modal becomes fully grayed out after the first report generation - [D_2859] Modal: the Enter key action cancels the functionality of the submit button - [D_3358] Documents > The first click on 'Freeze Action' after adding a new document does not work - [D_3533] Filter > Bug > Found in: wrong dropdown list - [D_3529] Create bug from contextual menu then Test / Manually test this bug triggers oops message - [D_3469] Bug > create defect from external connector > bad display of submit/cancel buttons - [D_3504] Delete schedule > cancel: right panel displayed empty - [D_3525] Rename Campaign then trying to expand it triggers an oops message - [D_3431] Run session > Refresh button does not work properly - [D_3371] Special Icon missing when creating/deleting an element from the Root Folder - [D_3159] Bugs > Found in input tree doesn't display the version of the SUT until we refresh the page - [D_3277] User > disable > email disappears in tree (refresh issue) - [D_3493] Add 'Saving' message beside submit button in user interface - [D_2738] Digital signature control center : Issue with background image in the illustration section - [D_2742] Dark theme > Verify signature: Background problem - [D_3488][D_3502] Session > Creating a session from the contextual menu and then freeze generates a 'Oops' - [D_3497] Testcase > create/copy from contextual menu then freeze generates a 'Oops' - [D_3417] Session > Result/run session > update test from tooltip generates a 'Oops' 13sp2 XQual ALM --------- * Filtering of the requirements tree on requirement types (Functional, Recoverability, Clarity...) * Disable access to the toolbar when refresh is running * Ensure the index.html is always downloaded (no cache) * Bug-fix: - Couldn't change the requirement type from 'Non-functional' to 'Functional' with a non-default language - When using authentication='User's login credentials (XStudio or LDAP/Active Directory)' in a connector, in some cases JIRA app can't fetch the data - Protection when the first getAllProject() for JIRA REST is failing - [D_3403] Global toolbar: Searching for bugs/requirements items doesn't select the item in the treeview - [D_3128] Treeview v2: Campaigns tab > Using footer with treeview-v2 - [D_3287] Updating an item and refreshing the tree view triggers an "Oops" message in some cases - [D_3283] Oops Displayed When Searching for an Existing Session/Test Case from Dashboard Interface - [D_3459] Rights panel > treeview > filter / refresh button => oops - [D_3404] Updating the test case name and navigating to other test cases results in an error message - [D_3186] Input tree > The refresh button is not applied to the treeview - [D_3448] Session > after closing generate report modal the right panel is displayed empty - [D_3460] Tests > closing action of a modals results in an empty right panel - [D_3486] Coverage > The position of the "Loading treeview" is mispositioned when the discussion area is opened. - [D_3392] Documents > 'Create document' action via contextual menu doesn't work - [D_3450] Display issue in several interfaces after performing actions - [D_3451] Campaign > Order > 'Saving' message stuck on loading - [D_2548] Users: Submit button issue in Team creation - [D_3447] Session > contextual menu actions > error message - [D_3148] Clicking the 'open folder' button displays the folder in the right panel without selecting it in the main treeview - [D_2374] Encoding issue in the search box and treeview - [D_3389] Bugs/Requirements: Move folder > The selection of external connector is possible - [D_3442] Disabled input trees > the selection is not fully applied - [D_1652] Bad consolidation when deleting/adding/updating a step from a testcase and re-running a session including this testcase - [D_3482] Session > Contextual menu "arm the session" , "stop" removes session icon - [D_3400] Tests> Bulk Update > Oops - [D_3462] SUT > Manually test this sut > submit button not positioned correctly - [D_3494] Unable to access parent node after execution an action REST API -------- * 2 new methods: - getAllUsersFromLDAP() - importLDAPUsers() 13sp1 XQual ALM --------- * Improved MrSuricate Launcher (screenshot support) * [R_1375] Dynamic splitter to resize left/right panels * [R_1386] Better Gherkin auto-completion (when there are > 10.000 steps in the catalog) * [R_1385] Clone Gherkin step definition * Bug-fix: - If we change a detail of a user but not his password, the password is corrupted - Third-party Requirement and bug-tracking statistics showing data with wrong label - Custom coloring for status, severity and priority not applied - Edition issue of a url in rich-texts - [D_3380] Enhancements in the Dark theme - [D_3375] Error when copying a session from the contextual menu - [D_3272] Signature > For both test cases and sessions, a refresh action is required to display the signature icon - [D_3224] Coverage > When adding items from coverage tab, the coverage value is not updated automatically - [D_2631] Requirements > Folder > Kanban: The no data image is not applied - [D_2571] Advanced filter: The icon representing the GitLab connector is missing - [D_2491] Improve the method for closing the filter pop-up window - [D_2612] Roles: the illustration is not applied - [D_2615] Params: The illustration is not applied - [D_2832] Session > Add the message "saving" beside the "submit" 13 XQual ALM --------- * [R_1379] Expand all on a specific folder * [R_1496] Performances improvement: additional cache client * [R_1347] Filter support in Document tree * [R_1494] The knob of the scrollbars are not visible in dark theme * [R_1495] The opened indicator in the trees is not very visible in dark theme * Set default sort order on table initialization to display the latest changes first in audit log outputs * Design the contextual menu to match its previous appearance * Audit log: track modifications of test prerequisites * Get coverage piechart in the JIRA App's requirement reporting * Localization improvement in the French dictionnary * Improved MrSuricate launcher * Improved VTaaS launcher (better handling of URLs in the procedures) * Bug-fix: - [D_3338] Requirements/Bugs > Deleted items are still displayed in the right pane. - [D_xxxx] Searching for a ticket: scrolling does not work - [D_xxxx] Remove linked requirements when they are deleted from the input tree - [D_3350] Enhancement > Documents : update the title modal of 'document creation' - [D_3348] Requirements/Bugs : Add open/copy url to the folder ([R_1493] Copier/open the URL of a folder) - [D_2500] The modal confirmation for user picture suppression needs to be harmonized - [D_3365] Light Theme > The "Edit Gherkin" button is not displayed correctly - [D_3361] Procedure: Resolve the translation issue with step and check titles - [D_3363] Tests treeview > Only selected : all categories are displayed with the manual testing icon. - Copy session error - Too many requirements in the SUT > Coverage piechart - Too many requirements in the Campaign > Results > Requirements section - Bug progression: by default fetch only 3 month of data REST API -------- * 3 deleted methods (not deeded anymore as managed through Test details): - getTestScope() - getTestScopeRevision() - updateTestScope() 13beta XQual ALM --------- * New Documents Management module (incl. inner links) * Performance improvements (cache client side for each tree) * Playwright launcher * MrSuricate launcher (draft) * New visual for categories (include the launcher icon) * Bug-fix: - [D_3289] Enhancement > Dark theme > Update the placeholder to differentiate it from the normal inputs - [D_3201] API Error > Pick is not a valid import type - [D_3261] Testcases > Update details 'Ready for' field generates an error message - [D_3203] Users input tree: Undefined value - [D_3202] API Error > Requirements > External connector > Folder > Flow > Link/remove to requirement - [D_3254] Modals: Bad dispaly of screenshot popup - [D_3250] BulkUpdate> Testcases > Error message - [D_3285] Results > Empty dropdownlist for both agents and instances - [D_2737] Digital signing modal: Issue with background image in the illustration section - [D_3359] Remove Legacy Theme - Tests export in Excel: now includes 'Gherkin enabled' and 'Gherkin' columns to be compatible with import format - Bugs export in Excel: protection against missing data id REST API -------- * 4 new methods: - lockDocument() - unlockDocument() - lockAttachment() - unlockAttachment() * 9 updated methods (additional optional parameter "clientCacheMillisUTC"): - getSutsTree() - getSpecificationsTree() - getTestsTree() - getCampaignsTree() - getAgentsTree() - getAssetsTree() - getDocumentsTree() - getSqlReportsTree() - getUsersTree() 12sp21 XQual ALM --------- * Bug-fix: - Regression: all results tables are empty - SQL report: providing incorrect/invalid SQL queries, generates a SQL connexion leak - [D_3184] Move tests > ERROR message - [D_3243] Copy test from category to another occurs an error message 12sp20 XQual ALM --------- * Gitlab performances improvement (support of project filtering on IDs) * Idempotency/deduplication implementation (using 'X-Request-ID')to avoid duplicate requests on time-consuming requests - getRequirementsTree() - getBugsTree() - downloadZippedHtmlReport() - downloadPdfReport() - downloadWordReport() - downloadXmlReport() - downloadExcelReport() * 100% efficient cache management issue (no need to sometime clear browser's cache after an update) * Add a menu to export graph * Remove useless traces (only in Fine level) * Bug-fix: - [D_xxxx] Generate Report: Replace by xhr request to improve UX - [D_3266] Drag & drop > Tests > Cannot move a folder from category to another category - [D_3265] Drag & drop > Cannot move multiple folder from company to company - [D_3269] Tests > when navigating between tests the changes are not being saved. - [D_3261] Testcases > Update details field occurs an error message - [D_3182] Requirements > Bulk update issues - [D_3215] Unwanted spaces are added in the WEB version Editor if inner links are used - [D_3129] Bugs > Kanban View changes not reflected in Main Treeview - [D_3253] Rich text > Inserting an image displays it in the 'Name' field 12sp19 XQual ALM --------- * Bug-fix: - Statistics calculation issue on session's test results where some tests have been removed on the fly - Session start date may be changed in some cases - [D_3150] Add undo/redo functionality to rich text (duplicated [D_1695], [D_2763]) - [D_3236] Session > Hovering over a session does not display the session's node tooltip - [D_3198] Run session > Stop date is not set in the details tab after clicking the 'Return' button - [D_3238] Session > Stop button change the stop date in details interface - [D_3158] Run session > Add result > Error message - [D_3220] Requirements > Coverage: Refresh issue - [D_3223] Spec > Coverage > Tests TreeView: The priority column does not display data in the correct format. - [D_3227] Exploratory session > An error message appears when clicking 'Open' in the smart tooltip of a bug 12sp18 XQual ALM --------- * Bug-fix: - [D_3208] Users > Create member: the selection of a team is accessible - [D_3211] Access rights > Oops: when switching to a team and navigating to an empty interface - [D_3070] When creating a new item, the auto-scrolling is not working - [D_3179] Campaign > Tests input tree: undefined Tests - [D_3116] Treeview v2: Copy sut, undefined coverage 12sp17 XQual ALM --------- * Bug-fix: - Loop of error messages while accessing some radio-button selection trees in some very rare conditions - [D_3195] Sessions do not display under the campaign after creating a schedule, even after a refresh - [D_3137] Delete a session in a campaign: the tree's columns are unexpectedly hidden - [D_3198] When a session stops, the stop date in the right hand-side panel is not updated 12sp16 XQual ALM --------- * localization for 'sequential view' + 'tree view' * Bug-fix: - SUT details are shown twice in some specific cases - High volume automated tests: implement a retry mechanism to avoid deadlocks in transactions - [D_3200] Input trees: when clicking on 'Only selected' filter on radio-button selection trees, an error message is displayed 12sp15 XQual ALM (formerly known as XStudio.web) ----------------------------------------- * UX: Automatically set cursor focus to the search input by default * Bug-fix: - In some cases, some tree columns not visible with long text - [D_3160] Session > Session Marked as Stopped When Modifying Name or Executing Manually 12sp14 XStudio.web ----------- * End of the migration of the tree - better 'expand all' in the select boxes * Bug-fix: - Many issues while expanding trees with selected items and/or that contains large deepness - Issue with loading icon spinning indefinitely on campaign containing a scheduler - [D_3172] Many issues while reordering testcases within a test: . Remove effect when drag-and-drop is not possible . Disable drag-and-drop when the node is not allowed to be moved (global management) . Handle the case of Freeze/signed nodes . No more full tree refresh (only as a fallback) . After attempting to drag and drop to a disallowed node, the node remains selected . Auto-scrolling when required . UI inconsistencies - [D_3170] Input Tree > Agent Selection: Displays 'undefined' and fails to save the selected agent - [D_3171] JIRA requirements/bugs are displayed in the tree with their 'long ID' instead of their 'JIRA key' - [D_3176] Session > Results > cannot add a new bug - [D_3175] Session > Results > Link to an existing bug: oopss message 12sp13 XStudio.web ----------- * [D_3110] True treeview in the manual test execution + Sessions > Results UI * Bug-fix: - Protection server side and client side against copying or moving a folder in one of its descendants - [D_3153] Dark mode: Exploratory testing : cursor not visible in the notes - [D_3122] Session > Résultats > Tests/Testcases/steps: cursor - [D_3166] Copy/move folder is not be possible in descendant folder - [D_3127] Creating an item from a closed folder shows it twice - [D_3144] Limitations in "Copy/Move Folder" operations - [D_3108] The message 'No action available' is no longer displayed in the context menu - [D_3140] Requirements: copy/move folder: oops message when clicking on submit button - [D_3164] After renaming an item, clicking on another item does not update the renamed node in the tree and right p - [D_3097] Moving a folder doesn't preselect the parent folder - [D_3156] Session > Result_update > Error message when there is no agent selected - [D_3162] History list: the avatar is not displayed - [D_3124] Integrated requirements: > Folder : No dropdown menu option appears in the main menu when selecting an item - [D_3149] Id confusion between Tests and Folders 12sp12 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - CRITICAL: server issue with trees having a huge deepness 12sp11 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to update the comment when changing a results * Bug-fix: - MANY bug-fixes about the new tree implementation - [D_3119] Filter doesn't return the right result when the filter return empty folder - [D_3100] Cannot move/copy folders : all folders are disabled - [D_3120] Update test type: Kanban view not refreshed - [D_2549] A full-page refresh is required to retrieve Kanban updates - [D_3134] Campaign import: if the user has is not auhtorized, a Oopss is reported - [D_3135] Campaign import: at the end of the import, a Oopss is reported in specific cases - [D-3087] Impossible to update a result 12sp10 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - MANY bug-fixes about the new tree implementation 12sp9 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - MANY bug-fixes about the new tree implementation 12sp8 XStudio.web ----------- * When calculating coverage the data where not 100% fresh (always picked from the last cache) * When requesting requirement data from the JIRA plugin, the complete requirement tree was always fetched * Bug-fix: - MANY bug-fixes about the new tree implementation 12sp7 XStudio.web ----------- * Completely new Treeview (v2) implementation on all trees * Get rid of tree footers (testcases and sessions are now appearing in the tree itself) * Animation when the tree is loading * Ensure Gitlab connectors are returning exact matches with the projects keys in filters * Ensure Gitlab connectors are returning only non-empty projects * New generator for PDF and DOCX reports (experimental) * Bug-fix: - Cache issue when changing team's access rights (users had to force refresh to get the right tree) - When setting access rights to teams, categories with id<10 were not included REST API -------- * 13 new methods (prepation for the Document module): - getDocumentsTree() - getDocumentDetails() - getDocumentRevisions() - getDocumentFreezeStatus() - moveDocuments() - freezeDocument() - unfreezeDocument() - deleteDocuments() - getDocumentChanges() - downloadDocument() - downloadDocumentRevision() - uploadDocument() * 1 updated method: - deleteSessions() delete only sessions that are in INITIALIZED, ARMED or TERMINATED state Ecosystem --------- * Docker: completely new image (to improve security/cyber) based on Fedora / recent linux kernel 12sp6 XStudio.web ----------- * Access Rights: migration to new Treeview v2 (a completely new implementation of the tree widget that will be deployed in the future on all the other modules) * Bug-fix: - [D_2854] Gherkin loading with skeleton (when the statements catalog is not yet available - only on first use) - [D_2882] Gherkin: error when refreshing the page - [D_2817] Results not exported in csv report - [D_2873] Fix double display issue after treeview refresh - [D_2805] Adding an horizontal scrollbar when a very large table is inserted REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - getPluginRequirementData() enriched with additional information 12sp5 XStudio.web ----------- * Mantis REST connector: Add the filter on status at the source (as opposed to filter after all the tickets have been fetched) * More consistent 'not executed' button (in light and dark mode) * Bug-fix: - [D_913] Add the sentence 'This {0} is covering X {1}' in a few places where it was missing - [D_2847] Gherkin widget disappears in Details tab (for instance if opening a old revision of the test before) - [D_2850] Adding test in a campaign can actually remove some if they are not visible and with a check - [D_2598] Create schedule modal: issue with the display of tree input fields - [D_2808] Progression > External connectors should not display charts related to active bugs age - [D_2822] Add the return run session icon in the Dark theme - [D_2830] Impact > Tests: Problem with 'Tests' word - [D_2795] Add loading animation in Results tab of the exploratory session section - [D_2841] Error parsing the rights structure of team - [D_2445] Problem displaying the content of the treeview - [D_2844] Coverage: Problem with 'Expand all' button - [D_2845] Access rights > 'Collapse All' functionality doesn't work correctly. - [D_2840] Conflict between 'view type' and 'Expand all' - Fix drag icons - Additional protection to avoid moving a folder to one of its descendants - Fix issue related to level of current node - Companies and categories not included in the access rights with huge trees - Several form update problems when using SQLServer REST API -------- * 1 new method: - getTestcaseReusableTestcaseId() 12sp4 XStudio.web ----------- * Performance improvements on all trees (especially in Access-rights trees): - Improved drastically load time by processing data in chunks - huge optimization to handle large trees (> 100.000 items) - huge optimization to handle trees with a large number of folders/subfolders (> 20.000 items) * Add loading effects when: - the tree is loading - a node is selected (loading effect propagated to all descendants) - a tree selection is validated * Bug-fix: - On large trees: . building the tree was very long . Selection of root was not working properly . Selection of a folder was not automatically selecting ALL descendants . Selection of a folder containing many descendants was taking ages . Expand was very time-consuming . Selection marks not always consistent among the nodes 12sp3 XStudio.web ----------- * Support of execution options for automated tests execution: - Any agent - First agent in pool - All agents in pool * Ability to copy a configuration * Display the configuration Ids (e.g. useful for XContinuousIntegration's configuration) * Performances improvements in the session manual execution interface * Performances improvements in Session > Results > Treeview * When creating a test, option to automatically create a default testcase * Clearer 'return' button from the session manual execution interface (replacement of the two existing buttons by one clearer one to the top-left) * Additional protection from deletion of special data * Improvements on XReportDebugger: - Support multiple requirement connectors - Support multiple bug connectors * Loading animation on admin tools and other time-consuming tasks * Horizontal scrollbar on large tables in SQL queries and other location * Auto-submit message wrongly placed in the Exploratory Session Execution interface * Protection against wrong configuration of connectors to avoid a generic helpless error * Bug-fix: - [D_2526] Run_session: problem with adding a bug in certain configurations - [D_1491] When creating an object from context menu, callback called twice - [D_2195] The drag and drop operation doesn't work properly - [D_2815] Error when creating session when a schedule is selected - [D_2777] Flow modal spec: fix a tab in the modal specification - Error due to missing statements when displaying run-session/session-results before having edited any Gherkin syntax - Folder 'Administration' should not be deletable - Cosmetic issue in table header + add horizontal scrolling - Minor issue about help illustration REST API -------- * 3 updated methods: - getSessionAgents() includes the 'pick' type - getScheduleAgents() includes the 'pick' type - updateSessionAgents(): anyAgent replaced by pick - updateScheduleAgents(): anyAgent replaced by pick Ecosystem --------- * Improvements on the Testlink to XStudio converter 12sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Capability to add/remove links from the flow view * Robustness about the mime-type for image or attachments downloading * Gitlab connector: - Retrieve also sub-projects - Performances major improvements when there are hundreds of projects * Performance improvement: hide the blocking task fetching all the Gherkin statements at login time * Statistics/charts: remove the annoying zoom effect but add a expand view for each individual charts allowing to zoom in/out * Improve the 'TestLink to XStudio' importer to support more formatting * Bug-fix: - Images or attachments cannot be downloaded when using SQLServer - Impossible to create a bug or a requirement in synchronous mode with specific versions of Jira - Jira connector does not support status or type filter containing single-quotes - Bug progression metrics may be 'split' on specific connectors - [D_2793] Session creation: bad display of "Overloading" tab content - [D_2691] Incomplete prefix in campaign folder results ("R..") - [D_2780] Flow modal -> SUTs ->Selection Color problem in Treeview - [D_2792] Copy folder does not preselect the parent folder as the destination folder - [D_2764] Statistics: wrong order of status/priority/severity in the charts for integrated items 12sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to set the whole traceability from the visual 'flow' view (with real-time update) * Improved performance on Mantis connectors * Bug-fix: - Couldn't get the gitlab requirements or bugs e.g. if one project in the filter does not exist - Incorrect bug folder progression as date order is not preserved (weird curves) - Hide/show results piechart filter does not work - Progression graph: must use the right colors in the stacked chart - Custom launchers not visible in the list - Empty or incorrect defects by age graph - Select an empty folder in the campaign tree pops up an error message - Tree filter sometimes does not work when searching for custom field or attributes values containing accents or exotic characters - Tree filter does not support well the DIFFERS operator in some cases - [D_2740] Digital signature control center: Scrolling problem - [D_2525] Login: translation issue - [D_2727] Testcase creation: an error message pops up when navigating to Param tab - [D_2447] Fixed: param value cannot contains ' character - [D_2761] Fixed: progression graph: layout issue when resizing the browser Ecosystem --------- * Jira add'on: selecting a Jira requirement, we now also show the tests that were never executed 12 XStudio.web ----------- * Overloading of the attribute and parameter values for each session is now possible - Create session > Overloading > Add 2 new sub tabs "Attributes" and "Params" - Edit Session > Add 2 new sub tabs "Attributes" and "Params" * Global audit log (to check all events that have occurred in XStudio) * New metrics: - Bug folder statistics: status/severity/priority per active bugs age - Bug folder progression statistics per status/severity/priority - Include the historization of the bug statistics in the daily batch * Improvements on Jira's XStudio add'on (both-way integration): - Nicer report - View on the 10 last results of each linked tests - More details on the requirements and bugs linked (even when they are coming from third-party systems) * Jira and Gitlab connectors: Performance optimization (to fetch only what's necessary for each user based on his workspace selection) * Redmine connector: add support for Type and Status filtering * Bulk update for Exploratory Sessions * Smart tooltips for Exploratory Sessions * Generic implementation of multi-criteria table filtering on tables (available for 'Audit Log' and 'Digital Signature control center') * General minor performances improvements * Bug-fix: - [D_2721] Add a column to specify if the attribute is dynamic or not (overloadable) - [D_2711] Tests: An error message is displayed when navigating to 'Attributes' tab - [D_2712] Testcases : an error message is displayed when navigating to the 'Params' tab - [D_2690] Run exploratory session > Smart tooltip: the 'Open' button is not working - [D_2686] during the execution of a session or an exploratory session, the bug's name does not contain the syntax D_ before the id - [D_2702] Create exploratory session modal: the illustration is missing - [D_2691] Exploratory session: The folder content displays only specific data for the campaigns - [D_2640] Navigation bar: alignment issue in the help modal - [D_2714] Sut: an error message pops up when switching quickly between KPIs interfaces - Gherkin Steps are not pulling in the correct 'Help' information. Many of the Steps are pulling in the wrong instructions. - Multiple api call after click tests# action to show related tests - Minor CSS fixes - Protection against XSS Attack in one specific screen - Table widget: fix pagination REST API -------- * 8 new methods: - updateExploratorySessionsAssignedTo() - getBugFolderStatisticsPerActiveBugAge() - updateDefectHistory() - getBugFolderStatusProgress() - getSessionAttributes() - getScheduleAttributes() - getConfigurationJarName() - copyConfiguration() Ecosystem --------- * Testlink to XStudio converter 12beta3 XStudio.web ----------- * Flow diagrams: remove useless tooltips on hover * Bug-fix: - Generate testcases from an exploratory session generates incorrect type, priority and executability - Agent blocked if the session is deleted while being executed - Perf: regression in tables having more than 10k items - Gitlab connection manager handles all the 2xx as success - [D_2705] Settings user prefs: The username and password are not mandatory. REST API -------- * 37 new methods: - getCampaignAttributes() (used during creation of session of schedule) - getCampaignParams() (used during creation of session of schedule) - getSessionAttributes() - getSessionParams() - deleteSessionAttributes() - insertSessionAttributes() - deleteSessionParams() - insertSessionParams() - getScheduleAttributes() - getScheduleParams() - deleteScheduleAttributes() - insertScheduleAttributes() - deleteScheduleParams() - insertScheduleParams() Ecosystem --------- 12beta2 XStudio.web ----------- * Exploratory Sessions support: - Charter - Notes and results - PDNL editor (with auto-completion, syntax highlighting etc.) to automatically generate standard testcase procedures from notes - Time recording - Real-time (and filterable) result statistics from the content of the notes - Creation of bugs (integrated, generic or third-party) from the execution panel * Digital signature for regulated business (only with Enterprise license): - signature - Verification * Add draggable row capability in the standard 'table' widget * Illustration for 'no data because of filter' * A few ergonomics changes * New protection and better error message when couldn't fetch issue types or priorities from Jira * Bug-fix: - [D_2584] Regression Issue: content problem in 'Members' and 'Roles' tabs - [D_2636] Suts Attachment Delete problem - [D_2614] Attributes: The illustration is not applied - [D_2613] Members The illustration is not applied - [D_2630] Gherkin steps: THe illustration is not applied - [D_2600] Custom field modals: The illustration is not applied + add help UI to create and delete - [D_2588] Table integration Gherkin Steps -> Tests of statements - [D_2639] Problem with smart tooltips (regression in v12beta) - Critical: Problem to fetch the statements with on-premise install when using Microsoft SQL Server - In SQL report form, the query field is not mandatory - The CSV export icon is absent in both the dark and legacy themes - Use 2 possible API formats to fetch metadata from Jira - Empty campaign folders were not working in some cases XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Delete orphan attachments stored in SMB drive generates an OutOfMemory if the number of files to be sanitized is huge REST API -------- * 37 new methods: - getSignatureForm() - signSut() - signRequirement() - signSpecification() - signTest() - signTestcase() - signCampaign() - signSession() - signBug() - chekUserPassword() - verifySutSignature() - verifyRequirementSignature() - verifySpecificationSignature() - verifyTestSignature() - verifyTestcaseSignature() - verifyCampaignSignature() - verifySessionSignature() - verifyBugSignature() - getSignatureLog() - verifySignatures() - getExploratorySessionForm() - getExploratorySessionDetails() - createExploratorySession() - updateExploratorySessionDetails() - updateExploratorySessionStartDateTime() - updateExploratorySessionStopDateTime() - updateExploratorySessionsPriority() - updateExploratorySessionAssignedTo() - updateExploratorySessionSut() - linkExploratorySessionToBugs() - insertExploratorySessionAttributeValue() - removeExploratorySessionAttributeValue() - deleteExploratorySessions() - moveExploratorySessions() - copyExploratorySessions() - getLicense() - generateTestcases() Ecosystem --------- * SOATest launcher: - Add new protection for more robustness (i.e. testsuite containing no direct test etc.) - Support testcase with single-quote in their names - Support testcase in TestSuite[@name='Scenario:'] OR TestSuite[@name='Test Suite: '] * Agilitest launcher: - Command line uses -Doutput rather than -DOutput - Add attachment: suite_html.xml - Add attachment: ats-test-report.html 12beta XStudio.web ----------- * New table widget replacing all the existing tables in XStudio supporting: - paging, - filtering, - search - sorting - export to CSV - new extra features in the future * Full traceability network diagram including SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests and Bugs at any level of any tree: - Root, connector, folder and leaves - highlight of the immediate path when hovering a node - highlight of all the compatible path when hovering a link * Full inner links diagram between requirements or tests: - Root, connector, folder and leaves * Migration of all the charts to v3 to v5 (based on Canvas) * Help illustrations on all the popup/modal windows - collapsable panel - saved hide/show status * No data illustration on other pages when no data are available * Automatic management of switching from - without specs --> with specs - with specs --> without specs * TRAC connector: - 3 filtering parameters available: project, status, type - Performances improvements (REST paging) * Tree filtering on requirements and bugs is now dynamic and automatic when we add a new connector * SQL report: new editor supporting: - Syntax highlighting - Change all occurrences * SOATest launcher: support new format used in recent versions including the full recursive structure of the testsuites * Reordered getLicenseWarning() and getSsoSettings() for performance enhancement * Pako lib: replace CDN Inclusion with local library integration * Add WARNING log in the server trace when there is a misconfiguration on the REST API parameters * Default Error 404 page (pointing to xqual/xstudio.web/notfound.html) * [R_1251] Reorder the tests in a campaign based on priority * [R_1237] Move the import button to the menu * [R_1282] From a bug, ability to see ALL the tests within their session that found that bug * Bug-fix: - TRAC connector: . Various problems fetching the tree . Server error while calculating the issue status . Problems with milestones having a '/' character in their names (tickets stored in the wrong milesotnes or duplicated) - Gherkin editor: Remove blank spaces after/end of statement to avoid issues in syntax checking - Use "coverage" color in the charter to highlight the coverage figure in the piechart's explanations - Email notification not sent in french when it is supposed to do so - SUT results at testcase level reports empty data when specifications are enabled - Error during validation of the SQL queries - SQL report remove HTML tag from SQL Query - SQL report Decode HTML entities 'nbsp' tag in SQL Query - Couldn't create a SSO connector if sso.conf is missing (nbConnector = 0 by default) - Couldn't create a new user when logged as superuser (in cloud trial instances) REST API -------- * 33 new methods: - getSutFullTraceability() - getSutFolderFullTraceability() - getRequirementFullTraceability() - getRequirementFolderFullTraceability() - getSpecificationFullTraceability() - getSpecificationFolderFullTraceability() - getTestFullTraceability() - getTestFolderFullTraceability() - getRequirementFolderInnerTraceability() - getRequirementInnerTraceability() - getTestFolderInnerTraceability() - getTestInnerTraceability() - getExploratorySessionForm() - getExploratorySessionDetails() - getExploratorySessionDetailsRevision() - getExploratorySessionAssignedTo() - getExploratorySessionSut() - getExploratorySessionBugs() - getExploratorySessionAttachments() - getExploratorySessionInheritedAttachments() - getExploratorySessionRevisions() - getExploratorySessionChanges() - getExploratorySessionAttributes() - getAuditLog() - getSignatureForm() - signSut() - signRequirement() - signSpecification() - signTest() - signTestcase() - signCampaign() - signSession() - signBug() * updated methods: - getSettings(), getServerSettings() and getServerSettingsForm(): . Protection on various exotic cases . Support for sso.conf missing 11sp7 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Replace CDN Inclusion of Pako by a local library 11sp6 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Problem to fetch the statements with on-premise install when using Microsoft SQL Server 11sp5 XStudio.web ----------- * Enhancement and localization of the default 'Unexpected Error' message * Improve Kanban view on tests * Bug-fix: - [D_2524] Tests: Error message when clicking on the folder icon associated with a test - [D_2462] Chart Display: The chart dimensions have been adjusted - [D_2516] Run_session & Result update: The 'Not Executable' button is not working properly - [D_2514] Run_session & Result: Issue in the left treeview - [D_2504] Dark theme: Graphical issue with the progress bar's numbers - [D_2505] History: Updating the session status via the smart tooltip displays an error message - [D_2431] Right panel advanced filter: bad display of the filter dropdown list - [D_2443] Treeview: scrolling issues in specific cases - [D_2529] The delete icon should be red to harmonize with the rest of the app - [D_2473] Messages: The text color in the table is not very readable when switching to dark theme - Random error message due to smart tooltips - XML-RPC-based connectors don't work in the web client REST API -------- * 1 new method: - getSutFullTraceability() 11sp4 XStudio.web ----------- * Campaign statistics per folder and on root folder * Ability to copy a folder in the campaigns tree (including all sub-folders and theirs campaigns) * Ability to filter the test tree based on test attribute's values * Filtering specific status in results reporting added on: - Requirements results reporting - Steps result reporting * Upload several attachments: order is now preserved * More space to display combination (full or pairwise) in preview modal * Results progress: When start/end dates are NOT provided, defaulting to: - 10 years in the past - 2 days in the future * Improvements/optimization on email notification sending * Remove from the results panel, the information that is useless for now: - Instance index - Developer * Bug-fix: - [D_1634] Display problem for the number of combination - [D_2500] The modal confirmation for user picture suppression needs to be harmonized - [D_2477] Dashboard: Start date is partially hidden in session tooltip - [D_2473] Messages The text color in the table is not very readable when switching to dark - It is not possible to assign a boolean attribute to a test with the value 'true' - Parameter combination pairwise: wrong title - Localization problem when deleting/moving some reusable testcases - Shouldn't display optimized number when it does not make sense - Results panel > testcases or steps were not including the latest reusable testcases results - Smart tooltips on testcases pointing to reusable testcases return empty data - Inappropriate the font size of the chart-tooltip - Missing 'highlight_purple' class - Localization format issues - Session list in the footer should be displayed the latest first - Bug 'Fixed In' and 'Found In' fields should be displayed close to each other - Bug 'Reporter', 'Assigned to' and 'Followers' fields should be displayed close to each other - The closing date is no longer functioning correctly when marking a bug as "closed" - When renaming a user: . The email address disappears from the left tree . The avatar is replaced by the default user icon - When modifying the email address of a user, it's not updated in the tree - When creating a new user, his email is not displayed in the tree (needs a manual refresh) - Refresh treeview issues REST API -------- * 2 new methods: - getTestcaseOrTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseDetails() - getBugResultsTreeview() * Bug-fix: - Recursivity issue when calling getCampaignFolder*() methods and passing folderId = PARENT_ROOT_FOLDER_ID_CAMPAIGN 11sp3 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to filter specific results in any results-oriented panel * Session details: start and stop date now include time * Search through attachments * Python launcher support for passing parameter values in the command line * Insert default test attributes in new database version 96 . 'non-regression' . 'smoke' . 'stress' . 'white-box' . 'black-box' . 'end-to-end' * Bug-fix: - [D_2464] Campaign and session number are not visible at folder and root level - [D_2463] Couldn't insert a new Gherkin step dynamically - [D_2454] Requirements: critical risk icon is not appropriate - [D_1656] There are some elements which are not in the standards as the other headings - [D_2374] Encoding issue in the search box and treeview - Color variable fix assembling to chart colors - When several people are using XStudio in different languages, some unexpected issues may happen in certain cases: . 'undefined' may be displayed in the tree after the creation or modification of an item . Forms may be displayed in a different language than the one chosen initially . Refresh issues - Problem to show the settings panel on XStudio Java (because of the SSO config) - When activating the setting "Every single step pre-initialized to Not Executed (NE)", the option was not working accordingly - When no session have been executed yet: . SUT's results per steps are now showing the right number of (not executed) steps . Requirement's results per steps are now showing the right number of not executed steps . Specification's results per steps are now showing the right number of not executed steps . Campaign's results per steps are now showing the right number of not executed steps - Couldn't generate combination of parameters if a parameter has no normal value - Result > History: piecharts missing (regression) - Random javascript Error REST API -------- * 18 new methods - getCampaignsResultsTestProgress() - getCampaignsResultsTestcaseProgress() - getCampaignsResultsTests() - getCampaignsResultsTestcases() - getCampaignsResultsSteps() - getCampaignsResultsTreeview() - getCampaignsResultsHistory() - getCampaignsResultsRequirementsSummary() - getCampaignsResultsRequirements() - getCampaignFolderResultsTestProgress() - getCampaignFolderResultsTestcaseProgress() - getCampaignFolderResultsTests() - getCampaignFolderResultsTestcases() - getCampaignFolderResultsSteps() - getCampaignFolderResultsTreeview() - getCampaignFolderResultsHistory() - getCampaignFolderResultsRequirementsSummary() - getCampaignFolderResultsRequirements() XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Regression with campaign stats 11sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Tree filtering on ALL the trees displayed in the right panel * Enrich Launcher selector with images, descriptions and improved Selection Flexibility * Rich-text: screenshot button * Tests tree: support filtering on assigned people * New charts and graphics: - Requirements: Priority per status - Requirements: Risk per status - Tests: Priority per status (incl. at root and category levels) - Bugs: Severity per status - Bugs: Priority per status - Bugs: Status per assignee - Bugs: Severity per assignee - Bugs: Priority per assignee * Homogenization of a couple of widgets (view details/profiles, test#/test list/bugs#/bug list) * New widget for the 'Show All'/'Show only selected' widget * Test execution interface: handle the case where ALL the bug connectors are wrongly configured * When creating a new user, check if the license allows it. - If this is the last user to be created, display a Warning to state so - If this is not authorized because the limit has been already reached returns an error * Display a warning message to all the users at each login starting one month before the license expiration * Bug-fix: - [Severe] Session interrupted in some cases when executed on several agents simultaneously - [D_1733] Impossible to upload Attachments in Sessions - [D_2416] Marketplace: An element is wrongly displayed in the marketplace menu - [D_2421] Changing the name of an SQL report causes the icon to turn gray in the treeview - [D_2412] Run session: undesirable two scrollbars detected - [D_2409] Bad display of tree view inside sub-panel - [D_2422] Bad display of the custom fields tab when the user has specific access rights - [D_2419] The first letter of "releases" must be capitalized - [D_2413] Tooltip: the line separating the message area and the Send button has been removed - [D_1633] Display issue in testcase Generate params - [D_2414] Search specifications: bad display of the table border - [D_2377] Run session: bad display of the message 'All changes have been saved' - [D_2383] The position of the animation for the checked item is incorrect - [D_2430] Procedure: the color of the space should be the same as that of the text area - [D_2447] Param value cannot contains ' character - [D_2429] Gherkin:The information icon for Gherkin steps is not displayed correctly - [D_1777] Inappropriate title - [D_1656] There are Elements which are not in the standards as the other headings - [D_2232] The text of the value box is not displayed - Click on the 'Collapse All' button in the left tree view, then the content of the footer is not displayed - Mariadb java client lib missing from WEB-INF/lib - Default sso.conf must be empty Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - Agilitest launcher: problems with path escaping REST API -------- * 3 updated methods: - getTestsTree() supports filtering on assignees - getSessionStatus() renamed getSessionState() - getSessionAgentStatus() renamed getSessionAgentState() * Bug-fix: - getSutLinkedSpecifications() does not verify the appropriate right - getSutLinkedTests() does not verify the appropriate right Ecosystem --------- * Refertest to XStuido converter * New code signing certificate 11sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * Removed twitter timeline widget from the login page as it's no longer maintained by Twitter/X * Bug-fix: - Non-localized 'see details' in 'Changes' tab or in email notifications - Bulk update and smart tooltips: update right panel elements without needing a full refresh - Agent stops or generates StackOverflowError when tests dependencies are generating a conflicting cycle - Remove connectors clear-text password traces in the server log - Update disabled status options after auto submit so that rights are re-computed and applied - [D_1698] Issue of selection - [D_2365] Bulk_update: a frozen bug must not be updated - [D_2168] When moving a user using drag & drop, the icon is not displayed - [D_2380] Procedure: the last updated check is not added correctly using the auto submit - [D_2334] Manual result update: the saved icon/animation is missing - [D_2387] Badge wrongly aligned on the filter (only in Firefox) - [D_2389] Tooltip: bad display of message area (only in Firefox) - [D_2393] The disabled element in drop-down menu should have a gray color, as in the legacy theme - [D_1996] Bad display of theme selector in sidebar in some cases - [D_2388] If we change the name of an item and select another item in the tree, the name is not changed - [D_2373] [auto-submit] Problem with applying modifications to the treeview. - [D_2390] Javascript error after copying the content of one requirement and then pasting it to another REST API -------- * 2 new methods: - updateCampaignAddTests() - updateCampaignRemoveTests() * 1 updated method: - getInfo() returns more information that could be useful to monitor the service: . Max memory (total designated memory, this will equal the configured -Xmx value) . Total memory (total allocated memory, is the total allocated space reserved for the java process) . Free memory (current allocated free memory, is the current allocated space ready for new objects. Caution this is not the total free available memory) . Used memory . Available memory . Number of events logged in the last week . Number of events logged in the last month 11 XStudio.web ----------- * Generalization of the Auto-submission (removal of Submit and Cancel buttons) in Procedure, Gherkin, Reusable testcases, Risk analysis wizard and all others where it make sense * Third-party bug-tracking connector does not filter the closed issues out by default as this can be done in the setting or using the tree filter * Bug-fix: - Many fixes and improvements on the new UI/themes - Add checks to avoid error messages when the user leaves quickly the form for another page - [D_1977] Bad display in title session - [D_2301] Run session/Bugs linked in other sessions table: There is an avoidable line break when the length of the ID is long - [D_2304] External connectors do not require a context menu with multi-selection options - [D_2372] Update profile: the Upload icon in the new design is not visible - [D_2234] The default selected time is not displayed correctly in the dropdown list - [D_2192] Dark theme: The chart pie arrows are not visible - [D_2363] The color of the history button should change when it is disabled - [D_2368] The test cases header must keep the same visual appearance as in legacy make the treeview - [D_2236] The hover color is white, just like the color of the dates - [D_1699] Problem of update in the treeview - [D_2338] Params: scrolling in the table displays the table data behind the menu - [D_2385] Bad displyy of kanban XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Cannot open a campaign due to the introduction of some security checking REST API -------- * Bug-fix: - Improvements in the coverage auto-update process (called by any method that create/remove coverage links). It fixes a small memory leak. - mixes between updateSessionStatus() and updateSessionState() . to update status (New, Ack, Approved) use updateSessionStatus(sessionId, status) . to update state (Init, Armed, Running, etc.) use updateSessionState(sessionId, state) . for consistency purposes, updateSessionAgentStatus(sessionId, agentId, status) has been renamed updateSessionAgentState(sessionId, agentId, state) Ecosystem --------- * Refertest to XStudio migration tool: improvements to handle custom fields * New SSL certificate deployed in all our cloud instances 11beta3 XStudio.web ----------- * Add the connector index information in the json returned by the server to the Jira add'on when it's about requirements or bugs * Bug-fix: - Many fixes and improvements on the new UI/themes - Many fixes on the auto-submit features - When Jira is not the first connector, the Jira Addon may not succeed to fetch the right data in Jira's 'XStudio Tests' tab - Missing state transition rights on session in the web client - Couldn't enable user preference on connectors - Missing one signed library when using the legacy/JNLP clients (XStudio or XAgent) - Testcase icon not found when a referenced in a rich-text field - [D_2350] Category & company: The functionality to upload files as attachments is not supported - [D_2303] Creating a folder just under the "Integrated" connector add the new item under the real root in the tree - [D_1071] Delete testcase/session > main tree column not updated 11beta2 XStudio.web ----------- * Auto-submission of forms (removal of Submit and Cancel buttons in all 'Details' tabs) A new server settings is available to enable/disable this and keep the Submit and Cancel buttons in Details form as before if required * Bulk update: add support for 'Follow', 'Unfollow' and 'Assign to me' actions * Contextual menu shows the appropriate options depending if 1 or several items are selected in the tree * Sessions statistics are more comprehensive * When creating: - a category - a company - a first-level folder (on trees that have no category or company) only the creator's current team/workspace gets inherits the access-rights on the newly created item * Bug-fix: - MANY fixes and improvements on the new UI/themes - Localized terms missing or typos - Fix caching issues and ensure always updated icons are used - Wrong cache when switching workspace - Better error handling in connectors to deal with corrupted or void projects returned by the third-party system - Protection from potential cycling issues while calculating the rights on recursive folders - Tree cache does not work well when updating a campaign or schedule or session's details - manual refresh is necessary - [D_2290] The opening of the side-bar causes the disappearance of the two buttons: 'Copy the Url' and 'open the Url' - [D_2285] Req / Defect: the message layout (empty) still exists in external connector while it should not REST API -------- * 8 New methods: - addSchedulesFollower() - addSessionsFollower() - addBugsFollower() - removeSchedulesFollower() - removeSessionsFollower() - removeBugsFollower() - assignBugsTo() - checkDatabaseIntegrity() (only available to 'admin') 11beta XStudio.web ----------- * Completely new design + theme selection (light, dark and legacy) * Single Sign-On (SSO) framework (Enterprise License) + implementation for CAS - Implementation still to be implemented/tested: Oauth2, OpenIdConnect, SAML2.0, Google, GitHub, Facebook... * Mass update (change a property on all the filtered/N-selected items in one shot): - Requirements: status, priority, risk and send message - Specifications: status, priority and send message - Tests: type, status, priority and send message - Testcases: ready for manual run, ready for automated run and send message - Sessions: status and send message - Bugs: status, severity, priority and send message * Marketplace allowing to get free or commercial packages (from different vendors) targeting specific areas: - Predefined requirements - Predefined specifications - Predefined test plans - Links in above items - Automated test skeletons - Glossaries - Self-training etc. - Coupons for third-party test tools - Etc. * Completely redesigned screen(s) to display the session's result (tree view) * Ability for the user to reset their password without the admin need (single-usage token) * Jira connector: display the Jira icons in the tree to differentiate the issue types * Warning message in the login screen when the license is about to expire in less than 20 days * New import capabilities: - Campaigns, sessions and their results in Excel - Assets * Daily batch saving bug stats for historization on each folder * Paging on Gherkin steps catalog (with global search) * Improvements on the caching system * Test manual execution better perf.: instantly create and link defects without page reloading * Automatic update of the database schema: if the scripts are not found, search recursively starting from Tomcat location * Smoothed lines instead of regular lines on all the progress charts * Hide useless negative ids in the GUI (hide details tab for connectors) * DB scripts (remove extra CR/LF) on 93-94 update script for MySQL/MariaDb * Bug-fix: - [D_1864] Selection of folders in the access rights - [D_1701] Error message in different positions caused by "refresh" button - [D_1702] Problem of selection root folder - KPI progress incorrect graph in some specific cases - Cache should be cleared when calling: updateServerSettings, deleteRequirementConnector or deleteBugConnector - Mantis SOAP connector: protection against invalid version - When editing the value of a parameter the web client performs a remove then a create so needs the deletion rights - Cache issue to only retrieve projects from third-party system - When creating a new bug third-party bug during test execution, it does not appear immediately in the list - Better protection about XSS attacks REST API -------- * 11 New methods: - getMarketplaceCatalog() - importPackage() - buyPackage() - resetUserPassword() - getBugsProgress() - getAssignedToBugsProgress() - getReportedByBugsProgress() - confirmSsoAuthentication() - getSsoSettingsForm() - getSsoSettings() - getLicenseWarning() * 7 Updated methods: - createBug() returns more information - getBugsTree() now returns also assignees and reporters - sendMessage() now takes a nodeIds parameter rather then a nodeId - updateSessionStatus() becomes updateSessionsStatus() - setBugFollowers() becomes updateBugsFollowers() - updateScheduleFollowers() becomes updateSchedulesFollowers() - updateSessionFollowers() updateSessionsFollowers() Ecosystem --------- * Agilitest launcher: - Params are passed as environment variables to Agilitest - Add an option parameter so that it's possible to customize the execution (i.e. ask for the new report generation) - Includes detailed report with intermediate screenshots + videos - Improved presentation results * Tool to generate import Excel files from a Refertest backup 10sp9 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - XAgent was wrongly updating the status of the session - Boolean attributes and parameters was sometimes wrongly passed to the launcher (with value 'false') REST API -------- * 1 new method: - updateSessionStatus() // INITIALIZED, ARMED, RUNNING, PAUSED, TERMINATE_REQUEST, TERMINATING, TERMINATED 10sp8 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Jira connector returns an error if at least a project is not a Jira project or is void 10sp7 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Server Cache must be refreshed when: . the admin update the settings . the admin delete or add a new bug connector . the admin delete or add a new requirement connector - Client Cache must be refreshed when: . a user updates his/her user preferences - Incorrect warning about Mariadb JDBC location in some specific cases 10sp6 XStudio.web ----------- * Traces for the recursive search of update scripts * Bug-fix: - [D_1904] Browser-side cache of the tree (when there is user-preferences) is common to several possible instances - Server-side cache of the tree in the right panels are now using the 'smart mode' - When editing the value of a parameter, the web client performs a remove then a create so needs the deletion rights - Additional protection on the Mantis SOAP connector against a possible exception Ecosystem --------- * AWS backup_daily script also delete the 21-days older tomcat's log files 10sp5 XStudio.web ----------- * Conversion from XStudio internal rich-text format to Gitlab's when creating a Gitlab issue from XStudio (with Gherkin support) * Performance improvement: when creating/linking a new bug (integrated or third-party) during test execution, it now appears immediately in the list * Hide negative Ids in the GUI (Hide details tab for connectors) * Bug-fix: - [D_1864] Selection of folders in the access rights are not intuitive enough - [D_1701] Access rights: error message in different positions caused by "refresh" button - [D_1702] Access rights: couldn't select root folder - [D_1893] Copying Rich-Text in test case procedures triggers error message in Firefox - [D_1894] Dashboard: bug severity and priority charts are not displayed correctly - Automatic update of the database schema: if the scripts are not found, search recursively starting from tomcat location - After adding a new defect during test execution, the gherkin procedure disappears - Cache issue to only retrieve projects from third-party systems - DB scripts (remove extra CR/LF) on 93-94 update script for MySQL/MariaDb (only cosmetic) 10sp4 XStudio.web ----------- * Remove the animation effect that hides buttons after setting a default focus on the search field as this could cause confusion * Bug-fix: - CRITICAL REGRESSION: Impossible to link items together through coverage tab 10sp3 XStudio.web ----------- * Cache server-side supporting both integrated sources or third-party sources (Jira REST, Gitlab, Redmine, Mantis REST, YouTrack) * Cache client-side (when the user has some custom user preferences impacting the tree content of third-party data) * Enhanced tree performance for handling large trees, improving expand and selection functionality * Added loading effect for the tree * Clearer message when a session is invalidated because of a timeout or because the user is not anymore/yet authenticated * Add support for Mantis and YouTrack connectors in the tree filter * Bug-fix: - Fixed issue when selecting a large node - Problem creating a report on a single SUT - Ability to edit 1 single connector user preferences - When a SUT is void, report on this SUT does not even contain the details of the SUT - Problem creating a report from a third-party system's bug folder - When retrieving a form containing only 1 formItem from the REST API, the output should still be formatted as an array - Reports on SUTs: SQL error when using SQLServer as a database - Auto-update of the schema does not find update script with Windows tomcat install XAgent ------ * XAgent: ability to automatically reconnect when tomcat is stopped and restarted * Additional authentication on XAgent (the agent is not able to register itself within the database) * Bug-fix: - When affecting more than one follower to a schedule, sessions automatically created were never armed - Display a severe error in XAgent trace when it is started with no authentication credentials REST API -------- * 15 Updated methods: - authenticate() returns an error if the user is not member of any team (no role in XStudio) - getRequirementsTree() can take an optional clientCacheMillisUTC parameter to handle client cache - getBugsTree() can take an optional clientCacheMillisUTC parameter to handle client cache - linkTestExecutionsToBugs() takes the bugIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkSutToRequirements() takes the requirementIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkRequirementToRequirements() takes the requirementIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkRequirementToSuts() takes the sutIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkRequirementToSpecifications() takes the specificationIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkRequirementToTests() takes the testIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkSpecificationToSpecifications() takes the specificationIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkSpecificationToRequirements() takes the requirementIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkSpecificationToTests() takes the testIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkTestToRequirements() takes the requirementIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkTestToSpecifications() takes the specificationIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" - linkBugsToTestExecution() takes the bugIds from the body using the format "{list:{object:[{id: 123}, ... , {id: 456}]}}" Ecosystem --------- * PyTest launcher: support for the new format (for example '1 failed in 0.1s' rather than '1 failed in 0.1 seconds') * Improvements (essentially perf) on Gitlab and youTrack connectors * Optimization: when there is no custom fields configured in the Jira connector, do not bother fetching them * Bug-fix: - YouTrack: problem with versions supporting one or several assignees - YouTrack: Fix issue with folder id value equals 0 causing a wrong comparison 10sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Users tree: add email addresses by the user names * SUT > Coverage > Requirements now includes a way to view also all the indirectly linked requirements * Improve performances to build the run-session screen (when there are several bug connectors configured) * Improved the way to show Gherkin help/instructions * Cleanup in tracing and improvement on tree cache debugging * Bug-fix: - [D_1880] CRITICAL REGRESSION: Create testcase may generates blocking errors - [D_1881] Run-session with Gherkin: testcase status is saved but not the pseudo step - [D_1879] When creating a bug from manual execution, steps are not automatically added to the bug's 'steps to reproduce' field - [D_1877] Problem with some Gherkin step(s) during manual execution: could not set a result or get instruction - [D_1875] Problem viewing Gherking step instructions when they are very large - [D_1873] When there is no Gherkin step instruction, we should not show the 'question mark' icon in the manual execution screen - Statistics on requirements or bugs containers must report the original status/severity/priority names when they are from third-party systems - Statistics may show duplicate entries for status/severity/priority - Incorrect messages in some of the coverage reporting (mentioning executability while it shouldn't) REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - getSutCoverageRequirements() now includes the list of the indirectly linked requirements as well as an indication about it in the text explanation 10sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * New Gitlab connector: - Faster retrieval - Ability to target a specific group * Ability to read the 'help' associated to any step while manually executing Gherkin-enabled tests * Connectors interfaces: Introduction of 2 optional configuration parameters - Server URL postfix for issues - Server URL postfix for projects * Bug-fix: - Tree cache problem: trees in right panels may be displayed incomplete - [D_1871] [pin] error while applying a filter - [D_1772] Tree_input widget's tree should make the focus on the search field - [D_1771] Adding a new custom field is not taken in consideration 10 XStudio.web ----------- * Saved Tree filters: Minor CSS Fixes and UI improvement * Tree filters on the connector sections: build status/severity/priority options based on values detected in the tree * Enable synchronous mode to Gitlab Requirement connectors * Providing in the third-party system's tree (requirements or bugs) of the following information: - status (short value as mapped to integrated status) - statusStr (String value as in the third-party system itself) - severity - severityStr - priority - priorityStr * Removed the attempted translation of severity to priority and reverse when it made sense as it introduced confusion * External requirement includes the create issue from its contextual menu * Bug-fix: - [D_1865] When copying a testcase into another test, the test's executability is not updated - [D_1863] Create test: if gherkin is left empty, the error is not visible because hidden in the very bottom of the screen - [D_1866] Error while clicking on filter results - [D_1783]Campaign > Results > Progress: Not enough Data! - Couldn't create a new Jira requirement in synchronous mode - Campaign > Results > Requirement: tree always empty - Create an external requirement or a bug from a requirement or a bug may not succeed if the id is not unique among all connectors - Server settings: when adding a new connector, the new form items are not showing default values - Couldn't create an external requirement from a requirement - Problem executing Gherkin-enabled tests containing specific Scenario Outline manually - After applying filter, tests appear in duplicate - Partial requirements list in Campaign > Results > Requirement report - Incorrect statistics in Campaign > Results > Requirement piechart statistics - If a user has not the right to edit user's details, he/she can't update his/her own details Ecosystem --------- * If trace level is >= INFO then the json trees returned are displayed entirely in the traces. Else they are truncated as of Today. * Bug-fix: - Docker image should look for update scripts starting from the /root working dir - Problem with DB init script on Docker Mariadb image - Tomcat docker image's tag now starts with 'v' (for consistency with other images) REST API -------- * 2 updated methods: - getTestform(): Gherkin disabled by default - createTreeFilter(): unicity is verified per tree 10beta2 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to create, delete or load a custom tree filter * Full drag'n drop support - move multiple items (SUT, requirements, specifications, tests, campaigns, bugs etc.) - move multiple folders (in any tree) * Enable the 'filter custom argument' setting on all the REST connectors: - Jira - GitLab - Mantis - Redmine - Youtrack - VersionOne * Robot Framework v4 launcher: Add a new 'Logs relative path' parameter to store console, logs, xml report, HTML report in a customized dedicated location * Gherkin IDE: - 2 new menu items to clear current editor and load a Feature/Scenario or a Feature/Scenario Outline template - Ability to show the list of Gherkin tests using a specific step definition - Improve UX of Gherkin tests manual execution - Support manual execution of Scenario outlines * Gitlab CI/CD launchers (to drive execution in a Gitlab pipeline) * Bug-fix: - Gitlab connector: some items are missing in the tree ("scope=all" option missing) REST API -------- * 6 new methods: - getStatementTests() - getTreeFilter() - getTreeFilterForm() - getTreeFilters() - createTreeFilter() - deleteTreeFilters() * 14 updated methods: - All updatexy() methods are renamed updatexys() and the parameter xId becomes xIds so that it can be used for mass updates: .updateRequirementsStatus .updateRequirementsPriority .updateRequirementsRisk .updateRequirementsType .updateSpecificationsStatus .updateSpecificationsPriority .updateTestsStatus .updateTestsPriority .updateTestsType .updateTestcasesReadyForManualExecution .updateTestcasesReadyForAutomatedExecution .updateBugsStatus .updateBugsSeverity .updateBugsPriority 10beta XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to set team's access rights even on all the third-party connector's containers (at requirement and bug level) * User's multiple roles: ability to set a different user profile per user and per team - User > Roles: add/delete/update roles for each team - Team > Members: add/delete/update roles for each member - Profiles are now managed from Users > User Profiles: add/delete/copy/update - Warning message after removing an active user role (workspace) * XResultsPublisher: a new standalone command-line program to easily push some results to XStudio * Restriction on user's passwords: support for non-repeatability: - Can't reuse a password already used in the N past passwords - Ability to change password from the login screen when the password has expired * Ability to link a requirement coming from a third-party system to other requirements from any other connectors (integrated or from other third-party systems) * Session > Results > Statistics panel includes more details (SUT related + raw results) * Performances improvements: - Implementation of a server cache for tree fetching - Optimization of the algorithm to compute coverage base metrics (SUTs and requirements) - Optimization of the bug closure calculation - Faster display of the SUT's KPIs * Workspace: ability to select only one team (so that one can apply a clear set of rights to the currently logged in user based on his/her different roles) * XStudio Web service automatically initializes or update the database schema during startup * Avatar icons in the users tree * Bug-fix: - [D_1685] Kanban on the bugs tree: columns not in the right order - SUT's requirement coverage returns incorrect values when several connectors are involved - Campaign's progress chart is empty in some cases - SUT's KPIs showing up only when moving the mouse around the chart zone - Random javascript error when a session is selected - Protection server-side to prevent deletion of 'admin' user, 'Admins' team and 'Administrator' profile - The "run manually a test" button has no effect - Run-session > Create defect: add an explicit message if no destination folder is selected - Run-session > Create defect: show only integrated module folders for destination folder selection XStudio ------- * Jar files signed with SHA-256 rather than SHA-1 (to support the recent version of Java 7-9) Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - Combobox custom fields not properly initialized on their elements when created afterward REST API -------- * 11 New methods: - getTeamAccessRightsRequirementConnector() - getTeamAccessRightsBugConnector() - updateTeamAccessRightsRequirementConnector() - updateTeamAccessRightsBugConnector() - insertUserRoles() - deleteUserRole() - deleteUserRoles() - getUserRoles() - getSutRelatedRequirements() - getRequirementRelatedSpecifications() - updateUserPassword() * 4 Updated methods: - getUserProfile() take an additional 'teamId' parameter - linkRequirementToRequirements() support linking from a third-party connector - getSessionsResultsStatistics() returns 2 more data tables for raw result statistics - getTeamUsers() returns profiles id and names * 3 deprecated methods: - setUserProfile() - updateUserTeams() - updateTeamUsers() 9sp5 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Protection against multiple connectors in XStudio Java/JNLP XStudio.web ----------- * Date input: only select the date from calendar widget to avoid entering incorrect values * Bug-fix: - Campaigns date filter in result progress tab not working - Error when getting requirement coverage statistics in some particular cases - Gherkin procedure does not appear when running a session containing only 1 Gherkin-enabled test - [D_1796] Impossible to save the content of the field 'Fixed in' 9sp4 Both clients ------------ * Jira connector: - Support displaying a list a specified custom fields - New filter custom argument (that can take a Jira JQL portion for better flexibility) - Support of these 2 new parameters in Server Settings + User Preferences XStudio.web ----------- * Keep the toolbar, GIVEN, WHEN THEN selectors etc. static when scrolling the step catalog * Sort + Search enabled on - All custom fields catalogs - Parameters catalog - Attributes catalog * More reliable 'Service Restart' action when the user change a major server setting * Include new information on connectors (Server Settings + User Preferences) - Type/name of the connector - Icon of the connector * Server settings screen shows form items compatible with the selected connector type * User preferences screen shows form items only when 'Server + user' is selected * Better support of the user preferences with multiple connectors (especially when adding and deleting some connectors) * Bug-fix: - Error affecting folder access rights on requirements or bugs when all the folders are selected - Incorrectly generated scenarios duplicated from another test - Javascript error when a Gherkin enabled test has an empty Gherkin section - No Submit button when a user (non-admin) access their user preferences (random) - Advanced-filter: invalid results with combobox custom-field - Frozen should not appear in the criteria for third-party connectors 9sp3 Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - Couldn't update any user preferences REST API -------- * 1 Updated method: - getUserPreferencesForm() now includes 'nbConnectors' and 'key' attributes 9sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Error when deleting a connector in some specific cases XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Impossible to copy a session using XStudio fat client/JNLP - Impossible to run a session (border effect of the multiple connectors implementation) 9sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * Tree filters on multiple connectors * Tree filters: searchable select dropdown * Gherkin steps: multi-selection with CTRL + SHIFT key (for deletion) * Traceability matrix on SUT tree * Ability to run manually some Gherkin tests by using their Gherkin content as test procedure * Bug-fix: - [R_1044] Should not have to pick intermediate status to reach Closed status - Several issues when importing step definitions REST API -------- * 1 Updated method: - getSutsTree() now include for each SUT the linked requirements ids 9 XStudio.web ----------- * Add support for actions using tree multi-selection (using Control and Shift buttons): - Companies (delete) - Categories (delete) - Folders (copy, move, delete, empty) - SUTs (copy, move, delete) - Requirements (copy, move, delete) - Specifications (copy, move, delete) - Tests (copy, move, delete) - Testcases (copy, move, delete) - Campaigns (copy, move, delete) - Sessions (copy, move, delete) - Schedules (copy, move, delete) - Bugs (move, delete) - Users (move, delete) - Teams (move, delete) - Assets (move, delete) - Reusable testcases (move, delete) - Agents (copy, move, delete) - SQL reports (move, delete) * Test tree filtering: plaintext search now also searches in the Gherkin syntax content of the tests * Import tests from Excel: support 2 new optional columns dedicated to Gherkin * Import Gherkin Step definitions from Excel * Support for update of the Gherkin statements catalog when importing tests from excel file * Find matching Step Definitions support parameterization * Add a Warning to prevent admin to configure several connectors if they have XStudio JNLP or fat client users * Improved the cache management in the Gherkin steps management * Bug-fix: - Many minor bug-fixes on the multiple-connector implementation - A Few bug-fixes in the output format of the jsonified Gherkin - Server crash in some specific cases when asking for a service restart from the application settings screen - Couldn't execute some sessions in some very specific cases (wrongly initialized at creation time) - Issues when consecutively adding and removing connectors - Error when trying to link a test to third-party requirements in some rare cases - Fix a problem with escaped characters handling in Gherkin - [D_1745] Issue in Smart selection filtering due to multi-source - [D_1751] Redirection to a greyed-out page - [D_1727] Issue in Search by name due to multi-source - [D_1696] Gherkin Checkbox during creation - [D_1710] With Gherkin enabled, impossible to save the related Url in test Details (no error message) - [D_1711] Instruction question mark when descriptions are available - [D_1767] Unknown Connector when the configuration of a preceding connector is wrong XStudio ------- * Hide Gherkin fields in XStudio (but handle updates nevertheless) (As XStudio does not include the Gherkin IDE) Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - [D_1705] Query to auto-fix problem with custom fields default values not set by default REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesForExecution() includes 'gherkinEnabled' and 'gherkin' fields (for run-session) Ecosystem --------- * Launcher Robot Framework v3 (including an additional setup command parameter) * Many changes in the docker images and docker-compose (better management of persistent data and readiness for updates) - a new persistent volume xstudio-volume-tomcat-conf hosting the configuration files for updates - xstudio-volume-tomcat-webapps-xqual persistent volumne deleted - remove the parameters: . CUSTOMER_REPOSITORY . SSL_KEYSTORE_FILENAME 9beta XStudio.web ----------- * Multi-source connectors [WARNING] This feature is not supported by XStudio JNLP and XStudio fat client. [WARNING] You MUST use ONLY XStudio.web if you configure multi-source connectors. - Ability to set several connectors to different third-party systems simultaneously at requirement or bug level (i.e. Integrated + Jira + VersionOne at requirement level and Integrated + Jira + Redmine + Gitlab at bug level) - Ability to link a SUT to integrated requirements or user-stories and/or requirements or user-stories coming from different third-party systems - Ability to link an integrated requirement to other integrated requirements and/or requirements coming from different third-party systems. - Ability to create and links failed tests to integrated bug and/or bugs coming from different third-party systems. * Results tampering (updating results and messages without having to re-run a session) * Kanban tool improvements (more information on the cards) * Gherkin IDE improvements * Mass import of users (standard or LDAP) from Excel * Dashboard's New feature section: new presentation * Bug-fix: - [D_1663] Erratic behaviour with CR LF in rich-texts - [D_1188] Tooltips not available - [D_1598] Few widgets not responsive - [D_1608] Select a hidden item should warn the user - [D_1728] Error message in the Kanban - [D_1737] Problem with the Button "Open the URL in a new window" - Problem with missing testcases during execution in some specifica cases - When a campaign contains only empty sessions, couldn't display the session list in the campaign tree footer REST API -------- * New method: - getEncryptedString() - getExternalBugConnectorForm() - deleteRequirementConnector() - deleteBugConnector() * 55 Updated methods: - ImportData(): support for import of users from Excel - Support for multi-source connectors: . downloadZippedHtmlReport() . downloadPdfReport() . downloadWordReport() . downloadXmlReport() . downloadExcelReport() . getExternalFolderDetails() . getRequirementsTree() . getExternalRequirementForm() . getRequirementDetails() . getRequirementSummary() . getRequirementResultsTests() . getRequirementResultsTestcases() . getRequirementResultsSteps() . getRequirementCoverageSpecifications() . getRequirementCoverageTests() . getRequirementLinkedRequirements() . getRequirementLinkedSuts() . getRequirementLinkedSpecifications() . getRequirementLinkedTests() . getRequirementLinkedBugs() . getSpecificationLinkedRequirements() . getSpecificationLinkedBugs() . getCampaignResultsRequirements() *** . getCampaignResultsRequirementsSummary() *** . getCampaignLinkedRequirementsFullyCovered() *** . getCampaignLinkedRequirementsPartiallyCovered() *** . getCampaignLinkedRequirementsNotCovered() *** . getSessionTestBugsInOtherSessions() *** . getSessionTestBugsInCurrentSession() *** . getBugsTree() . getExternalBugProjectForm() . getExternalBugForm() . getBugDetails() . getBugSummary() . getBugFoundIn() . getBugFixedIn() . getBugLinkedSutsFoundIn() . getBugLinkedRequirements() . getBugLinkedSpecifications() . getBugLinkedTests() . getBugLinkedSessions() . getBugLinkedExploratorySessions() . getPluginRequirementData() *** . getPluginBugData() *** . linkSutToRequirements() . createExternalRequirement() . linkRequirementToRequirements() . linkRequirementToSuts() . linkRequirementToSpecifications() . linkRequirementToTests() . linkTestToRequirements() . linkTestExecutionsToBugs() . createExternalBug() . linkBugsToTestExecution() *** Ecosystem --------- * New docker images 8sp1 Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - create scripts for MySQL and Mariadb were creating 2 extra gherkin column on table_test - Version 8's list of new features not available from the dashboard 8 XStudio.web ----------- * Gherkin Editor - Support "BUT" keyword - Improvements on {int}, {float} and {string} placeholders - Validation mechanism on submit - Customize the color used in the color syntaxing - Support of @tag at all levels - Support multi tags - Support at all levels (Feature, Scenarios, Examples) - Support multi Examples - Support description at Scenarios levels * Complete rework of Collapse/Expand functionalities of the trees * Ability for a user to update his profile/password from the "account" menu icon (even when he has no rights on the user tree) * Campaign > Results > Testcases/steps: details column allowing to be redirected to the testcase execution in the right session * Linked requirements and specifications to use the new tree-input selection widget * Reduce a bit the width of the chat component and increase the tree's * Bug-fix: - Couldn't update the server's settings from XStudio.web in some tomcat configuration - Creating New Test using Gherkin does not save the data if entered during the creation pop-up - Incorrect number of sessions after campaign selection and schedule deletion - Perf Hashtables not dynamically updated real-time when creating an issue synchronously - Edit Gherkin step does not default to the stated Type - Refresh of the tree does not work in run-session - "undefined" timestamp in session's testcase message when the launcher does not provide timestamps Both clients ------------ * Full Gitlab integration at requirement and bug level Synchronous and asynchronous modes supported REST API -------- * Updated methods: - getRequirementLinkedRequirements() returns id but also names of the linked requirements - getSpecificationLinkedSpecifications() returns id but also names of the linked specifications - authenticate() returns also the user's email * Bug-fix: - getRequirementCoverageTests() incorrect when using a third-party connector at requirement level 8beta XStudio.web ----------- * Gherkin Editor - Ability to manage Gherkin tests in XStudio 100% (with no external repository) (to be used along with Cucumber_v2 launcher) - Centralized Step Definition management: . Create, Delete, Rename/Modify . Help/instructions associated to each Step Definition . Number of tests referencing each Step Definition - Syntax Highlighting of keywords (Scenario, Given, When, then, And etc.) and variables/parameters - Auto-formatting - Auto-completion/Suggestions - Variable Refactoring/Renaming - Support of parameterization: . A/B/C . <variable>/Combinations (Scenario Outline) . {string}/{integer} * Schedules full support - Display of schedules in the campaigns tree - Create, Delete, Copy, Edit * Gitlab integration at requirement level * Add 2 additional supported localizations: - Dutch - Korean XAgent ------ * Tracks any Scanning Jobs to be executed REST API -------- * 2 Updated methods: - getCampaignSessions() returns only non-scheduled sessions - updateTestDetails() if Gherkin is enabled then the Gherkin field is parsed and table_test_statement is updated * 33 New methods: - getConfigurationContent() - getCategoryTestsWithCanonicalPath() Schedules: - getScheduleSessions() - getScheduleForm() - createSchedule() - getScheduleOperator() - getScheduleSut() - getScheduleFollowers() - getScheduleDetails() - getScheduleScheduling() - updateScheduleDetails() - updateScheduleScheduling() - copySchedules() - deleteSchedules() - updateScheduleAgents - updateScheduleConfigurations - updateScheduleOperator - updateScheduleSut - updateScheduleFollowers Gherkin: - getStatements() - getStatementForm() - getStatementDetails() - getStatementDescription() - getStatementHelp() - createStatement() - updateStatement() - deleteStatements() Remote scanning of tests: - createScanningJob() - getFirstAvailableArmedScanningJob() - getScanningJobStatus() - getScanningJobOutput() - updateScanningJob() - updateScanningJobStatus() * Bug-fix: - copyTests() error (incorrect SQL query when retrieving test developer or author) - copySessions() when copying a session, the log was mentioning a copy of an SUT Ecosystem --------- * Bug-fix: - Wrong status conversion on XStudio.web for Redmine integration at Requirements level 7sp6 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - In some rare cases, some tests may be missing from the manual execution interfaces 7sp5 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Couldn't link a test to 1-N existing bugs from the run-session interface 7sp4 XStudio.web ----------- * Campaign: Replace "Content" Tab by new input_tree widget in "Details" tab * Ability to copy reusable testcases * Campaign - remove testcases treeview-footer and add testcases in tooltip widget instead * Bug-fix: - [D_1638] Error message after refresh / refactoring - [D_1664] Css issue when testcase name are long - [D_1639] Create Reusable test case: Error message after refresh assets treeview - [D_1115] We can create a Campaign without content whereas it is not allowed in XStudio - [D_1671] Tests: Error message when using the filter "Priority" - [D_1662] Campaign > Content: search does not select item - If a procedure contains special characters, the verification that the procedure has not changed when re-executing a session may return false-positive (inappropriate WARNING issued) - Several WARNING may be issued when re-executing several times the same session - When an item has a ',' in its name a few operations are returning an error: . Move Folder . Move Folder To Root . Move Folder To Company . Move Folder To Category . Copy Sut . Copy Requirement . Copy Specification . Copy Asset . Copy ReusableTestcase . Copy Test . Copy Testcase . Copy Campaign . Copy Session . Move Defect . Move Generic Defect * Error reported when refreshing: - Campaign > Results > Tree view - Campaign > Results > Requirements - Test > Campaigns Both clients ------------ * Paper reports and email notification: - urlToObject() becomes urlToObjectJnlp() - New function urlToObjectWeb() used by default in all reports - generateAnchorToObject() becomes generateAnchorToObjectWeb() - Improved report style for anchors * Bug-fix: - names are missing in a few reports REST API -------- * 1 New method: - copyReusableTestcases() 7sp3 REST API -------- * Bug-fix: - downloadXmlReport(): Raw data report is missing the XML prolog and the top root node including several (non essential but possibly useful) attributes Both clients ------------ * New 'Scope to be tested' SUT report * Bug-fix: - Error while parsing datetime variables (problems during copy tests and other functionalities) Ecosystem --------- * Versionning of the .js and .css so that there is no cache issue when updating XStudio.web * Maven launcher: use testcase name as -Dtest value if com.xqual.maven.test params is not provided * Bug-fix: - Docker image: remove the default setting 'database.connection.accept_any_certificate=1' - Docker image: v91 mariadb image was including a v90 database schema - Maven Launcher: quotes, goal, opts, params not quoted properly 7sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Improved widget referencing tree selection in forms: - Tree selection panel includes meaningful label - User icon in the list include actual user's picture - Counter badge indicating the number of selected items - Sort tree selected items * Generalization of the widget referencing tree selection in the whole web client: - Bug > Reporter, Assigned to, Followers, Found in, Fixed in - Test > Assigned to - Session > Operator, Agent(s), SUTs, Followers - User > Teams - Team > Users * Downgrade & update policy configuration at test level (similar to what we already do at requirement and specification levels) to potentially: - Automatically send a push-notification + message on all affected child testcases if a test is downgraded (i.e. if a test is downgraded from 'Approved' to 'New', all child testcases are notified) - Automatically send a push-notification + message on all affected testcases if a test is just updated - Automatically change the status and/or the 2 "Ready for manual run" and "Ready for automated run" flags of all child testcases if a test is downgraded - Automatically change the status and/or the 2 "Ready for manual run" and "Ready for automated run" flags of all child testcases if a test is just updated * Ability to create any report in Word format * When a message is posted, also send an email containing the content of the message to all contributors * Create Session and run test: save last choices and preset lately set agents, suts, operator and configuration * Plain-text search supporting Ids * Improved create session and create playground session form * Possibility to create a bug from a bug also with external bugs * With external bugs, when clicking on the link to a bug it now opens a new page * New report on SUT tree: Scope to be tested (including traceability matrix and details of all requirements and specifications to be tested) * Bug-fix: - Some filtering were not applied correctly (especially when using the same criteria several times) - Modified rich-texts in forms are not highlighted - Problem creating external bugs directly from XStudio.web asynchronously - Hide kanban board when the folder is not in an "Integrated" bugs/requirements tree - External bugs or requirements: javascript error in tooltip widget - Refresh bug list from run-session with external bugs was not working (when linking to new bugs for example) - [D_1647] When creating a bug we should preset AssignedTo, Followers, FoundIn based on latest used values Both clients ------------ * Email notifications: - Includes URL to object in XStudio.web ()rather than XStudio JSP links) - Include embedded images (in rich-text) (multi-part implementation) - Ensure there's never duplicate in to: or cc: recipients - Latest changes are now provided so that it's easy to know what has been changed reading the email * Add in all the report templates the attribute "xstudioWebBaseUrl" (not used yet by XSLTs) * Bug-fix: - Some reports were missing titles REST API -------- * 1 New method: - getWebClientAgent() * 7 updated methods: All the following methods now returns ids and names - getTestAuthor() - getTestDeveloper() - getSessionOperator() - getSessionSut() - getSessionAgents() - getSessionFollowers() - getTeamUsers() * Bug-fix: - getNodeName() was returning incorrect name - Occasionally NullPointerException thrown trying to delete an empty temporary folder server side 7sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * Pre-population of the integrated bugs when creating them from test or testcase execution * Ability to select some items in a tree directly from a form. This is being experienced on Bug's Details tab to add the following attributes: - assignees - followers - SUTs the bug was found in - SUT the bug and fixed in * Bug-fix: - Need to refresh after login when user disconnected - Some changes done using the QuickUpdate module were not applied 7 XStudio.web ----------- * New launcher for eTASQ Motion robot from Ponant * New screen: on a test, show the table of parameter combination (per testcase) * Generic widget to select an element in a tree directly from within a form (for now, only applied to reporter and assignees - in the "Details" tab of a bug) * Bug-fix: - [D_1626] [pre] date is in the past error message Both clients ------------ * SMTP Email: SSL & TLS accepts any certificate * Update JavaMail library from 1.4 to 1.4.7 REST API -------- * 1 New method: - resetUserPassword() * 1 updated method: - getTestParamsCombination() handles the case where there is no combination 7beta XStudio.web ----------- * Advanced dynamic tree filtering (on SUTs, Requirements; Specifications, Tests and Bugs trees) Search is now possible on any combination of: - Plain-text - Any custom fields - Status - Priority - Severity - Risk - Link# - Type - Executability % - Test # - Testcase # - Reported by - Assigned to - SUT found in - SUT fixed in - Freeze status - Coverage % - Start/stop/last modification dates - Version * Creation of residual campaigns from several sessions based on 10 rules including: - Tests that have been set as failed at least once in one of the source sessions - Tests which latest result was not successful among all the sources sessions - Tests that have never been executed in ANY of the sources sessions * Automatic generation of tests from specifications including 1-1 links (similar to the already existing 'generation of tests from requirements' feature) * If Comet prioritization AI Machine Learning engine is enabled, a dedicated button allows to reorder automatically the campaign with tests that have the most probability finding bugs first * Creation of On-the-spot test sessions in one click: - Run an individual test - Test a complete SUT - Test a Requirement - Test a Specification - Verify a Bug * Full support of Generic requirements and bugs * Import results from Excel * SSL/TLS authorized by default for: - XStudio/XAgent connection to XStudio REST API - XStudio/XAgent connection to Comet REST API * Improvement performances of the manual testing module * Add a saving/saved indicator on testcase's result change (similar to what we have on testcase's comment change) * Smart tests selection when creating a campaign: - Select one or several SUTs to automatically select tests in the campaign - Select one or several Requirements to automatically select tests in the campaign - Select one or several Specifications to automatically select tests in the campaign - Select one or several Bugs to automatically select tests in the campaign - Combination of several filtering eith with OR or AND rule * Display date/time in user's locale timezone offset * Bug-fix: - Campaign's tree's "Playground" folder should NOT be deletable (using menu or contextual menu) - Playground folder must have a specific overlay in the treeview - Bug > Tests always empty - Show generate reqs to tests only if spec disabled - Reboot feature may not work because of permission issues - Manual testcases execution's comment may be lost if the testcase has no step - In some cases, after setting a result at test level, some testcase lost their comments - Step custom fields may be reset when adding results or comments on tests or testcases - Columns step and check may appears on testcases with no procedure - Timestamp message column on no-procedure testcases should have a fixed width XAgent ------- * Bug-fix: - Schedules are not launched Both clients ------------ * Make the API server server smarter to accept also JDBC driver with path as used for JNLP or Fat client * By default in new databases, for test types replaced 'Functional' by 'System' * Add a message in the log in case a wrong version of java is used * Bug-fix: - When some old generic requirements are in the database, generating tests from integrated requirements may fail REST API -------- * 9 New methods: - getTestParamsCombinations() - importResults() - getSessionCometTestsPrioritization() - getDefaultUniqueName() - deleteGenericRequirements() - moveGenericRequirements() - createGenericBug() - deleteGenericBugs() - moveGenericBugs() * 2 Updated methods: - getBugLinkedTests() takes a bugIds parameter instead of bugId - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesForExecution(): . Include a message skeleton when a testcase has not been executed yet and has not been pre-initialized with default results . Includes step custom fields details . Returns messages verified and temporarily corrected to match current procedure structure * 1 Deprecated method: - getSessionTestcaseForExecution() Ecosystem --------- * Integration with Cerberus * Integration with Smartesting Comet AI Machine Learning engine 6sp5 Both clients ------------ * SSL/TLS authorized by default for: - XStudio/XAgent connection to XStudio REST API - XStudio/XAgent connection to Comet REST API * Make the API server to accept also JDBC driver with invalid path (as used for JNLP or Fat client for instance) * Bug-fix: - [CRITICAL]: Execution of automated test may NOT return results and messages - MsSQL and Oracle automated schema update process from v89 to v90 was incomplete - Control of database integrity for MsSQL and Oracle may return an error 6sp4 Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - [CRITICAL]: Test 'canonical path' and 'additional info' fields inverted while passed to the launcher during test execution. This may affect any automated test (if the launcher used is using the test's canonical path to locate the test for example) 6sp3 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - [D_1619] Campaign > Tests in the campaign not visually selected (although they are) - [D_1615] Search by Id, does not scroll the tree automatically until the selected item is visible - [D_1618] Righ-click on a node may expand some other nodes in the tree - Add REST Configuration parameters in the default conf 6sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Add a message in the log in case a wrong version of java is used * Bug-fix: - [D_1603] Some access rights are checked while they should not in the team's 'Access Rights' tab - [D_1616] Expanded/Collapsed nodes not restored correctly when getting back to a previous tree - All REST API server settings must be mandatory and should be indicated as such in the GUI XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Sessions executed manually by XStudio (java version) are not storing step and check information in the message log 6sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * Enable the 'Expand All' button only if less than 400 childs * Bug-fix: - [D_1613] Create session: create a first conf can't be used immediately - [D_1557] Too large width on timestamp column (in results messages table) - [D_1614] Session > Results > Treeview refresh not working Ecosystem --------- * Bug-fix: - A few fat-client tools were missing a proper connection to the REST API: . XImporter . XReportGenerator . XSqlStresser (internal tool) . XTester (internal tool) 6 (Official Release) XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to merge several sessions * Better step mapping in case a testcase's procedure has been changed and an old session is re-executed (steps are invalidated from the point they start to differ) * Performance improvements in tree (especially for trees with selectable items) * Bug-fix: - [D_1554] While moving items, sometimes, the destination folder is forbidden while it shouldn't - [D_1594] 'null' value for a param or an attribute generates an error - [D_1549] Search by name starting with '[' reports an error - [D_1514] Copy testcase to another test does not refresh the tree - [D_1542],[D_1546] Partial refresh after a run-session - [D_1606] Manual select of nodes in some cases does not update ancestors - [D_1607] Filters do not work on right hand side trees - [D_1596] Tree filtering: impossible to filter by closed bug - [D_1561] Tree filtering: filter settings should be saved during navigation - [D_1564] Tree filtering: issue with multiple choices - [D_1563] Tree filtering: problem of homogeneity between the boxes - [D_1559] Tree filtering: requirements: issue in filter when changing between multiple and single selection - [D_1560] Tree filtering: tests: problem with numeric values - [D_1565] Tree filtering: the filter accepts empty fields - [D_1566] Tree filtering: the filter in the local tree does not work - Memory leak in tree's toolbars and footers Ecosystem --------- * Docker images: support of 2 new parameters: - SERVER_PROTOCOL (http or https) - SERVER_PORT (8080, 8443 etc.) 6beta4 (Release Candidate) XStudio.web ----------- * Automatic generation of tests from requirements * Tree Filtering (first stage) * Custom fields (mandatory and optional) at step level so that the user can provide additional structured information (i.e. proof, proof type etc.) when providing test results - Ability to create, delete, update custom fields at step result level - Ability to update step custom fields values (auto-submitted) in the test execution interface - Display of step results along with their custom field's values in reporting * Test execution interface improvements: - Real-time indicator to show when data is actually saved on server - Better UX with semi-transparent editable components and better visibility - Renamed "Submit" button as "Return" (as all the changes are auto-submitted in real-time) * New screen: Bug > Fixed in * Team's access right tab: submit all changes in all the modules with only one Submit button * A few form layout improvements * Bug-fix: - [D-1547] If status are using custom terminologies, it's not reflected in Kanban's column names - [D-1548] Layout issues with time formItem on specific sizes - [D-1551] Problem with date initialization - [D-1552] Incorrect path in sub-kanban boards (when sub-folders are included) - [D_1552][D_1550] Several minor responsiveness issues - SQL update scripts 89->90: problem with a query on some specific versions of MySQL/Mariadb Both clients ------------ * Bug-fix: - Messages (provided by user at execution time) were not protected against some specific special characters - Invalid XSLT preventing from generating a few reports (on sessions only) REST API -------- * 2 New method: - mergeSessions() - createResidualCampaign() * 2 Updated methods: - getInfo() is now independent from a former authentication on the client - getInfo() now returns license details also for trial licenses - setBugFixedIn() now takes sutIds as parameter to set several SUTs rather than being limited to only one Ecosystem --------- * Docker image bug-fix: depending on Docker version, you may get 'sed: cannot rename ./sedKdJ9Dy: Device or resource busy' error * New Cloud Management tool: monitoring all our SaaS instances (incl. automated email notifications, creation, renew license, update license, update version, stop, start, termination, renew SSL etc.) * New Cloud Management tool: protection against AWS non-responsive APIs during resync. * Launcher API: add protection against CTestcaseParam having Integer typed value object 6beta3 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to manage team's Access Rights on all the modules * Workspace introduction: the user can now choose dynamically which teams he's acting for currently. This then hides all useless information and the user gets a much cleaner interface. * Ability for each user to update his/her User Preferences * Nicer integration of our SVG logo whatever the client's screen resolution is * Bug-fix: - Fix escaping issue in Status form items (when status are customized): double quote instead of simple quote REST API -------- * 5 Updated methods: - restartServer(): improved reliability - getUserGroupAccessRights(): returns only a json array containing all folder ids authorized for the team - updateUserGroupAccessRights(): takes only a json array containing all folder ids to authorize in its body - getTeamAccessRights: simpler format - getInfo(): much more details incl. usage statistics Ecosystem --------- * Improved/simplified permission management in XAwsToolbox (our cloud instances management software) * XAwsToolbox mass execute commands per region, groups etc. * New version of the jira app * Automatic versioning in common.js * Better handling of group and owner settings in *.conf files 6beta2 XStudio.web ----------- * Server Settings management (only accessible to 'admin') - Ability to update server settings directly from XStudio.web - Options to: . Restart manually the XStudio service later (to apply new settings) . Restart the service immediately (+polling mechanism to re-open login screen when it's ready) . Schedule an automatic restart of the service overnight - Automatic backup of all the previous configuration files - Protection to forbid database connection settings modification when using MyXqual cloud instances * User Preferences management - Ability for each user to update his/her preferences directly from XStudio.web * Downgrade & update policy configuration to potentially: - Automatically send a push-notification + message on all affected 'childs' if an item is downgraded (i.e. if a requirement is downgraded from 'Approved' to 'New', all linked tests are notified) - Automatically send a push-notification + message on all affected 'childs' if an item is just updated - Automatically change the status of all 'childs' if an item is downgraded - Automatically change the status of all 'childs' if an item is just updated * Custom fields for testcases * Test cases and sessions URL simplification (no need for parent id in the url anymore) * Always keep the URL clean (even after we open a URL with parameters) * Support of additional form item types: - Certificate, time, password * Add smart tootltips in: - All "Changes" and "Attachements" tabs - Campaign's "Order" tab - Run session's linked defects list * Bug-fix: - A few minor memory leaks - Definitions management window title not localized in French - Kanban icon missing - Abbreviations missing from the generated reports - Removed columns sorting in camaign's 'Order' tab - Push notification client side does not support case where there is no object - All create popups: keep the 'Submit' and 'Cancel' buttons always visible - Avoid border-effect issue with form-items containing single-quote characters - [D_1544] Kanban board: When it contains only subfolders there is an useless margin at the begining - [R_917] Create category: selection of a launcher is mandatory XStudio ------- * Downgrade & update policy configuration to potentially: - Automatically post a message on all affected 'childs' if an item is downgraded - Automatically post a message on all affected 'childs' if an item is just updated - Automatically change the status of all 'childs' if an item is downgraded - Automatically change the status of all 'childs' if an item is just updated * Bug-fix: - Couldn't generate any report if abbreviations are included - Couldn't edit server settings in some cases (or too big popup) Both clients ------------ * 2 new parameters to control if 'Not Executable' step and/or testcase results should be ignored or not - feature.not_executable_significant_result_in_steps - feature.not_executable_significant_result_in_testcases * Downgrade & update policy new settings: - feature.downgrade_policy.req_impact_spec_enabled - feature.downgrade_policy.req_impact_test_enabled - feature.downgrade_policy.spec_impact_test_enabled - feature.downgrade_policy.spec.status_updated_to - feature.downgrade_policy.test.status_updated_to - feature.update_policy.req_impact_spec_enabled - feature.update_policy.req_impact_test_enabled - feature.update_policy.spec_impact_test_enabled - feature.update_policy.spec.status_updated_to - feature.update_policy.test.status_updated_to * New 'Task' terminology option for requirements, so now requirements can be alternatively called: - User-stories - Needs - Tasks - Specifications * Renamed "Campaign session" as "Session" in all clients * Renamed "Functional tests" as "System tests" in all clients to stick to ISTQB * New vector images for checkboxes, views and wizard * Bug-fix: - offline launcher with Gitlab format: . Execution time step marked incorrectly as failed hence all testcases reported as failed . Skipped tests as considered as successful REST API -------- * 13 New methods: - getServerSettingsForm() - updateServerSettings() - getUserPreferencesForm() - updateUserPreferences() - clearUserPreferences() - restartServer() - isServerRestartRequired() (returns true if the server must be restarted to apply the new settings) - isNextServerRestartNightly() (returns true if a restart is schedule overnight) - generateTests() - getTeamAccessRights() - updateTeamAccessRights() - updateFilteredTeams() - getFilteredTeams() * 1 Updated method: - authenticate() sets by default an empty "filtered_team_ids" attribute Ecosystem --------- * New Atlassian Jira App v6 * Updated docker scripts and configuration files * Bug-fix: - XAgent (Full-REST) does not auto-register itself if it does not exist already in the database 6beta1 Ecosystem --------- * New XAgent relying only on the REST API (no direct access to database) * New XContinuousIntegration relying only on our REST API (no direct access to database) (WARNING: 3 new configuration parameters are now mandatory in xstudio.conf): - rest_api.base_url (i.e. - rest_api.default_username - rest_api.default_password XStudio.web ----------- * ALL reports from XStudio are now available (XML, HTML, PDF and Excel) * Quick update module allowing to update an item 'on-the-fly' without having to open it - It's a new section in the Smart Tooltip (you can get it just hovering an item's icon) - Ability to change status, priority, severity, risk, test type, ready for manual/automated run - Ability to add a message - Ability to quickly follow/unfollow a session or a bug - Ability to self-assign a bug - Available on: . Requirements . Specifications . Tests . Testcases . Sessions . Bugs * New Kanban editor/board to greatly facilitate triage: - Requirements: status, priority, risk - Specifications: status, priority - Tests: status, test type - Bugs: status, severity, priority - Sessions: status - Support sub-tracks (inner folders) - Support read-only and frozen items - Support user-rights when dragging an item to a new stage column - Shortcut to show the board to the user * 6 New screens (KPIs, reporting): - Requirement > Bugs - Specification > Bugs - Campaign > Results > Treeview - Campaign > Results > Requirement - SUT > Results > Requirement > Treeview - SUT > Results > Requirement > Per type * Definitions/abbreviations management * Freeze on defects: - Freeze - Unfreeze * Create testcase referencing reusable testcases * Performances improvement: - Templating for forms, tooltips, rich-texts etc. (quicker loading of some pages) - Use And minify third-party libs (JS and CSS files) (faster initial loading) - Detected and lowered memory footprints on some operations - Hide all console logs in production based on global variable XSdebug=false (default) * UX Improvement: make better use of the space between the main treeview and its footer subtree when it exists (campaign and test trees) * Bug-fix: - Memory leaks due to incorrect destroy - Requirement Defect, Specification > Defect and Test > campaigns: no elements labels - Forms (for item creation) may not be fully localized in some cases - CSS issue in Campaign > Content - Create a folder under a category or company display the node under the root folder until a new refresh - Progress percentages may be seen > 100% (i.e. when removing tests from an already executed campaign) - When creating a third-party bug asynchronously while executing some tests (i.e. with Jira), name and description may not be correctly pre-populated - Times returned in contextual messages and changes log are not in the configured timezone - Harmonize treeview contextmenu with toolbar menu . Missing "create report" item in toolbar Suts > Company . Missing "create report" item in toolbar Test > Category . Missing "create folder" item in contextmenu in Test Treeview > Category . Cleanup separator XStudio ------- * Freeze and digital Signature on defects: - Freeze - Unfreeze - Signature - Verification of the signature - Integration in the signature control center Both clients ------------ * Bug's creation date read-only field in Bug's Details tab * Bug's closing date read-only field in Bug's Details tab * New code signing certificate expiring in 2023 * "offline_generic" launcher supports importing results (automatically) from 2 additional GitLab formats (9 formats in total - incl. JUnit, EasyMock, TestNg, Mockito, Tabular and GitLab) * Initialize all testcases which have no procedure structure (during db schema update) * Automatically delete deprecated results (during db schema update) * Bug-fix: - Potential problem of localization while importing tests from Excel - While importing tests, requirement or tests from XML, teams association may be irrelevant - Add protection to avoid invalid XML format when updating Procedure with empty data REST API -------- * 106 New methods: - getSutResultsRequirementsSummary() - getCampaignResultsRequirementsSummary() - getSutFreezeStatus() - getRequirementFreezeStatus() - getSpecificationFreezeStatus() - getTestFreezeStatus() - getTestcaseFreezeStatus() - getCampaignFreezeStatus() - getSessionFreezeStatus() - getBugFreezeStatus() - getRequirementLinkedBugs() - getSpecificationLinkedBugs() - getSutFolder() - getFolderTreeStructure() - getTestAssets() - getTestAssetRule() - getTestEstimatedTime() - getTestDependencies() - getSessionMonitoring() - getSessionSutDetails() - getSessionMonitoredServers() - getSessionStatus() - getSessionName() - getSessionExecutionOptions() - getSessionOperatorName() - getSessionOperatorEmail() - getSessionFollowerEmails() - getSessionAssets() - getSessionTestPrerequisitesAndDescriptions() - getSessionTestcaseDescriptionsAndStepsAndEditorTypes() - getSessionTestCanonicalPathsAndAdditionalInfos() - getSessionTestcaseAdditionalInfos() - getSessionTestAttachments() - getSessionTestAssets() - getSessionTestBugsInOtherSessions() - getSessionTestBugsInOtherSessions() - getSessionTestAttributeValues() - getSessionTestcaseParamValues() - getSessionTestcasesWithStatus() - getSessionTestcaseSteps() - getSessionAgentStatus() - getSessionInstances() - getSessionTestcaseExecutionId - getSessionTestcasesResults() - getInstanceTestcasesStats() - getSessionTestConsolidationStatus() - getSessionTestcaseExecutionAttachments() - getScheduleMonitoredServers() - getScheduleExecutionOptions() - getScheduleMonitoringConfiguration() - getScheduleDynamicAttributes() - getScheduleParams() - getScheduleConfigurations() - getScheduleFollowerEmails() - getScheduleAgents() - getScheduledSessionTestAttributeValues() - getScheduledSessionTestcaseParamValues() - getDefinitions() - getDefinitionForm() - getUsers() - insertSessionAttributes - insertSessionParams - insertSessionAgent() - insertSessionTestcaseResult() - insertSessionTestResult() - insertInstanceCategorySyncId() - createDefinition() - updateTestEstimatedTime() - updateSessionMonitoredServers() - updateSessionTestcasesResult() - updateSessionAgentStatus() - deleteInstanceSyncId() - deleteSelfService() - deleteDeprecatedResultsFromCampaign() - deleteAllDeprecatedResults() - deleteDefinitions() - downloadZippedHtmlReport() - downloadExcelReport() - freezeBug() - unfreezeBug() - initializeSessionResults() - _getSessionTestcaseAttachments() - _getTestsFromSession() - _getTestsFromSessionAndCategory() - _getSessionTestcaseReadyForFlagsTestsAndCategories() - _getSessionTestAssetRuleAndAssets() - _getSutBooleanCustomFields() - _getSutIntegerCustomFields() - _getSutStringCustomFields() - _getSutHtmlCustomFields() - _getSutStringChoiceCustomFields() - _getSessionTestsBooleanCustomFields() - _getSessionTestsIntegerCustomFields() - _getSessionTestsStringCustomFields() - _getSessionTestsHtmlCustomFields() - _getSessionTestsStringChoiceCustomFields() - _getSessionTestcasesBooleanCustomFields() - _getSessionTestcasesIntegerCustomFields() - _getSessionTestcasesStringCustomFields() - _getSessionTestcasesHtmlCustomFields() - _getSessionTestcasesStringChoiceCustomFields() - _runAllStandardArmedSessions() - _detectFirstAvailableSchedule() - _setDateIfNull() - _setDate() * 16 Updated methods: - getCampaignsTree() returns Exploratory sessions + schedules - getBugDetails() get an additional 'frozen' parameter - getBugDetails() includes a read-only create date - getBugsTree() return freeze status - updateBugDetails() support for closing date - createTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcase() takes an additional reusableTestcaseId parameter - getSessionsConfiguration() returns conf content as well - updateSessionStatus() now call updateSessionState() rather than updateStandardField() - getSessionAgents() now takes an additional optional agentId parameter - createSession() now takes additional optional parameters: . parentFailedRule . parentUnknownRule . monitoringAgentId . monitoringConfigurationId . pick . optional parameter scheduleId - updateSessionAgents() can now take 3 new parameters: . nbInstances . synchronizations . anyAgent - updateSessionConfigurations() returns the number of inserted configurations - uploadAttachment(): treeType is required only if nodeType=TYPE_FOLDER - getReportForm() takes an addition parameter "fileExtension" - downloadXmlReport() takes an additional OPTIONAL parameter "reportType" - improved getInfo() - updateCampaignTests() when some tests are removed from a campaign, delete old deprecated results * Bug-fix: - insertSessionAttributes() and insertSessionParams() were not doing expected actions - getAgentStatus() does not return a valid json - getSutResultsRequirements() now uses the timetag passed in the session rather than the default one - some timetag and localization issues in a few methods - getSutResultsRequirement() wrong content type - test without testcase were not returned 5sp6 Both clients ------------ * Jira connector: support of "Termin�(e)", "� faire", "Done" and "Annul�" as passive status * Bug-fix: - When using external connectors (Jira, Mantis etc.) and using authentication inherited from XStudio to authenticate on the third-party systems and no default username/password, some calls may be returning error due to invalid authentication - Problem with simultaneous calls to third-party REST APIs generate unexpected error when switching quickly between requirements or bugs - Jira connector: show/hide closed bugs not working with some specific settings XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Requirement > Coverage error (priority conversion) when requirements are coming from Jira - Jira connector: status were possibility not correctly reflected in icons in the requirement and bug trees - Create a folder under a category or company display the node under the root folder until a new refresh - Times returned in contextual messages and audit logs may not be in the appropriate timezone XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Requirement > Coverage: not appropriate coverage message when requirements are coming from a third-party system Miscellaneous ------------- * Code signed with a new certificate expiring in 2023 5sp5 Both clients ------------ * Better management of first-letter-capitalized customized localized terms * Bug-fix: - Attachments may be not accessible from the generated HTML reports in some cases XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Fix access rights to messages - Problems with calendar widget 5sp4 Both clients ------------ * Improved localization * Update of the tomcat default server conf * Bug-fix: - Issues with URL escaping (for 5 'exotic' characters) - Permission issues may arise when copying a folder XStudio.web ----------- * Navigation to the profile page is now immediate * 6 New screens: - Test > Campaigns screen - Defect > Impact > SUTs - Defect > Impact > Requirements - Defect > Impact > Specifications - Defect > Impact > Tests - Defect > Impact > Sessions * Import XML: - Requirements - Specifications - Tests * New twitter widget in login page * Bug-fix: - [D_1518] buttons not accessible - fix the overlay problem - Old links in rich-text may be corrupted if they included XStudio item object ids or %20 etc. XStudio ------- * New twitter widget in JNLP homepage * Bug-fix: - Postman scanner does import incorrectly named tests (not appropriately for further execution) REST API -------- * 1 Updated method: - getBugLinkedSessions() now returns campaigns + sessions 5sp3 Both clients ------------ * Scanner: update allowing to specify which extension to remove from the file name during import * Postman launcher: remove '.postman_collection.json' extension while importing result from the scanner * Bug-fix: - In the details of a Jira issue, the label of the "priority" was "severity" while it was correct elsewhere - New escaping for URIs in all Jira connectors (old escaping could lead to problem if projects names included some accents) XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - [D_1516] Circle hover effect on buttons are not nice in specific cases - [D_1502] Hovering on a message writer should open a tooltipster 5sp2 Both clients ------------ * YouTrack integration: support of complete filtering * New PHPUnit launcher * Bug-fix: - Protection against aggressive/dangerous SQL queries a user could create in SQL Report module XStudio ------- * When scanning automatically for new automated tests, 3 options are now available when the tests are already referenced in XStudio: - update - skip - rename REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - [01] importData() takes an optional additional parameter "conflictResolution" 5sp1 XStudio ------- * Ability to make a rich-text full-screen even when it is read-only, frozen etc. * New PHPUnit launcher XStudio.web ----------- * When creating an external defect (synchronously), the node dynamically inserted may not have the right status icon * A few issues with filtering with YouTrack connector * Session configurations created by XStudio.web are stored with an incorrect format * When changing the state of a session (i.e. running or stopping it) from XStudio.web, in some case the icon of the session in the tree footer is not found * Error popup 'Invalid State' may arise when stopping/starting a session from XStudio.web in some cases REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - [01] createConfiguration() now expects XML content rather than JSON 5 (Official Release) XSudio.web ---------- * Harmonize all form-items UI when in read-only/disabled * Improved UI when importing data: - Success, Error or Warning message - Improve the handling of errors encountered after an import * Bug-fix: - Incorrect refresh when freezing/unfreezing testcases or sessions - [D_1504] Creating a testcase or selecting a testcase does not insert an entry in the history - [D_1515] Creating a session or selecting a session does not insert an entry in the history - [D_1514] Copy testcase to another test does not refresh properly the tree - [D_1505] Some trees do not have a hover effect - [D_1511] Some specific read-only items should really be presented as such: . test attributes . testcase params . attachments . testcase procedures . session's configurations - [D_1508] After an import, the tree should be refreshed 5beta5 (Release Candidate) XSudio.web ---------- * Configurable timeout for automatic logout (based on existing settings "feature.logout_timeout" - in seconds - already used for XStudio client) * Ability to generate XML Reports * Bug-fix: - Import from Excel: filename truncated if it is very long Jira BOTH-WAYS INTEGRATION: --------------------------- * New version 5 of the App for Jira Cloud * New version 5 of the App for Jira Server and Jira Data Center (previously not supported) * Bug-fix: - Missing / in the URL of the XStudio objects in Jira panel (XStudio App for Jira) REST API -------- * 1 updated method: - getPluginBugData() returns only distinct tests * 16 Renamed methods: - updateFolder() to updateFolderDetails() - updateCompany() to updateCompanyDetails() - updateCategory() to updateCategoryDetails() - updateUser() to updateUserDetails() - updateTeam() to updateTeamDetails() - updateSut() to updateSutDetails() - updateRequirement() to updateRequirementDetails() - updateSpecification() to updateSpecificationDetails() - updateTest() to updateTestDetails() - updateTestcase() to updateTestcaseDetails() - updateCampaign() to updateCampaignDetails() - updateSession() to updateSessionDetails() - updateBug() to updateBugDetails() - updateAsset() to updateAssetDetails() - updateAgent() to updateAgentDetails() - updateSqlReport() to updateSqlReportDetails() 5beta4 Both clients ------------ * Add step index in the XML for the paper reports XSudio.web ---------- * Ability to paste an image from the clipboard into any rich-text * Improve performance at startup * Import Data support for: - Import links between SUTs and requirements - Import links between requirements and specifications - Import links between specifications and tests - Import links between requirements and tests - Import internal links between requirements - Import internal links between specifications * Nicer import menu * Harmonization of the GUI of the menus, history and search * Better handling of server error reporting (some may be lost in the past) * Bug-fix: - Problems after log off - Retrieveing requirement or test details may be incomplete if a requirement had been set with a custom type that has been deleted - Update of the warning message when displaying an empty tree REST API -------- * 12 New methods: - 01 downloadXmlReport() - 02 updateSpecificationStatus() - 03 updateSpecificationPriority() - 04 updateTestStatus() - 05 updateTestPriority() - 06 updateTestType() - 07 updateTestcaseReadyForManualExecution() - 08 updateTestcaseReadyForAutomatedExecution() - 09 updateSessionStatus() - 10 updateBugStatus() - 11 updateBugPriority() - 12 updateBugSeverity() * 1 Updated method: - updateSessionStatus() renamed updateSessionState() * Bug-fix: - when we check if the user is authenticated, check also if the session is still valid - When logging out, force the deletion of the AsyncContext of the user on the session - Import was forcing using LATEST timetag and not currently enabled timetag - Importing links was always missing the last group of links in the Excel file - Problem to retrieve author id from name when importing tests from Excel 5beta3 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Problem with test types in search and excel export - Latest requirement (non-functional) categories were not localized in the paper reports XStudio.web ----------- * Copy campaign * Refactoring of the error management (easier to manage and much more stable) * Display the user's picture on user's smart tooltips * Polishing of the dimensions of the different panels in the layout * Supports for testcases referencing reusable testcases (only the create is still missing) * Bug-fix: - Problem specifying categories for non-fonctional requirements - Problem with test types in smart tooltips - Inserted change logs only show ids of old and new properties rather than their name when updating: . The type of a requirement . The type of a test . The status of a requirement . The status of a specification . The status of a test . The status of a session . The status of a bug - [D_1299] Remove bottom space from panel's footer where no action is required - [D_1499] Session email notification incomplete (missing indefinite stats) - [D_1507] Results panels: problems with date fields - [D_1485] Cropped title when the item name is too big REST API -------- * SQL connection factory: synchronize methods in the pool class (reliability) * 17 New methods: - 1 getTestCampaigns() - 2 copyCampaigns() - 3 getCampaignResultsRequirements() - 4 getCampaignResultsTreeview() - 5 getSutResultsRequirements() - 6 getSutResultsRequirementsPerType() - 7 updateRequirementStatus() - 8 updateRequirementPriority() - 9 updateRequirementRisk() - 10 updateRequirementType() - 11 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseSummary() - 12 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseDetails() - 13 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseDetailsRevision() - 14 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseProcedure() - 15 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseProcedureRevision() - 16 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseRevisions() - 17 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseChanges() * 1 Updated method: - updateTestcaseDetails() now supports the case where the testcase is referencing a reusable testcase * 2 Deleted methods: - getTestcaseChanges() - startSession() (not actually needed in any case as updateSessionStatus() does the same operation) 5beta2 Both clients ------------ * Consolidate login page of XStudio and XStudio.web XStudio.web ----------- * New screen: Session > Results > Statistics * Add screenshot to "New features" section in dashboard * Bug-fix: - Couldn't create a requirement + many problems due to removal of requirement type hashtable from session - Responsiveness of the hide/show closed bugs - A few issues due to removal of test type hashtable from session - Bad error management client side when a problem rises server side - [D_1498] SUT new metrics generate issues when there is no start date or stop date - [D_1100] Create an item, does not add it in the history REST API -------- * 8 New methods: - 1 haveNewFeaturesBeenNotified() - 2 setNewFeaturesAsNotified() - 3 getBugLinkedSutsFoundIn() - 4 getBugLinkedRequirements() - 5 getBugLinkedSpecifications() - 6 getBugLinkedTests() - 7 getBugLinkedSessions() - 8 getBugLinkedExploratorySessions() * Bug-fix: - getSessionsResultsStatistics() exception when the session is associated to a SUT linked with NO test/testcase - refactoring error management system to use 5 status: . "success" : 200 (HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) . "bad-request" : 400 (HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST) . "forbidden" : 403 (HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN) . "failure" : 404 (HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND) . "crash" : 500 (HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) 5beta1 XStudio ------- * Optional automatic storage of generated reports (automatic freeze to come) * Jira synchronous connector option (at requirement + bug levels) to allow: - Creating Jira issue from XStudio using an integrated form - Linking automatically the newly created Jira issue to current test (in one shot) . During test execution (incl. bug pre-filling) . During results analysis phase . During exploratory session execution - Automatic Jira issue creation at the end of a session execution * When removing/adding agents from a session, only the results obtained on the deleted agents are deleted * Generation of paper reports: optimization allowing saving ~85% of connections and ~15% faster * Documents tree: ability to: - freeze/unfreeze documents - digitally sign documents - verify a document's signature * Better Jira rich-text formatting conversion (empty cells, underline vs italic) * Background thread optimizing SQL connection pool management * Jira connector: return severity, priority as string in originator format (required in the tree) * Jira connector: improved support for different status and priority mapping from Jira to XStudio * More checks when verifying signatures + localization agnostic * Bug-fix: - LDAP may be authorized to connect even when providing a wrong password - SQL Connections leaks that may lead to client not responding when reaching the max connexion limit - Possible memory leaks when using Bugzilla, Jira, Mantis or Trac connectors - Couldn't create a session in a campaign containing < or > in its name - When importing tests and testcases in Excel or XML, test's executability is set to false by default (don't consider each created testcases executability) - Missing a few localization terms - Invalid message about negative number of remaining tries for wrong password - In some cases a NPE may be thrown during email generation - Possible stall when stopping a session in some circumstances - Additional protection against not correctly escaped attributes in XML files - SUT and campaign report: supress the global variables ()not thread/session safe - When signing an item, the application may freeze and loose its localization context XStudio.web ----------- * Assets management module * 24 new Metrics/KPIs/Charts screens: - 1 SUT > Results > Progress tests + testcases - 2 SUT > Results > Tests - 3 SUT > Results > Testcases - 4 SUT > Results> Steps - 5 Requirement > Results > Tests - 6 Requirement > Results > Testcases - 7 Requirement > Results > Steps - 8 Specification > Results > Tests - 9 Specification > Results > Testcases - 10 Specification > Results > Steps - 11 Test > Results > testcases - 12 Test > Results > steps - 13 Campaign > Results > Progress tests + testcases - 14 Campaign > Results > Testcases - 15 Campaign > Results > Steps - 16 Campaign > Results > Tests - 17 Session > Results > Testcases - 18 Session > Results > Steps - 19 Session > Results > Tests - 20 Testcase > Results > Steps - 21 Testcase > Results > History - 22 Test > Results > History - 23 Campaign > Results > History - 24 SUT > Results > History * Performances improvements * Dynamic inner references to other items in rich-text (i.e. "R_123", D_123" etc.) allowing: - Smart tooltips/preview of the details of the referenced item (on hover) - Ability to open directly the item from its reference in the rich-text * New messaging/contextual chat widget: - Profile photo on each message to quickly recognize sender - Grouping of message when possible - Date time separator (<date>, 'yesterday', 'Today') * Many ergonomics improvements including: - User profile photo - Unique checkox and radiobutton designs in all screens - Dedicated indicators on the left side of each tree row to improve highlighting of selected items (radio buttons or check boxes) and hovered rows - Do not use background colors as indicator in any of the trees where the background color represents a results or a status - Improved drag'n drop of images in any rich-text - Display page only when every data is available (with skeleton animation when necessary) - Design harmonization of the trees, tables etc. - Update pace loading design - Better design for smart tooltips * Ability to chose which reports (including custom reports) to generate as PDF: available on: - Toot folders - Categories - Companies - SUTs folder and SUT - Requirements folder - Specifications folder - Tests folder - Campaigns - Sessions - Defects folder * Hide/Show closed defect in defects tree * New module in the dashboards to show the recently added features in latest versions * Add the possibility to initialize the state of the results of a session's test by a single action * Add smart tooltips to all table-result piechart elements * Improve performances with Firefox for some specific pages * When removing/adding agents from a session, only the results obtained on the deleted agents are deleted * Test execution interface: - If the linked bugs are external, their ids in the lists are now clickable - Bug linked in other sessions are also available at testcase level * Ability to sort the tree nodes per key or per id (useful for instance when using external connectors) * Auto-correct invalid form where choices that have only one option are not provided as array * Browser compatibility: Full support of Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari - Use literal notation instead of constructor with regular expression literal as first argument (Starting with ECMAScript 6) to support older browsers * Support displaying only selected items by default in a tree * Get rid of "/xqual" in backend * Refactoring of the tree code to improve reliability and performances * Attachments: increase size limit (client size) from 3Mb to 100Mb (XStudio + database limits also apply) * Quick access to the current user's profile page * Bug-fix: - SQL Connexions leaks that may lead to server not responding when reaching the max connexion limit - Create a session from XStudio.Web does NOT preset the results - Several issue related to selection of items in the trees - In the test execution interface, if only one bug is linked to a test it's not appearing in the bug count in the tree - When importing tests and testcases in Excel or XML, test's executability is set to false by default (don't consider each created testcases executability) - Blinking cursor when stopping a session executing on a remote agent - Number of defects column not updated when creating or linking new bugs to test (from test node or testcase node) - In run-session the initial bug counts in the tree includes bugs linked in other sessions - When a session is created from XStudio.web, in some circumstances the default test results calculated from each default testcase result was not set (so considered as not executed) - Rich-text: In some cases, the [font][/font] tag are displayed after saving text in rich-text - Errors in console "this.messages[0] undefined" - Fix dmUploader plugin to avoid removing message from Outlook when drag'n dropping an email to XStudio - Crash in serials charts when dataProvider is empty - Cannot change the status of the testcase result with empty procedure - [D_1436] Couldn't drag'n drop an image in the last step of a procedure - [D_1454] Inner link: possible to select ourself by ticking a container REST API -------- * Background thread optimizing SQL connection pool management (balancing in between performance and footprint) * When returning a list of requirements or bugs, details include project id and url * Polish severity vs priority depending on the external connector * 74 New methods: - 1 getAssetsTree() - 2 getSutResultsTestProgress() - 3 getSutResultsTestcaseProgress() - 4 getSutResultsTests() - 5 getSutResultsTestcases() - 6 getSutResultsSteps() - 7 getSutResultsHistory() - 8 getRequirementResultsTests() - 9 getRequirementResultsTestcases() - 10 getRequirementResultsSteps() - 11 getSpecificationResultsTests() - 12 getSpecificationResultsTestcases() - 13 getSpecificationResultsSteps() - 14 getTestResultsTestcases() - 15 getTestResultsSteps() - 16 getTestResultsHistory() - 17 getTestcaseResultsHistory() - 18 getCampaignResultsTestProgress() - 19 getCampaignResultsTestcaseProgress() - 20 getCampaignResultsTests() - 21 getCampaignResultsTestcases() - 22 getCampaignResultsSteps() - 23 getCampaignResultsHistory() - 24 getTestcaseResultsHistory() - 25 getExternalBugForm() - 26 getExternalBugProjectForm() - 27 getExternalRequirementForm() - 28 getSessionTestDataForBug() - 29 getSessionTestcaseDataForBug() - 30 getSessionResultsTests(sessionId) - 31 getSessionResultsTestcases(sessionId) - 32 getSessionResultsSteps(sessionId) - 33 getSessionResultsHistory() - 34 getSessionResultsStatistics() - 35 getExternalBugForm() - 36 getExternalBugProjectForm() - 37 getExternalRequirementForm() - 38 getSessionTestDataForBug() - 39 getSessionTestcaseDataForBug() - 40 getReportForm() - 41 createExternalBug() - 42 createExternalRequirement() - 43 updateUserPhoto() - 44 deleteUserPhoto() - 45 downloadUserPhoto() - 46 getAssetTypes() - 47 getAssetForm() - 48 getAssetDetails() - 49 getAssetDetailsRevision() - 50 getAssetSummary() - 51 getAssetRevisions() - 52 getAssetChanges() - 53 moveAssets() - 54 deleteAssets() - 55 createAsset() - 56 updateAssetDetails() - 57 getReusableTestcaseForm() - 58 getReusableTestcaseDetails() - 59 getReusableTestcaseDetailsRevision() - 60 getReusableTestcaseSummary() - 61 getReusableTestcaseRevisions() - 62 getReusableTestcaseChanges() - 63 moveReusableTestcases() - 64 deleteReusableTestcases() - 65 getReusableTestcaseProcedure() - 66 getReusableTestcaseProcedureRevision() - 67 createReusableTestcase() - 68 updateReusableTestcaseDetails() - 69 updateReusableTestcaseProcedure() - 70 getTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcaseForm() - 71 getReusableTestcaseTests() - 72 createTestcaseReferencingReusableTestcase() - 73 getNewFeatures() - 74 getNewFeatureStatistics() * Updated methods: - getInfo() now returns information about the connected user + the enabled license - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesResults(): if external bugs, retrieve fresh external data but also includes status, severity and priority - downloadPdfReport() takes a new parameter "reportStyle" - authenticate (additional protection) - emptyFolders() (extended to teams, assets and reusabletestcases) * Deleted methods: - getSessionTestDataForExternalBug() - getSessionTestcaseDataForExternalBug() * Bug-fix: - When a crash is thrown server side, status code is updated in response - Invalid message about negative number of remaining tries for wrong password - createTestcase() wrong right checked LAUNCHERS: ---------- * Bug-fix: - Robot framework launchers: support files path including spaces - tree_step_manual launcher: no refresh when creating, linking or generating bugs during execution - tree_step_manual launcher: should display in the tree the number of bugs linked in the current session (not in all sessions) Jira BOTH-WAYS INTEGRATION: --------------------------- * New Atlassian's XStudio App server (on the marketplace): - App does not need anymore to connect directly to XStudio's REST API but only to its fron-end - New XStudio Jira Connect server for Jira cloud in the web-package so that you just need to install Atlassia's XStudio App from Atlassian Marketplace to have both-way integration working - New XStudio Jira Connect server for Jira cloud also as a separate package - Delivery of the XStudio Jira server for Jira server as a separate package (deprecated soon as of Atlassian latest annoucements) * New Atlassian's XStudio App's front-end (in XStudio server) - Support for authentication accepts password or SHA-256 hash - Improve CSS to mimic latest Jira cloud version's MISCELLANEOUS ------------- * Internal: new Cloud infrastructure based on AWS including entirely automated provisioning platform (all SaaS instances have been migrated without any issue) 4.1sp12 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Localization issue on the Jira app front-end - SQL connection cleaner thread on XStudio.client XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - 'not well-formed' errors in Firefox - Make loading more reliable and faster - Encoding issues on Firefox in specific cases - SQL connection cleaner thread in Web-service - Fix rare crash when refreshing context menu 4.1sp11 XStudio ------- * Add the App (non-connect) for Jira server in the web server * Add a new dedicated package for the App (connect) for Jira cloud * Improved front-end for the App for Jira cloud * Bug-fix: - SQL connection leaks leading to client freeze XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - SQL connection leaks leading to server freeze 4.1sp10 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Invalid message about negative number of remaining tries for wrong password in some cases - Couldn't create a session in a campaign containing < or > in its name - Performance/reliability optimization on the SQL connections pool management XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Fix parent selection of disabled rows - Use literal version of regexp so that even with very old browsers, regular expressions are supported - Couldn't drag'n drop an image in the last step of a procedure REST API -------- * Additional protection against not correctly escaped attributes in XML files 4.1sp9 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Category and company creation not tracked in the audit log - Not localized message when creating a bug on a third-party system (i.e. Jira) specifying to link it afterwards - Deleting an item on which a user had a notification throws NPE and freeze the GUI or the Dashboard XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Category and company creation not tracked in the audit log - Deleting an item on which a user had a notification throws NPE and freeze the GUI or the Dashboard - Missing controller for sql reports - Fix parent selection of disabled rows - [D_1385] AssignedTo and Followers: can select teams - [D_1389] Modification of a bug: incomplete audit log - [D_1453] run-session: Comments not saved if copy-pasted 4.1sp8 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - SUT > Results > Progress may include inadequate results (from other SUTs) - XStudio should be compatible with testcase's procedures generated with simple quotes for attributes REST API -------- * New method: - getSutResultsTestProgress() - getSutResultsTestcaseProgress() - getSutResultsTests() - getSutResultsTestcases() - getSutResultsSteps() XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: -XStudio.web should generate testcase procedure with double-quote (as opposed to simple quote) for XML attributes 4.1sp7 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - when creating a new third-party bug from a manual test execution, the description is not prefilled properly 4.1sp6 XStudio ------- * Session > Results: When switching the agent/instance, keep the same test selected so that result comparison is easier * Session > Results: When updating manually a result, keep the same agent, instance and test selected (ergonomy) * Bugzilla connector: traces * Bug-fix: - SQLException: Out of range value for column 'conf_id' when number of execution configuration exceeds 65534 - Inadequat messages when changing session's . agents assignation . pick type 4.1sp5 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - [D_1452] Insert a step at first position in a testcase's procedure generates an error REST API -------- * Push notification trace level set as fine * Bug-fix: - Possible deadlock issues with push notifications on server 4.1sp4 XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - When the user profile has no right to view the discussion panel (or no compatible license), there is no warning about that - Robot Framework v2 launcher: When choosing "execute TestSuites", if the testsuite fails because of one specific test case, the test and all their testcases are reported as failed - When using an unlimited license key (unlimited number of users) . the details of the license are incomplete in the "About" section . may not be able to create new users - Typos in french localization XStudio.web ----------- * New session's result panel offering nicer and more handy presentation of results, messages and attachments * When connected to a third-party database, when creating a bug from a test or a testcase execution, the form of the third-party system's bug is prepopulated with data from the test or testcase. This is supported for: - Jira (XML-RPC) - Jira (REST) - Mantis (SQL) - Mantis (SOAP) - Mantis (REST) - Bugzilla (SQL) - Bugzilla (XML-RPC) - Trac - Clearquest - QC - Redmine (REST) - VersionOne * Display a dedicated message in case there is not yet any message in a discussion * Improvements on performances on: - Discussions - Standard forms * Bug-fix: - When copying a session from XStudio.web, results were not initialized hence may generate problems later during execution - Rich-text: Minor CSS Fix on desktop and mobile versions - Responsiveness polish for smartphones - Even when the user is not admin, (s)he is able to send a broadcast message - [D_1440] Run-session: display problem when linking a Jira - [D_1331] UI Form / issue with label - [D_1435] selecting testcase generates an uncaught exception - [D_1183] When switching items, a "pseudo title" is displayed for a few millisec before the right tab is showing up - [D_1299] Requirement traceability => some space is lost on the bottom - [D_1446] Run-session: can't delete comments - [D_1445] Run-session: bug linked display issues - [D_1430] Combobox field can't be seen completely Jira Add'on ----------- * Bug-fix: - front-end: outdated localization for the 6 supported languages - front-end: a couple of issues in the information displayed - front-end: css issue (harmonization of font size) REST API -------- * New method: - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesResults() - getSessionTestDataForExternalBug() - getSessionTestcaseDataForExternalBug() * Bug-fix: - A few API methods (getExternalBugForm, getBugDetails and getRequirementDetails) may crash when: . called first from run-session . the bug tree has never been displayed first . the authentication on Jira is done using user preferences overriding 4.1sp3 XStudio ------- * Add the "path" information in all search so that it's possible to sort on the path - Requirements - Specifiations - Tests - Bugs - Tasks * Ability to copy campaign folders: This will generate the same folder structure in the destination folder as well as copying the campaigns. Hence allowing to just create and run session whenever you need it * Bug-fix: - Campaign tree user preferences: progress numbers column needed progress column to be enabled - Campaign tree user preferences: results numbers column needed results column to be enabled - When integrated with a third-party requirement systems (Jira, Redmine, VersionOne), the tree may be populated with missing or incorrect prefix keys - Problems with attachments uploading when using MSSQL or Oracle XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to drag'n drop an image directly in any rich-text * Add zoom and image preview full-size in rich-texts * Full responsiveness of the run session page * Full-screen run-session page * Search: Icons in the result set are colored to indicated the status of each item (if applicable) * Bug-fix: - Possible memory leaks when unallocating resources - Destroy issues in some specific rare cases - Crash when switching between users - When integrated with a third-party requirement systems (Jira, Redmine, VersionOne), the tree may be populated with missing or incorrect prefix keys - When integrated with a third-party bug or requirement systems, the search has some malfunctions - Problems with attachments uploading when using Microsoft SQLServer or Oracle - Fix a few cosmetics issues - When selecting tests, categories should be selectable allowing to select all descendant tests MISCELLANEOUS ------------- * Docker generic images (xstudio-tomcat + xstudio-mariadb + xstudio-backup) ready * Docker-compose for deployment supporting: - access to logs - shared volume (accessible by database and backup services) containing backup files - predefined tool to restore a specific dump - weekly transfer of the latest backup to a configurable FTP server - customization of the visuals through a customer/configurable repository - customization of the SSL certificate through a customer/configurable repository * POC on AWS and GoogleCloud currently running 4.1sp2 XStudio ------- * Offline manual execution (useful if you can't connect to your XStudio server while execution) - From a campaign, export an Excel file dedicated to manual execution - In offline mode, fill the Excel file with the results and your comments - When back to connected mode, re-import the results and comments from Excel in the session * In all Excel output, set the top alignment and optimize columns width * Completed 100% all the missing terms from the 7 languages we're supporting * Bug-fix: - When exporting tests to Excel with the raw_data format, parameters values are not inserted XStudio.web ----------- * New module: SQL reports including execution and reporting * Session configuration management (create, modify, delete) * Full support of SMB storage for attachments and embedded images * Performance improvement in the panel for test execution * Create session panel includes all tabs * Completed 100% all the missing terms from the 7 languages we're supporting * When executing some test, display right panel only when it's ready * Bug-fix: - Fix all the scrolling issues in the dialogs - Fix in rich-text highlighter feature to avoid an regression when inserting image in the table - Possible memory leak if network problems occur REST API -------- * New methods: - getSqlReportsTree() - getSqlReportForm() - getSqlReportDetails() - getSqlReportDetailsRevision() - getSqlReportRevisions() - getSqlReportChanges() - createSqlReport() - updateSqlReport() - moveSqlReports() - deleteSqlReports() - getSqlReportSummary() - getSqlReportOutput() 4.1sp1 XStudio and XStudio.web ----------------------- * Bug-fix: - Errors on campaigns and sessions if using Microsoft SQLServer or Oracle as database REST API -------- * New methods: - getCampaignCategories() * Updated methods: - getConfigurationForms() now takes categoryId in entry rather than jarName - createConfiguration() now takes categoryId in entry rather than jarName 4.1 XStudio ------- * Configurable verbosity of the traces (JNLP or console) * Full support of Chinese language (GUI & reports) * Bug-fix: - Issue with user-preferences overloading of the connector settings when single sign-on is set XStudio.web ----------- * 100% Responsive (Desktop, tablet and smartphone) * Full support of Chinese language (GUI & reports) * Bug-fix: - Some actions were prevented even though the user had sufficient rights to perform them: . actions on test's attachments . actions on testcase's attachments . actions on campaign's attachments, results, content and details . actions on session's attachments, results, configurations, operator, SUTs, followers, content, agent, attributes, bugs, details and parameters - When connecting to a third-party requirements or bugtracking system, when executing tests, defects linked to current session or other sessions are not displayed when user preferences are used to authenticate - Issue with user-preferences overloading of the connector settings when single sign-on is set - Many CSS cosmetic bug-fix - [D_1346] Sometimes, it's not possible to see all the content of the pop up dialog windows - [D_1429][D_1097][D_1427] Impossible to exit from run-session if we create a bug - [D_1420] Login on very small browser windows: can't access the Submit button - [D_1428] Comments are lost on focus out REST API -------- * Configurable verbosity of the traces server side (in tomcat) 4.1b3 XStudio ------- * Copy session: ability to select a different target campaign * When adding some tests to an existing campaign, preset all the new testcases and tests with results (and step details if necessary) on each existing session * Polishing copy session on different campaigns * FDA-21 CFR part#11 model * Improved Agilitest launcher (simpler configuration and better test scanner) * Bug-fix: - Error when retrieving some defect statistics from SUT XStudio.web ----------- * Create Session wizard with several tabs * Create defect on third-party systems from run-session + session-results (ask the user the target project) * CSS polish * Real-time contextual chat incl. push notifications fully functional: - Handle simultaneous (same user) and heterogeneous connections for push notifications - On the message list, only new messages fetched and inserted rather than refreshing the whole page - Notification badges on dashboard icon when necessary - Notification badges on particular item's message expand/collapse button when necessary * Bug-fix: - Impossible to create a MANTIS REST bugs from XStudio.web - When connected to third-party systems, executing tests may be impossible if some bugs contains some < or > characters in their name - Error when retrieving some defect statistics from SUT - Wrong rendering of P0 priority in test tree - [D_1407] Contextual menu party or seach popup hidden by the right panel in some cases - [D_1415] Rich-text: image inserted at the end of the text while it should be inserted at cursor position - [D_1395] Fix the color syntaxing of params issue - [D_1417] Message's rich-text: hard to colorize a section due to toolbar partially hidden in some cases - [D_1357] Create a user with a confirm password not identical to the password does not prevent the creation REST API -------- * New methods: - getExternalBugForm() * Updated methods: - createMessage() returns an additional searchableId - createMessage() creates a message even if there is no recipient (readable by others on demand) - getNumberOfMessagesNotReadYet() takes an optional 'userId' argument 4.1b2 XStudio ------- * Export to Excel (in the same format we use for import) for any containers of: - SUTs, - requirements, - specifications, - tests and testcases - defects * Full-screen button available in any rich-text fields (even in edit mode) * Full-screen popup is resizable and takes by default barely the size of the screen * New (customizable) status field on sessions (workflow) * New layout for session's results: detailed messages and attachments are displayed in a dedicated resizable popup * Auto-adapt sliders dimension to inner labels * More traces when a SMB download or upload fails * Bug-fix: - Problems with rights to overwrite during import XStudio.web ----------- * Support for discussion threads / contextual messages on individual items: - SUTs - Requirements - Specifications - Tests - Testcases - Campaigns - Sessions - Bugs * Notification panels for unread messages * Push notifications for messages popup * Email notification to all involved people when a new message is posted on an item * New (customizable) status field on sessions (workflow) * Bug-fix: - When enabling or disabling a user, an error is dispatched and the user icon is not updated in the tree - Remove useless code and fix minor issues in testcase footer - Many bug-fixes about sessions and testcases refresh (incl. campaigns and tests in main trees) when - creating - updating - freezing/unfreezing - deleting - [D_1072] Copy Session: the formerly selected campaign + new session should be selected REST API -------- * For all the upload methods, we now ensure the servlet container supports Servlet 3.0 (tomcat 7+) or the push and upload methods returns an error * Updated methods: - updateCampaignSessionDetails() must include the status of the session - getCampaignSessionDetails() return a new status form item * Bug-fix: - Several problems with copySessions() 4.1b1 XStudio ------- * Support for discussion threads / messaging on individual items: - SUTs - Requirements - Specifications - Tests - Testcases - Reusable testcases - Campaigns - Sessions - Bugs - Tasks * Notification panels for unread messages * Push notifications for messages popup * Email notification to all involved people when a new message is posted on an item * Customization of the status for: - Requirements - Specifications - Tests - Bugs * XAgent sends keepalive messages to the server every N seconds * Availability of the agent real-time status in the agents tree: - Agent that never connected (do probably a computer that has only XStudio available and not XAgent) - Agent that is offline - Agent that is online and available to perform jobs - Agent that is online but already busy - XStudio itself * 7 settings to better control authentication/password constraints (needed for a few auditors such as FDA 21 CFR part 11) - Number of non-identical consecutive passwords - Password expiration delay to force user to change its password after a certain time - Minimum number of characters - Must include or not uppercase letters - Must include or not lowercase letters - Must include or not special characters - Must include or not numbers * New Mantis REST connector to support the latest Mantis's recommendations * Attachment storage: JCIFS-NG to support Samba2/3 * Notification to the admin when a user is disabled because of password expiration or maximum # of login * Extend the tool that searches for validity issue in timeshifting data with: - Search and delete item with no version (data) associated - Search and automatically fix items not having the LATEST tag associated to its last revision * New tool "XDatabaseShifter" allowing to smartly shift appropriate ids in a database dump (SQLyog format) to help merging 2 separate XStudio databases * New right introduce to specify if a user who can import data has the overwrite/update/synchro ability * Parasoft SOATest launcher * Robot framwork launcher: - Test name is replaced dynamically by the content of the test's "additional info" - Testcase name is replaced dynamically by the content of the testcase's "additional info" - The scanner now scan the tests (testsuites) AND the testcases (tests included in each testsuite) - Remove useless "Asynchronous timeout (in seconds)" conf parameter * Robot framwork v2 launcher: - Support 2 modes: . Run full testsuite then fetch each test's data (runType = "Test suites") . Run each test independently (runType = "Tests") - xml output file is duplicated and the copy is attached rather than the original file - The scanner now scan the tests (testsuites) AND the testcases (tests included in each testsuite) - Remove useless "Asynchronous timeout (in seconds)" conf parameter * Katalon_v2 launcher: - Support a new optional parameter "API key" * All packages signed with the new certificate * Update ISO37002, ISO9001 and RGPD downloadable models with the newer format * Bug-fix: - Robot framework launcher: invalid default value for the extension (missing '.') - Issues with user preferences when using XAgent in authenticated mode in specific cases - Wrong test of the connector name in rare cases where the user provided the old name of the Jira requirement connector - When renaming a reusable testcase, the original name of the reusable testcase is sent to the launchers - Wrong label in the user profiles rights list - When copying a session, in some cases, the default results may NOT be set. In this case, some later actions, add an attachment etc. may fail in the manual launcher XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to set some attributes to tests * Ability to set some parameters to testcases * Add ability to manage user profile from XStudio.web (edit, create, delete, assign) * WYSIWYG rich-text: many improvements including a minimized version of the toolbar so that it works on very small spaces (i.e. during test execution for comments and/or more general responsiveness consideration) * Test execution refactoring (backend + frontend) * Ability to create bug or link a test to existing bugs directly from the run-session interface * During creation of testcase, ability to GENERATE parameters combinations * A few improvement in the GUI (css) * Third-party connectors: support for individual user preferences (filtering, SSO, etc.) * Notification panels for unread messages * Push notifications for messages popup * Availability of the agent real-time status in the agents tree: - Agent that never connected (do probably a computer that has only XStudio available and not XAgent) - Agent that is offline - Agent that is online and available to perform jobs - Agent that is online but already busy * New Mantis REST connector to support the latest Mantis's recommendations * Redmine REST support at requirement level * Support of "Assigned to", "Followers" etc. tabs on bugs * Broadcast messages to all users * Smart/interactive tooltips on Tasks and Reusable Testcases * Clearer dashboard * Pre-selection of the [Web client] agent in Session > Results * Compatibility with Tomcat 6 * Support of copy/move folders in companies and categories * Bug-fix: - Fix crash in error handling - WYSIWYG rich-text component: impossible to insert images in table cells - In some cases, error message displayed when operations are successful - When including some tables containing images in a comment (during test execution), the rendering of the messages were corrupted - Issues in loading rich-text while executing tests - When adding a testcase to a test which is already in a campaign, when re-executing this campaign, selecting the new testcase was poping up an error - "ignore_not_executable" parameter not applied in XStudio.web progress and results stats in the session list - "Undefined" returned for the customized name of status "New" - Some localization missing in the dashboard - When renaming a session, the real-time refresh of the tree does not work - Refresh of the right panel issues when setting "all steps results" at a time - When using "set all steps results", tree not updated accordingly - Rich-text minified toolbar hovering the scrolling area in run-session - Invalid tooltips on share and copy for third-party requirements/bugs - Incorrect open and share URL - Possible to edit scope of a test even if the user has not the rights to do so - Wrong error treatment in run-session in some very specific cases - Localization error message server side when a session is not executable - Protect from errors when an API sends a list of string that may includes some comma - The option 'Display quality numbers column in SUT tree' is mutually dependent on having 'Display quality column in SUT tree' selected - When a requirement or bug-tracking third-party system is not reachable, generating a report from XStudio.web is not possible - When executing a session from XStudio.web that had been previously executed using one of XStudio's tabular launchers, only first steps had the right result - With certain profile, impossible to create category or company (due to incorrect right calculation) - Impossible to create a defect PDF report at folder level when using third-party connectors - Error while switching rapidly in between SUTs while on KPIs page - When moving an object, its parent must not be selectable - When creating a folder in a SUT tree, companies associations where wrongly managed - When copying a folder, names could be too long - Correct/uniformize selection of destination container during any copy - Complete refactoring of the context menu and toolbar generation - Many bug-fixes where incorrect rights where verified to run an operation - Ctrl-Z and Crl-T does not work when the Undo/Redo buttons are not enabled - [D_1381] Extra right padding in some of the tabs - [D_1380] Button not centered - [D_1383] While creating a bug, the "Correction Description" fields should not be visible - [D_1388] When creating a bug from the bugs tree, the destination folder tab should be hidden - [D_1386] When creating a bug from the bugs tree, we should be able to select the "Found In" - [D_1387] we should remember the last assignee, found In and followers in all activities - [D_1295] Couldn't change assignee of a test - [D_1301] Campaign report is empty - [D_1321] Exception while creating folder from root folder using the toolbar on the right panel - [D_1394] Big problem to select or move using the mouse in rich-text with specific browsers - [D_1362] When a session is not authorized to be executed on XStudio.web, the error is well displayed but an empty panel is displayed too - [D_1374] CSS minor changes - [D_1349] Rich text, there is no popup help on the Insert image button - [D_1398] Risk analysis: labels are cropped - [D_1400] Test executability is not updated by the server when adding or modifying a testcase - [D_1368] Copy folder accepts destination folder in one of its child -> cycle ! - [D_1332] Rich-text toolbar button's tooltips not localized - [D_1402] Fix some responsive behaviors of Rich-text in IE, Firefox and Chrome and clear CSS Styling Lists for Rich-text in minimized display with Firefox - [D_1363] Run session: after execution, list of session should be updated with their updated status - [D_1303] Refresh session to update icon and progress status - [D_1399] Executability status not updated correctly - [D_1123] Metrics for campaign session Progress and Result are not always update - [D_1311] Alignment issue of the procedure - [D_1352] Shortcut issues - [D_1245] Couldn't create Custom field type boolean - [D_1396] create custom field on SUT's root folder: strange text after position label - [D_794] Custom field form not standard spacings/paddings - [D_1243] Not mandatory custom fields - [D_1091] Can't move a test folder in a category or company / Can't move other folders in root folder - [D_1404] When creating a new session, the number of session in the main tree should be incremented - [D_1248] Rich-text custom field creation does not save its default value - [D_1246] While pre-filling a bug report, some informations are not localized - [D_1348] empty panel when no match when making a search in a tree - [D_808] Cannot copy a frozen or digitally signed SUT - [D_1388] When searching for an element, it's well selected but the tree is not scrolled - [D_817] Custom field combobox to string impossible REST API -------- * Updated methods: - getCombinationsOfParameterValues(): Statistics on the algo returned are now on the format: "combinations": "960","rows": "5","columns": "6" rather than: "nbAllCombinations": "960","nbChosenCombinations": "5" - getDashboardTree() renamed as getDashboards() - getProfileActionRights() returns 1 more information: profileId - agentId + instanceIndex are now optional on the following methods: . getSessionTestResults() . getSessionTestcaseResults() . getSessionTestcaseMessages() . getSessionTestcaseAttachments() . getSessionInstanceId() * New methods: - copyFolderToCompany() - copyFolderToCategory() - getTestAttributes() - getTestcaseParameters() - getMessageForm() - getDiscussion() - getDirectMessages() - getDiscussionNotifications() - hasDiscussionToBeNotified() - getNumberOfDirectMessagesNotReadYet() - getNumberOfContextualMessagesNotReadYet() - getNumberOfMessagesNotReadYet() - getDirectMessagesIHaveNotReadYet() - getContextualMessagesIHaveNotReadYet() - createMessage() - broadcastMessage() - getNodeName() - getNodeNames() - getProfiles() - getProfile() - getUserProfile() - createProfile() - updateProfile() - setUserProfile() - deleteProfile() - linkTestExecutionsToBugs() - getTestExecutionsBugs() - getAgentStatus() - getEnabledUsers() - getReusableTestcaseSummary() - getTaskSummary() - updateTestAuthor() - updateTestDeveloper() * Bug-fix: - When REST API returns an array of string, the content was not properly protected against special characters - testId is not correctly computed from testcaseId 4.0sp8 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - If Jira connection incorrectly configured (i.e. incorrect user prefs), impossible to execute sessions having tests linked to a bug - Rich-text did not support embedded images including '_' in their names (at first update of the rich text the last part in the name was erased) XStudio ------- * When an embedded image tag is manually corrupted (name of the image manually modified in the tag itself) a recovery method tries at its best to find the image and displays it * Bug-fix: - Generating a report from a search results produces an error - With some old sessions that have never been executed, the consolidation of results at folder level per session may return NOT_EXECUTED status rather than NO_RESULT - Protection against null Samba factory (if the server is down or incompatible with SMB1) 4.0sp7 XStudio.web ----------- * Improved Tool to automatically fix the timeshifting issues * Bug-fix: - third-party connectors support for SSO and individual user preferences - Results and comments not saved when executing testcase with 1-step procedures - Couldn't insert images within table cell in WYSIWYG rich-text editor - when adding a testcase to a test which is already in a campaign, when re-executing this campaign, selecting the new testcase was poping up an error XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - Server and user's preferences not apply correctly: . testNumbersInTestTreeEnabled . testcaseNumbersInTestTreeEnabled . defectNumbersInTestTreeEnabled 4.0sp6 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - using '%' sign in user passwords or item names may generate issues in some cases - if max number of failed authentication = 0 (infinite), in some cases, after one failure the account is disabled - if a connector (requirements or bug-tracking) is wrongly configured, some actions may fails XStudio ------- * Bug-fix: - if max number of failed authentication = 0 (infinite), in some cases, after one failure the account is disabled 4.0sp5 XStudio ------- * Localization password constraints * Alternative Katalon launcher (katalon_v2): - Simpler to configure (additional parameter to specify the project path separately from the test suite path) - Ability to set a different project path per test if necessary (through an attribute directly in XStudio) * Copy session: if the user chose to keep some results, then bugs are now also inherited from original session * Bug-fix: - When a third-party bugtracking system is unavailable, impossible to run a manual test session - In session's results treeview, the number of bugs displayed for each test was including bugs linked in other sessions - Under race condition, deleting an item (category, folder, requirement, specification or test) may lead to very long freeze of the GUI - When the max number of failed authentication was set to O (infinite), the user was disabled at every login 4.0sp4 XStudio ------- * 6 New settings to better control the complexity of user's passwords and authentication constraints (needed for a few auditors such as FDA 21 CFR part 11) - max number of failed authentication - Minimum number of characters - Must include or not uppercase letters - Must include or not lowercase letters - Must include or not special characters - Must include or not numbers * Email notification sent to the administrator when a user is disabled because he/she exceeded the maximum number of failed login tries * When running a session configured with "Any agents", the last execution inherits former results * Mariadb JDBC driver 1.7.4 in the default configuration files * Robot Framework launchers: If the user provide a test name in the "Additional Info" field, then it's used as test name * Renewed PKCS#12 Certificate and all code signed with this new certificate until September 2021 * Bug-fix: - When using the terminology "Need" for requirements, terms were not properly displayed - Missing localization for helps on colors configuration for status, severity and priority at requirement and bug level - Katalon launcher: protection from test path not including '/' character - Katalon launcher: the output folder in expecting case insensitive treatment + change output folder from "forXStudio" to "output_xstudio" - With recent versions of MySQL/Mariadb and/or JDBC drivers, some popups may show up with connection errors (and log mentioning 'utf8mb4' issues) when creating new items. This is due to an incompatibility in between the collation we use and the default character set of the database the DBA may have set. Now, you can set the collation you prefer depending on the character set you're using with your database. XStudio.web ----------- * Updated management of agents assignment when running session from XStudio.web * When a new execution instance is created from XStudio.web, preset all testcases and tests with their initial results based on 'ready for' flags and assets * When a session is configured with 'First available agent' and does not include [Web_client] in the list, the session can't be executed from XStudio.web REST API -------- * Improve JSon messages returned by the REST API server * Method update: authenticate(): - Now set session attribute as soon as possible - Include the verification on max failed login attempts - Failed login include message about remaining tries - When max number of login attempts exceeded: . disable the user automatically . send an email notification to the administrator 4.0sp3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This version includes a new default JDBC driver for MySQL/MariaDB If you update an existing server, you may need to update your 2 xstudio.conf files to point to this new version of the driver (1.7.4). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XStudio.web ----------- * Management of testcase parameters (create, edit, delete) * Management of test attributes (create, edit, delete) * Run-session GUI improvement: - Testcase title always visible - "Reset all steps" toolbar always visible * TLS/SSL support on the connection to MySQL and Mariadb with 2 options: - Accept any server certificate (not advised except if in a secure intranet) - providing in the configuration the X.509 server certificate (server-cert.pem) * Bug-fix: - Redmine connector: several problems in the tree and in the statistics XStudio ------- * Merge session: allow to merge only 1 session having several agents and/or instances to consolidate results obtained by different testers * When copying a session, if an option to keep some results is set, now the original justification/proof messages are also duplicated * TLS/SSL support on the connection to MySQL and Mariadb with 2 options: - Accept any server certificate (not advised except if in a secure intranet) - providing in the configuration the X.509 server certificate (server-cert.pem) * Update default mariadb Connector/J included in the web package to 1.7.4 * Bug-fix: REST API -------- * Removed limitation on max number of entries when filtering - insert links - delete results from campaigns - retrieving tree from the REST API * New methods: - updateAttribute() - updateParameter() - insertTestAttributeValue() - removeTestAttributeValue() - insertTestcaseParameterValue() - removeTestcaseParameterValue() * Bug-fix: - Access right issue if the user is not member of the "admins" team - Wrong enable/disable ids in getParameterForm() and getAttributeForm() - wrong enable/disable ids in getParameterDetails() and getAttributeDetails() - Localization of the placeholders in testcase procedures - downloadPDFReport() ensure the pdf is not empty before streaming it in the response. If it is, return an error. 4.0sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * WYSIWYG tich-text: added a show/hide toolbar to maximize space * Prevention from XSS attacks in the new WYSIWYG rich-text editor * New integration: Redmine at requirements level * Nicer menus/submenus in user profile * Optimization of the report engine: faster report generation for: - SUT reports - Session reports * Add a "Reset all steps with result X" buttons in the manual testing interface * Make it more robust when a tree can't be retrieved (i.e. invalid certificate or any other reason) * Added support for URL/links in rich-text * Add urls, prerequisites and description in testcase's detailed tooltip * Various robustness improvements * Bug-fix: - When platforms and os are disabled by configuration, bugs may be missing in some reports - Various fixes on the new WYSIWYG rich-text editor - Various fixes on the manual test interface - Issue in rich-text when you upload an image while selection is not in the content - Verify file format prior uploading an image to the server - Pre-update of the current quality score of a SUT before displaying quality progress - Impossible to generate a report on a session created/executed on XStudio.web - Incorrect description in test's detailed tooltip - [D_1355] Rich text, crash, check that there is a string prior attempting to replace white spaces - [D_1354] Rich text, cannot save a text in bold with a color - Supports of multi-attributed text XStudio ------- * New integration: Redmine at requirements level * Agilitest launcher: compiler classpath updated to match the latest version of agilitest * Ranorex launcher: support 9.1 default reporting * Test results comparison, now also displays where tests have not been executed because they are not present in the session * Optimization of the report engine: faster report generation for: - SUT reports - Session reports * Bug-fix: - When 'platforms' and 'os' fields are disabled by configuration, bugs may be missing in some reports - "comments template" (used to pre-format comments during test execution) not saved in server settings - When generating a residual campaign from several sessions within the same campaign, the name of the residual campaign contains several times the same originating campaign id - Search Jira requirements may be failing if using Jira XML-RPC connector - When merging several times the same session, latest results reporting at test folder may report duplicate results - When testcases have parameterized procedures, manual launchers reports steps and checks without the actual values of the parameters: . tree_step_manual launcher . tabular_step_manual launcher - Impossible to generate a report on a session created/executed on XStudio.web REST API -------- * Conditional loading of the requirements module * New method: - getEncryptedPassword() - deleteAttributes() - deleteParameters() * updated methods: - getAttributeDetails(): must provide the type as a string - getParameterDetails(): must provide the type as a string * Bug-fix: - Protection against sending invalid json characters such as \b \f \n \r or \t 4.0sp1 XStudio.web ----------- * New WYSIWYG Rich-text in all the forms and procedures! * New modules: - Agents management module - Users management * Import data from Excel: - SUTs - Requirements - Specifications - Tests - Bugs - Assets - Terms * When there's nothing to display in the dashboard section, inform the user about it * Ability to select session's agent(s) * Indicator when hovering a row in a tree to facilitate the selection * "condensed" version of the timestamp in testcase's messages to save space * Bug-fix: - When there is no bug linked to a testcase, do not display anything in the related section during execution - In dashboard, the "session I must execute" section include not only the session assigned to the logged in user - Table sorting on columns containing progress as 'x/y' possibly wrong in some cases - Create SUT does not work when dates are provided - When a bug has been created with followers then followers have been deleted from a bug, not possible anymore to create new bugs - Fixed scroll in a few places - Specification coverage should be hidden when not enabled - Mix events for session agents "results" + "agents" tab XStudio ------- * When creating a folder, the user has now 2 options: - (default) Get the newly created folder inherits its rights from it's parent container - Select specific teams that will gain access to this new folder * Requirements and specifications reports: - Inner relationships now include id and name - Add covered requirements on each specification * Bug-fix: - In dashboard, the "session I must execute" section includes not only the session assigned to the logged in user REST API -------- * New method: - importData() - getAgentsTree() - getAgentDetails() - getAgentSummary() - updateAgent() - deleteAgents() - moveAgents() - updateSessionAgents() - getConfigurationsForCategory() - updateSessionConfigurations() - deleteConfigurations() - getCategoryJarName() - getConfigurationForms() - createConfiguration() - getAttributes() - getAttributeForm() - getAttributeDetails() - getParameters() - getParameterForm() - getParameterDetails() - createAttribute() - createParameter() - getCombinationsOfParameterValues() (Pairwise algorithm) * createFolder() now uses the default method to create folder (inheriting its parent's right at most) * createUser() had some issues with title * createUser() throws NPE when no license was present * createTestcase() without any "parameters" or "data" node in json input provokes a crash * getSessionConfigurations() returns all categories in the session and potentially the conf id, name and jarName 4.0 XStudio.web ----------- * Ability to upload/delete/open an attachment to a testcase on the fly while executing manual tests * Ability to upload/delete/open an attachment to a result on the fly while executing manual tests * Ability to upload/delete/open an attachment to a test on the fly from XStudio.web's run session * Ability to see defects associated to a test in the current session while executing manual tests * Ability to see defects associated to a test in the other sessions while executing manual tests * Bug-fix: - Couldn't retrieve the sessions contained in a campaign with Microsoft SQLServer - [D_1242] Sort table does not work well with ids - [D_1290] Sort table does not work well with numbers - [D_1306] Impossible to link a requirement to several tests if specifications are disabled on the instance - [D_1210] Create a bug directly in "closed" state appears in tree as "Resolved" - [D_1300] Rich-text editor: issues with color of the current pen when it's following formatting tags - [D_1305] Campaign's content: buttons are showing up over the list rather than below - [D_1143] Jira comments should be displayed entirely - [D_1298] Campaign > content: double scrollbar XStudio ------- * New settings to allow or not re-execution of automated or mixed sessions ("feature.session_rerun_authorized") * Ability to re-execute no-yet executed tests in a session in one-click * Ability to upload an attachment to a result on the fly from Tabular_manual, Tabular_step_manual and tree_step_manual launchers * Ability to upload/delete/open an attachment to a result from XStudio.web's Session > Results panel * Audit log includes actions on result's attachments * Bug-fix: - Issue when running session containing tests associated with the tree_step_manual launcher when executed by a remote XAgent - When modifying agents used by a session, results were correctly deleted but not reinitialized to NOT_EXECUTED - Test executability not recomputed by the tree_step_manual launcher - Impossible to get Mantis version from SOAP API with recent versions of mantis - [D_1143] Jira comments should be displayed entirely XAgent ------ * New option to support executing only not yet executed testcases ("--onlyNotExecuted") * New information available to the launchers: - Tests types - Testcases execution attachments REST API -------- * New method: - uploadTestcaseExecutionAttachment() - deleteTestcaseExecutionAttachments() * Harmonization tree nodes sorting * Add agentId in the json returned by getSessionTestsAndTestcasesForExecution() 4.0b3 XStudio.web ----------- * User management module * Made the type head hint part easier to distinguish in the relevant text fields * When creating a bug, set by default the last set: - Assigned to - Found in SUTs - Followers * New contextual menu and toolbar entries for actions: - Session contextual menu: start manually - Session contextual menu: start - Session contextual menu: stop - Session contextual menu: create report - Session toolbar: copy - Root contextual menu: create report - Company contextual menu: create report - Category contextual menu: create report - Folder contextual menu: create report - SUT contextual menu: create report - Campaign contextual menu: create report * Harmonize table formatting in run-sessions with Dashboard details tables * Customized colors configured on third-party connectors (Mantis, Jira etc.) are now used for statistics charts * First of all, update the statistics before getting the KPI's progress on XStudio.web to ensure getting fresh data * Bug-fix: - Create a requirement: category should be read-write - When insert a table, unumbered list, numered list, image or screenshot at position 0 of a rich-text field, the caret was not positioned by default at the end of the new inserted element - In run session, search in treeview toolbar does not work - Do not display a console error when selecting a test in run session - Fixed selection when using treeview's toolbar search in run_session - Form item input_select: if a wrong value is provided, select the first item in the list - Crash when creating a folder from root in requirements - Widgets were not destroyed properly after copy/move with right click on the main tree - getTestcaseProcedure() was checking rights based on CGlobals of the servlet - Copy schedule incorrect rights verification - Many tooltips were not working due to special overlay icon - Search results table should have some margin - Race condition when creating objects generating exceptions - Localization issues - Campaign's tests order not well displayed (as the table was sorted by default) - Incomplete destroy on risk form-item - A few missing separators in toolbar - Missing rights: . report.session.canView . report.session.canCreate - Protection against random errors on combobox form item's setHidden() method - Protection against random errors on tooltips - Error when copying test cases - Move folder: it could be that the column name was incorrect - Custom status/priority/severity (coming from a third-party system) ignored in statistics hence generating wrong or empty statistics - Invalid jason returned by getDashboardTree() if a third-party connector is enabled - Possible Exception when: . Test copy . Test case creation/deletion/copy . Session creation/deletion/copy - Selecting a test + testcase in a previously executed session > Results tab display correctly the messages BUT throws a NPE exception - Issue where create modal requirement and user widgets were not destroyed - Issue when selecting test case in run session - [D_818] Updatating a rich-text in a "Details" tab should be reset to view mode on submit - [D_990] Search Requirement: filter on risk criteria does not work and is incorrect - [D_1029] Search in Test copying generates an error - [D_1079] no complete cleanup when deleting a session - [D_1209] When drag'n dropping a step containing some images, the step is moved but images are lost - [D_1233] Empty dashboard panels should be hidden - [D_1238] Tables should be sortables in run-sessions - [D_1239] Impossible to select a campaign or a test if a cs_xxx or tc_xxx param is present in the URL and a session or a testcase has been displayed before - [D_1246] Submitting new bug details resets severity in the main tree - [D_1264] Button copy spec, copy twice the spec - [D_1278] Searches may be broken in specific conditions - [D_1279] Tracebility matrix may have their first column (the tree) possibly completely hidden if there are many links - [D_1280] Search item list should be sortable - [D_1281] Copy/paste rich-text content loose CR/LF characters - [D_1285] Switching quickly in the SUT tree generate an uncaught exception - [D_1293] Can delete "admins" team while it should be protected - [D_1291] Exception while creating widgets from folder - [D_1292] Selecting a bug in the bugs tree may make the nbTests columns 50% wide - [D_1294] Select tests in related trees may throw an exception - [D_1295] Test's author tree should be read-only XStudio ------- * Add the support for global variables in SQL reports: - %currentUserId% - %currentUserName% - %currentAgentId% - %currentAgentName% - %currentTimetagId% - %currentTimetagName% - %currentDateTime% * Add a couple of information available to all launchers: - operatorEmail - ccEmailVector * New transform for the failed testcase notification email * Notification on failed testcase on manual launchers: - tabular_step_manual - tabular_manual - tree_step_manual * Improve the stylesheet of all the email notifications * Bug-fix: - Dictionaries (for spell checking) are not accessible from XStudio JNLP version - Localization issues - Importing a Kalistick campaign ends up with an error message (even though the campaign is well created) and refresh does not occur. - Handle very special cases where starting a session with a dedicated launcher and no category are passed generate SQL Exception - A few SQL queries incompatibilities with Oracle and SQLServer REST API -------- * New methods: - getUserForm() - getUserDetails() - createUser() - updateUser() - getUserTeams() - updateUserTeams() - deleteUsers() - moveUsers() - getUserSummary() - getTeamForm() - getTeamDetails() - createTeam() - updateTeam() - getTeamUsers() - updateTeamUsers() - deleteTeams() - moveTeams() - getTeamSummary() * createDefect() ability to specify assignedToIds, foundInIds and followerIds * Bug-fix: - Potential escaping issue in all getXXXSummary() methods - Appropriate handling of optional parameters in the REST API for createBug() - Server returns a warning and prevents any user who try to create a company/category/folder when he's not member of any team - Copy session: new name is identical to the original one (not prefixed with "copy of" and with no suffix index when necessary) - Missing protection/verification on destination container for copyRequirements(), copySpecifications(), copySuts() - First update the stats before getting the KPI's progress on XStudio.web 4.0b2 XStudio.web ----------- * Personal Dashboard including: - "Tests I must author" - "Tests I must automate" - "Sessions I must execute" - "Bugs I must fix" - "Bugs I must verify/close" - Detailed lists include tooltips allowing to jump to the selected item * All tables are now sortable and use a similar look'n feel * Drag'n drop to: - Reorder the test's testcases - Reorder the campaign's tests - Reorder the testcase procedure's steps * Bug's details: depending on the status only required fields are now shown * New share buttons (copy URL to clipboard + open in new window) now always accessible (from the title bar) rather than in the "Details" tab * Bug-fix: - [D_922] Specification: the tool bar icon to create a spec is not present - [D_1192] When setting a requirement as non-fonctionnal, the type form item is well shown but it does not contain any option - [D_1202] Regression: testcases are not displayed anymore - [D_1203] Tooltip's "More" button does not work when redirecting to a session (or a testcase) - [D_1217] Limit the valueAxis to 100 on Radar chart - [D_1221] Tooltip don't support well single-quotes - [D_1227] Revisions/Changes selected rows are not identifiable - Read-only trees: container nodes with wrong expanded states - Random error in input_select - Module permanently inaccessible after switching through modules - Fixed selection handling in case of move or copy - Create/delete/update of drop-down menu custom fields does not work - Requirement details's category should be read-write as we now show/hide rather than make it ro/rw - Regression: Couldn't create a session - Create session: error when canceling the operation - Rich-text helper can't display the rendered image - Rrich text helper: [pre] wrong display XStudio ------- * Support or variables in SQL report queries: - %currentUserId%, %currentUserName%, %currentAgentId%, %currentAgentName%, %currentTimetagId% %currentTimetagName% and %currentDateTime% * 5 new boolean settings to enable/disable 5 optional fields on bugs: - feature.bugtracking.optional_fields.show_fix_patches_field - feature.bugtracking.optional_fields.show_fix_target_date_field - feature.bugtracking.optional_fields.show_fix_target_version_field - feature.bugtracking.optional_fields.show_osfield - feature.bugtracking.optional_fields.show_platform_field * GUI in XStudio to support those 5 settings * Bug-fix: - [D_1218] wrong french localization - Invalid change date in the audit log when changing fix target date - Changes may includes not nice entries such as "???" when a change happened from an item not yet set - Import testcase params in XML was not expecting the "params" container REST API -------- * REST API: New methods: - updateTestTestcases() - updateCampaignTestsOrder - getDashboardTree() - getSessionsIMustExecute() - getBugsIMustFix() - getBugsIMustClose() - getTestsIMustAuthor() - getTestsIMustAutomate() Updated methods: - getBugDetails() returns in addition the form items to enable and disable - getBugForm() returns in addition the form items to enable and disable * Bug-fix: - DeleteCustomFields wrong type hanling - CreateCustomFields/updateCustomfields wrong type hanling 4.0b1 XStudio.web ----------- * Many improvement on the ergonomy (new pace, toolbar's effects, color harmonization etc.) * Improved widgets for launchers, risk analysis wizard etc. * New design for tables, rich-text fields, testcase procedures etc. * Automatic/responsive layouts on forms, better status/severity/priority widgets etc.) * Animations on many components * Improvements on performance (i.e. linked trees) * Dynamic tree/panel layout (with pagination tool: only left, only right or both) * Dynamically collapsable sidebar * Detailed tooltips in the trees (allowing to follow the link) * All edit functions (create, update, move, delete) supported on: SUT, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Testcases, Campaigns, Sessions, Bugs * Execution of manual sessions directly from the browser + start automated sessions to be executed on their agent(s) * Report generation (full report in PDF) * Better selection process (click on the whole row in the tree to tick a checkbox or a radio-button) * Attachments drop zone (drag'n drop) * Many bug-fixes XStudio ------- * Java 9 + 10 support * Only minor modifications asked by customers * Customizable repositories for glossaries and models * New import formats: requirement's inner links, specification's inner links and test's author/developer/estimated time * Limit image size in rich-text components * Complete the support of trigger APIs * More launchers (customer requests based) * Many bug-fixes REST API -------- * Wrapper for command-less URIs to comply with more standards * Many more methods available: see details in the API documentation 3.3sp5 XStudio ------- * Improved Health-Science reports (again) * Completely new signature processes * Bug-fix: - If the plugin license is expired or about to expire, the REST API server couldn't start properly hence preventing XStudio.web or the REST API to respond - Session and/or schedule's dynamic attributes may be shown in duplicated tests while some may be missing - Random issues with the minification process of XStudio.web front-end - Mantis SOAP connector: . Exception while retrieving stats on Mantis SOAP when status, severity or priority names have been customized with accents . Show/hide closed issue now screens "closed" or "fermé" items - Getting an integrated bug's revision details throws an exception - Incorrect terms in french localization 3.3sp4 XStudio ------- * Improved Health-Science reports * Paper report: add a new table for requirements results showing how many results for each requirements in the raw XML file * All Windows executable are now digitally signed including the installer hence preventing the Warning from Microsoft * Bug-fix: - Rich-text: incomplete regexp for escaping characters - Results decrement protection against negative numbers - All stats and consolidated stats (instance + agent + category) in the progress windows now match what the user expects - XReportDebugger was throwing a NPE (the report generation process was trying to download the glossaries while it's not connected) - No_search_filter_available localization - Some color customization may be skipped if the name was common - Mandatory custom fields were not actually verified to be filled XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Improper display of cyrillic or chinese characters - Fixed search for campaign session - Category widget was not destroyed properly - Test selection which was broken by setTestBackground method - Wrong return key handling in rich text editor (the browser refused to place the caret after a <br> in a content editable div - Wrong display of vertical slider - A few missing or incorrect localization - %success testcase in Radar in XStudio.web may be wrong - Searching for non existing Campaign session generates a crash - Search in run session tree - Create third-party bug or requirement from folder's contextual menu in tree generates an error - Create third-party bug or requirement from a bug or a requirement generates an error - Various issue when editing procedure step with no step - Inserting an image should be immediately visible in the preview section - [D_984] Rich-text editor images should never be cropped - [D_1036] Ensure selection is still valid after inserting nodes in dynamic text field - [D_1053] Make sure the treeview footer reflects the selected node in treeview - [D_1093] Incorrect timestamp format for updateSessionTestcaseResults - [D_1111] Sometimes readOnly form parameter is a boolean and not a string as we expected - [D_1112] Insert table should be insertable only in a rich-text section REST API -------- * New method: - getSessionCampaign() * Bug-fix: - REST API Server does not import certificates included in configuration files - Hide the certificate sensitive information (path of the trustStore + content of the certificate) Jira Addon: ----------- * Add priority, status and latest result in the bug's tests section in the Jira plugin * Colorize the test's status and latest results in the Jira addon minisite results 3.3sp3 XStudio.web ----------- * Bug-fix: - Using single quote, double-quote, ampersand, less than or more than characters in a testcase procedure was corruption the data in DB and the testcase was not editable anymore in standard XStudio either. => With XStudio.web 3.3sp3, edit again all the corrupted procedures and everything will be back to normal in both worlds - Fixed quote issues when embedding text into XML - Invalid regex preventing any browser except Chrome to load XStudio.web In XStudio unescape also ' in addition to ' (which both means ') 3.3sp2 XStudio.web ----------- * Draft version of test execution from within the browser * Bug-fix: - Session's Results tab: the agent selector was not operational. selecting an item was not saving the agent id so results were always the same (corresponding to the first agent in the list) REST API -------- * New methods: - updateSessionStatus() - updateSessionStartDateTime() - updateSessionStopDateTime() * getTestsAndTestcaseForExecution(): change format to match a standard tree format * getTestsAndTestcaseForExecution(): add new information in JSON response - type property (on tests and testcases) - nbTc property (on tests) - parentTest property (on testcases) * Bug-fix: - getSessionTestResults() does not return tests in the right order 3.3sp1 XStudio ------- * Add CSV report on session to show all testcase results along with their messages (HTML unescaped) * New tool to find and automatically fix potential parentality issues on folders in XStudio DB * TestNg launcher: - Colorize the messages accordingly to their status - Scanner search for .class by default * New launchers: - Selenium v3 hmtl (edge webdriver and chrome) - Postman / Newman - Maven - SVN - Git - Gatling - Protractor - Agilitest - Ant * Bug-fix: - Protection against exception if manual launchers are for any reason not available on server - Add by default selenium server jar in classpath (in Selenium Java launcher) - Many problems server side when dealing with inherited attachments especially when there are Companies or Categories in the loop - Impossible to create and select a new configuration on a schedule or session if the previously used conf has been deleted after creation of the schedule or session XStudio.web ----------- * Progress on the ability to run manually and locally a session within the browser (for now hidden - will be available in sp2 on July 22) * Session's configuration tab (read-only) * Added the logic to automatically create a virtual "[Web Client]" agent to be used when some tests will be executed from within a browser * Usability: click event on the whole title bar of treeview footers * Increase max nb of item in tree authorizing expand all to 500 * Filtering implementation on the following connectors: - Requirements: . REST VersionOne . REST Jira - Bug-tracking: . REST VersionOne . REST Jira . SOAP mantis . SQL Mantis * Remove the 2 disabled screenshots and undo/redo buttons (Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y are just fine) from the Rich-Text toolbar * Protection against null or empty trees * Make all the tree sorting consistent: all items are store alphabetically except for testcase (index) and session (id) * Bug-fix: - Manage the rights properly on attachments download/upload - Protection from empty list of launchers - Related-treeviews are not always read-only when they are supposed to be - Server issue when category or company filtered trees are to be used - SUT and Requirement copy not working - Couldn't delete a testcase or a session - Delete testcase: missing localization for window title + list of testcases to be deleted - Delete session: missing localization for window title + list of sessions to be deleted - Selected tabs storage name not including the right treeType - Couldn't freeze or unfreeze sessions or testcases (elements in the tree footers) - Frozen tests and testcases have the right and same context menu and toolbar - Crash when destroying session widget - Ability for the attachments widget to be readOnly - readOnly attribute often wrongly calculated just compared with ==1 while should be tested against FROZEN || SIGNED - In all the attachments tab, hide the 'inherited' section if it contains nothing (useful especially with testcases and sessions) - Wrong error message with incorrect ids in trees - Some shareable URLs are not working - Encoding problem server side when downloading attachments as multi-part - Many problems server side when dealing with inherited attachments especially when there are Companies or Categories in the loop - Folders must include an inherited attachments section containing the Company or Category attachments (hidden section if does not include anything) - Duplicates entries returned for inherited attachments in some specific conditions with more than 2 levels of sub-folders - Creation folders under subfolders of SUTs or tests trees does not insert the right company or category id in the database - When inserting a folder under a category an exception is thrown on adding the nbD column - Wrong tooltip on bugs tree - Issue with download attachments when the item is frozen - Even if some buttons where disabled (no item selected) it was possible to click on them - Removed the "open attachment" buttons that were useless (doing the same thing as open in most browsers) - Missing margins on session results - Copy session, cancel throws an exception - Blue background on the tree footer when testcase results are populated - Delete Session crashes while trying to cleanup session results widget - On a Bug details, cancel throws an exception - Create requirement, specification, test or testcase insert a wrong creation audit log 'create defect' event - impossible to select a destination test when copying a testcase - When creating a bug, defects# are not properly recursively calculated in the tree - [D_816] Bug metric column - [D_891] The company nodes Toolbar 'Create a folder' does not work - [D_1008] After creating a testcase it should be displayed on the right panel - [D_1011] Cannot create a Category - [D_1013] The new name of a category is not updated in the tree - [D_1015] Create campaign - Description not saved - [D_1019] Incorrect menu on frozen tests - [D_1024] Test folder right panel, incorrect toolbar - [D_1025] Incorrect left panel metrics for Tests - [D_1026] Test, tab Changes, nothing is displayed - [D_1027] SUT, Results tab not visible (regression) - [D_1032] Copy test cases, cannot select a test as destination, just a folder - [D_1034] Test case, procedure tab incorrect warning - [D_1035] Testcase's Revisions and Changes tabs are empty - [D_1038] Ensure all contextual menus and toolbars match on folders (for all trees) - [D_1039] Campaigns, folder nodes, Tabs Results generate an error - [D_1044] Create a session, window title not translated : [window_title.Choose_sut] - [D_1048] Reporter is now part of the Details form (as read-only) - [D_1054] Frozen item must NOT be able to add or delete attachments (applies on SUT + Req + Spec + Test + Testcase + Campaign + Session) - [D_1056] In Session, Details tab, there is no shareable URL - [D_1062] Cannot delete a campaign session - [D_1066] Test case, Details tab, there is no shareable URL - [D_1067] Freeze test or campaign, right panels still read-write - [D_1070] "Order" tab should be read-only if the campaign is frozen - [D_1080] The window Campaign session copying to select the destination of the copy of the session should not exist - [D_1083] When specs are enabled Test, Spec or Req, Spec coverage couldn't be updated - [D_1084] Select a specification: crash and folder header on the right panel - [D_1087] Crash when you change the priority or risk of a requirement REST API -------- * Add indication of the server version in the logs * Update REST API server to include the capability to include in a form an object pointer (i.e. for "reporter" field in the bug's "Details" tab) (item ui.input_tree_link - that will be used to pick items in trees and include them in form) * More robust verification of input parameters on: - updateSessionOperator() - updateSessionSut() - updateSessionFollowers() * CreateFolderUnderCompany(): Make the companyId optional * CreateFolderUnderCategory(): Make the categoryId optional * When logging in, store useful user preferences in session's attributes: - thirdparty.requirement.filter.projects - thirdparty.requirement.filter.status - thirdparty.requirement.filter.issuetype - thirdparty.bugtracking.filter.projects - thirdparty.bugtracking.filter.status - thirdparty.bugtracking.filter.issuetypes * New methods: - copySession() - getFolderCompany() - getFolderCategory() - getWebClientAgentId() - getSessionInstanceId() - getSessionWebClientInstanceId() - getSessionTestsAndTestcasesForExecution() - getSessionTestsForExecution() - getSessionTestcaseForExecution() - updateSessionTestResult() - updateSessionTestcaseResult() - linkBugsToTestExecution() * Bug-fix: - createSession() should preset all tests with appropriate initialized results (calculated from readyFor flags, assets etc.) - createSession() even though we set AnyAgent on the session we must affect a default agent (in XStudio.web's case set to the webAgent) - copySession(): wrong localization - Treat the case where some testcase results are missing when calculating the test results - External_id field does not return a string - updateBugDetails() must also use the new form format - Creation folders under subfolders of SUTs or Tests trees does not insert the right company or category id in the database - get defects tree: if the last defect has status "done" and showClosedDefect=0, returned json is invalid - updateCampaignTests() returns a valid localized error message when no tests are provided 3.3 XStudio ------- * XContinuousIntegration: ability to provide a list of overloaded attributes values per test + a list of overloaded params in the command line * New launchers: - Katalon - Rapise - Cucumber v2 (supporting Gherkin syntax within the test) - Xci (supporting sequence of sessions execution - release pipeline) * A few changes on the default trigger implementation for STAR * Add setEnv() utility in common library for launchers * Bug-fix: - With multiple-query SQL requests, resultSets not properly freed which may cause memory leaks - Force date format in initialization scripts for Microsoft SQLServer - SQL Exception thrown when fetching sessions from campaign if SQLServer/Oracle is used as DB - Fix issue with obfuscation for trigger interface - Sahi 40 and Sahi 60 launchers: workaround the not terminated <input> tag generated by Sahi in their reports XStudio.web ----------- * Campaigns and session management module * Added a badge with the number of items in all tree footers * Bug-fix: - When inserting bug, requirements, specifications, Suts or tests the change inserted included the content id rather than the id and - Missing rights for some actions - Wrong status icon in trees in some rare cases - Localization issues - Read-only/read-write issue on related treeviews - Sometimes the rich text editor preview display was not correct - Tree overlapping treeview footer - Wrong icons for checkbox and radiobuttons when the row is disabled (6 different combinations of checkbox + 6 diferent combinations of radiobutton) Jira Add-on ----------- * New version of the Jira add-on (using the latest connect technology from Atlassian) * Links showing up in Jira are now pointing to XStudio.web REST API -------- * New methods: - getCampaignsTree() - getCampaignForm() - getCampaignTests() - getCampaignDetails() - getCampaignSession() (returning all results and time stats) - getCampaignLinkedSuts() - getCampaignLinkedRequirements() - getCampaignLinkedSpecifications() - getCampaignLinkedSuts() - getCampaignLinkedRequirements() - getCampaignLinkedSpecifications() - getCampaignLinkedSutsFullyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedSutsPartiallyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedSutsNotCovered() - getCampaignLinkedRequirementsFullyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedRequirementsPartiallyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedRequirementsNotCovered() - getCampaignLinkedSpecificationsFullyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedSpecificationsPartiallyCovered() - getCampaignLinkedSpecificationsNotCovered() - createCampaign() - updateCampaignDetails() - updateCampaignTests() (handle ordering keeping) - deleteCampaigns() - moveCampaigns() - freezeCampaign() - unfreezeCampaign() - getSessionForm() - getSessionDetails() - getSessionAgents() - getSessionOperator() - getSessionFollowers() - getSessionBugs() - getSessionSut() - getSessionTestResults() - getSessionTestResults() - getSessionTestcaseResults() - getSessionTestcaseResults() - getSessionTestcaseMessages() - getSessionTestcaseMessages() - getSessionTestcaseAttachments() - getSessionTestcaseAttachments() - getSessionConfigurations() - getConfigurationsForJarName() - createSession() - updateSessionDetails() - updateSessionOperator() - updateSessionSut() - updateSessionFollowers() - deleteSessions() - freezeSession() - unfreezeSession() 3.3b5 XStudio ------- * Export XML: add parameter's type * Import XML: ability to import testcases parameters's values * XCI launcher (allowing to easily implement a release pipeline) * Support Java 9 in JNLP + standalone client * All manual launchers: "results" column grows as some space is made available * Copy folders of SUTs, requirements, specifications or tests include in the GUI an option to copy links as well or not * Bug-fix: - Regression: broken email creation/modification/reminder notifications with the legacy XStudio application (it was still ok with XStudio.web) XStudio.web ----------- * Proper error handling in getData() callback for treeview * Added locked status in test case list * More robust context menu, added it to treeview footer items * LDAP authentication Support * Enable copy of SUTs, Specs and Tests when copying a folder containing those typed objects * Added search for testcases and direct navigation to test case * Bug-fix: Many bug fixes including... - Attachment crash on testcases - Fixed rights checking logic for different actions - Category launcher form item - Fixed freeze/unfreeze status in testcase list - Fixed freeze button behavior in testcase details - Crash of input_laucher when changing page before animation timeout occurs - Incorrect calculation on requirement's risk - Spec > Coverage by SUT, if a SUT is linked it is not diplayed - When copying an SUT in the current directory, the new SUT should be renamed using "Copy of" scheme - When copying a Test in the current directory, the new test should be renamed using "Copy of" scheme - Fixed localization for testcase context menu - Fixed copy test case - When creating a testcase, index=1 was always suggested - Remove an error log when a form detects a "tab" formitem - Fixed regression that prevents root folder to be displayed - Fixed display of manual launchers list - Updating the test type only, clears the related URL field - Workaround a Webkit bug on text selection. - Non unique id warning - [D_805] Changed conditions to allow selection of a company as destination in case of folder move or copy - [D_839] Search by id for folder is broken - [D_881] Bug folder, Tool bar, button Copy Folder and Empty folder are present whereas they should not - [D_918] External requirements: context menu contains invalid options - [D_923] Frozen requirement, the right click menu creates a requirement is missing - [D_924] Add some follower(s) to a bug does not work - [D_965] Couldn't create testcase from a test - [D_986] SUT > Coverage > Req > search for a req > select - [D_987] Move folder: crash when selecting root node - [D_991] Create testcase menu item not present in test's context menu - [D_992] Rights issues: after a logoff, some permissions are not reinitialized properly - [D_997] Editing the description of a requirement throws an exception - [D_1000] Search: each criteria should be combined using AND - [D_1001] Test, select "Scope" tab, then all other tabs are underneath the Scope panel - [D_1002] Wrong escaping in title attribute of node elements - [D_1009] Missing space separating the id from the name in testcase subtree REST API -------- * Extension Jira plugin mini-site to support requirements * New methods: - getTestcaseTest() - copyTestcases() * Jira Plugin server extension: - Now supports environments with specs or without specs - Now retrieves only latest links - Now supports cases where Requirements AND Bugs are fetched from Jira * Bug-fix: - Freeze attribute missing for getTestTestcases() - Retrieve servlet container path to calculate where to look for launchers - copyFolder() on SUT's crash when requirements or bugs are coming from a third-party system 3.3b4 XStudio ------- * Trigger SDK: - Template (void) trigger compilable from the SDK - Star trigger compilable from the SDK - Online Launcher + Trigger SDK documentation XStudio.web ----------- * Add a error reporting logger for unhandled exceptions * Bug-fix: - Navigation problema after testcase creation - Attachment crash on testcases 3.3b3 XStudio ------- * BDD Cucumber / Gherkin implementation ! - Write your Gherkin (Given/When/Then) description directly in the testcase description - The launcher will automatically create the .feature script and execute it automatically - In the other way round, the launcher can scan automatically .feature files and import them in XStudio * Full implementation of the triggering framework allowing to develop custom actions on most usual events in XStudio * New server setting to specify which trigger implementation to use * Include the Trigger SDK in the fat client package including: - Trigger library (to link with) - Build scripts - Source files - Javadoc * Example implementation to synchronize integrated bugs with Tasks and Actions from SoftComputer's TMS * Possibility to make the external_id field on integrated bugs visible and editable from the GUI * Inflectra Rapise launcher * Bug-fix: - build scripts for bat_with_params incorrect - Couldn't create a user absence of 1 day - Absences and holidays may show up with a 1-day decay in the calendar in some cases XStudio.web ----------- * Test + testcases Management module * Add email notifications on: - Bug details modification - SUT found in update - SUT fixed in update - Create integrated bug - Create generic bug - Assignment of bugs * Bug-fix: - Contextual menu was created on a cell not a row in some cases - A couple of memory leaks - Fixed empty space at the bottom of the right pane - Fixed display of found In Manually - Fixed display of Assigned To tree - Fixed form validation issue for input_integer when the integer is 0 - Test update does not update description and additionalInfo fields 3.3b2 XStudio ------- * All testcase procedures in GRID mode now include an index column. It's true whatever: - if the procedure supports rich-text or not - if it's displayed in XStudio or in a manual user interface - if it's in edition or view mode * Ability to copy of schedules * Trigger framework + dummy implementation (for testing) * Schedule: put the Attributes and Params tab in a dedicated Overloading section * QC to XStudio migration tool SQL scripts * New version of the JSON library 20171018 * Add MD5 digest support in internal libraries * New SUT report containing only charts (sutHTML_Overview.xslt) * Include json_ext in launcher_lib * Make the Models and Standards import more robust * New icons for partially selected/disabled/rollover radio buttons and checkboxes * Bug-fix: - Race-condition: if the user runs a manual test very quickly after starting XStudio and if the bugs are retrieved from a third-party system, a NPE may occur when opening the manual testing interface - Is a SUT is not linked to ANY testcase, then the KPI > test pyramid throws an SQL Exception - Removed margin's "auto" properties as it seems to make docx4j crash - Tree step manual launcher: switching to a different testcase or a test while updating a comment in a testcase's step, makes that comment not maintained in the launcher interface - Freeze when downloading a non-existing standard or model XStudio.web ----------- * Add Test Management module (includes Category, Folder and Tests - but not yet test cases) * Remember splitter position per areas * Remember expanded states of trees across sessions * Remember last used tabs * Simplify the attachments tabs and unify style (no more panel) * Improve all the tables rendering (attachments, custom fields etc.) * Automatic preview panel for all rich-text fields * Unify the color for statistics in left trees * Max limit for expand all set to 150 * Removed all the useless "search" columns in all the read-only coverage trees * Extended string input to add helps * Avoids refreshing the right display when displaying context menu of a selected node * New icons for partially selected/disabled/rollover radio buttons and checkboxes * Bug-fix: - Memory leak when switching among treeviews - Several issues with selected localization while loging in - Input field was not highlighted correctly on change in some cases - If license is about to expire (<30 days), starting REST API server does not complete (headlessException because of a warning) - Deleting a SUT, does not update statistics at company level - Risk input disabled when it should not - When creating a new bug, severity is always 'blocking' in the new node in the tree - When creating a new bug, last column (tests#) was missing - SUT's defects: display issue - Selection issues in the rich text editors - Fixed the behavior when you click in a row in search results - Folder may be copied in themselves - Missing actions in main.html preventing users tab to be displayed - Issues with borders and alignments on some of the columns in specification and test trees - When deleting a company, category or folder level 0, root node was not selected afterwards - Delete categories not working as expected - Attachments are all incorrectly shown as locked in some cases - Multiple rights/settings/globals objects after logout/login causing unexpected behavior - Issue preventing folders to be moved to root folder - Several issues with global search - Couldn't find a folder using 'search by id' tool - Missing rights for category, test and testcases for attachments - Read-only tree views not treated as such REST API -------- * A sample REST API client in Java is provided on the web site * REST API server retrieves the list of launchers during initialization of the servlet * getTestSpecifications() now returns a list of "objects" and not a list of "specifications" * Update getTestTree_API() to: - Report nbDefects rather than the list of defects - Use nbTc rather than nbTC * Methods: - copySchedule() - getSutDefectsFoundInManually() - getSutDefectsFoundInThroughTests() - getSutDefectsFixedIn() - getCategoryDetails() returns the list of all available launchers - getTestScope() - getTestAuthor() - getestDeveloper() - getTestLinkedBugs() - getTestLinkedSpecifications() - getTestLinkedRequirements() - getTestLinkedSuts() - getTestForm() - getTestRevisions() - getTestChanges() - createTest() - updateTestDetails() - updateTestScope() - freezeTest() - unfreezeTest() - toggleFreezeTest() - deleteTests() - copyTest() - moveTest() - copyTests() - moveTests() - linkTestToRequirements() - linkTestToSpecifications() - getTestcaseRevisions() - getTestcaseChanges() - getTestTestcases() 3.3b1 XStudio ------- * Self-Service sessions: - Executing the same session simultaneously by several people - Executing a subset og tests - Tracking which tests are currently being executed (by whom and where) * Ability to update parent rules + configurations on sessions (even those already executed) (with possibility to create, update and delete on the fly) (needs special rights) * Ability to update: - Params on sessions (even those already executed) (needs special rights) - Attributes on sessions (even those already executed) (needs special rights) * Ability to update: - Params on schedules (needs special rights) - Attributes on schedules (needs special rights) * Ability to customize the way bugs are listed in the dashboard: - Sorted per id - Sorted per priority and status This is available: - In the server preferences - In the user preferences (so that each user can customize this) * Increase the results column in the tabular_step_manual launcher * Add some font scaling options to deal with very specific screens/video cards: - Insanely small - Agressively small - Very small - Agressively large - Insanely large * Import of models and standards from our online repository. Currently available: - ISO 9000 (fr) - ISO 27000 (en) - RGPD (fr) * Import of Glossaries from our online repository (that can be included automatically in reports) - ISO 9000 (fr) - ISO 27000 (en) * Localized alias for manual launchers * Trigger framework (that will allow developping custom processing action on events) * Switch to docx4j 3.3.6 and all its inner dependencies * Req + Defect VersionOne: display the key in the tree nodes * Copy req: compute automatically the dest name (server) * Add settings to specify colors for status, severity and priority when connected to a third-party system * Ability to clear start and stop date of an SUT * Paper reports: - Sort de XSLT reports alphabetically in the combobox - Ensure "Complete_with_stats (HTML)" is selected by default in all reports * Update references to CAttributes in launcher's code comments * Include "SDK" in "Delivery" * Review and update launchers build scripts delivered * New paper reports (adapted to the health science industry) * Email notification: test results are colored in the email to make it clearer * Add all custom definitions and acronyms in all the Raw Data XML reports (XSLTs to be updated to benefit from this) * Paper report: when a table is empty does not even show the header * On the Requirements and specification XSLT: - Do on the specifications the same thing that has been added on requirements: add folder description in the summary table - When a folder does not contain any requirement or specification display it anyway to show its description * Terminology integrated in paper reports * Add context rich-text field in session (and includes it in the session's paper reports) * New specification terminologies: Design, Development and Implementation * Protection against NPE when resuming a session when XStudio is restarted in the middle * Bug-fix: - With Selenese launcher, if the XML report includes failure node with message attribute BUT no type attribute, the JUnit XML Parser throws an exception - On certain Linux OS/systems/configurations, font sizes are really odd - Issues when importing from XML in certain circumstances. Make the whole import process more robust. - Wrong write to copy SUT - When creating a session report, the attachments from folders not containing any of the session's tests were downloaded/included - Old occurences of bin/jdbc while it's now xstudio/jdbc - Report generator may throw NPE in some cases - Missing refresh (in bug tree - impact tab - and test tree) when linking a bug to a failed test - When refreshing a tree from the DB, by default reselect a previously selected node (already the case for SUT but not fo other trees) - Progress graph may miss some data depending on the timezone and time when setting the start and stop date on SUT. Start date is now forced to be set at 00:00:01 and the stop date at 23:59:59 - Dates not well handled in some case and depending on timezone: . Create/edit absence . Create/edit holidays . Create/edit sprint . Create/edit SUT - Edit holiday leads to modality issues - Edit holiday, update not refreshed in Internationalization screen - When copying a folder, prevents the user from selecting one of its childs or parents as destination to prevent from recursive issues - Creation configuration + create monitoring configuration sizing issues - In some specific conditions, test scanners may throw NPE when folders do not contain files or when files have no extension - Former requirement types not localized in paper reports - With large number of testcases covering a SUT (several thousands), this SUT's KPIs tab may be returned empty - Incorrect localization when copying a folder and the user does not pick a destination folder - Wrong text about manually selected coverage XStudio.web ----------- * First supported version (including SUTs, Requirements, Specifications and Defects modules)! * Tests are coming soon in the next beta REST API -------- * Huge progress ! Nearly 100% of the features are now accessible programmatically via REST Details here: 3.2sp3 XStudio ------- * New static and dynamic libraries externally signed with GlobalSign's token * Better and up-to-date German localization * Bug-fix: - Fat clients must also use the signed jars of the libraries since we pre-sign them now - The reportDebugger application crashes at the end of the process when localizing the report - Possibly impossible to update . attributes, . params, . holidays, . custom fields after freezing or signing an item - Import data from XML using synchronization including external_id attribute could lead NPE under specific conditions - Possible to modify bug followers even with only view rights - When integrating bugs with Jira, launching a session just after boot without having displayed the bugs tree leads to a connection failure - When generating an HTML report on Linux system, the html extension used in URL was uppercase hence the file not automatically opened - In offline mode, menu item redirecting to web URL should not be displayed - When importing requirements, specifications or tests from XML, if the items are provided with their id/external_id and are locked (frozen or digitally signed), they should NOT be updated - Couldn't generate PDF report using XStudio JNLP from a linux computer XStudio.web ----------- * Architecture refactoring (again) * Centralization of the rights management and server settings * All widgets using the appropriate rights and settings * Fix all contextual menus and toolbars REST API -------- * Split test classes for REST API server (and removed them from public package) * New methods: - getNodeTreeType() - updateBugDetails() - getBugAssignedTo() - getBugFoundIn() - getBugFixedIn() - getBugFollowers() - assignBugTo() - setBugFixedIn() - setBugFollowers() - moveBugs() 3.2sp2 XStudio ------- * New build process using GlobalSign's new signature with eToken * Bug-fix: - Wrong issues reported when running "check timeshifting data" on systems using reusable testcases - Wrong signature of xstudio.jnlp - Incorrect refresh of "revisions" and "changes" tabs when updating reusable testcase procedure 3.2sp1 XStudio ------- * Help items redirecting to sections of the web site * Upated testplanHTML_Table_to_copy_in_Excel.xslt to include test and testcase ids * Include prerequisites and description in "complete_with_stats" session paper reports * Bug-fix: - When executing a new session using the tabular manual launcher, comments are wrongly initialized - When quiting XAgent on error, a cosmetic error occurs in the traces 3.2 XStudio ------- * Externalization of the requirement types in a dedicated table (customizable) * Integration of new simpler list of non-functional requirement types (enabled on new install) * Increase size of all the UTF8 text fields * Big refactoring so that REST API + XStudio use exactly the same SQL engine calls * Replace default intro 'dancer' image with standard logo * New Server settings: - "Remember last user in login screen" allowing to disable the preset of last logged user - "Logout timeout" (automatic logout after a specified timeout if this setting is > 0) * Bug-fix: - When creating a new test, custom fields are not presented in the form - Functional requirement listed as null in SUT > Results > Requirements > Per type - Test or testcase with special characters such as '<' may have these characters hidden in the manual launcher's GUI - Couldn't open a test's revision - When importing links from Excel, the number of links used to compute the coverage may be wrong - Depending on if the specifications are enabled or not, the KPIs could possibly be mixing coverage in terms of requirements and/or specifications - In debug mode, an exception may occur when rendering the SUT, Requirement or Test trees XStudio.web ----------- * Refactoring to maken easier the development of next modules * New 'generic' form generator * Scroll only tab content in the right pane * Added mandatory boolean to first column of treeview to disable it when trying to customize the tree * Added date input form item to support SUT's start and stop dates * Loading of the plugins at startup of the servlet * Bug-fix: - Fixed risk analysis widget (value not dynamically updated when moving sliders) - Fixed treeview toolbar missing after selecting an item - Fixed related requirement button position - Frozen items are all using read-only forms REST API -------- * When calling getSettings() trace all the session's attributes on the server's log * getSettings() return all properties (with default values when not explicitly set) * Improve error message when custom field's values are not correct * Support of multi-tab forms * Sorting of form items server-side * Better error message when a wrong revision is passed to a getXXXDetailsRevision() * New methods: - linkSpecificationToSpecifications() - linkSpecificationToRequirements() - linkSpecificationToTests() - linkTestToRequirements() - linkTestToSpecifications() - insertSpecificationCustomFieldValue() - getTestLinkedSuts() - getTestLinkedRequirements() - getTestLinkedSpecifications() - getTestForm() - getTestDetails() - getTestDetailsRevision() - getTestScope() - getTestScopeRevision() - createTest() - updateTestDetails() - updateTestScope() - insertTestCustomFieldValue() - getTestcaseForm() - getTestcaseDetails() - getTestcaseDetailsRevision() - getTestcaseProcedure() - getTestcaseProcedureRevision() - createTestcase() - updateTestcaseDetails() - updateTestcaseProcedure() - insertTestcaseCustomFieldValue() - insertBugCustomFieldValue() * Bug-fix: - Automatically log the login action when authenticating with the REST API - Rename changes wrongly inserted - Many audit log changes are missing when running some actions - getSutTree_API() freezes when some SUT have no link to requirements - getDefectTree_API() throws NPE in some cases - getRequirementForm() throws NPE in some cases - Error 500 on some delete actions - Sorting of the custom fields sometimes wrong - Reading JSon boolean attribute when engine returns integer 0 or 1 3.2b3 XStudio ------- * ALL HTML reports are now also available in DOCX and PDF * Test container: report on who's assigned to each test as author and developer + progress of each tasks * Test status, type and priority in paper reports whenever it makes sense * Test Filtering now support: - Test Status - Test Type - Test Priority * Requirement Filtering now supports: - Requirement Status * SSH port configurable * Ability to type an id in the search bar to find an item * New complete tests and testcases search (including criteria such as status, test type, priority and testcase ready for manual or automated run) * All search lists display ids including prefix for consistency (i.e. T_123 or R_123) * Import Assets from Excel: now able to import reusable testcases including for each: - ready for automated run - ready for manual run - complete procedure including steps and expected results - any custom fields on the reusable testcase * Import Tests/Testcases from Excel: now able to reference reusable testcases in a test and import testcase's param values * Test Scanner improvments: - support searching for tests OR testcases based on folders OR files - Test relative path (where to import in XStudio) - Test description - Testcase description - By default, set the relative path identically as the canonical path (replace . and \ by / on the fly) to get the test organized in XStudio the same way as on the disk * Squish scanner * QFTest scanner support discovering tests + testcases * Bug-fix: - Invalid error message when executing session on several parallel thread on the same agent with "in a row" synchronization - When disabling specifications, new links are not associated to LATEST tag - Filtering process using < or > comparator were actually using <= and >= comparators - QFTest launcher does not generate report in temp directory - When a redmine project is empty, the right panel is empty too - User preferences screen displayed cached values when logging off and on with a different user - Modifying a test's description, reinitialize its custom field's values - Ranorex launcher: when using runType="Test case", Ranorex command line is wrongly interpreted - Major issues when trying to set a time to a schedule when timezone set in XStudio configuration is different from the actual timezone of the client - Missing localization on sprint backlog panel - Missing refresh when creating+linking a new bug to a failed test in a session - Wrong localization for "playground" folder XStudio.web ----------- * Added SUTs management module (hidden as not completed yet) * Added Defects management module (hidden as not completed yet) * GUI polishing * Components factorization REST API -------- * New methods: - getCompanyform() - getCompanyDetails() - getCategoryForm() - getCategoryDetails() - getCompanyAttachments() - getCategoryAttachments() - createCompany() - updateCompany() - deleteCompanies() - createCategory() - updateCategory() - deleteCategories() - downloadPdfReport() - createSut() - insertSutCustomFieldValue() - copySuts() - moveSuts() - updateSut() - getSutDetailsRevision() - getSutLinkedRequirements() - getSutLinkedSpecifications() - getSutLinkedTests() - getRequirementLinkedSuts() - getRequirementLinkedSpecifications() - getRequirementLinkedTests() - linkSutToRequirements() - linkRequirementToSuts() - linkRequirementToSpecifications() - linkRequirementToTests() - getSpecificationLinkedSpecifications() - getSpecificationLinkedSuts() - getSpecificationLinkedRequirements() - getSpecificationLinkedTests() * Bug-fix: - Freeze status missing from the SUT tree - getSettings() returns ALL properties even if they are not set in the conf file (default values automatically included if not specified) 3.2b2 XStudio ------- * New KPIs: - Main metrics Radar - Test Pyramid (with results breakout) - Quality progress * New piechart showing test status breakout on test folders, categories and test tree's root node * Add new piechart showing test ready for manual/automated run on test folders, categories and test tree's root node * Test container stats: divides breakouts and readiness in 2 separate tabs for more clarity * All stackcharts have now numbers in the bar itselves * Test types (Unit, Integration, Functional, User-Acceptance etc.) table with predefined types: Undefined, Unit, Integration, Functional, Acceptance etc. - Test types viewable in the test tree - Display of test type statistics on any container in the test tree * Import + Export XML now supports: - test type - test status - test custom fields - test attributes * Synchronized XML Import/Export: - External ids can be stored in XStudio database - When exporting, internal ids + external ids are exported - When importing, If internal ids or external ids are provided, new import will auto-synchronize: . Automatic rename . Automatic move . Maintain links (Requirements -> Specifications, requirements -> Tests) * Better support of special characters in Import from Excel process * Post-processing: add the informations about the bugs linked in the XML so that it can be post-processed * Support max-width css attributes in the paper reports * Better German localization * More informative Warning popup when deleting items * All piecharts become Donut charts * Make all graph a little bit bigger (+6%) and nicer + refining images sizing in paper reports * SUT > Results > Requirements > Per type: now an horizontal stack chart * Remove all the useless CANCEL buttons * Bug-fix: - Refresh dynamic access-right when creating category, company or folders - Non-admin users can't see newly imported category/company/folder - URL link form item not nicely rendered - Wrong titles for coverage section in paper reports - URL link form item not nicely rendered - In some specific cases, when the user is warned about an item being edited (to prevent from loosing current work), if the user chooses to continue anyway, he/she keeps being asked the same question again and again at each new action - Protection against "java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" (ability to change for one specific JDBC connection the isolation level to READ-COMMITTED and set it back aftewards for reusibility of the connection - A few tabbed panes not using the standard colors and fonts - When updating tests, statistics where not all dynamically updated at upper folder layers in the tree - For charts that require propagated status/priority/type/etc. the public/private track may be missing data in some cases - In some cases, incomplete procedure when importing from Excel - Looping when running an action requiring a refresh of a SUT node, when we selected first this SUT node on a KPI page - Mantis can sometimes return invalid SOAP XML message (i.e. containing Oxb characters). We workaround it by sanitizing the XML ourself before parsing it. - Test# column not filled in Bugs tree - A few warning label have not a transparent background XStudio.web ----------- * Requirements management module: Many bug-fixes * Bug-management module: Only the tree * Resizable donuts charts * Animation on Donut charts REST API -------- * getBugsTree() for: - Integrated bugs - Generic bugs - Third-party bugs: . Mantis . Mantis . Bugzilla . Jira XML-RPC . Jira REST . QC REST . VersionOne REST * getBugForm() * getBugsDetails() * getBugsDetailsRevision() * getSutsTree() * getSutForm(), * getSutDetails(), * getSutDetailsRevision() * Bug-fix: - getBugsTree() malformed json - getChanges() does not return localized terms - downloadAttachmentRevision() 3.2b1 * Complete refactoring of the consolidation of coverage at folder levels in SUT, Requirements and specifications trees * Ability to sort all the main tree's items per name or per id (combobox in the tree's toolbar) - Server settings to specify the default sorting for all trees - User preferences to specify the default sorting for all trees * Manual testing: Assistant for bug auto-generation - Setting to display or not the assistant - Setting to expect at least one bug on each failed test - Available for tabular_manual, tabular_step_manual and tree_step_manual launcher * Requirement's results statistics in the session and SUT paper report's source XML * Test executability: - Executability percentage automatically calculated from testcase's "ready for manual/automated run" flags - Executability viewable directly in the tree * Test status - Tests have now a status fields allowing to track if the tests are new, under review or reviewed/approved - Each test status viewable directly in the tree - Paper reports includes test status information in summary, metrics, details, traceability matrix etc. - Supported in import from XML and Excel * Add a start and stop date for each SUT to delimit the expected boundaries for each SUT * New unique coverage calculation - At each level of the traceability matrix, all important properties are used to estimate the real coverage including manual estimation, status, prioritiy, executability of each item. More specifically: . Each SUT's Manual estimation of coverage in terms of requirements (i.e. business provided only 75% of the requirements) . Each requirement's Manual estimation of coverage in terms of specification or tests . Each requirement's status (new items are less taken into account than under review or approved items) . Each requirement's priority (low-priority items are less taken into account than medium or high priority items) . Each specification's Manual estimation of coverage in terms of tests . Each specification's status . Each specification's priority . Each test's status . Each test's priority . Each test's executability - Customization of the calculation: . Each status value can be associated with a custom weight . Each priority value can be associated with a custom weigth * New graph on SUTs (and SUT folders) showing progress of all coverage and quality metrics within the SUT's start and stop dates (auto-range if dates are left empty) (only with XStudio Business+) . Coverage in terms of requirements . Coverage in terms of specifications . Coverage in terms of tests . Quality score . Includes this graph in SUT paper report * New graph on SUTs showing testcase results per requirement type (ISO 25000 - SQuaRE) * Server-side historization of the metrics: - Scheduling of the daily process is configurable from the GUI - Historization daily process stores: category statistics, defect statistics, SUT coverage and quality * First stable version of XStudio.web for requirements (browser-based version of XStudio) including: - Drag'n drop ability to move items within the trees - Full-responsiveness with specific layouts/gestures for smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android) - 100% based on the new REST API (http/json) - User-right access handling * New panel showing detailed tests and testcases results related to each requirement as a filterable grid * Makes the remaining Progress number column clearer: - Numbers: display the NE+NA or just NE if "NA are ignored in progress and quality metrics" - Time: do not count NA if "NA are ignored in progress and quality metrics" * Progress indicator when updating the schema * Performance: Always run the background the refresh threads with higher priorities * Better robustness on the background threading (atomic concurrent access implementation) * Ability to establish a SSH tunnel using the credentials provided in the login screen * "Relative" status renamed to "Indefinite" * Option to pre-initialize all the steps of all testcases to Not Executed (NE) (if they have a procedure defined) at session creation time * REST API - More methods available ( for more details) - Better error management - Better trace formatting * Bug-fix: - Couldn't see the test and testcase results real-teim when using the tree_step_manual launcher - Rounding approximation could generate inconsistencies in coverage computation - Requirement coverage in terms of specification: wrong typing of sumPriorityXCoverageN1 (long rather than double) that could lead to incorrectness of the coverage index - Duplicate testcases in the SUT > results > requirements view in some specific cases - When getting quality progress on a newly created SUT with no requirement/specifications/tests attached, an error is popuped 3.1sp7 * Bug-fix: - Major issues when trying to set a time to a schedule when timezone set in XStudio configuration is different from the actual timezone of the client - Modifying a test's description, reinitialize its custom field's values - Ranorex launcher: when using runType="Test case", Ranorex command line is wrongly interpreted 3.1sp6 * Bug-fix: - Protection against "java.sql.SQLException: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" (ability to change for one specific JDBC connection the isolation level to READ-COMMITTED and set it back afterwards for reusability of the connection - In some cases, there are duplicate testcases in SUT > results > requirements view - Better support of special characters in Import from Excel process - Import from XML: missing steps in rare cases - Mantis can sometimes return invalid XML (i.e. containing Oxb characters). We workaround it by sanitizing the XML ourself. - Ability to configure encoding for Mantis SOAP interface 3.1sp5 * Bug-fix: - Filter not working properly on the filterable grids (because of the new small button forwarding to the result contextually in the session) - When attribute overloading is used in a session or a schedule, if a campaign's content is modified this may lead to blocked session - Some dates & timestamps may not be stored accordingly to the preferred timezone 3.1sp4 * Bug-fix: - Problems (missing images or invalid linkes) in the packaged documentation - When some attributes are overloaded at session level, other original attributes are not passed to the launcher - Import from XML: ability to import the test's attribute values as well 3.1sp3 * REST API: new getTestRequirements() method * Bug-fix: - With SQLServer, rich-text containing backslash characters are sometimes doubled - Defect report may returns duplicated sessions in some cases - CR#1828 test generation issue - CR#1819 SQL report returning null values are invalid and not exportable - SQL error with SQLServer to retrieve ordered list of requirements 3.1sp2 * tabular_step launcher: Ability to set all steps with a specific status in one click * tree_step launcher: Ability to set all steps with a specific status in one click * New filter combobox with text in all filterable trees * First draft launcher * .ova generation script (from VirtualBox 5.1.18) * Added a feedback when these task are executed: - Check integrity of stats - Check integrity of coverage - Delete orphan attachments * Delete orphan embedded images: now supports integrated + SAMBA file system * Delete orphan attachments: now support integrated + SAMBA file system * Add a help text on canonical path to specify that it's a relative path * Bug-fix: - On sessions with tabular or tree launcher, button stop was missing in some circumstances - When importing some test from Excel, if the test name is repeated, testcases are all created with index=1 - CR#1627 Unclosed [li] tags is not recognized as an issue by the XHTML validator tool - Excel generation from tables: if a cell contains more than 32767 characters, the cell must be cut - missing in the linux fat client package - Add XML-RPC in all the .sh as this may be necessary if an XML-RPC-based bugtracking system is used - Start, Pause, Stop contextual right-click menus sometimes incomplete or menu items incorrectly enabled/disabled - Issues with the grid generator in some really rare cases - Accentuated characters in DOCX reports are using different fonts (than the rest of the document) - Couldn't create a new tab in iterative configurations (i.e. for the "Proxy" launcher) - Better handling of import of Excel where several tests/testcases have identical names in different directories - Anchors including '<' characters in the docx reports are invisible - Discover agent Id + auto-register current agent: More robust with incorrectly configured system or not DNS-registered computers - Automatic creation of agent based on local hostname/computername (for exotic OS or wrong DNS settings) - Some default SQL report are not working on SQLServer - Anchors in the Jira's add'on screen use incorrect url redirecting to XStudio's items 3.1sp1 * Integrated SSH tunneling allowing to: - connect to a remote database without opening specific ports (ssh port 22 is always opened) - encrypt all communication with the database server * TestOptimal launcher: ability to customize its timeout per-test (by using the attribute "testoptimal.readTimeout") * Hide completely all the useless fields based on the bug's status * Dynamically update the bug's form whenever the status slider is moved by the user * CR#1677 Bug reports: Traceability to sessions and requirements not supported for Jira, Clearquest, VersionOne, QC, Redmine, Mantis, Bugzilla and Trac * Bug-fix: - PostProcessing on Tree_step_manual launcher may introduce extra XML prefix for each messages section in the post processed XML file - XStudio.web: prevents from dragging'n dropping a folder node in itself (hence making him orphan/invisible) - Bat_with_params launcher: log.txt attached corresponding to previous test - Possible to open several instances of the server settings or user preferences popups - Filters: when adding/updating an operator or an expression in a filter, an invalid popup "null identifier" is displayed - No contextual menu on testcase -> reusable testcase - Filtering: AND/OR/NOT/Expression icons not properly sized (in reports too) - Filtering: when adding an operator, automatically select it 3.1 * Report on Session's bug statistics * New example scripts (start/stop a VM, monitoring etc.) (using "bat_with_params" launcher) * Improved "generic_version_control" launcher (i.e. allowing to retrieve files such as test binaries from the version-control system before running a session) * New update scripts on the VM * LDAP connector: support for paging (to retrieve more than 1000 items without having to change the LDAP server's default settings) * Automatic scan of new available tests for: - QTP / UFT - SoapUI, SoapUI Load and SoapUI Security * Better Pause/Resume process Show Pause and Stop buttons in Session's toolbar only when this is appropriate * Ability to modify/edit manually the test run estimated time in the test Details tab * Bug-fix: - Post-processing section missing in PyTest launcher's configuration file - Create integrated requirement: focus not on the name field - Create Integrated requirement: form not organized as in the Details tab (custom fields not well located) - Copyright 2007-2016 corrected as 2007-2017 in the Windows installer - When updating a standalone version from <=3.0 to 3.1+, license is deleted - Statistics per age may include duplicate (on SUTs, Sessions and root folders) - wrong order or the requirements and requirement folders in the SUT paper report - Export of config files indicates a wrong path - When providing invalid credentials at login time, no message is displayed - User preferences windows may exceend the available space on small screens. - XStudio.web: "Error" popup when the settings includes some certificates - Infinite retry when the DB access credentials are incorrect 3.1b3 * VM: deployment scripts polishing * "More details" button in the testcase results grids to easily get the messages, attachments linked to this result * New show/hide closed bugs for the following third-party connectors: - Jira (REST) - Redmine - Mantis (SOAP) - trac (XML-RPC) - Bugzilla (XML-RPC) - VersionOne (REST) * Display bugs with their 'keys' and not 'internal ids' in the session's Results > Tests > Defects (optional column) for the following third-party systems: - Jira - ClearQuest - Mantis - Bugzilla - Trac - VersionOne - QC - Redmine * When using third-party bug-tracking connectors, bugs in the manual launcher interfaces are displayed using their public key and names * Support for Slack in clickable URLs * Set by default 3 example consents for the e-signature feature * Much better connection pool manager: - Automatic cleanup of the pooled free connections after an idleTimeout (20 min) - Cleanup of the free connexion with a Max (10) and Min (5) boudaries (to optimize perf & server footprint) * Paper report: traceability matrix on the testplans in: - testplanHTML_Complete_with_stats.xslt - testplanHTML_Complete_with_stats_execution_order.xslt - testplanHTML_Traceability_matrix.xslt - testplanDOCX_Complete_with_stats.xslt - testplanDOCX_Complete_with_stats_execution_order.xslt * Add much more data in the Raw Data XML for bug paper reports: - sessions that found each bug - test in the session that found each bug - requirements impacted by each bug * New generic_version_control launcher (i.e. allowing to control/retrieve files such as test binaries before running a session) * Bug-fix: - Paper report: support of rich-text's embedded images with #, <, >, %, {, }, [, ], ^, ~ in their names - Paper report: images attachments including #, <, >, %, {, }, [, ], ^, ~ in their names are properly displayed in paper reports - XStudio.web: Empty or incomplete requirement tree when some requirement's names include special characters - XStudio.web: Json encoder does escape only double-quote and char < 0x20 while it should escape also: slash, backslash, LF, CR and TAB - When using third-party bug-tracking connector, proprietary rich text are rendered without CR or LF in paper reports - When using third-party bug-tracking connector, if a bug is created from a manual launcher and an image is embedded in the comments, it's not rendered in the paper reports 3.1b2 * QTP/UFT launcher: support the very latest version of UFT * When signing an object, the user needs to provide a passphrase AND/OR a scanned signature (not necessary both) * E-Signature: Signature v2: all the tokens (passphrase, scanned signature) are encrypted/hashed * Simplification of the Windows Installer (all launchers are now installed by default) * Bug-fix: - When an item (campaign, session, requirement, specification, SUT, test, testcase) is signed, it's still possible to add attachments to it - File Utilities: do not add extra line separator when writing a file when using fileToString or CFileWriter - Can't execute manual tests with tabular_manual, tabular_step_manual or tree_step_manual launchers if the commentsTemplate setting is empty - Couldn't start XAgent when some schedule sessions are candidates (SQL Exception when retrieving test attributes) - TestOptimal and testoptimal_simple launchers: urlReport was considered as a mandatory attribute while it's not present by default - Cosmetic exception when selecting a test in the tree_step_manual launcher - The Windows installer does not automatically update the previous configyration - The Windows installer does not delete the former "bin" directory (replaced by a "XStudio" directory in newer versions) 3.1b1 * Huge PERFORMANCES improvements (~6 times faster in average) - Background data fetching - Incremental loading of the trees and tabs - Better caching strategy * Separate Free and Unfreeze rights * Add E-signature feature (FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance) * Jira both-way integration (XStudio's information are available in Jira) (a new add'on must be installed in Jira either manually or though the Atlassian Marketplace) * Improved REST API * Terminology preferences: ability to choose some more adapted terms for some of the items: - SUT: Release, Product, Application - Requirement: User story, Need, Specification - Bug: Defect, Anomaly, Deficiency, Deviation - Agent: Machine, Host - Comment: Detail, Precision * Comments Templates (when running manual tests, the comments fields is pre-filled with a custom template) * Generate residual campaign: new rule allowing to select all the tests that were never executed * Add Introduction + Conclusion field on SUT's Details + reports etc. * Usability: speed up creation tasks by allowing to: - Create a generic requirement from a generic requirement panel - Create an integrated requirement from an integrated requirement panel - Create a generic defect from a generic defect panel - Create an integrated defect from an integrated defect panel - Create a specification from a specification panel - Create a task from a task panel - At creation time, always select the newly created object when finished * Launcher SDK: - All test's attributes and all test's params available from the launcher SDK - Overloading is done by XAgent (not launcher's responsibility anymore) - New class: . com.xqual.xcommon.CTestcaseParam (to avoid confusion with CParam which is aimed at containing launcher configuration parameters!) - New fields: . HashMap<Integer, Vector<CTestAttribute>> testAttributeValuesHashMap . HashMap<Integer, Vector<CTestcaseParam>> testcaseParamValuesHashMap - New methods: . HashMap<Integer, CDescriptor> getTestAttributeValuesHashMap() . HashMap<Integer, CDescriptor> getTestcaseParamValuesHashMap() . String getStringAttributeValue(Vector<CTestAttribute> attributes, String attributeName) . int getIntegerAttributeValue(Vector<CTestAttribute> attributes, String attributeName) - Updated methods: . public CReturnStatus preRun(int testId, String testPath, String testName, Vector<CTestAttribute≫ attributes, String additionalInfo) . public CReturnStatus run(int testId, String testPath, String testName, int testcaseId, int testcaseIndex, String testcaseName, Vector<CTestcaseParam> params, String additionalInfo) - Introduce the test attributes + the testcases params in the source XML for post-processing in launchers * Integrate in the post-processing source file all the steps + expected results + step result + step comments * localization: CC Emails --> Followers * New launchers: - PyTest launcher - TestOptimal_simple (TestOptimal launcher variant where tests are mapped directly to TestOptimal's mcases) - Bat_with_params (more flexible version of the bat launcher allowing to pass N arguments generically) * Ability to configure the max number of tries authorized for the authentication If the user exceeds the limit, (s)he gets automatically disabled - only an admin can re-enable him/her. * Replace PHP technology by JSP so that everything can run on a servlet container * Add a warning message when a tab is empty because of the user profile limitation * When the integrity check returns a failure, show the user where he can find the .dat files precisely * Bug-fix: - Some localization missing in specification reports - Generating specifications from requirements twice on the same destination folder throws an exception - Generating tests from requirements or specifications twice on the same dest. folder throws an exception - Handle correctly incorrect entries in plugin.conf file - Incorrect history pager or duplicate entries when using the dashboard tasks - Login dialog: Provide an immediate feedback when pressing submit (sand glass cursor) - Help on rich-text formatting is not localized - Configuration parsing issue if certificate are empty in the configuration - XAgent cannot start session with Microsoft SQL Server when starting a session directly on this agent - Re-run tests linked to a bug: the button is activated in the toolbar but not in the contextual menu - Exception when copying a SUT folder in a SUT folder - Incorrect refresh on several nodes depending on the current user profile: . test > root . test > category . test > folder . campaign > root . campaign > folder . campaign > campaign . campaign > session . sut > sut - Specific message when trying to login with a non-existing account - Incorrect toolbar enabling/disabling on attachments based on current user profile - When running a session, getting back to some previously selected SUTs or Tests some history may be missing - When deleting some sessions (or campaigns or campaign folders or schedules), the test traceability matrix on test tree's root node should be refreshed automatically - Missing localization - Wrong warning message when creating a team and forgetting to select access-rights - Create track based on specification button available even if specifications are disabled - When creating generic or integrated bugs from . campaign session results tab . exploratory session . manual launcher tabs are presented in an not logical order - In some specific cases, overloading of params was missing some parameters - If some testcases have no params, overloading should apply too 3.0sp11 * Bug-fix: - In some very specific cases (race conditions), a blank panel is displayed when refreshing a tree - In some specific cases, generating a residual campaign using the rule "only Not-Executed tests" or "only not successfull tests" is not working - Robot Framework v2: when nodes don't have childs (not a CDATA section) parsing error. - When escaping URL, % must be escaped first or previously escaped characters will be double-escaped - Jira support for 'status' or 'type' filter containing items with spaces in their names i.e. "In Progress" or "New Feature" (WARNING: starting with XStudio 3.0sp11, you must remove surrounding with simple quotes of these items in your settings) 3.0sp10 * WARNING: Starting with XStudio 3.0sp10, you must remove surrounding with single quotes of 'status' or 'type' filters, in your Jira connector if you used to have some in your settings * 100% German localization * Bug-fix: - Ticket#1359: When renaming a reusable testcase after it has been referenced in a testcase, the displayed testcase name is the old one - Ticket#1395: Remove the asterix automatically added when generating test cases from a parameterized template (* are forbidden in file names) - Ticket#1354/1376: sql_compare launcher does not handle well cases where the query 1 returns no row at all - Ticket#1368: Wrong rendering and wrong scaling on Ubuntu systems - Ticket#1309/1382/1387: URL escape add: <>#%{}|\^~[]` - Ticket#1406: Generating a residual campaign using the rules "only not executed" or "only not successful" generates incorrect content - Ticket#1418: Robot framework v2 launcher: when nodes don't have a child (not a CDATA section), a parsing error is detected - Ticket#1404: Jira support for 'status' or 'type' filters containing items with space in their names i.e. "In Progress" or "New Feature" - In some very specific cases (race conditions), a blank panel is displayed when refreshing a tree - Move SUT in a folder where one is already existing with same name but different version is refused - Copy SUT folder should not be authorized to root folder - Copy SUT folder should be authorized to company folder - When copying test folder to folder, category was not inherited in the table_folder table - Missing localization on some errors when copying a folder - When renaming an SUT company, an "ongoing change warning" is presented even if everything is ok - Asset tree does not recursively populate reusable testcases# in upper folders 3.0sp8 * CR#1257 Offline_generic launcher: implement the post processing the same way as for Tree_step_manual * CR#1319 Robot_framework_v2 launcher: more attachments * CR#1278 Robot_framework_v2 launcher: pass all params as variables * CR#1329 XContinuousIntegration: option to include or not attachments in generated reports * Bug-fix: - Ticket#1309 TestStand launcher: cropped characters in archiver report path - Ticket#1354 sql_compare launcher: does not handle well cases where the query#1 returns no row at all 3.0sp7 * Improvements on residual campaigns filters: it now supports: - Tests that have never been successful in ANY of the source campaign sessions - Tests which latest result was not successful (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests which latest result was success (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests which latest result was failure (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests which latest result was unknown (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests which latest result was not executed (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests which latest result was not executable (among all the source campaign sessions) - Tests that have been set as failed at least once in one of the source campaign sessions - Tests that have been set as unknown at least once in one of the source campaign sessions * XContinuousIntegration: new option "--agentsPick" to specify how to session will pick the execution agent: - Any agentsPick in the pool - All agents in the pool - First available agent in the pool * Copy reusable testcase * Ability to preview the test procedure rich-text before submitting when: - creating a testscase/reusable testcase - copying a testscase/reusable testcase * Convert testcase to reusable testcase * Ability to force the tester to provide mandatory comments for any results submitted using manual launchers * Jira bug-tracking REST API connector: use display name ("John Doe") rather than login name ("jdoe") * Many more methods available in the REST API * Robot_framework launcher: attach also a zip file containing all the necessary data (console, log, html report, .robot) on each test's first testcase * Launcher configuration template: ability to set "optional" attributes on the forms that are not mandatory * Include the report factory mechanism in the launcher_lib Post-processing on tree_step_manual launcher: - ability to select a report factory ("JUnit" or "XStudio") to generate a report at the end of the session - ability to provide in the configuration a http url referencing a post-processing script to be executed locally at the end of the session * Robot framework launcher: when running the test suite, the launcher now also provides the list of the executable test cases so that test cases marked as "not ready for automated run" are not executed within the test suite. * Automatically include build# in XStudio's GUI * Bug-fix: - With specific versions of Robot Framework, the "type" attribute of the "kw" nodes are absent from the output.xml report - Merge sessions when some are initiated by some schedules is not working - Using one of the 3 tabular or tree manual launchers, clicking twice on the edit/view switch button on a comments field, makes the comments not saved - Import tests from Excel is more resistant to testcase name duplicated for each step /expected results. - When using an XML-RPC based connector, XReportGenerator couldn't start - Robot_framework launcher: when passing a testsuite option, pass only it's name - Robot_framework launcher: when passing a test list, surrounds the tests with '' so that spaces are well interpreted - When opening bug's rich-text field in full screen, impossible to resize/close/minimize/maximize the popup - When updating bugs in tabular/tabular_step/tree_step manual launcher, only bugs found in the current session were updated/refreshed - Missing or incorrect localization - Possible missing images in reports generated by XContinuousIntegration - After logging out, if we login again and change the preferred language on the fly, all the tree columns are still localized with the previous language - Create reusable testcase: add a verification to avoid duplicate names - Create testcase linked to a reusable testcase: add cleanup of the tree when releasing resources 3.0sp6 * Bug-fix: - When storing attachment on file-system/Samba: . XContinuousIntegration and XReportGenerator may generate errors if some of the attachments were stored on a Samba shared folder . Testcase execution attachments generated by automated tests were wrongly prefixed with "null1234_" rather than "TCE_1234_" . If a session is executed on a remote XAgent, execution attachments are stored in database anyway - Robot framework v2 launcher deletes .robot after execution (regression in 3.0sp5) 3.0sp5 * Ensure all columns width adjusted by the user are persistent even after a refresh * When deleting 1 or more items, their names are now indicated in the audit log on the deletion event. This is for: Folders, Categories, Companies, SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Test cases, Reusable test cases, Campaigns, Sessions, Schedules, Exploratory Sessions, Defects, Assets, Projects, Sprints, Tasks, Sql reports, Users, Teams. * New control bar buttons to match the login screen's new design (and XStudio.web's) * Adjust some creation panel dimension that were too small * Add Servlet API to all packages to not worry about separating REST from the Rest * REST API: add methods: - logout(), - getCustomFields(), - updateFolder(), - updateRequirement(), - getFolderForm(), - getRequirementForm(), - checkDatabaseSchemaCompatibility() * Bug-fix: - Regression in sp4: XStudio hangs if attachments are configured to be stored on shared file systems - Plugin not verified for freeze/unfreeze in the contextual menu - Packaged doc missing images in the web package - After selecting some specific items, a warning is always displayed when moving to another item - Zip-writer test the match with regular expression with file and folder path rather than file and folder names - Robot_framework_v2 launcher: .robot file included as attachment to the test case execution - Minor encoding issues - Typo in the usage text of XContinuousIntegration "--headless true" 3.0sp4 * New screen: Bug > Impact > Exploratory sessions * REST API Server: new methods available: - getFolderInheritedAttachments() - downloadAttachment() - uploadAttachment() * Selection color in trees/tables moved to light grey (to not mask some priority, severity or risk icons) * Robot Frameork v2 launcher: add the .robot file in the autoextractible zip report attached * Ability to auto-generate an XML report at the end of a session and publish it by downloading and executing a custom script. 2 report factories are currently available (JUnit or XQual style reports) * XStudio.web: Middleware URL defaulted to "/xstudio" to match default install scheme on the VM * Bug-fix: - Couldn't run XStudio standalone version with Java 8+ (build# 101+) - Frozen test cases are not seeable/executable with the tree_step_manual launcher - TestStand launcher: success reported at testcase level even if the testcase execution included some errors - With attachments on file-system, embedded images in rich-text are not previewable - When running a test forcing execution with a specific launcher, "ready for" flags are checked based on the original launcher(s) - Wrong sizing of the "create configuration" windows - Error when creating a testcase from a reusable testcase within a frozen test - Problem with UTF-8 accent in some specific cases - Localization typos in French - REST API: getInfo() should not require to be authenticated 3.0sp3 * TestStand launcher (support for session_id, test_id, test_name, testcase_id and testcase_name in the HTML report template) * New session paper report with "search in table" javascript functions * Test scanner: 2 buttons "Select all" and "Unselect all" in the list of suggestions of tests to be imported * Collapse all button collapses all childs recursively rather than collapsing only the first level folders * Bug-fix: - ClassCastException on some linux distribution at login time - In case of network failure (or other reasons), if the database is not accessible anymore, an error arises and the user is asked if he wants to Continue/Exit. If he Exits, several similar popups may be displayed. - With the standalone client, after the initial prompt for settings, the application hangs (requires to press Cancel to continue) - When updating a fat-client XStudio, some configuration parameter's values (i.e. certificates) may be lost - XContinuousIntegration failure because fonts not found - With certain languages (i.e. English) if selecting in the test results filtering panel bugs# then bugs (or reverse), duplicate columns were showing up 3.0sp2: * Better bugs handling in tabular and tree manual launchers - show status, severity and priority - separate bugs associated in the current session and bugs associated to the test in other sessions * TestStand launcher: customizable html report path (template) * Results grid: performance improvement * Bug-fix: - Critical: Attachments duplicated with automated launchers when tests includes several testcases - When some bugs include some special invisible characters in their name or description (i.e. 0x18), paper reports couldn't be generated. - Empty requirements -> specifications traceability matrix in paper reports when using third-part requirements - With third-party requirements, in some specific cases, some duplicates may appear in the root node traceability matrix panels - Disabling some rights underneath a selected company will be displayed as selected (while it's actually not) - Customized .docx header and footer (page numbers) are missing - SUT > Results > bugs and bugs# optional columns show all the bugs associated to the test (not restricting those detected on the current SUT) - Name not refreshed when a bug is edited and name changed from a tabular or tree manual launcher - With third-party bug-trackers, the "Active Defects" paper report was filtering all the bugs - NSIS builder: should use a local license file - Active defects paper report do not display any bug when using a third-party bug-tracking issue 3.0sp1: * Updated the VM with Tomcat 7 and updated the automatic update script accordingly * In the tabular, tabular_step and tree_step manual launchers, when using the integrated bug-tracking database bugs are displayed with status, severity and priority information * In the tabular, tabular_step and tree_step manual launchers bugs are split in 2 separate sections: - bugs linked in each test in the current session - bugs linked in each test in other sessions * Adjust CSS based on new graphical charter * Test canonical path + Test additional infos can now accept any character * Improved NI TestStand launcher * Additional traces to track update campaign content (especially about tests ordering update mechanism) * Login screen (invisible focus) * Bug-fix: - Rich-text in view mode does not wrap long text - Couldn't start XAgent from JNLP (the "login" parameter had by default the "*" value which is invalid) - NPE when no login information are passed in XAgent via JNLP - Exception when copying a session and keeping some results, if there is not test with NE state in the copy - Invalid french localization on session's progress bar: "1 cas de test a été exécuté sur les {1} existant" - Missing localization for reports in English and French - Localization issues (missing terms, typos) - Incorrect progress metrics when the tests have their estimated duration changing (regression due to a change to support ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY in the recent version of MySql) 3.0 * New icons + new splash screen + new login page + new JNLP home page * Dedicated GUI to easily reorder test cases within a test * NI TestStand launcher * Performances: retrieve the launcher list only at start time and cache it to speed up category loading * Copy session: ability to select if we want to keep a few results from the source session (stage1) * Ability to pass username + password to XAgent (even in headless mode) so that it can connect to third-party systems based on user preferences if necessary * Rich-text full screen viewer (non-modal, minimizable, maximizable) on all the rich-text components * Attachments: auto-extractable zipped html folder support * Launcher SDK: ability for any launcher (manual or automated) to insert some rich-text messages including some images * REST API progress: - Almost all requirement methods implemented + session cookie handler - More robust session handling - Add getInfo() method (to make it easy to quickly test the server from a browser w/o POST authentication) * New settings in server preferences + user preferences to customize the height of specific rich-text fields: - Default Rich Text Height - Description Rich Text Sut Height - Description Rich Text Req Height - Description Rich Text Spec Height - Description Rich Text Test Height - Description Rich Text Test case Height - Description Rich Text Bug Height - Step-to-reproduce Rich Text Bug Height * Move the requirement's type and category fields after the risk (to make the description more accessible) * Windows installer does not verify anymore the installed Java * Robot_framework_v2 launcher: improved reporting including all generated screenshots and images * Better css to display tables in rich-text fields and in paper reports * Better presentation of the figures columns in the Dashboard's tasks panel * Replaced deprecated addAttachment() call by addTestcaseMessageAttachment() in all the launchers * Bug-fix: - Support of ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY in MySql's sql_mode setting (included by default starting with MySql 5.7.5) - Missing localization in some charts of the paper reports - Tree_step_manual launcher: For each test in the tree, display the test cases sorted by index - Deal with a limitation in Redmine that prevents from fetching more than 100 issues or project at a time - If a Redmine project has not the "issue tracking" module activated, all modules in XStudio are empty - Rich-text height customization - Sand-glass cursor frozen when a configuration is detected as deprecated - When checking if a former configuration is still ok, do not consider types "string" and "unrestricted_string" different - Server Settings and user preferences windows too tall (Submit and Cancel button hidden by the task bar in some windows/screen configuration) - Various problems at login with Chinese language - When selecting an item through a search by name, search by id or by clicking a node in the dashboard the action was not recorded in the page history - When clicking on a test in the dashboard the test was well selected but the test case list not updated - On newly created systems using third-party bug-trackers, generating a report on the bug root folder was not possible 3.0b3 * Several improvements for FDA part#11 compliance: - couldn't tamper a result if the session is locaked - audit log on the user profile creation/modification - audit log on the user's new profile association - parameter value changes tracked in audit log - test's author and developer changes tracked in audit log - Warn the user when he delete some tests including some that contain frozen testcases * Include test operator on each test in the Complete_with_stats reports (on sessions) * Setting to authorize manual session re-run or not * Complete new mechanism to load and resize HD icons * Complete new set of 350 high definition icons * Much better adaptability to Retina/4K screens * Customizable welcome page * Expired licenses: more explicit warning when there are events recorded in the future in the database. 2 possible causes: - you may have some users who voluntarily changed their computer's date in the future at one point - or your computer has an incorrect date in the past * Additional getters in the REST APIs * Increase Max grid row number to 9999 * Improved style for charts in paper reports * New APIs in the launcher SDK: - public void addSessionMessageAttachment(File file) - public void addSessionMessageAttachments(Vector files) - public void addSessionMessageAttachmentFolder(File file) - public void deleteSessionMessageAttachments() - public Vector getSessionMessageAttachments() - public void clearSessionMessageAttachments() - public void addTestMessageAttachment(File file) (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public void addTestMessageAttachments(Vector files) (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public void addTestMessageAttachmentFolder(File file) (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public void deleteTestMessageAttachments() (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public Vector getTestMessageAttachments() (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public void clearTestMessageAttachments() (not enabled - schema change necessary) - public void addTestcaseMessageAttachment(File file) (replacing deprecated addAttachment) - public void addTestcaseMessageAttachments(Vector files) (replacing deprecated addAttachments) - public void addTestcaseMessageAttachmentFolder(File file) (replacing deprecated addAttachmentFolder) - public void deleteTestcaseMessageAttachments() (replacing deprecated deleteAttachments) - public Vector getTestcaseMessageAttachments() (replacing deprecated getAttachments) - public void clearTestcaseMessageAttachments() (replacing deprecated clearAttachments) - 3 protected variables (accessible from any launcher): . Vector sessionMessageAttachments . Vector testMessageAttachments . Vector testcaseMessageAttachments (replacing the former attachments) * Bug-fix: - When editing a test case procedure, whatever if we submitted the change or not, we are asked to verify we submitted. - When retrieving user's folder rights, do not use the Max grid row number - New bug severity/priority/status par age included in paper reports - New testing coverage (requirements tested completely, partially etc.) pie charts in paper reports - New icons in paper report too 3.0b2 * SUT + Campaign root folder + Campaign folder + Campaign: 2 stackcharts + 2 piecharts available in tracks * SUT + Bug root folder: 3 stackcharts available in tracks * Bug-fix: - Workaround Oracle's bug in Java 1.8u91+ - When creating a session, initialize the NE tests only once (to avoid duplicate key) - When some tests were never executed they do not appear in the session report paper - With a very large number of custom fields the Test and testcases search panel can exceed the screen resolution hence making impossible to search - Search testcase: anchors do not work - Search testcase: display "ready for manual test" and "ready for automated test" as icon (it was not obvious what the checboxes were exactly) - Label truncated in form if they have also an icon associated - Some white borders effect in SUT paper report's traceability matrix if specifications are enabled - Localization of the global search terms 3.0b1 * Shareable URL in all the "Details" tabs * Highlight of all the fields that are being or have been edited in a form * Warning when exiting a not saved Details panel * Extension Tracks to Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Campaigns, Session and Bugs * Create campaign: filter on bugs * Create campaign: filter on specifications * Verify bug button to automatically create a campaign to verify a bug-fix * When deleting an item, select a sibling item or parent folder * Session > Results > Tree view > Test > Testcase: completely new messages tab with scroll capability and background colors to identify status * Session > Results > Tree view > Test > Testcase: completely new attachments tab * Add a column for user's email (in all the trees where some users need to be selected) * Attributes are now presented sorted per type then alphabetically * Do not expand by default anymore the trees in access rights page * New side bar, new visuals * ~300 new high definition icons for high-dpi displays * Preview rich text in a separate window (i.e. useful when it includes big screenshots etc.) * Reordering testcases * Improvements of the audit log: all changes (creation, modification, copy, move, import, deletion etc.) on SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, tasks, exploratory sessions, sessions, schedules, users, teams, assets, traceability matrix links, server settings, user preferences etc. are logged with all the details * All the user's login and logout are now also tracked in the audit log * Ability to freeze items on demand (SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, campaigns and sessions) * Audit log show by default only the last 100.000 last changes in history (for performances reasons) * A new column in the main test tree showing the number of bugs associated to each test in the tree * A new column in the main bug tree showing the number of tests associated to each bug in the tree * All the piecharts + Grid panels: when the user filters the items in the grid, the piechart shows statistics on filtered items * Test results grid panels: ability to add 2 new (filterable) optional columns: "Bugs" and "Bug#" * "Bug#" columns filterable with min/max values * SUT: a new Results > History panel displaying some statistics on the results history: - a stack chart showing for each sessions in the timeline the results breakout - a stack chart showing for each day in the timeline the results breakout - two pie charts showing the results breakout at test and test case levels * SUT: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids: - a grid showing all the results compared per configuration - a grid showing all the results compared per agent - a grid showing all the results compared per operator * SUT: new stack charts: - severity breakout per active bug's age - priority breakout per active bug's age - status breakout per active bug's age * SUT > Results > Requirements and Specification: add a piechart + explanation text * Requirement tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the requirements-tests matrix * Specification tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the specification-tests matrix * Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing: - the tests-bugs matrix - the tests-requirements matrix - the tests-specifications matrix * Test tree root: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids: - a grid showing all the results compared per configuration - a grid showing all the results compared per agent - a grid showing all the results compared per operator * Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the tests-requirements matrix * Test tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the tests-specifications matrix * Reusable testcase: a new tab to detail all the tests refering to this reusable test case * Campaign + folder + root: a new Results > History panel displaying some statistics on the results history: - a stack chart showing for each sessions in the timeline the results breakout - a stack chart showing for each day in the timeline the results breakout - two pie charts showing the results breakout at test and test case levels * Campaign + folder + root: three new tabs displaying some comparison grids: - a grid showing all the results compared per configuration - a grid showing all the results compared per agent - a grid showing all the results compared per operator * Campaign + folder + root: a new Per Session panel displaying the results statistics per session * Campaign > Results > Requirements and Specification: add a piechart + explanation text * Session > Results > Requirements and Specification: add a piechart + explanation text - Bug tree root: a new Traceability matrix showing the bugs-tests matrix - Bug tree root: new stack charts: * severity breakout per active bug's age * priority breakout per active bug's age * status breakout per active bug's age - Bug: a new tab to detail all the tests associated to this bug - Bug: the Impact tab includes a new Campaign/Session panel showing in which session(s) the bug has been found * All launcher's configurations are now using unrestricted text fields ('' or '"' are now accepted!) * Use the status RESULT_INFO in all the launchers when a log is not returning a success or a failure * SQL_compare and SQL_select launchers: - Each testcase can now have some custom params used to replace placeholders in the SQL query before execution. - Testcase name is used instead of testcase index to find the physical script. * 2 new SoapUi launchers dedicated to performance and security tests * A new Tape launcher (for javascript tests) * Offline-launcher: reports better results at testcase level (not all failed if one step failed) * Sahi60 launcher: support uploading screenshots + 6.0 pro version * QTP/UFT launcher support of the new naming convention of the UFT v12.50+ versions * New launcher VisualStudio CodedUi * TestOptimal launcher: add "chrome" and options in browser selection * Ranorex launcher: protection against if something goes wrong in the activities (not tests) during test execution * Improve perfs of the tree_step_manual launcher * Sikulix launcher: pass all the parameters as arguments to the script * Bug-fix: Sikulix launcher does not handle correctly Win64 hosts * Manual launchers: bug ids + visible name should be displayed * Manual launchers: We should be able to distinguish bug found in this session from those found on another session in - manual launchers (and handle correctly links on closed ones) * Integration Redmine * Standalone XImporter command-line tool to programmatically import some data (SUTs, requirements, - specifications, tests, test cases, campaigns and sessions) * Extended REST-API - Better authentication. - All timeshifting, settings/parameters, folders and requirements APIs available. * New methods available in the launcher API: - public HashMap getTestcaseParamValuesHashMap(); - public Vector getSessionParamsVector(); - public Vector getTestcaseParamValues(int testcaseId); * Prototype of XStudio.web focusing initially on requirements management * Improve reports (icons, nicer .docx, thinner margins on .docx, no more white-border effect, better borders etc.) * A few new reports on test and campaign trees * Session reports include all step, expected results, step results and comments * Better Session JUnit report transform (including much more details about potential failures) * New testplan report "Coverage and hierarchy" * The requirements and specification reports can now take advantage of the inner links (relationship) ids * Generate a report on a 1 or N selected tests (or testcases) * Bug-fix: GlyphView: Stale view: javax.swing.text.BadLocationException when using UDNO / REDO feature - in some specific cases (especially item lists) * Ability to specify if the status NOT_EXECUTABLE is included in all the "latest results" based reports * Option to NOT display defect progression statistics on: - Bugs tree's root node - Bugs tree's folder nodes - SUT tree's SUT nodes (hence improving largely the performance of global refresh or even selection of the items above) * Faster search (last modified in settings + search in all revisions) * Many other minor bug-fixes... 2.4sp12: * Bug-fix: - Workaround Oracle's bug in Java 1.8u91+ 2.4sp11: * Memory leak + general performances retrieving the trees and getting data in general * SQL_compare and SQL_select launchers: - Each testcase can now have some parameters which are used to replace placeholders in the SQL query before execution. These parameters can of course be overloaded at session level to customize your campaign run. - Testcase name is used instead of testcase index to find the physical script * Bug-fix: - Exception when a license key has some invisible characters at the end - Exception when parsing specific xml files generated by robot-frameworks - When some testcase are not executed at all, the session reports shows missing cells - With manual testing when the steps and checks include parameters, they are not replaced with their values in the session report - Sikulix launcher: does not handle correctly Win64 hosts - Sikulix launcher: pass all the parameters to the script - SOAPUI launcher: console file couldn't be created if the user is not administrator - Deadlock if the user choose "execute on Any agent" with agents ready - Custom fields wrongly passed to the launcher 2.4sp10 * 2 new SoapUI launchers dedicated to performances and security testing * SQL launcher can use parameters to customize the query dynamically * Bug-fix: - Ranorex launcher stalled if a wrong path is provided - Exception if a license key is provided with some extra invisible characters at the end - Exception with Robot Framework lauincher in some very specific cases - Session report missing parameter values in the messages when executed manually with a step launcher 2.4sp9 * Bug-fix: - Some XSLT reports not working (regression introduced in 2.4sp7) - Errors reported by SQL Server when using exotic collations at server level 2.4sp8 * Bug-fix: - [CRITICAL] for instance using SQL Server: some foreign keys constraints are missing in the database schema which could lead to orphan objects after deleting some parent objects - Ability to provide X.509 certificate for the email notification mechanism (using SSL or TLS SMTP servers) - Ranorex launcher: if something goes wrong in the activities (not tests) during test execution, a false positive was returned. 2.4sp7 * Sahi60 launcher: support uploading screenshots + 6.0 pro version * TestOptimal launcher: add "chrome" and options in browser selection * New launcher for Microsoft VisualStudio CodedUi * New paper reports: - on test tree: Simple_template_for_manual_results (on any container) - on campaign tree: Simple_template_for_manual_results (on a campaign) - on campaign tree: Simple (on a session) * New style for paper report: "Noddy" * Improvements on HTML paper reports: - no more "white border" effect - Session's reports include steps, checks and messages along with their results (if executed by a xxx_step manual launcher) * Improvements on DOCX paper reports: - thinner margins * New methods available in the launcher API: - public HashMap getTestcaseParamValuesHashMap(); - public Vector getSessionParamsVector(); - public Vector getTestcaseParamValues(int testcaseId); * Bug-fix: - Couldn't create a bug with the tabular_step_manual launcher when testcases have no step - Exception when starting XAgent when it's connected with a third-party requirement or bugtracking system in SSL and you have specified a X.509 certificate in the conf. - Remove LDAP password from the console - QTP/UFT launcher does not support the new naming convention of the UFT v12.50+ versions - Additional protection against "can't specify target table for update" (couldn't drop links starting with MySQL 5.7+ (because of a change in MySQL)) - In some specific cases, DOCX format couldn't be generated (table with no tr or td in it) - In .docx generated paper report the shareabale URL was visible while only a clickable button was supposed to be visible - French localization: "Succés" --> "Succès" - When moving some steps using the testcase tree procedure, the step is unselected on the way - Links when clicking on tree's anchors are not tracked in the page history - Refreshing session's results tree view while a session is being executed throws an exception when no test or testcase are selected 2.4sp6 * Improve reports (icons, better Docx) * New testplan report "Coverage and hierarchy" * Bug-fix: - TestExecute v2 launcher: configuration parsing issues is some cases - Sahi60 launcher: Exception thrown when some "Additional Infos" fields are empty - Clearcase connector: bigger page size (to workaround a bug in old version of Clearcase) - When tampering successively some testcase results, in some cases multiple windows could be opened - No feedback when moving one or several folders in a folder already containing child folder(s) with the same name (the moving was not possible but the user had no warning or information about the reason). 2.4sp5 * Mocha/MochaJs launcher * Neotys NeoLoad launcher * User preferences: add a settings to force the scaling of the GUI (Auto, 100%, 200% etc.) * Better protection against windows outside visible area (i.e. switching computers 2 screens -> 1 screen) * New settings (server + user preferences) to control if you want to automatically close the real-time progress details frame after a session execution is completed * SDK changes: - ZIP utilities in the SDK: allows adding individual files to an existing zip - File utilities in the SDK: allows creating temporary file with a specific extension - Make the "attachments" vector visible from any launcher * Bug-fix: - Sessions > Results > Tree View: when linking a bug to a test, when clicking on the name of the bug we get a invalid ID error message - Impossible to link a bug to an exploratory session at run time - When exporting a grid list to Excel, if we provide manually a wrong path, an exception is thrown - When exporting a grid list to Excel, if we provide a path that cannot be automatically created (i.e. missing rights), an exception is thrown - Rename testoptimal.xml (if used on a linux system it could be a problem) - When modifying a testcase results from session > Results > tree view, test and testcase should be reselected afterwards - When searching for a node in a tree in the right panels, we shouldn't be redirected but just highlight the right node. If the node is an anchor, the user can then manually click on it. - Incorrect build scripts / missing libraries for a couple of launchers - Some missing or incomplete documentation on some launchers (TestOptimal, Mocha, NeoLoad, QF-Test, Selenese, Offline Generic...) - In synchronousmode and if run on a headless computer, XContinuousIntegration fails to generate the report after the session is completed - When using SSL with Clearquest or QC bugtracking connectors, the "accept all certificate" parameter used is the one from the requirement connectors configuration - SDK: when calling requestAction() without any "behavior" parameter, an invalid behaviour value was passed - In some case, when the user has a profile not allowing to edit the details of a SUT/Requirement/Specification but has the right to change the links on those, if he add some links to the item and if the item had no link before, then all the rich text fields (description, custom fields) are updated with html tags polution on this item 2.4sp4 * Add the requirement's path in the Raw data XML when reporting on SUT, session and testplans * Warning about attachments folder deletion in all the launcher's configuration that use them * Factorization WAPT launcher * A new TestExecute v2 launcher draft with 2 options: "Full project" and "Selected project and tests" * Increase timeout so that an expand does not select the item * Bug-fix: - Some localization missing in the manual launchers - When retrieving bugs from QC, they do not appear in the generated paper reports - Defect > impact > SUT: wrong number of SUTs - Perf improvment: Remove the finalization at the end of a session execution (not necessary anymore as all the test cases and tests are now set as not executed at session creation time) - When running a manual session and linking a bug to a test, the defect popup shows by default the tree filtered (so most of the time empty) - When running a manual session and linking a bug to a test, if you click on a defect name a "hidden node" message is displayed 2.4sp3 * Mantis: when using a localized account (i.e. french), many colors in graphics are defaulted to grey * Mantis SOAP connector: it's now possible to use the tag "project-id" in the "new-bug" URL so that the new bug's project is pre-selected * UTF-8 support on all the REST connectors * Bug statistics: on small screen, it's very hard to see the details of the stackbar charts - needs to be bigger and scrollable * Ability to search or redirect to Jira by their usual PROJ-123 formatted id * Bug-fix: - Create a SUT inheriting requirements from another SUT leads to an error popup (not blocking as everything is done correctly) - In very rare occasions, reordering tests in a campaign can provoke emptying of the campaign - When selecting a test, then its testcase, right-clicking on the test again shows the testcase menus - When searching a test by name, the test is well selected but the testcase subtree is not updated - In some cases, with a third-party connector you may get some wrong "item does not exist anymore" message - With the Mantis SQL connector, when creating a new bug project_id=-1 is passed - With requirement and bugs coming from a third-party + with specifications enabled, NPE on SUT coverage 2.4sp2 * Official support of very high resolution/dpi displays (Retina, 4K, 5K) * Mantis SOAP Connector: Alt. implementation for the SOAP parsing (only based on XML to deal with BOM issues) * Bug-fix: - NoClassDefFoundError Exception while connecting to an http host (requirement or bugtracking third-party system) with SpellChecker activated - Register the spell checker only after all trees are loaded - On some containers or campaigns, sometimes, coverage legend in the piechart includes % in each slice while it actually shows the number of items - When opening XStudio on a particular test case (through a web URL), the parent test is not highlighted - Mantis SOAP connector: depending on the configuration, some accents or special characters may not be well rendered in XStudio - Sahi60 launcher: invalid xml template - Settings screen sometimes too big for the screens 2.4sp1 * Completely new tree-selection engine: - Left-clicks and right-clicks much more reliable - Better refresh - No inconsistencies with contextual menus on right-click - ALL actions available on the right panel are now also available in the righ-click contextual menus * Delete the integrated source code of the JSON parser and include it as an independent signed lib * Scaling to support Hi-DPI displays (support for row's height, icons, all font sizes) * Improved TestOptimal launcher (to support their latest API) * Ranorex: handle the case where the .rxlog are not formatted specifically. In this case the launcher gets the most recent data file (WARNING: new configuration parameter!) * Ability to modify the SUT of a session after its execution. WARNING: requires a new specific right to do so (check your user profiles) * Cucumber launcher draft * Improved Ranorex launcher (+add regex capabilities in the ZipWriter library) * Add in the session reports the cumulated testcases results statistics (so that at folder level we also have all the results counted and not only the latest of each test case) * Agent name is now available from the launcher SDK API * Offline_generic launcher: support for Mockito and EasyMock formats * Ability to specify in server preferences and user preferences if we want to preselect the last SUT selected in the GUI when creating a new session, track or test run * Bug-fix: - All URLs pointing to XStudio objects are now working (opening directly the requested page through the .php) - Jira REST: exception if a description is null - A few localization missing - Schema 75: remove incorrect identity/auto-increment on table_monitored_results on Oracle or SQLServer - Couldn't use the SNMP monitoring feature on Oracle or SQLServer - Incorrect testcase metrics on session's paper reports - Not protection against importing requirements, specification or tests with invalid priorities or status - If some data have been imported with invalid priority or status, the trees are not loaded and a blank screen appear instead - Couldn't take an area screenshot from the testcase grid procedure - Spell checker exception in some rare cases - Couldn't edit or create new SQL report - QC integration: description displayed as pure html content - Wrong help content for the settings 2.4 * Add all the bugs details in SUT reports + split the bugs manually set from the bug found through failed test * Settings: - ability to invert the order of Submit and Cancel buttons in all the dialogs/forms - 3 new boolean settings in the "Advanced" section: . Link a requirement to a SUT sets the SUT's coverage to 100% by default . Link a test or a specification to a requirement sets the requirement's coverage to 100% by default . Link a test to a specification sets the specification's coverage to 100% by default * When performing a dynamic search, restrict the search on visible nodes * Add a resize corner indicator on the screenshot tool so that it's obvious how to resize the area to capture * In all the requirement's results tree, add the priority + risk in the tree * Improved/simplified the tabbing of the Create session and Copy session windows: - standardization of the tab order - gathering of all the monitoring tabs under a single "Monitoring" panel - gathering the attributes and params tabs under a single "Overloading" panel * Ability to rename the session while copying it * 'Reset all results' confirmation dialogs always centered on the launcher window * 'Reset comment' checkbox transparent background * Add all the details of the external (Jira, Mantis, Bugzilla, Clearquest, QC, Trac, VersionOne) requirements and bugs in the reports (in the raw XML and in Html when possible) * Always include a URL with external requirements/bugs in reports * Ability to select some test custom fields in the test result grids * Remember last dashboard tab selected (i.e. when doing a refresh) * Better error message when the user try to upload a file which size exceed what the database server can accept * Default timeframe longer (1.5year) for results progress graphics * Custom styles sheet for the javadoc * Better labeling for Bugs found in/fixed in etc. * Make the dependency graph looks nicer * New TestOptimal launcher * Bug-fix: - Severals issues with the integrated screenshot tool related to window's focus. Now, when you click on the screenshot area button, all the other XStuio's related windows (including the manual launcher's GUI) are minimized automatically so that you can select the area you want to capture right away. When the capture is done, all the XStudio windows are back in the right order. The Area screen capture tool is also now always on top of all the other windows. - Import from Excel: path ending with / were ignored - Couldn't create some holidays (as the dialog is not modal and its parent is) - Test scanner throws an exception if the user is not admin - The test scanner does not cleanup old imports so could re-import the same data again and again - Attempt to fix the random "StateInvariantError: GlyphView: Stale view: length must be positive" error - Exception thrown when refreshing either the public or private tracks - With a session containing tests from 2 distinct categories both associated with tabular_manual.jar/tabular_step_manual.jar/tree_step_manual.jar, resetting ALL the results at once generates a NPE - When creating a new category, an "empty" launcher is selected in the picker. One of the manual launcher should be selected by default - Attempt to bug-fix an extremely rare random NPE when a new popup is displayed (because of the custom company icon) - SUT > Bug found: the "All" category is actually containing the bugs manually set to a bug (wrong labeling) - SUT > Bug found (Manually set): only possible using the integrated bug-tracking database, so the tab should be hidden with third-party bug-tracking - SUT > Bug fixed: only possible using the integrated bug-tracking database, so the tab should be hidden with third-party bug-tracking - Bug found/fixed: refresh button useless, so should be removed - Bug found/fixed: select filter should be locked to set (or it would be misleading to get all the bugs and not only the linked ones) - Missing campaign session # in summary of the SUT paper reports - Missing localization - Remove deprecated JVM options inserted in the JMeter launcher - Ugly java icon in the task bar when booting the program while retrieving the data - With generic defects, a few report may have missed some data 2.4b2 * Private tracks: custom dashboard each user can customize with its favorite metrics/charts * Ability for a user to reset its user preferences to factory settings * Progress bar indicating status just after login * Update launchers catalog * Better cookie handling on all the REST connectors (with JavaWebStart, session cookies were missing) * Generated .docs paper reports now include style definitions for Heading 1 to Heading 7 In addition, <h1>, <h2> etc. tags are now automatically mapped to Heading 1, Heading 2 etc. So for example, it's now possible to generate a summary table on the generated reports * Remove keep-alive threads for: - VersionOne (Requirements + Bugs) - Jira (Requirements + Bugs) - QC (Bugs) * Better protection against missing conf file(s) * Bug-fix: - For some connectors, a few settings fields were inappropriately set as available - JMeter launcher: throws an exception when no config files are provided in the configuration - JMeter launcher: support for and nodes in the .jtl files - Tracks: some localization missing - When requirements or bug-tracking settings are wrong and the "Check requirement/bug-tracking server settings before user preferences are applied" settings are not set, an exception is thrown after login and the user needs to press Continue to start XStudio - Keep-alive message attempted to be sent to third-party requirements/bug-tracking system even if the connector settings are incorrect 2.4b1 * Customizable points of interests in the dashboard (that we call "Tracks") allowing to follow some customizable metrics on specifically selected SUTs * Contextual menus (on right-click) on all the nodes on all the main trees * Test scanner: tool allowing to scan the local disk to find/suggest automated tests/scripts to automatically import in XStudio * Make sure the screen positions are valid for current hardware configuration (to avoid having XStudio window outside of the boundaries) * Optimization testcases/steps results on huge database (> 150.000 testcases) * New graphics style (simplified, better word wrapping and without any border) * Harmonization colors for bug metrics (incl. third-party bug tracking systems) * Ability to use a local/private XStudio keystore and to import multiple X.509 trusted or self-signed certificates in it * Implementation of a local/private X.509 TrustManager in XStudio * New parameters in the server settings to support SSL/TLS: - LDAP SSL/TLS certificate (when connecting to a secure LDAP server - ldaps) - Third-party requirement systems: . SSL/TLS certificate (when connecting to a secure HTTP server - https) . 'Accept Any Certificate' checkbox (to autorise unsecure connections when you have no certificate) - Third-party bug-tracking systems: . SSL/TLS certificate (when connecting to a secure HTTP server - https) . 'Accept Any Certificate' checkbox (to autorise unsecure connections when you have no certificate) * New connectors: - Requirements: Jira (REST-API): this is a new implementation based on REST (while the legacy implementation - still available - is using XML-RPC) - Bugs: Jira (REST-API): this is a new implementation based on REST (while the legacy implementation is using XML-RPC) - Bugs: Bugzilla (XML-RPC): this is a new implementation based on XML-RPC (while the legacy implementation - still available - is using direct SQL querying) - Bugs: Mantis (SOAP): this is a new implementation based on SOAP handling paging and projects and subprojects (while the legacy implementation is using direct SQL querying) - Bugs: QC (REST) connector (tested) - Bugs: trac connector with the new XML-RPC proxy - SSO (Single Sign-On) when using third-party requirements or bugtracking database or LDAPS * Offline_generic launcher (able to parse JUnit, TestNg or CSV reports) * TestNg launcher: better traces when exceptions arise * Ranorex launcher: support for test + testcase execution * Selenium launcher: support execution of tests (not only testsuites) * Sahi 6.0 launcher * Selenese launcher * Squish launcher: run the test from the squish bin folder * Launcher API: Ability for all the launchers to push messages including step and check attributes * Tabular_step_manual + Tree_step_manual launchers: results are reported in XStudio along with their rich-text step and checks * SUT: add a new full integrated bugs stats + progression panel for each SUT * SUT: gather all bug's stat under a single tab * Gather major and minor severities on the same graph * Gather high and low priorities on the same graph * Defect reporting: Add status progression on Active + Passive + All * New metrics on integrated bugs: - on root folder: . status breakout, severity breakout, priority breakout . status->severity barchart, status->priority barchart . assignedTo->status barchart, assignedTo->severity barchart, assignedTo->priority barchart, . all the legacy progression charts (incl. per assignedTo or reportedBy) - on folders: . status breakout, severity breakout, priority breakout (limited) * New metrics on external bugs: - on root folder: . status breakout, severity breakout, priority breakout . status->severity barchart, status->priority barchart . assignedTo->status barchart, assignedTo->severity barchart, assignedTo->priority barchart, . all the legacy progression charts (incl. per assignedTo or reportedBy) - on folders: . status breakout, severity breakout, priority breakout . status->severity barchart, status->priority barchart . assignedTo->status barchart, assignedTo->severity barchart, assignedTo->priority barchart, . all the legacy progression charts (incl. per assignedTo or reportedBy) * Automatic update when visiting defect progress or category design stats panel (no "Update" anymore) * New defect metrics charts in the GUI and in the paper reports * New CSV report to export testcase procedures only * New HTML report to export test and/or testcase procedures only * Remember the selected tabs when selecting different nodes: - SUT bugs (default = Statistics) - Bugs Progression (default = Active bugs) - Bugs Progressions Active (default = Status) - Bugs Progressions Passive (default = Status) - Bugs Progressions All (default = Status) - Design statistics (default = Test cases) - Test design statistics (default = Ready for automated run) - Test case design statistics (default = Ready for automated run) - Test results progress (default = test cases) * Remember the selected start and stop dates when selecting different nodes: - Defects progression - Results progression - Test design statistics * Tool to search and delete orphan images * Dependencies information in the RAW XML reports on testplans * Ability to customize the .docx report headers * Spell checker: options to be more permissive on all CAPS words, Title case words etc. * When testcase statistics are not available, do not provide the single-path quality index metric * Increase size of storage for the test procedure (limit: 65535 -> 16777215 characters) * Rename the special folder "Manual" (in the campaign tree) to "[Playground]" (with a new description so that it's clear that it's not aimed at hosting manual tests but host results for quick-and-dirty execution (when the test operator run a test directly from the test tree). * Ability to specify the following default settings when creating a new testcase: - ready for manual run - ready for automated run * Bug-fix: - When a bug or requirement description is null keep the text field empty (GUI + report) - When the user edits manually in plain-text a password directly in a conf file, an exception is thrown (this should be nicely handled) - In the last 30 days of validity of a license, if some custom visuals are set, some incorrect messages are displayed informing that the license does not include the rights to use custom visuals - Several issues when using a rich-text editor in the settings - Check if there is a new version only if current version is NOT a beta (b*), an alpha (a*) or a development version (d*) - When creating a file if some intermediate folders where missing, the file was not created - Jira: Depending on the filtering, if more than 1000 issues are retrievable from one project, none was actually retrieved - In some very rare cases, creation of local directories was failing when the full path was not existing - In the session report "Table_to_copy_in_Excel", messages were missing - the "Info" status was invisible (icon + label) in all the reports - More explicit message when the creation operations are blocked - When referencing a reusable testcase in a test from a testcase, if we do not select the source reusable testcase, a NPE is thrown - Robot framework + robot framework v2 launchers: some successful test can includes steps with failures (internal test that will condition how the test is supposed to continue). So, even if we continue to parse the whole xml log to have details steps, the global status is taken from the top test status node - When merging sessions, we prefer reporting at folder level or SUT level the merged results rather than the original results. So the merged results are stored at the original kept result's timestamp + 1s - Should not set lower case the XML-RPC proxy calls! - Better handling of creation/deletion of attachments when using a shared folder when there is networking issues - The REST-API server throws an exception during initialization when deployed on Tomcat 8 (works well on Tomcat 6 and 7) due to getRealPath() recent changes in Tomcat - When a launcher reports executionSteps without step and/or check, it should not be stored with empty steps and/or checks but with NO step and NO check - "Delete folder" rights needed to empty a folder also 2.3sp3 * Bug-fix: - Bug progression statistics with third-party systems integration: some trends (i.e. severity or priority) are invisible (rendered as white on white) - VersionOne integration some priorities are missing from the stats - Gradle launcher: when using nose test type, if they are reporting errors rather than failures, the parser was generating a NPE 2.3sp2 * Optimization performances (especially for huge database with more than 150.000 test cases) * Add test id + testcase id in the Excel report on session * Gradle launcher: Ability to choose in the conf if the output file is in "nose" or "TestNG" format. * Gradle launcher (TestNg): try to map the test-method to the testcase name THEN to the test name * Gradle launcher (nose): search for failure + error nodes * Autodetect win32 + win64 windows platform when auto-registrating itself + new win64 option in Details tab (attempt: automatically convert h1/h2/etc. to Header1/Header2/etc. when generating .docx paper reports) * Bug-fix: - Couldn't delete a task folder in the project management module - When using SMB file sharing to host all the attachments, deletion does not actually delete the file - Robot Framework launchers: when there is a typo in a test case name, the launcher crashes - Merge of campaign sessions: when all test cases are not executed or not executable, test was set as Unknown while it should have been set as not-executed or not-executable - Need the specification edition rights to edit the agent's details - TestNg launcher: with tests generating large/fast traces, it may hang - TestNg launcher: if the result xml file is null or empty, an NPE is thrown 2.3sp1 * XReportGenerator extension to support generation of SUT report (--sutId xxx) * Update all libraries related to docx generation: - docx4j: nightly 20130828 (2.8.1) -> 3.2.1 - docx4j-ImportXHTML: nightly 20130829 (2.8.1) -> 3.2.2 - xml-graphics-commons: 1.4 -> 2.0 - commons-io: 1.3.1 -> 2.4 - xhtmlrenderer: 1.0.1 -> 3.0.0 * Add the "Optional args" + "Extension" parameters to the robot_framework launcher (that runs testsuites) * Added protection/verification: - add/delete attachments only if they are files (not directory) - XContinousIntegration expect a report folder * Bug-fix: - Depending on the filtering, if more than 1000 issues are retrievable from one project, none was actually retrieved - When the screens configuration were modified (adding or removing a screen) and the saved locations/dimensions became invalid (outside of the new limits), the main XStudio Window may not be visible. The coordinates + dimensions are now automatically adapted to the new resolution/dimensions. - Campaign session > Bugs refresh does not work - When creating a third-party bug from a manual test interface, it was appearing as linked to the test in the "Results" > "TreeView" tab but not in the "Bugs" tab (after a refresh, it was visible though). - When creating a file, if some intermediate folders where missing, the file was not created - Typo in french localization - Missing default XQual logo in reports when company icon is empty - XContinuousIntegration's HTML reports did not contain attachments - XGenerateReport's HTML reports did not contain attachments - Reports generation: small optimization and performance improvement - Generated docx may include inappropriate CR/LF within the chapter titles - Exception when an HTML editor form item is edited when it's at the very end of a form and some separators are present before - In the last 30 days of validity of a license, if some custom visuals are set, some incorrect messages are displayed informing that the license does not include the rights to use custom visuals - In very rare case, creation of local directories was failing when the full path was not existing 2.3 * Connectors to third-party systems: ability to populate automatically the bug's name & description (editable of course) when creating it from a compatible manual launcher: - Integrated (was already available) - Jira (new) - Bugzilla (new) - Mantis (new) - Trac (new) * When creating a bug directly from a test results, populate its name (editable). * QC Connector * Rename Kalistick to Kalistick/Coverity Test Advisor * New RobotFramework launcher (robot_framework_v2.jar) - support for running tests (rather than testsuites) - optional arguments - selectable extension (.txt or .robot) * 2 new parameters in the settings defining the max size of the attachments: - on standard items (SUT, requirements, tests etc.) - on test executions (uploaded by the launchers) * Nicer icon for the "Edit button" on third-party (Jira, Clearquest, Mantis etc.) bugs * XContinuousIntegration: ability to provide a static name for the report * Bug-fix: - With Clearquest/VersionOne/Bugzilla/Jira/QC bug-tracking connectors, if you create a bug while executing manual test and you cancel the project selection a NPE is generated. - When previewing/generating combinations using the pairwise/regular algorithm with both valid and invalid values and when some are null/empty an exception may occur - RobotFramework launcher, XML report deleted after the first testcase hence corrupting the next results. - Exception while trying to refresh a requirement tree under a coverage section when the requirements are connected with a third-party requirement management system - Create team: when the Manual folder is not selected, a suggestion popup is displayed to do so - When some campaigns/sessions contains only not executable tests and if you selected "ignore not-executable in progress and quality metrics", some exception may be thrown when caculating quality metrics. - Test execution's messages not rendered as HTML when they contains [b], [u] etc. - Exception after saving the conf locally (from a web serveur) 2.3b3 * Add 2 parameter in the server settings to check or not the requirement and bugtracking connector before the user preferences are applied * Allows to have some incomplete third-party connector settings and force the user to set the missing parts in it user preference - i.e. username/password so that each user connects with his own credentials * Requirement and Test filters: - support filter on names - support the "contains" filter (i.e. "name contains 'abc'") * Report's source XML files include revision and date of the main targetted objects (requirements, specifications, tests, test cases and defects) * Bug-fix: - SUT: . Results > Requirements/Specifications: depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics", . Display or hide the NA in the tree (considered then as NE) . Compute requirements/specifications quality accordingly . Results > Tests : show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") . Results > Testcases/steps: show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") - Test Tree Category/Folder/Root: . Results > Tests : show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") . Results > Testcases/steps: show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") - Campaign Tree Folder: . Results > Tests : show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") . Results > Testcases/steps: show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") - CPanel_Campaign: . Results > Requirements/Specifications: depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics", . Display or hide the NA in the tree (considered then as NE) . Compute requirements/specifications quality accordingly . Results > Tests : show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") . Results > Testcases/steps: show the latest results ignoring or not the NA (depending on "ignore NA in progress and quality metrics") - CPanel_CampaignSession: . Results > Tests : do not filter NE or NA results . Results > Testcases/steps: do not filter NE or NA results - tree_step_manual launcher: first node not automatically selected - tree_step_manual launcher: when resetting all the results at once, currently selected node is not updated - QTP/UFT launcher: couldn't close properly the test with UFT (as UFT does not support / in test path) - Incorrect sample import file "import_assets.xls" - With the "any agent" option selected, with tabular_step_manual launcher: . Results may not be restored when reexecuting . Reset all results may not work at all - Typos in french translation - Couldn't create a session or a schedule with the community edition - NPE when trying to reference a reusable testcase in a test forgetting to select one - Don't display anymore the "new version available" screen if currently running a beta - Silulix launcher: . Generate all the output on the console (to make debug easier) . Parse timestamp in the log (i.e. [log (2.4.2015 22:57:59)] xxxx to export this information in the messages in XStudio - Missing localization when creating a custom field with no default value 2.3b2sp1 * Bug-fix: - Critical: XStudio/XAgent does not start in certain cases 2.3b2 * Offline mode to skip the search for update from Internet (with commercial versions) * Headless XAgent (option "--headless true" in the command line or similra in the .jnlp) * Last login name remembered on each computer * Ability to execute a session (or an individual test) forcing using a specific launcher and a specific configuration (this can be useful for instance to temporarily execute an automated test manually). Feature available only with XStudio Business+ and with a specific right to do so in the user profile. * Customizable font size in the user preferences * User preferences: preferred rule when downloading some files that already exist: overwrite, skip or ask * Overloading of most of the connector's parameters in user preferences so that each user can provide his own credentials for instance. Each user can also choose which projects, status to filter etc. * All configurations are now sorted by default (including user preferences in database) * Import tests/testcases from Excel: ability to import test's custom field values, test attributes values and testcase's custom fields values ! * Custom sidebar also in the UserGroup Access Rights panel * A few icons slightly improved * New (faster) way to select testcases in a testcase sub-tree * Bug-fix: - Quality index in the SUT tree was incorrect (considering only the last executed result even if the last result was "Not Executed") - When using agent with alias, a warning is displayed stating that the agent is not reachable. - Allway dashboard API getChannel() XML format error - Cast exception with the tree_step_manual launcher in some rare configurations - Create SUT > edit requirement filter > NPE - Sikulix launcher couldn't parse the "debug level" parameter - Sikulix launcher: "Opt. argument" parameter should NOT be marked as mandatory (!) - Sikulix parser of the sikuli traces 2.3b1 * New design (new flat icons, new colors, new side bar, clearer layout, simpler GUI, better alignments etc.) * Risk Analysis module (wizard + manual setting, included in Search panel, reports and requirement filters) * Custom fields on tests and (different) custom fields on test cases * "ANY agent" option when creating a session (or a schedule) so that ANY agent on the network can execute the session * New statistics panel on: - Requirement folders (status, priority, risk break out) - Specification folders (status, priority break out) - Test folders (status, priority, testcase# break out) - Defect folders (status, priority, severity break out) * Inner relationships in between requirements * Inner relationships in between specifications * Robot Framework launcher (final) * Import Assets from Excel * User preferences: ability to overwrite some server settings on a per-user basis + save automatically some data such as: - The last main window position/dimension - The last split pane positions for each tree - Which columns to display for each tree * Ability to copy a test case in a different test * Refactored module to automatically select some requirements/tests (i.e. while creating a campaign) using 4 different "helpers": - Ability to create or reuse an existing stored (test or requirement) filter based on: . test's properties, priority, attributes etc. . requirement's priority, risk etc. - Ability to select 1-N SUTs (all requirements or tests linked to these SUTs will be ticked) - Ability to select 1-N requirements (all tests linked to these requirements will be ticked) - Ability to select 1 or more assets (all tests linked to at least one of these assets will be automatically selected) - All above filtering can be cumulated/executed several times to refine the selection. - When cumulating filterings, a widget allows picking the rule to apply: AND or OR * New XReportDebugger tool allowing to test easily custom XSLT reports * Test and requirement filters: - remove the type column which is useless - when adding a new expression, expand the parent and reselect the parent so that it's possible to recreate a new expresion without any additional click - when editing an expression, reselect it after the modification has been submitted * Add a title to the user (customizable in a specific table) to meet ISO's report format requirements * SUT rich-text description field * Option to create a session per asset (i.e. if you selected several environments you may want to generate 1 session per environment) * Ability to search by id Teams, Schedules, Projects, Sprints, Categories and Companies * TestNg launcher: support for class + methods (test=class + testcase=method) * New FitNesse launcher * New Sikulix launcher * Collapsible panel containing all the session information (operator, SUT, attachments and assets) on: - tabular_manual launcher - tabular_step_manual launcher - tree_step_manual launcher * Display in the tabular_manual.jar, tabular_step_manual.jar and tree_step_manual.jar launchers the test's assets * Add the assets information in the Test and Session reports (incl. description, screenshots etc.) * Set the non-executable tests at session creation time so BEFORE the session is actually started * When modifying the assets in a session and if the session has not yet been executed, update the not-executable tests. * Improved copy process: - Copy SUT: also links the new SUT with the source SUT's linked requirements - Copy requirement: also links the new requirement with the source requirement's linked specifications (or tests) - Copy specification: also links the new specification with the source specification's linked tests - Copy test: also links the new test with the source specifications (or requirements) - The same applies when copying entire folders * Custom fields, Attributes, Params panels: always pre-select a default item so that the edit button does something by default * After editing a test case custom field, refresh the asset tree (in case there is a currently selected reusable test case) * After editing a reusable test case, also refresh the test tree (in case there is a currently selected test case referring this reusable test case) * Search tests and test cases: ability to use test and test cases custom fields as search criteria * Add the test and test case's custom fields in the testplan, SUT and Session paper reports * Add the assets information in the Test and Session reports (incl. description, screenshots etc.) * Merge: when all the source sessions are under the same campaign, create the merged session under this campaign (do NOT create a new campaign then) * JavaFX capabilities * Anchors in lists use the same mechanism than the "search by id" widget (more robust) * Possibility to add custom Java option in the JNLP * MariaDb JDB driver included by default in the REST-API Server to make deployment easier * Attachment: prefix changed to "AT_" * Default configuration for manual launchers (in new installation) * Include the import samples in the distribution * Bug-fix: - When refining a requirement local coverage, SUT tree should be refreshed - When refining a specification local coverage, SUT + Requirement trees should be refreshed - Test dependencies: protection against selecting source test as destination test - Removed useless "Custom fields" panel on Assets tree - When there is a %20 (space), %2f/%2F (slash) in a anchor/URL/link in rich-text, the link may not work - In some specific cases, when clicking on an internal anchor (i.e. in a results grid) pointing to a test case or an external URL (i.e. in an email notification), the redirection did not work - NullPointerException when running XReportDebugger with a custom company logo - Empty folder needs Delete folder rights - Track the changes when emptying a folder - JUnit launcher save the trace file in TestRootPath to avoid any potential issue with invalid/not-writable test canonical path - Test filter: shouldn't be able to add an expression at root level - When modifying the option about which agent can execute a schedule, the change may not have been saved 2.2sp4 * Anchors in rich-text now supports: http, https, local file, remote shared folders, ftp * JUnit launcher protect from canonical path containing some slash characters * Addition protection on Excel import (SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, bugs): - the row is skipped if a mandatory field is missing - the incorrectly formatted cells (priority, severity, status etc.) are set with default values if necessary * Added protection against an item with no current coverage when importing items that already exist * Robot Framework launcher (experimental) * Bug-fix: - BLOCKING: Emergency fix for the TrustCenter certificate revocation issue) - Rich-text custom fields are not rendered correctly in paper reports - When "Ignore Not Executable (NA) results in Progress and Quality metrics" is set, the same rules should apply when calculating the test's results from the testcase's results - prevent the user from providing a .xlsx (or any other format) file when importing data from Excel (as only .xls is supported) - SQL error with GET_SUT_COVERAGE - when an auto-correcting a coverage happens (0->100 or 100->0), custom fields values are lost 2.2sp3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: - If you have create some custom SUT reports, you may have to update them as the source XML structure changed a little bit! - All custom visuals (icons, logo, splashscreen) must now be stored in the {install_dir}/visuals folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Timestamp signed resources so that even when using an old version of XStudio, expired certificates are still accepted * Latest results are now always the latest SIGNIFICANT results. Meaning that a NOT_EXECUTED or NOT_EXECUTABLE result will be ignored in all the "latest results" metrics * XContinuousIntegration: new option to select a style for the generated report * New tool to remotely/programmatically generate a session report: XReportGenerator * SUT paper report: change the structure so that we have the traceability relationships in a separate section and all the Requirements, Specifications and Tests provided in their respective tree structure so that you have all the details on the folders and ancestry (i.e. folder descriptions, attachments etc.). * Manual launchers: . tree_step: support also testcases with no procedure (alternative toolbar at testcase level) . tree_step: create/link bugs from a testcase with no step . tree_step: several internal simplification/optimization . tree_step: clear all comments does not work when there is no step . tabular_step: support also testcases with no procedure (alternative toolbar at testcase level) . all: trim the comments before submission * When modifying manually a result + message, the previous messages are initially displayed so that it's easier to just modify them * New high resolution default icons (title bar, quick launch, logo in reports, JNLP progress window, ALL the dialog windows etc.) * New web homepage to start XStudio or XAgent through JNLP * All the cells are now always top-aligned in the tables in XStudio * Simplified linux scripts (to make it more robust to all the different distribs and shell versions) * Removed the MacOSX specific build. It's actually easier and more reliable to use the linux distribution to run XStudio from MacOSX * xstudio.conf file is now always automatically sorted (when modified from the fat client) * Java properties sorted in the About dialog box * New report to export in CSV some tests and testcases (including their custom fields) (i.e. to import them in a third-party system) * Add requirement and specification's custom fields in the SUT report source XML * When importing requirements from Excel, add the type column * Protection from downloading images from a null input buffer * Protection against license key followed by space/invisible characters * Debug traces for the index array problem that may arises with community version * Third-party bug-tracking system integration: sort the project names (folders) alphabetically * Generate appliances HDs for Virtual and VMware automatically (different formats) * All buttons are now flat on ALL operating systems * Bug-fix: - Custom visuals not working when using the web server - May have some issues with embedded images in rich-text on certain linux distributions - Exception thrown when generating a residual test campaign - Remove all references to TBD and ABBR in reports - When creating automatically a default testcase, at first execution by a manual launcher an exception is thrown - Simple_manual, Tabular_manual, Tabular_step_manual, Tree_step_manual: when there is no testcase description, do not display it - In the campaign folder or campaign tree view results, tests with UNKNOWN result where colored in white instead of orange - When removing tests from a campaign, inform the user that the results of those tests (obtained from the sessions within the campaign) have to be deleted (giving him the opportunity to cancel). - Message "Initialization" set by default on all testcases when creating a manual test campaign with certain launchers - When rich-text on procedure is not enabled, result toolbar is not condensed (so cropped) - JTidy: Use error code rather than messages (subject to localization) to filter out the warnings to filter - On SUT paper reports, images attachments not rendered in testcases description section - On SUT paper reports, Jira or VersionOne requirements were all returned rather than only the one linked with the SUT(s) - With some of the manual launchers, when there are several formatted sections in the procedure (i.e. colored terms, parameter values etc.) only the last one was maintained in the results message so as in reporting - With some of the manual launchers, when there are embedded images in the procedure they were ignored in the results messages so as in reporting - Wrong width for the small results toolbar in the manual step launchers. Now, dimensions of the toolbars in the tabular or step manual launchers auto-adjusts on ALL operating systems and with ANY skin - tree_step_manual launcher: reset all results does not update currently selected test case 2.2sp2 * New setting: "Ignore Not Executable (NA) results in Progress and Quality metrics" impacting the results, progress and quality metrics: - all the tests, testcases and step results tables - the SUT tree's quality column - the campaign tree's progress and results columns - the campaign/session paper reports * Paper report: more robust calculation of percentage + formatting as xx,xx% rather than rounded * Bug-fix: - When selecting on a test: . "at least one of the test assets is available in the session" . "at least one of the session assets is available in the test" if there is no asset selected the test is marked NOT_EXECUTABLE - Progress graphics obtained from a folder in the campaign tree were missing results from the sessions automatically created by schedules - Exception thrown by XContinuousIntegration when generating a report - With a fresh install, exception thrown about "Null Input Buffer" 2.2sp1 * Several performance improvements when starting/stopping manual tests execution * Add the method getCampaignSessionName() in the launcher API * Add the name of the session in the title bar of the tabular and tree manual launchers * Real-time progress windows: do track ONLY newly added results * Bigger dimension for the toolbar in the tabular and step launchers * Bug-fix - OutOfMemoryError reported . When there are many attachments, building the interface of a manual launcher is very memory-consuming . Running manual tests using tabular, tabular_step or tree_step launchers includes a HUGE memory leak . Add the max-heap-size (by default set to 768 MBytes) in all the signed JNLP templates so that it's possible to set the limit of memory usable by XStudio/XAgent when they are run though Java Web start - Tree_step_manual launcher missing from the windows fat client - Add the "alias" and "poolDelay" options in XAgent JNLP - When using the tree editor and parameters, the tabular manual launcher does not display parameters separately - Import a procedure from XML was not working in all cases. It has been fixed and verified it works now in all the following cases: . Edit testcase . Create testcase . Copy testcase . Edit reusable testcaseId . Create reusable testcase - Error reported when canceling an import procedure - Labels in the pie charts sometimes include cut values - Exception thrown when trying to delete a test referencing a reusable testcase using the DEL key 2.2 * New Tree Step Manual launcher * Preset testcase status at creation time of the session based on the "ready for manual/automated run" flags * Real-time execution graphics are now starting using the original not-executed/not-executable statistics so that there is no finalization necessary at the end and the graphics are smooth * Ergonomy: When creating/copying a session, remember the last selected SUT * Do not count the NOT_EXECUTED and NOT_EXECUTABLE in the global progress bar of a session execution * Global progress bar shows only significant results (never go to the left anymore) * New JNLP arguments (ability to select an item to pre-select, force IPv4 Stack - to workaround some issues in sending notification emails - and override the look'n feel of the application) * Bug-fix: - Cannot modify the backlog of a sprint - XContinuousIntegration: Exception when executing it synchronously to generate a report for example - XContinuousintegration: Default testcases and tests status were not initialized (based on ready for manual/automated run flags) - When refreshing the session results tree view, an exception may occur - Double scrollbar in the testcase execution's messages panel - Assets not preserved when copying a session - When copying a session, default testcase and test status were not initialized - Could not set dependencies anymore (regression) 2.2b3 * New import from Excel module to import: - SUTS, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Bugs - Links in between SUT-Req, Req-Spec, Spec-Test, Req-Tests (XStudio Professional+) - QC export file (XStudio Professional+) * Removed all the "Identifier" fields from the "Details" tabs (useless since we have now the searchable id in the header) * Assets management: added some new rules to determine if a test is executable in regards to assets linked: - Always executable - At least one of the test's assets is available in the session - All the test's assets are available in the session - At least one of the session's assets is available in the test - All the session's assets are available in the test * Test creation: ability to set the assets linked directly from the wizard * Session creation: ability to set the assets linked directly from the wizard * Improve the look and content of the global progress bar before, during and after execution * Reduce the foot print of the session execution * Perf optimization: when starting/ending a session * Bug-fix: - When some testcases are automatically created at execution time default custom values are not created - When some testcases are automatically created they are not necessary returned by getTestcaseIdVector() - Couldn't create testcase with the community edition! - Localization issues with the prices in the ads - Just after running a session, generated paper report show empty graphics (with only not executed) - Couldn't remove all the assets previously set on a test or a session - When selecting assets it shouldn't be possible to select reusable testcases - When all the test are not executable, an exception may occur with both tabular launchers - In specific screens, rendering of "Ready for xxx" flags could have been wrong - In some cases, a "special" overlay icon could have been display with no valid reason - "Modify Result" button does not work anymore - When modifying a result, the tree was not refreshed correctly - Missing localization for the "Assets" label - When copying a selection of text from a rich-text field in view mode all the text was actually pasted or the text was not including CR/LF characters - URL in notification may not work depending on the web server configuration and browser - When inserting a reusable testcase under a test, the last "selected" item is used instead of the last radio buton ticked item (and this could lead to an exception) 2.2b2 * Reusable testcases: - Ability to create some reusable test cases that can be inserted/referenced by any test - Modifying a reusable test case updates all his references too - Use the same custom fields as standard test cases - Of course, appears also in the filterable/sortable grids and graphs * Improved spell checker with better dictionaries * Formatted string checker: better log when issues are detected * Added the following methods in the launcher API: - public LinkedHashMap testPrerequisiteLinkedHashMap; - public LinkedHashMap testDescriptionLinkedHashMap; - public LinkedHashMap testcaseDescriptionLinkedHashMap; - public LinkedHashMap testcaseStepsLinkedHashMap; - public LinkedHashMap testcaseEditorTypeLinkedHashMap; * Ability to change the SUT of a schedule * Name of the user profile included in the title bar of the main window * Update of the user profile's contents/scopes (only when installing from scratch) * Manual + Simple_manual launchers: do not query the database server during the execution to improve performances (all is stored in memory) * New Polish localization available * Custom fields are kept in the indicated position even when the number of fields varies * Display the searchable id in the header * Optimization of ALL the plain-text searches + support of the reusable testcases * Bug-fix: - Grid procedure panel should be opaque with a white background - Remove all inner scrollbars from the tabular manual launchers - When trying to restart a manual campaign executed remotely on a XAgent started with an alias, the session terminates immediately - When using SMB storage for attachments and using XStudio from the browser if you change the SMB account's password, this results in saving a xstudio.conf file including the password in clear text (not encrypted as it should) and an exception occurs at the first attempt to decrypt it - Some progress were displayed as 1% while they was supposed to show 0% - Better traces when there is a problem connecting to the shared SMB drive - Rights necessary to see various results sub-tabs were sometime wrongly evaluated - When filtering a results comparison table, the resulting filtered table may refresh at the wrong index of the parent tabbed pane - Selected additional columns in the steps results grid were not memorized when selecting another node including that metric. This could also lead to exception when trying to unselect/preselected but not visible column from the column picker - On certain linux/unix computers, auto-discovery of the OS (when auto-creating an agent) was output "win32" instead of "linux" - Prevents XAgent from running if the database version does not match (in this case a WARNING is displayed in the log) - Missing info icons in the reports (step's messages) - When saving a search filter with no plain text entry, reopening the search may output a NPE - Custom fields not stored in the custom search in some cases - Couldn't build the campaign tree with SQL Server with the last optimized retrieval method (perf.) - If there's no asset associated to a test and the rule is "at least on", the test is marked as not_executable - When running the formatted text checking for compliance with XHTML, it sometimes reported some errors while there was no - Failure in generating DOCX reports in some cases + invalid HTML generated in some circumstances - When deleting all the rows in an existing grid procedure an exception is thrown when recreating the first one - Problem with update from v61 to v62 of the database schema (table "table_asset_attach_data_tag" not properly created) - Depending on the profile, some images may have been not loaded in rich-text text fields - When the edition of a testplan is forbidden, do not display the switch mode button - Couldn't generate the report at the end of a continuous integration triggered execution - Auto correct coverage throws an exception with specific versions of SQL server - Wrong progress stats in the campaign tree in some cases - If updated from 58 to 59, impossible to delete a session - With the community edition without internet access, some actions can provoke freezes 2.2b1 * Option to store all the attachment on a SMB (Windows shared folder) file system * When downloading an attachment (not followed by a lock), ask the user where to save it * When downloading a file that already exists in the temp folder, don't ask for overwriting * Add attachments tab on user tree's company objects * Bigger attachment revisions windows * New option when copying a test folder: ability to copy or not the coverage links. * While copying an object, copy only the last revision of its attachments * Display a status at the end of an import * 3 new different settings in the preferences: - feature.quality_in_sut_tree.enabled - feature.result_in_campaign_tree.enabled"; - feature.progress_in_campaign_tree.enabled"; * Separators in the forms * Better presentation of the settings * "Upgrade me" button in the community edition * Bug-fix: - Incorrect refresh attachments tab on sessions - Problems deleting attachments from Companies, Projects, Tasks, Sprints, Campaigns and Exploratory Sessions - The number of items in the footer of a filterable table shows the total number of items even when a table is filtered - Freeze while importing from XML items with a HTML custom field 2.1sp3 * Ability to associate assets to tests and session as soon as at creation time * 2 new rules to control the executability of tests depending on tests and session's assets * Improved session global progress bar * Bug-fix: - Generating a report just after executing a session could include incorrect/empty results graphics in the report - Issues when All the tests are not executable in a session at execution time - Exception when removing all currently selected assets from a test in some cases 2.1sp2 * Bug-fix: - Couldn't create test cases with the tree editor 2.1sp1 * Bug-fix: - When trying to restart a manual campaign executed remotely on a XAgent started with an alias, the session terminates immediately - On some configuration, couldn't select a session - Database Integrity errors reported - When running the formatted text checking for compliance with XHTML, it sometimes reported some errors while there was no - Couldn't generate the report at the end of a continuous integration trigger execution - Auto correct coverage throws an exception with specific versions of SQL server - Freeze while importing from XML items with a HTML custom field - Typos in french localization - When modifying the name of a user, refresh was only partial 2.1 * JCIFS in build (preparation for 2.2) * Better organization of the settings screen 2.1b3 * Filtering of the campaign sessions on the results comparison per session grid * Additional rights necessary to enable viewing the details of the bugs (everything apart name, id and url) on integrated, generic or third-party bugs. * Extend the scope of the Javadoc (added constants, commons utilities libraries, REST-API server etc.) * All background task timeouts configurable from the settings * Refresh rate of the Real-time Progress Details window configurable from the settings * New launcher picker * Minimize XStudio when creating a selection-area screenshot and re-maximize when it's complete * Bug-fix: - Couldn't delete test case execution attachments - Colors for not executed and not executable mixed in the paper reports - Sizing issue because of the new default string field length - Cost cannot be null - When applying a style to a selected text, reselect the same portion of text to be able to apply another style immediately - Header does not render correctly if the object name contains certain special characters (such as < or >) - Category stats update thread may be frozen if some special characters are detected in category names 2.1b2 * Asset Management full implementation * Results per session matrix at: - campaign tree's root level - campaign tree's folder level - campaign level * Campaign tree: replace the quality column by a more readable/simple "Results" column * Campaign tree: include next to the progress column the not-executed and not-executable metrics * Campaign tree: perf. improvement * Update of the results post-run: ability to provide some rich-text comments (incl. images) * Introduction of a new NOT_EXECUTABLE status (on test cases and tests) * Display of status NOT_EXECUTED and NOT_EXECUTABLE in test results panels * Engine modification so that tests and test cases are marked as NOT_EXECUTABLE when they cannot be executed because of missing assets or not ready for manual/automated run * NOT_EXECUTED and NOT_EXECUTABLE in the manual and simple_manual launchers * Requirement results: add NOT-EXECUTABLE status statistics * Tracking of NOT_EXECUTED and NOT_EXECUTABLE status in the real-time progress details windows * Change in the status consolidation algorithm: - testcases: test: - all success => success - at least 1 failed => failed - all not executed => not executed - all not executable => not executable - other => unknown * Session's results set automatically to NOT_EXECUTED before it's started * Test/Testcase/Step results: display separately the NOT_EXECUTED, NOT_EXECUTABLE status * Report + email notification support NOT_EXECUTED + NOT_EXECUTABLE status * GUI: Results/Charts/etc. colors factorization * Test execution optimization: retrieve the "Read For Manual/Automated Run" flags for all test cases in one shot * Piechart: do not show anymore the label of empty/invisible slices * Testcase procedure: perf. optimization (1 less query) * TestNg, QTP and SOAPUi launcher refactoring * Paper reports: templates "table to copy to Excel" used only text for the results (no more icon - not handy in Excel) * Ability to set a bug from Assigned to Resolved or Closed directly (with proper rights to do so) * Better integrity checking for MsSql and Oracle * Passwords now accept ANY characters * Sort the SUT list in the combobox in the results panel * Bug-fix: - NPE when authenticating to LDAP in some cases - insert change: entry_id missing - create session when no conf exist as test manager generate a NPE - docx generation fails especially when interfacing with third-party systems (Jira, VersionOne, ClearQuest, Mantis, Bugzilla, etc.) - The integrity checker may introduce errors in the coverage settings when executed - missing or misleading information in table_to_copy_to_Excel reports especially when using multi-agents/multi-threads sessions - testNg results XML file not deleted in between cases - testNg launcher: the whole results file is parsed for each step - Campaign folder > Results: progress, test/testcase/steps grids are now considering only underneath campaigns - Paper reports: in some cases, some html characters not rendered correctly - Notification emails couldn't be sent is the changes includes special characters - Campaign session stats: incorrect values in some rare cases where multiple-agent and multiple-instances were used 2.1b1 * NEW Tabular manual launcher: layout refactoring (column resizing, no more innoportune scrollbars, rich-text comments incl. screenshot etc.) * NEW Tabular step manual launcher: based on the tabular manual but allowing to set the results and comments at step level (rather than test case) * Session's results: messages tab support rich-text/multi-lines comments * Paper report: export to table for Excel: status as text rather than icon * Ability to set a bug from Assigned to Resolved or Closed directly (if rights to do so) * Bug-fix: - Errors reported with Oracle on very big databases due to an Oracle limitation 2.0sp13 * Bug-fix: - Wrong rendering of html characters in some paper reports 2.0sp12 * Bug-fix: - The integrity checker may introduce errors in the coverage settings when executed - Docx generation may fail with specific special characters especially interfacing with third-party systems (Jira, VersionOne, ClearQuest, Mantis, Bugzilla, etc. 2.0sp11 * NEW TestComplete2 launcher supporting SmartBear's project suites, projects and tests * Improved TestNG Launcher: detail each TestNg test's stats in the suite (reported at step level in XStudio) + better messages presentation * Improved xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls: supporting Grid and Tree mode when importing tests * Improved tracing system (print repeat # instead of actually repeating the traces) * Application keepalive (to prevent from a unappropriate schema update) * VersionOne connector: support for VersionOne's PrimaryWorkItem * Bug-fix: - Problem creating schedules or sessions when configuration includes single quotes in some of the parameter names - Timeout on Jira (keepalive adjustments) - Coverage reset when importing requirements/specifications/test in update mode if the items already exist - Launchers: Use user's temporary folder for console traces (to avoid permission issues) 2.0sp10 * Bug-fix: - NPE when selecting a freshly created category and after the background task capturing the stats executed in some very particular race conditions - Error sending kalistick messages if kalistick not enabled in some cases - Couldn't generate reports from XContinuousIntegration in synchronous mode 2.0sp9 * New column in campaign tree to show number of exploratory sessions * Added a new right dedicated to configuration deletion * Merge sessions: ability to select the target SUT and agent if necessary * Ability to choose how to display tables when there are many columns: fill or scroll * If there is only one record, make the line and percent charts display anyway an horizontal line * All line/XY chart's Y axis with integer ticks only * Refactoring/simplification of the "bug submission vs resolution" chart (bar chart) * Tests import (csv and xml): the author is the user importing the data (rather than "admin") * Generate test cases from exploratory notes: - Includes charter as test description - Ability to edit test description and test prerequisites at creation time * When removing some tests from a campaign, ask the user if he wants to delete the former test/testcase results * Ability to create test from a test panel and test cases from a test case (ergonomy) * Ability to create third-party bugs (generic, Mantis, trac, Jira, Clearquest, VersionOne and Bugzilla) from session's result's treeview too * Test case revision panel: show the procedure using the view mode specified * Report on exploratory session folder * Bug-fix: - In certain cases, when editing the testcase procedure, custom field values are reset - Campaign > Results > Progress : was including also results from external sessions - In some rare cases, the report on "Campaign > Results > Tests" may indicate wrong values - Clearquest integration broken - Report "testplanHTML_Table_to_copy_in_Excel" does not include the steps/parameters/checks - Bugzilla connector: random exception when retrieving defects from a specific folder - Error when trying to generate tests from specifications - Not possible to generate SUT report when specifications are enabled 2.0sp8 * Undo/Redo on all the rich-text fields * Rename option when importing data, and when items with same name already exist (in CSV or XML) * Screenshots tools available from the test case grid procedure editor * Ability to create and link Generic/Mantis/Trac/Jira/Clearquest/VersionOne/Bugzilla bugs from the exploratory sessions (not only integrated bugs) * Bug-fix: - Protection against exception that may happen when campaigns contain no test - When specifications are enabled in the life-cycle: . Exception while retrieving the tests covering some specifications . Exception while retrieving the defects possibly impacting some specifications . Some incorrect quality value may have been reported - Additional info was not included in the raw data of several reports - Canonical path and additional infos fields were not escaped in the report XML so having a canonical path or some additional infos including '&' sign may have generated problems - When generating a report supposed to include test/testcase/step results charts and when the charts have not been actually automatically generated and the user did not request the generation, an exception was thrown - Exception when selecting an exploratory session with no execution rights or an expired plugin license - A few minor refresh on coverage sub-trees not working - When creating XML using xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls testcase index may be not reinitialized in some cases - Missing specific rights to import bugs in CSV - Url with no protocol prefix throwing an exception when clicked - When generating parametrized testcases (using pairwise algorithm or all combinations) and when using SQL Server and when some custom fields have empty values, then an exception can occur - Cannot modify the description or the name of a folder in the custom SQL report tree - Testcase not automatically created by the launcher (when there is none) by default - TestExecutionVector provided to the launcher does not include tests with no test case 2.0sp7 * Improved robustness of cookies management for VersionOne and Clearquest * Bug-fix: - Wrong specification coverage in specification folder paper reports - When importing test cases, XStudio checks if the testcase already exists by testing the testcase_index which is not the most relevant way (testing the name is) - In some specific cases (i.e. sessions with no configuration, campaign with no sessions), an SQL exception may have been raised when calculating the comparison matrix - VersionOne integration: . Retrieve the stories and defects per page of 2000 items (perf.) . No project filter interpreted as ALL projects . No status filter interpreted as ALL status 2.0sp6 * VersionOne integration at requirement (Story) and bug (Defect) levels * New web Html viewer widget (for read-only html-formatted descriptions) * Huge performance improvement to compute all the results comparison matrix * Ability to import bugs in CSV * Bug-fix: - With specific version of Sahi 4.0, the HTML report format is different so not parseable - Session: with specific rights/plugins, refresh was not occurring at the right tab index - Session: without commercial license, the results tab was empty and it was not possible to run tests - Merging sessions on which configurations have been deleted throws an exception - When submitting some modification on a test case, the system automatically selects the parent test - Url content was not url-escaped so it might have been incorrect with specific content - Issues while creating some links when using Generic or Jira requirements - Could not check the bugs details when Requirements AND Bugs are retrieved from Jira 2.0sp5 * Track the steps with status INFO in the steps stats * Ensure all paper reports include ALL charts available from the GUI (incl. Progress and Tests, Testcases and Steps results) * Default sub-tab selected always to "Progress" * Add values on Results Piecharts (and on paper reports) * Headers on the reports before charts * Add more verification when creating an object * Remove unknown and not executed status from the progress charts (meaningless) + add a label explaining the progress graph * Real-time verification of the steps and expected results when editing a rich-text test case procedure * The global verification process available from the menu now verify also all test case procedures * New paper report at campaign folder level (to show daily progress) * Small improvements in terms of memory and time footprint when calculating huge "Steps Results" tables * Bug-fix: - Exception thrown when selecting a campaign with SQL Server - Merge generate session with test execution not exactly with the same timestamp to avoid duplicates when getting latest results - Couldn't create a category - A SUT filter combobox appears on a SUT's results's progress panel when one modify the stop date - When creating a campaign, and parents/child are automatically added, can't leave the panel - XHTML verification process does not run if the auto-verification is not set in the settings 2.0sp4 * HUGE performances improvement on SUTs/categories/folders/campaigns/sessions * Dynamic generation of metrics to improve responsiveness of the GUI * Many performance optimizations on results metrics computation * Generalization of the filterable results grid views (with opt. columns) at almost all levels in all trees: Prog Reqs Specs Tests Testcase Steps Tree Stats Conf Agent Op. Hist Qual. [SUT] SUT x x x x x x x [TEST] Root x x x x x x x Cat x x x x Folder x x x x Test x x x Testcase x x [CAMPAIGN] Root x x x x x x x Folder x x x x x x x Camp x x x x x x x x x Session x x x x x x x * All the results-related metrics now grouped in a single "Results" tab. * Remove SQL connection traces (can be activated later by configuration) * Sikuli launcher * Bug-fix: - Grid-view support params/custom fields including _ in their name - Inconsistent behaviour when adding/removing params/customfields alternatively in the results grid-views - Issues with columns ordering in the results grid-views - Wrong "Test cases execution#" SQL custom report after DB v58 - Verify the length of HTML string before submitting to database and display an error message when too long (> 64.000 characters) - Wrong error message when inserting a ';' in the value of a param or an attribute - On small screens may be impossible to edit a rich-text fields on bug details - Results metrics on Root and Category were based on all tests/testcase whatever the team the user was member of 2.0sp3 * Harmonization external Jira requirements with external Jira bugs * Check regularly if the database has been updated to force the client to restart if needed * Tests, Testcase and Steps results grid at test folder level (incl. optional columns, ordering, filtering and Excel export) * Bug-fix: - No refresh while creating a new folder or copying a folder - Exception while creating a team when some trees are hidden - Delete folders not working with MariaDb - Problem getting requirement's content in some cases - MariaDb engine was missing a couple of Data treatments - Exception when creating/copying a folder in specific cases - SUT reports miss the steps and expected results descriptions - Misleading message mentioning SUT when reporting results on campaign or test folder 2.0sp2 * xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls: testcase index not re-initialized in between each test import * Additional protection against duplicates and deadlocks in rights calculation * Activate the right fields in the bug-tracking settings depending on which connector we use * Bug-fix: - Couldn't get the defect stats on root folder when using the integrated bug-tracking database 2.0sp1 * New Clearquest Integration (XStudio Business+) * For ALL the third-party bug-tracking database connectors (Mantis, Jira, trac, bugzilla, Clearquest): - Support of projects/milestone/database - Statistics at folder + root level - Reports at folder + root level - Reports includes much more information * Ask the user first the project he wish to submit is bug on when creating a bug from one of the three manual launchers * Better Excel reports: - Campaign: includes steps, expected results and latest results - Session: includes steps, expected results, results and comments * Do not need anymore to provide custom field's type attribute in the import XML * Can add some optional "custom fields" columns in the Import Excel sheet (for requirements, specification, tests and test cases) * Additional protection against duplicates and deadlocks during rights calculation * Order the test cases by their index in the test subtree * Separate creation/modification from deletion rights on params * Sand glass cursor when creating a new timetag or synchronizing to a timetag * Bug-fix: - Manual & simple_manual launchers: when creating a new third-party bug, actually give the opportunity to the user to link the newly created bug to the currently failing test - Copy/paste from the test case procedure grid editor (steps or expected results) to a third-party text program may miss some CR/LF - XStudio windows fat client does not include default mariadb java client - Couldn't import test cases with their procedures - When importing test cases that already exist, the editor type was reset to tree - When using Generic requirement or defect (one out of the two was using a wrong URL) - Odin axe launcher does not work as expected - Copyright date in help - Couldn't run XAgent through JNLP (from the web site) 2.0 * MariaDB Support * Excel export of all the customizable/filterable tables * Improved MailFactory * Priority column on the test tree * Ability to filter test (i.e. when creating a campaign) on 2 additional properties: - number of test cases - test priority * ScreenCapture: - Better screenshot interface with ability to set the dynamic scale ratio - Add the real-time coordinates+dimension on the screencapture area selector - Handle correctly the cursor over the buttons in the screencapture area selector - Persistance within a session of the screenshot area selector's scale parameter * Signed JNLP: no more Java security warning about the need to - sign the embedded libraries - sign the JNLP * Testcase params matrix - Ability to add columns for each param in all customizable/filterable grids showing test cases - test's test cases matrix - SUT's test case results - SUT's steps results - campaign's test case results - campaign's steps results * Launchers: - QFTest: use CFileUtils.deleteFile (factorization) - Generic launcher (that works with any interpreter) - Odin Axe + Odin Axe Results Importer launchers - New TestExecute launcher - Updated TestComplete launcher * SQL custom report: scroll only the viewport (to keep the header visible) * Ability to change the username (used when logging in XStudio) associated with a LDAP account * Better warning when deleting user/profiles/groups * Perf. optimization on customizable/filterable grids * Preparation of a future configurable user preference specifying if table's columns must always fill the container panel (as in previous versions) or if an horizontal scrollbar is preferred (if the columns width exceed the available visible room) * Searches improvment - Borderless inner panels - Quicker mouse-wheel interaction with custom fields scrollable inner panels * Save pref. on params in the grids * Bug-fix: - Additional protection against null kalistick Uuid - French localization typo - Couldn't execute more than one test using XAgent - When creating a bug or linking to an existing bug from the session results, bugs panel is not refreshed - Incorrect output when searching using custom fields criteria - In certain cases, custom fields criteria were not saved in the custom searches - Linking to a Jira bug real time during manual testing session run might generate an error - Exception when switching to Jira bug-tracking with an invalid XML-RPC URL - Problem of display of team's access rights when empty categories/companies are selected - Couldn't remove all rights in certain conditions - While editing a bug from the manual launcher, cancel does not do anything - After tempering a result, when re-running a tabular manual session the former comments are wrongly formatted - Images not visibles in rich-text areas (because the _xstudio_tmp folder is deleted by a third-party) - Couldn't reorder per priority - couldn't modify the settings from XAgent when they are incorrect - While copying from a rich-text box to a plain-text third-party application (notepad, a console program), line breaks are lost - Problem with ' in French localization on several terms - Couldn't open a specific revision of a SQL report - Font does not support Chinese (changed to logical font instead of physical font) - Couldn't modify the LDAP dn of a user if admin - Shouldn't have filter button on SQL report tree 2.0b3 * Improvement: All windows visible during testing (XStudio main screen, Test campaign real-time progress screen, Manual laucher's screens) are now independent and visible from the OS's task bar * More thorough time-shifting checker * Ability to include or not attachments in all the reports * Specific user's rights to control is a user can or cannot modify a result (post-run) * Better message in case of connection failure * JMeter launcher: conf. properties are now optional * Protection against invalid UUID * Remove "NULL" from Oracle queries - allows to simplifies A LOT the "auto_increment" triggers (IBFK) - fix a lot of constraint issues * Bug-fix: - More robust connection pool, mainly against unexpected cases such as: . network failures, . system waking up from stand-by/hibernation mode . poor perf. connecting on the server (several retries) - Oracle . Couldn't retrieving the defects stats . Couldn't update defect stats . Couldn't update history of ready for manual/automated run - Couldn't create screen capture when creating a bug on the fly from the manual launcher - Ranorex launcher returning test case success if the script does not exists and previous test case succeeded - Retrieving LDAP users with special characters could lead to an error - Invalid custom field's type column in the list - Protection against negative execution time 2.0b2 * Rich text on test case procedures * Timeshifting feature: - Ability to add a tag (timetag) on the current version of SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, bugs, exploratory sessions, sql reports, ALL the attachments and ALL the links between objects on the system - Ability to get back in time to a specific tag (i.e. to re-run a campaign with requirements and tests as they were at the time of a former release) * Integrated screen capture tool - Possibility to capture and insert screenshots directly within the rich editor widget - Adjustable area to capture (or just individual screens) * New default SQL custom reports * Performances improvement: retrieval of testcase procedure sentences in a background thread * Split Id and Names columns from the results grids * Configurable max number of SQL connections * New clearer presentation of the result's messages: - Highlighting of the comments in the result's messages - Remove the images reference in the result's messages * Ranorex launcher: - Add a zip file of all the files generated as attachment - Ranorex 4.0 support * JUnit launcher: "info" messages instead of "unknown" * Add a docx report on the bugs * Better presentation of stacktraces in uncaught exception dialogs * Better way to cleanup connections withing transactional operations * Rights to import data in CSV/XML set in user's profiles * Add many OS (available for bug-tracking module) in the drop-down menu * Bug-fix: - SOAPUi launcher does not work with the SOAPUi free version - Exception when modifying only the details of a testcase (with rich-text procedure) - Horrible performances of the rich-text editor when working with long texts and Java 7 - Incomplete help on rich-text formatting - Exception when trying to generate a report while specific rights are disabled - Filtering on column with ID/Name distinction - Can delete params even if rights is not granted in the user profile - Rich-text was possibly very large when looking at a specific revision of an object - Localization missing for steps results 2.0b1 * Results comparison matrix on folders and campaigns allowing to possibly identify easily causes/reasons of failure - Results comparison depending on configuration - Results comparison depending on agent - Results comparison depending on operator * SUT and Campaign: new results reporting with custom filtering on all the columns (including optional columns - attributes, custom fields): - Test results - Test cases results * Test case param string values length enlarged to 2000 characters * Ergonomy: - new flat progress bar to improve readability of ALL the metrics in XStudio - All combo-box's width is auto-adjusted based on the content of the combo-box * Bug-fix: - Invalid version displayed on MacOSX help - Campaign-session progress bar in the dashboard matches the real progress of the sessions - Missing column header in paper reports including tests and test cases results 1.9sp9 * Rich-Text editor/viewer width now never exceeds the width of the containing panel! * Performances: faster to generate session + testplan reports * Better presentation in the manual launcher: - White background - If a check is empty set it to success and do not show it in the manual.jar launcher * User secure properties in JNLP * Max length exceeded error message improved * Add permissions attributes to XQual's jars * Do not show empty operators/checks in reports * History item selection always refreshes the target node * Bug-fix: - Exception when trying to generate a report while specific rights are disabled - Missing column header in paper report - Auto-adjust width on Combo-boxes - Real progress of campaign sessions indicated in the dashboard - In some very specific cases, while creating a campaign, if some of the individually suggested missing parents or child tests are already included in the original list, an error message was displayed and the tree was not refreshed while the campaign was correctly generated. - Preferred language not selected correctly in user's details - Time form items empty on MacOSX - Version on MacOSX - Simplified/fixed xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls macro - Wording: "This bug is linked with 2 tests" rather than "This bug is possibly impacting 2 tests" 1.9sp8 * Emergency patch to workaround the bug in the latest Java update (Java 7 u45) 1.9sp7 * Performances improvement: - Remove all useless selections of root node after deletion of an object - Auto-correct of coverage now performed in only one query (for each type) - used after many refresh action so improved perf. on many common actions - Ability to disable the coverage tab on Root, Category and Folder nodes (to improve perfs on very large database) * Up-to-date Chinese localization * Up-to-date German localization * Ability to display terminated sessions and exploratory sessions in dashboard (not older than a number of days) * Bug-fix: - Couldn't import test from XML to a SQLServer database - Steps missing in specific cases when generating XML using xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls - NullPointerException if settings set to not display coverage at a level and we generate a report at this level - Results charts calculated from a test folder may miss a few tests/test cases in some specific conditions - Step status not interpreted in the test case failed email notification 1.9sp6 * Ability to color some text sections in rich text area * Test's attributes in the reports * Test and Test case results in the SUT and Campaign reports * Test, Test case and Step results piechart in the SUT and Campaign reports * Test case's custom fields in SUT report * Improvement in the presentation of the formatted text checker * Updated icons (ready for manual/automated run, results) on the reports (matching XStudio's) * QTP Launcher: complete "Report" folder zipped and attached to the test result * Bug-fix: - Better verification of the rich text format + possibility to disable the verification - Exception when clicking on a dashboard item pointing to an object the user do not have access to - Typos in the formatting help 1.9sp5 * Validation of the formatted string at editing time to ensure all the formatted texts are pseudo-HTML compliant * Improve the reporting of the invalid formatted texts * Apply the verification to ALL the formatted texts (not only the requirements and specifications descriptions) * Bug-fix: - MAJOR: Exception when trying to display empty sortable tables 1.9sp4 * Delete multiple categories, companies and folders in one shot using CTRL and Delete key * Option to update or skip existing items when importing from CSV or XML * System sound emitted when a session execution is completed to alert the user * New icons for "ready for manual/automated run" to make it more easy to interpret in tables * page break on requirements and specifications .docx export * Header and footers (page numbering) in generated .docx documents * Reorganisation/simplification of the Campaign session panel: - Gather all the monitoring tabs under one unique tab - Gather all the results tabs (test results, specification results, requirements results and results statistics) under one unique section - New Campaign session's results tab including trees and graphics containing: . Requirements results/quality including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results . Specifications results/quality including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results . Tests/test cases results . Statistics - Remember the selected sub-tabbed pane for Results and Monitoring * New SUT's Results tab including trees and reorderable/sortable tables containing: - Requirements results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Specifications results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Tests results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Test cases results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Steps results including a visual indicator of steps results per test case - Quality index (2 different modes of calculation) - Remember the selected sub-tabbed pane for Results - Remember the order of the columns and their width of all tables in Results - Add/remove optional columns in the results table (test attributes, test case custom fields) * New Campaign's Results tab including trees and reorderable/sortable tables containing: - Requirements results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Specifications results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Tests results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Test cases results including all details of how many testcases with success/failure/relative/not_executed results - Steps results including a visual indicator of steps results per test case - Quality index (2 different modes of calculation) - Remember the selected sub-tabbed pane for Results - Remember the order of the columns and their width of all tables in Results - Add/remove optional columns in the results table (test attributes, test case custom fields) * Formatted text checker (check only requirement and specification descriptions for now) * Bug-fix: - Exception while deleting a user - When there are extra invisible characters in an XML near the CDATA section, description of objects may not be imported correctly - In specific cases, wrong quality column in the campaign tree when specifications are enabled - Wrong refresh when adding a custom field for SUTs - Exception when no CSV/XML file are selected during import 1.9sp3 * Import custom field's values when importing requirements, specifications or tests from XML * Manual update of the results from the session's content page * Word (.docx) export: now support cell borders, Hn background colors, Font, Headers and page-breaks * Optimization of the testcase's results table * Test case's execution messages are rendered in HTML (for instance to highlight the parameters) * Multi-lines tooltip allowing to read multi-lines testcase execution messages * All launchers now provide time stamp information in their returned messages * New neat icons for results * New status RESULT_INFO to be used instead of relative for the test case execution information messages * In JNLP mode, force explicitly the clients to always check for updates * Bug-fix: - Sprint status not localized - When copying a test case with a tree editor, the changes done on the fly for the new test case was also applied to the original test case - Cannot rename or delete a preset filter setting 1.9sp2 * New reporting module: - New wizard to generate documentation/reports - New reporting templates (XSLTs formatting, better look and feel, tracing of the ready for manual/automated execution flags, simplification CSS etc.) - Factorized report localization - Ability to select/add some styles when generating a report 4 styles present by default: . XQual (a colorful style based on XQual colors) . Condensed (XQual with lower-sized fonts) . Standard (the current default style) . Crimson (a colorful style based on Crimson color) * Ability to generate reports in .docx format (experimental and starting from XStudio Professional) * New coverage metrics completed with new charts * Ability to customize (starting from XStudio Business): - the splash screen - the application logo (title bar + taskbar) - the application title (title bar + all references) * Add menu item to check defect stats (remove duplicates) * Bug-fix: - Duplicates in defect stats due to date in the future - Protect against "unauthenticated bind" security hole on LDAP connector - When selecting multiple items (to move/merge/etc.), the selection time get slower and slower - Reporting: . Usage of the system temp folder to generate the reports + automatic cleanup . No overwrite of attachments etc. . Dedicated folder (with automatic postfix if already exists) . Contains only the relevant data and no data from former reports - Email notification: . Usage of the system temp folder to generate the emails + automatic cleanup - SUT wrong test coverage value in the "Coverage" tab when specifications are not enabled - Missing localized terms in some reports 1.9sp1 * LDAP configurable Name attribute * Ability (if admin) to modify the LDAP dn of a user manually * PDNL Highlighting only on exploratory session notes + run panels * Complete redesign of the container coverage metrics * Completely new authored/developed graphics (based on the new chart lib) * Renaming of "Authored" and "Developed" flag to "Ready for Manual/Automated run" * Icons for "Ready for Manual/Automated run" flags * protection in tabular manual in case editor type or test procedure are not set * Bug-fix: - Charts from campaign session not exported in reports - Charts from test categories not exported in reports - When editing test details (i.e. additional information field), prerequisites and scope were possibly affected/deleted - max-heap-size set to 896m 1.9 * PDNL (Procedure Description Natural Language): - automatic generation of scripted test cases from exploratory session's notes - syntax highlighting * Exploratory sessions in the dashboard * Grid editor auto-wrap (preferences configurable in the settings) * Clickable hyperlinks in the formatted texts fields (in view mode) * More charts in some of the reports (on campaigns, test's root folder) * Charts a little bit bigger in the reports (readability) * Don't use anymore the '-' sign to identify several checks in the grid editor (we now just use LF/CR) * Report default name factorization * Icons for "ready to be manually executed" and "ready to be automatically executed" (preparation) * Bug-fix: - In some cases, launchers are not working on linux agents - Some of the new charts not included in the reports - In some cases, the default selected editor was not used when creating a new test case - Exception when merging with the option 'keep instances' in some cases - With the xls2xml_req_specs_tests.xls macro, some expected results were not imported 1.9b1 * Exploratory Session (except TPNL) * Support "any character" in launcher forms * TestNG launcher supports for both xml suite and test class execution * Add a auto-download JRE section in the JNLP for XStudio and XAgent * Tabular manual launcher: close button redirected to the terminate() action * Exploratory session runner: close button redirected to the cancel() action * New help icon + Header border adjustment * Unified method to set dates in the DB * Common utilities for generic graphs * New graph color/style * New generic graphics: campaign, test, defects * Bug-fix: - CRunner does not work on linux with path containing spaces - WAPT launcher wrong settings (v0.6) - QF-test wrong escaping on linux (v0.6) - Wrong consolidation in the Progress Details window - Missing icon for bug link 1.8 * Support of special characters (such as '\') in launcher forms * Search by ID new types of items: users, documents and agents * More protection against execution using invalid/outdated configurations * New xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls * Bug-fix: - Selection of items sometimes does not update the right panel - Sometimes refresh of a tab does not work - Add SQL Report management in the teams - After unregistering an LDAP user, couldn't re-register it anymore without restarting XStudio - XAgent: in case many schedules are ready to be executed, treat them in their schedule_nextStartDate order - Copy testcase does not save the change in the procedure - Ability to click on the right hand-side of a node in the trees to select a node - Problem with configuration checking - Invalid campaign session status in some odd cases - When creating a schedule, execution configurations not validated - Exception when clearing the list of ccemails associated to an object - Incorrect refresh when modifying bug's assigned to/found in SUT - Wrong check to verify if tescase's details have been well modified - Exception: "INSERT INTO table_sess_conf VALUES" - Just after creation, without manual refresh, the initial change is empty for projects, requirements, specifications, sprints, SQL reports, tasks and tests - LDAP filter couldn't accept special characters such as & - Make the rendering of param more robust (and apply the rule "a param must not have SPACE, LF, CR or TB character in its name") - Escape also CR (not only LF) so that it works well on Windows, Unix or Mac in any situation (CR LF = Windows, LF = Unix and CR = Macintosh) - Missing test names in traceability matrix (in the paper reports) - Use the same LnF for teams's access right settings than for the sidebar - Priority vertical slider too wide - CRunner does not work on linux with path containing spaces - WAPT launcher wrong settings (v0.6) - QF-test wrong escaping on linux (v0.6) - Copyright date - Missing localization terms on SUT report - Typos and wrong traces labels - Exception when submitting import from XML or CSV when no file selected - Oracle specifics: . Exception when saving some changes . Exception when registering LDAP users with no email settings . Couldn't get any bugs stat graphs . Exception when trying to update the stats 1.8b4 * LDAP/Active Directory integration * Left trees & right panels always in sync. * Keep context when switching between trees * Performance improvements: - Immediate expansion/collapse of any node - Tree expanding/collapsing/refreshing optimization - Better performances when switching between trees * Smaller icons for the side bar * High def. icons on the right panel header * When creating an item, always automatically select this item on submission * When deleting an item, automatically select the root node on submission (except for sessions and testcases) * Framework preparation for exploratory testing * Header title in blue (more readable) * Bug-fix: - Cannot create soapUI configuration (problem while loading conf with unsorted ids) - XML Import: description not correctly imported if not in a CDATA section - Oracle: test_exec_message longer than 4000 characters 1.8b3 * Optimization columns resizing * Schema update for future LDAP/Active directory integration * Bug-fix: - Do not suggest ancestor/descendant tests when there are none! - Cannot move up and down steps when using the tree editor - Couldn't see a project just after it is created 1.8b2 * Audit log feature (XStudio Business): - Check an history of who did what - Filtering on users and action type - Save-able filters - Includes deletion events on non-existing anymore objects * Suggest linked tests (XStudio Professional): - When creating or editing a campaign, missing ancestors and descendants are suggested so that they can be automatically inserted * General performances improvements * Optimize the "Expand All" methods on all the trees * Warning the user when manually "expanding all" a tree if the tree is huge (maxNumberSelectedNodesAutoExpanded=800 configuration parameter to determine the boundary limit) * Import test in XML uses by default the settings's preferred editor * When moving several items at once, open the folder containing the first item by default as destination folder * Bug-fix: - Restore missing SNMP lib entry in JNLP files - Identical metrics for category > stats > developed and authored test cases 1.8b1 * New grid procedure editor (alternative to the original tree procedure editor) (only available with commercial versions) - Removed "use Description as test procedure" parameter * Auto-resized formatted text boxes: - Automatically full-width of the parent window - Heights are calculated such that the available space is shared among all the Formatted text boxes in the current window * Trees have now clickable nodes when they stand on the right panels so that the user can always automatically jump to the data he can see * Multiple-selection move on ANY object in XStudio * Custom SQL reports tree (commercial versions) allowing to - Prepare custom SQL queries on XStudio's DB - Share the queries - Retrieve, order columns and sort the results the results from the GUI - Export the data to Excel * Enrichment testplan reports with more graphics * Switched to using a Context Class Loader (so that it's possible to develop launcher using third-party libs - such as spring - which load classes this way) * Add 3 new administration tools: - Check coverage: search the database for coverage inconsistencies and correct them - Automatic procedure when enabling specification tree server side to clean former links - Automatic procedure when disabling specification tree server side to automatically build the new links between requirements and tests * CSS improvements (reports, preview, manual launcher's GUI) * Ability to search for new objects (incl. folders) * More robust syntax coloring * Bug-fix: - While copying a campaign, the parallel_execution settings is not copied - When a launcher is missing and you selected the serial mode, a wrong error message error ("Sessions where tests from different categories are executed sequentially don't support Manual tests") appears (whatever launcher you picked) - Schedule attributes not correctly copied to the session - Missing Microsoft Sql Server scripts in the package 1.7sp5 * Add WAPT launcher * GUI harmonization: table selected line color * Ability to delete multiple projects in one shot * Bug-fix: - Couldn't delete a folder or a user with SQLServer 2005 - Incorrect integrity file for SQLServer - Copied SUT folders do not inherit the company information - Couldn't execute QFS-test script on Linux - WebUI launcher missing in web package - Invalid link to the online documentation - Additional protection on CLauncher.getParam() - XContinuousIntegration: protection against invalid sync conf on agents 1.7sp4 * Bug-fix: - Exception when selecting a campaign when using MySql 1.7sp3 * Microsoft SQLServer 2005+ support! * User Guide packaged and included in the web package so that it can be shared and accessed from the company's intranet * Ability to copy SUTs and SUT folders * Complete static coverage metrics refactoring * Bug-fix: - SQL Transactions with locking mechanism to avoid deadlock when using agents pool with a large number of agents and small pooling delay values - Copy requirements/specifications: attachments and custom fields not copied - Copy tests: attachments and links to requirements/specs not copied - Copy test cases: attachments and custom fields not copied - QFTest launcher: on linux "qftest" should be used instead of "qftestc" - Campaign requirement/specification coverage empty - Save dependencies graph (.jpg extension filter in the save as dialog box) - Oracle: couldn't enable/disable specification in the life-cycle - Oracle: copy attachment while copying an other object generates an exception - Oracle: copy custom fields fails 1.7sp2 * Add "--poolDelay" option to XAgent to specify the job pooling frequency * Bug-fix: - When use agents pools, after a session has been executed if you stay on that session node and press "copy session" all the original agents are pre-selected while only the one that has been picked should be copied - When copying a test, prerequisites is copied in description and description is empty - Support backslash in the database server name settings - Wrong localization in the new report generation form ("report type") - Exception while emptying some folders when using some external bug-tracking database - Ensure we do not insert field with invalid control characters (remove them on the fly) when . using copy/paste in a creation wizard . importing from CSV - Invalid SplashScreen on XAgent 1.7sp1 * SoapUI Launcher 1.5 (support soapUI AND soapUI Pro) WARNING: need to update your execution conf! * Bug-fix: - Several memory leaks (a complete audit log has been performed and the app is now memory leak-free) - Exception when changing specification enabling/requirements sources/bug sources settings at the first install - Update failed when automatic patches occurs when the user changed the specification enabling settings - Generated by "API" when the report is generated by XContinuousIntegration - Do not search anymore for test case execution timestamp for license checking - Missing localization - Oracle incorrect CREATE TABLE table_attr_integer/table_attr_string statements - NullPointerException with DefectChooser 1.7 * New reporting module allowing to generate ANY kind of formats * Add descriptions on attributes and params (blue messages) * New GUI style * Bug-fix: - Major memory leak when selecting a campaign in the left tree - Exception when creating an agent - Changed all linux shell scripts to support args including blank characters - Exception while using the params toolbar when editing them on the fly - Couldn't retrieve Jira bugs when (for any reason) priority is missing from what Jira returns - Empty description when importing tests without procedure using xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls tool - Ranorex launcher: unexpected results in some cases - When a graph is null do not reuse previously created one - no bug name in bug report with Jira connector - Missing localization for session params edition rights - Add right management for schedule attributes and params edition - Permit to edit fixType, fixDescription and patches when a bug is in Acknowledge status - Allow selection of several SUTs fixed in when resolving a bug - Wrong label in defect's specification coverage 1.7b3 * XContinuousIntegration: - synchronous (with a timeout) or asynchronous - capability to generate local report the end of the execution (XML or Transformed using the usual XSLTs) * Complete reshaping of the params and attributes management - 2 new modules to manage (create/edit/delete) the attributes and the params globally (on the test tree root node) - Add normal values on attributes and params to facilitate the setting of values on tests/test cases (create/edit/delete) - Possibility to also set manually a custom value to an attribute/param (editable combobox) - Ability to overload testcase params values at runtime (set at session or schedule level) - Rendering params in the viewer and in the editor * Ranorex launcher 1.4 * showRealtimeProgressDetails setting parameter to enable/disable the default activation of the "Progress Details" window * After deleting some sessions return to the parent campaign * When starting a session, keep the session node selected on the campaign tree * Import from CSV/XML are made available only to members of the "Admins" team (to avoid problem in importing data in a not visible folder) * Bug-fix: - in certain configuration, the windows installer was not detecting JAVA - move/copy item: compare with name of other objects at the same location with the same type only - not localized tooltips - NullPointerException while displaying help messages in settings screens - Exception when changing the admin password - With the option "1 agent from the pool" the global progress bar data were wrong - Add a protection in getNbFormsWithName() so that if the form does not exist no exception is thrown - When XAgent is executed from a URL, and the session is configured to execute the tests in sequence it can't find the launchers - Can't modify prerequisites or description of a test 1.7b2 * New formatted text field editor/viewer (all embedded) * New CSS/Style for the viewer (arial smaller font etc.) * Clear local temporary folder for embedded images when exiting from XStudio * Admin password is masked during update process * New launchers: - Sahi 4.x - QF-Test - Jar - QTP (new version) . configurable status in case there is no check point . double-check the last report detected is well the one corresponding to the last execution . additional protection during report parsing * Bug-fix: - With limited rigths and in some specific cases, Exception when selecting a test category - Possible escaping issues with formatted text custom fields default values - campaign statistics: not correctly rendered message - in certains cases, couldn't stop from XStudio sessions scheduled and/or executed remotely - exception while deleting an empty requirement folder - Exception with attributes including double-quotes in their values 1.7b1_sp1 * Improvement in the SoapUI launcher (JUnit and PDF reports attached) * Bug-fix: - Unreliable migration of the embedded images - Error message when trying to execute a test individually and NOT having access to the "Manual" folder in the campaign tree - Incorrect task progress in the dashboard (now the progress are correct and rounded to the closest hour) - Exception when clicking on a progress "void" area in the backlog tab - Import XML: import missing various descriptions (on categories/folders) - Many problem with import from XML when it included some CR/LF characters - XML import hangs in some occasions - XML import hangs when the XML includes a BOM header 1.7b1 * Multiple testcase, tests, SUts, requirements, specifications, defects, sprint, tasks, campaigns, schedule, attachments, documents, agents, users, teams deletion * Ability to delete items (teams, users, sut, agents, requirements, specifications, tests, testcases, tasks, sprints, campaigns, sessions, bugs, schedules) in the trees just by pressing the delete key * New simpler merge wizard (use multi-selection feat. for source sessions) * Better performances while emptying a test, sut, requirement, specification, defect folder * Automatic generation of residual test campaigns (i.e. not successful tests) * Agents pool capability to let the system load-balance the session on the available agents in a pool * Custom search/filter can be named, saved and shared (bugs, requirements, specifications, tasks, tests/testcases) * Add custom fields filtering in the search/filter windows * All search/filter are now session-persistent (last settings remembered) and cached * Capability to generate a report from the bug search/filter window * Huge performance issues with bugs search/filter * Search/filter windows not modal either always on top but linked with the main window * Reduce the tree progress bar's width * XContinuousIntegration: change 'BAMBOO' option in 'JUNIT' * Improvement of the email notifications: - small style change (more compliant with the web site css) - includes SUT where the bugs have been found and fixed if relevant - includes the author of the bug modification * Bug-fixes: - Migration embedded images: . Progress bar also when patching (not updating) schema . All embedded images are now stored in a common repository - add missing country for US (United State of America) - add missing weekends for SE (Sweden) - SOAPUI launcher returns invalid failures - Ranorex launcher support new XML format returned in latest versions 1.6sp7 * Warning about the risks when deleting a configuration * Bug-fixes: - Exception when copying or restarting a session where at least one of the assigned conf has been deleted - When moving a folder with more than 2 levels childs to a different category, company or project, the category/company/project flags of all the childs starting at the third level are not updated correctly - Exception thrown by xUnit launcher when xUnit generates an XML report with testcases that don't have "success" or "time" attributes 1.6sp6 * Clearer licensing page on the help menu: - Plugin list scrollable - Indicates clearly the XStudio license purchased * Setting to enable/disable the quality column in the SUT/Campaign trees * Bug-fixes: - Couldn't create a configuration when starting a test individually - Creating SUT doesn't update coverage when requirements are added on the fly - URL not accepted when they include a ending slash - The SoapUi launcher not supporting testsuites/tests with space char in their name - Additional protection against 2^31-1 coverage value 1.6sp5 * Bug-fixes: - Critical regression introduced in 1.6sp4: couldn't execute tests remotely (and a few other update operations failing) 1.6sp4 * Ability to create and link bugs from manual launchers when interfaced with Jira, Mantis, Bugzilla, TRAC, Generic connectors * Include the name of the schedule in the session's name * Defect report: include 'Found in' and 'Fixed in' (SUTs) * Keep as much as possible the former order of the tests in a campaign when: - adding/removing some tests from this campaign - copying this campaign (and adding/removing tests on the fly) * All dialogs are now NOT modal and NOT on top anymore except for MOVE/DELETE * Manual launchers's dialog NOT on top anymore * Bug-fixes: - Schedule's SUT not identifiable - Impossible to submit a commment on not executed manual tests - Performance issues with Free, Pro and Business licenses - Now able to use "All combinations", "Pairwise", and "Import Dataset from CSV" feature even with a single parameter - Wrong header order in the specification report - When creating/linking some bugs from the Tabular_manual launcher they do not appear in the list on the test cell - Exception when retrieving tests and testcases including special characters in their name because of the parametrization (pairwise algo/dataset) - Tabular manual launcher: display DISTINCT bugs in the test cell - Create generic bug on the fly fails - Oracle db: exception while affecting a bug to session's tests - Localization typos - Couldn't delete a bug of type "generic" - Duplicate custom field values (from SUT/test cases) sent to the launcher - Generated tests from requirements/specs cannot be executed - Third-party requirement or bug-tracking system should not appear while editing a team's access rights 1.6sp3 * Additional protection while printing the custom fields (in the launchers) * Additional protection on changes information length <= 255 chars * Bug-fixes: - Localization of certain terms not found in not-English languages - Files in the doc tree are never detected as locked (Oracle only) - Spanish localization - Some large text fields does not support > 4000 characters (Oracle only) * defect: defect_description, step_to_reproduce, fix_description * test: test_description, test_prerequisites, additional_info * test case: testcase_steps, testcase_description, additional_info * requirement: requirement_description * specification: specification_description - Couldn't change the value of the defect custom fields (Oracle only) - Do not escape CLOBS when inserting them (Oracle only) - Workaround to avoid having a " " canonical path 1.6sp2 * New certificate (valid until 2015) * Read-only fields more readable * Bug-fixes: - Merge rules updated - Couldn't execute XAgent with an Oracle database (Exception while retrieving the schedule candidates) - XAgent don't execute the tests! - Exception possibly thrown if requirements retrieved from Jira while: . generating some specifications from requirements . generating some tests from requirements (if specs are disabled) . selecting requirements associated with a specification . selecting requirements associated with a test (if specs are disabled) - Scheduling of sessions not working with Oracle DB - xls2xml_reqs_specs_tests.xls does not support UTF-8 characters 1.6sp1 * Bug-fixes: - Corrupted Italian and Spanish localization files leading to an Exception - XAgent creates at each start a new XAgent in the DB - XAgent couldn't start with monitoring activated - Exception while adding dynamic attributes 1.6 * Spanish localization * Italian localization * Capability to retrieve the SUT custom fields from the launchers (API) * Add some log on the connection management * Add delete rights to default user profile (when installing XStudio for the first time) * Selenium html launcher: add an option in the configuration to run tests or test suites * When copying an execution configuration, ensure the format matches the current version of the launcher (i.e. if a new parameter has been added it is automatically added) * Bug-fixes Oracle: - Import specification in XML format is throwing an exception - Incorrect theoretical integrity - Couldn't import specifications in XML - Exception when starting a session with monitoring activated - Exception when selecting session with specification tree enabled * Bug-fixes: - When running XAgent without the --alias option was equivalent to --alias "" (meaning a XAgent with an empty name was automatically created and the agent was listening only as this agent) - QTP Launcher: may have problems to find results file is test path is empty - More explicit help on Jira status filter - Escape status so that space characters are correctly URL escaped - More explicit error message when the JDBC driver is not found - Create all the folders of the report destination path (in JNLP mode) - Campaign stats retrieval returns empty list in some cases - Changing agents in an executing session throws an exception (now we warn the user that former results will be deleted and ask confirmation) - Exception when redefining the agents + instances + sync - While modifying some coverage settings on reqs, specs or tests . quality metrics needed to be refreshed manually . redirection to another tree occurred in some cases - Incorrect quality on multi-instances/multi-agents sessions - Missing localization terms - Differentiate "create campaign" and "create Kalistick campaign" buttons - Exception while search for defects in Oracle - At the end of a session in XStudio, refresh the SUT tree to update the quality indicators of the tested SUT - Dialog box centered on the application area . download Attachment . support request . import error - Test cases steps do not appear in the test plan reports sometimes - Test cases don't appear with their params values replaced in the reports sometimes - Test cases don't appear with their params values replaced during manual execution - While editing a param, impossible to give it unrestricted character values - BuildAll: remove testComplete7b 1.6b2 * Separation of delete rights (WARNING: after migration, you may have to add the delete rights to your user profile) * Pass all the testcase's custom fields to the launchers at initialization time * Huge performances improvements: - time to start sessions when the session contains a large number of tests and test cases - time to load Jira bug tree * Bug-fixes: - A few big Memory leaks - Missing localization for the coverage metrics - Misleading icon in the coverage column - Couldn't start XAgent without the option --alias - Possibility to provide ANY character in the dataset's params - Some params are not replaced in some conditions - Wrong escaping of params - Empty testPath could prevent a few launchers to work properly - Campaign report loose test order - Test plan report invalid priorities in the summary - Exception while submitting big changes on an object 1.6b1 * Aliased XAgent (option --alias ) to be able to fake a name or to run several instances of XAgent on a single host * New wording for the coverage analysis * New "Coverage" tab gathering all coverage information for all the objects * Detailed coverage screen on SUT, Reqs, Specs and Tests * Remove the integrity check at each boot (huge time saving at boot time) but add integrity check in the tools from the menu * Auto purge includes 2 new features: - auto-correct deprecated links - auto-correct coverage * Defect coverage (defect->SUT functional coverage) * Delete requirement links when switching requirement types: - delete sut-req links - setting all suts as not covered - if new type is integrated, setting all requirements as not covered * Completely new SQL queries to update the defect stats (to make the compatibility with Oracle cleaner) * Support of the new coverage metrics with generic requirements or requirements from Jira * Bug-fixes: - MANY bug-fixes about new coverage metrics - Don't display 3 timse the save dialog box when changing the application settings - Don't continue if the agent is not recognized or not created in the DB - Exception while retrieving defect stats (Oracle only) - Exception from coverage computation when specifications are disabled - Wrong coverage percentage in some specific cases - Missing refresh on update of the coverage - Kalistick example URL includes "egavaldo" - Import campaign from Kalistick support autodetect if the separator is comma or semi-colon - Wider progress bar in the dashboard - A few minor correction in Oracle queries - Couldn't copy attachment (generation of items) - Incorrect nb testcases in sessions - Exception while retrieving test requirements with Oracle (i.e. reports generation) - Exception while retrieving folder tests with positions with Oracle - Exception while retrieving session test defects with Oracle - Exception while retrieving defect details with Oracle - Import requirements (coverage set to 25%!) - Init_46 script does not set version to 46 - Incorrect coverage metrics (progress bar + coverage tab) with generic requirements or requirements retrieved from Jira - New format for Kalistick's uuids - Missing translation - Wrong count on defect suts, defect requirements, defect specs, defect tests - Exception while building generic requirements tree 1.6a7 * Unified Settings screen (only 1 screen with several tabs in it) * Add default folders in all the trees * Add "cleanup coverage" in the purge feature * Created defect: not anymore a modal window so that it's easier to read information from XStudio in parallel * Generation feature does support all the configuration now: - Generate specifications from requirements (only when specs enabled) - Generate tests from specifications (only when specs enabled) - Generate tests from requirements (only when specs disabled) * Allow to reduce a bit more the left panel in size * More padding in the form * New bg color for read-only textfields * Bug-fixes: - Ads link respect the new specification for the redirect link - Exception while generating tests - Test case procedure supports for very large screens - Exception in search defect when using FoundIn/FixedIn options - Wrong theoretical integrity signature for Oracle - Invalid create_45.sql script for Oracle - Can delete/move agents only with specs rights - Generate specifications and generate tests was authorized with other rights - Patch 44 -> 45 was not supporting Oracle - Exception in search test/test cases in plain text - Exception while computing quality index on Oracle - Update process not working on Oracle - Remove automatically the links with the requirement when . Delete req . Delete spec - Coverage checking triggered by: . Delete category . Delete folder . Empty folder . Delete test . Delete spec . Delete req - Update only coverage on the last revison of sut, reqs, specs - Exception when selecting a calendar - When importing tests, requirements, specifications imported elements are not by default visible - Exception when merging sessions containing attachments on the test cases executions 1.6a6 * Quality metrics on the SUT tree * Quality metrics on the campaign tree * New unified colors for progress bars * New areas selector on the left-hand side * "Agent not responding" timeout set to 30 seconds * Bug-fixes: - Incorrect UI indicators when a session is queued too long on an agent - Session not starting when queued more than 15 minutes on a remote agent busy with some other sessions - Refresh the progress at the end of a session execution - Too many stats recorded: XStudio frozen when selecting the integrated bug-tracking root node - Wrong color returned for the graph in the iPhone/iPad app. - Incorrect statistics reported in email notifications when re-executing a manual session - Exception while selecting some folder in the Campaign's content tab in the upper test tree - Main tree refresh issues (ordering) if defect tree is not in the user profile - Exception and inconsistent behaviour when modifying sprints and backlogs (due to velocity chart refresh) - Incorrect Bamboo report generated in case of test failure with messages (typo in the CDATA opening tag) - No more timeout on the sessions that have been queued for a long time. The 30s timeout for "not responding agents" now applies only starting from the point where the session has really been started by (at least) one agent. - Wrong background in the campaign tree in some cells - Force the stop even when a session did not really started (in ARMED state) - setCampaignSessionAgentStatus() called only the first time - Error while trying t get the ascending/descending icons - "generate spec" vs "generate test" button depending on if the specifications are enabled in the PLC - Coverage label different in the form depending on if the specifications are enabled in the PLC - Generate specifications does not update coverage on the requirement if necessary - Generate tests does not update coverage on the requirement if necessary - Same width on progress bars in the same tree - Wrong new SQL query to retrieve latest results (for quality) 1.6a5 * New progress metrics visible in the main campaign tree, with a selector allowing to get 2 different types of indicators: - test cases elapsed vs test cases remaining to be executed - time spent vs estimated remaining time to complete the execution Plugin available in Professional, Business and Enterprise versions Recursive progress consolidation * Bug-fixes: - App. does not open in recovery mode - XAgent couldn't find the launchers when executed through the web browser - Set initially the coverage to 0% (and not to 25%) - Couldn't delete attachment - Additional protection on localization engine - Oracle settings in the GUI 1.6a4sp1 * Bug-fixes: - packaging problem provoking a NullPointerException while getting localized terms - Exception thrown while modifying a bug having a target fix date set - by default set all former campaign as "parallel" instead of "serial" 1.6a4 * Oracle Database support (add-on) * Basic http/JSON REST-API server (for iPhone/iPad clients) * New coverage metrics: - Ability to specify a coverage value for leave nodes (SUTS, requirements, specs) - Coverage immediately visible from the main trees - Coverage visible at different levels (drop-down menu on the main tree) - Coverage migration patch * Mixed test campaigns: can now execute different types of tests sequenced in a specific order (i.e. Selenium, manual and JUnit tests executed in a specific order) * Kalistick integration (add-on) * Session requirement coverage * Clearer progress bars * New design for the main tabs * Tabs in a different order * Updated icons to match iPhone/iPad apps * Purge feature only usable by the admin user * More protection against finalization issues * Bug-fixes: - Attachments and bugs not appearing in the Tabular_manual launcher - When merging session a failed test is better than not executed as we atleast have a result - Exception when seleting a sprint with user-profile "developer" - If we want to change the agent then change it back to the original setting, we want to get back our results - From the tabular manual launcher, Exception while trying to link the same bug several times to the same test - Test cases not anymore created automatically when needed 1.5sp4 New web package html home page * Bug-fixes: - CReqTreeModel used in specification's traceability matrix - Cannot delete bug attachments - Test cases are not automatically created - User can assign user group's member only when he has the relevant rights - Typos in rights management tree - Do not truncate the test and test case path in the tabular manual launcher - Auto-wrap long test and testcase names in the right panel - When a test name is very long, running the test directly can produce sql failure - Params: additional checks on the number of combinations - Pairwise algo: negative number of combinations displayed in the preview panel - Specification priority and status not imported 1.5sp3 * Bug-fixes: - Security issue: could change user profile with only view rights - Wrong coverage calculation especially when specification tree is disabled - In some conditions, when creating a user couldn't create associated profile - Backslash in formatted text fields are not escaped when copying test cases, tests, requirements and specifications - Wrong message when inserting too many characters in a text field 1.5sp2 Add the sut name/version in the campaign session email notification * Bug-fixes: - Exception when refreshing a test with particular profiles - XContinuousIntegration couldn't be started - Remove the *_console.exe from the linux distribution - CTimoutListener returns as timeout immediately if 0 is passed - Couldn't generate requirement report from a requirement folder 1.5sp1 * Bug-fixes: - XContinuousIntegration is now 100% console (headless) - XContinuousIntegration missing --outputformat in usage - Sahi Launcher supports Sahi Free + Sahi pro - TestComplete launcher: test path MUST have \\ and not / - Remove "exec -a appName" from all the linux scripts (not supported on some unix systems) - Campaign sessions ordered by name then start date in the tree - When there is no or only 1 session in the time range selected, the campaign statistics display empty panels - Task priority always set to -1 in the dashboard - Better error message if the launcher xml is missing/invalid - Issues while editing custom fields especially multiple choices - xmlHashtableToObjectHashtable() does not handle empty hashtables 1.5 * XContinuousIntegration: support of Atlassian Bamboo server * Default merge options to "merge to 1 single instance and keep latest results" * Robustness: add a unique key on defect_id + test_execution_id * Improved the labeling concerning the association SUT/Bug * Separate clearly the bugs found in/fixed in * Separate in sub tabs bugs submitted manually and those found through a failed test * Remove pre-selection of the current user as assignee when creating a bug * Bug-fix: - When copying a folder including several sub-folders levels, he can see the folder that he copied and any reqs/specs/tests in it but not any sub-folders. The sub-folders and their content are created, but the user does not get the right to see them. - Auto-truncation of labels in the tabular manual launcher when the text does not fit the available space - Tooltips on Test and Test cases path labels (to be able to get the complete path of the elements anyway) - When merging session, apply the bugs association as well - Campaign session > content > bugs linked concern only the instance selected - Incorrect merge on the last instance when selecting "keep all results/instances" - Sometime incorrect bugs show up in the "found in" tab - Create requirement/specification: custom values entered ignored - Couldn't change the agent on a schedule - Some custom fields do not appear on some objects - When changing the default value of a custom field, all the values are overwritten with it 1.5b3 * Add the folder's description in all the reports * Testpan autocompletion off by default * Delete right for bug separated from Create, Move and Delete * Ability to disable the spell checker * soapUI launcher v1.1 * Bug-fix: - Couldn't copy folders in requirements, specifications and tests trees - Couldn't generate specifications from requirements - Couldn't generate tests from specifications - Import from CSV fails when some very specific parts of the data imported already exist - Localization missing for "a user-group" - User groups & rights: . a user must always be able to see the folder containing it's own user-groups . a user must always be able to see the folder containing himself - Create bug from campaign session results: can provide additional people to be notified - Create bug from tabular manual launcher: can provide additional people to be notified - Custom fields values not saved while creating bug from campaign session results - Custom fields values not saved while creating bug from tabular manual launcher - Exception while retrieving ancestor path (i.e. to display inherited attachments) when a ancestor container includes invalid XML characters - Category description and launcher are no exported - Campaign statistics does not include data from scheduled sessions - refresh of campaign session's requirements throws an exception - Adding a parameter displays an erro message - Exception when generating a few reports 1.5b2sp1 * Hotfix: - All the launcher might be able to find a physical tests (canonicalPath & treePath were mixed up when pased to the launcher) - In some circumstances, NullPointerException when running a session 1.5b2 * Tabular Manual Launcher: - Ability to reset the status of ALL the testcases in one shot (success, failure, relative or not_executed) - Question to know if the comments must be cleared while resetting all the testcases - Automatic submission of comments change on "focus lost" - Text coloring of the comments to indicate it's not commited yet - List the attachments of each test - List the bugs linked to each test - List the attachments of each test case - Ability to view/edit the details about the bugs (integrated, generic or Jira/TRAC/Mantis/Bugzilla) already linked - Ability to open the attachments * Performances improvments: - To build the session data while starting a session (retrieval of versionned data apart) - To calculate the object's path (indexing instead of recursive calls) * Launchers: - New testcomplete launcher for TestComplete 7 and 8 - First draft soapUI launcher * New data available from the launcher API: - flat list of all the test in the session: Vector getTestIdVector(); - flat list of all the test in the session: Vector getTestcaseIdVector(); - tests attachments (id, name): Vector getTestAttachments(int testId); - tests bugs (id, name): Vector getTestDefects(int testId); - testcases attachments (id, name): Vector getTestcaseAttachments(int testcaseId); * Windows package includes all exe in 2 versions (with or without the console) * Add timestamps to traces in the console version * Tabular Manual Launcher improvements * Warning dialog box when licenses are about to expire * Bug-fix: - Couldn't remove a test from a campaign - Impossible to delete requirement attachments - Exception while retrieving folder (test and test cases) results where no results are actually available - Modification SUT rights label not localized - Issues with correction target date on integrated bug in some circumstances - Exception on user profiles - Reports: import .png and .jpg so that those images can be use in custom reports - Custom fields change not tracked on integrated bugs in some circumstances - Bug modified + reminder: only includes the information relevant (depending from the status) - Integrated bug: resolution type always available - Custom png and jpg images are also downloaded when constructing HTML reports - Custom fields rights label (typo) 1.5b1 * Global consolidated results in any container in the tests tree: - Root node - Category node - Folder node * Results in test tree support for SUT filtering * Rights for viewing the test results * Rights for viewing the category tests statistics (developped and authored) * Requirements static coverage: introduced a "partially covered" tab to make the metrics more "accurate" * Ability to modify a campaign content after it has been created (an additional right is necessary to do so) * Stats tests authored (in addition to developed) * Check speller * GRAPH_IN_REPORTS add-on included for free in SILVER support license * CUSTOM_FIELDS add-on included for free in NO_AD support license * Updated German translation (thanks Detlef!) * Bug-fixes: - Sahi launcher: support SahiFree and SahiPro (old + new versions) 1.5a5 * Shareable user profiles * Ability to modify a campaign content after it has been created (an additional right is necessary to do so) * SUT: differentiate the bug found in the SUT manually or through a failed test * Manual test run in "1-click" (remember last settings) * Indicators on important/mandatory tabs * Requirements static coverage: introduced a "partially covered" tab to make the metrics more "accurate" * Ability to change the CCEmails (after creation) on: - campaign session - schedule - defect * CCEmails on integrated defects * Differentiation rights for viewing/editing of CCEmails * Emails duplicates are detected globally (to, cc and bcc) * Improved the default profiles content * Prototype REST-API server * Bug-fixes: - Prevent ANY invisible characters to corrupt XMLs - Couldn't delete SUT attachments - Error when changing something on a bug with a correction date in the past - Missing escaping on form names - Increased size for the "correction description" field 1.5a4 * Ability to disable specifications tree in XStudio! (linking directly requirements to tests) * Added req-tests + test-req edit rights * Bug report with Jira * Sahi launcher: compatible with newer SahiPro version * Requirements type (integrated, Jira, etc.) in the footer of the GUI * Create a requirement in Jira from XStudio * Authorize to create empty user group * Send "new version available" notification only to admins users (the ones in the "Admins" user group) * SDK API: timeout=0 means infinite timeout for CTimoutListener * New warnings - When the user disables the spec tree we ask him if he wants the system to automatically create the relationships between the requirements and the tests based on the current reqs/specs/tests relationships. - When the user changes the requirements source (integrated, generic or Jira) we delete the previous relationships between reqs/specs and reqs/tests. We warn the user about it and let him the choice to cancel the whole operation. - When the user changes the defects source (integrated, generic, Mantis, Bugzilla, Trac or Jira) we delete the previous relationships between defect/test executions. We warn the user about it & let him the choice to cancel the whole operation. * Bug-fixes: - URLs compatibility with all PHP configurations - Couldn't delete or move an integrated requirement - Sahi launcher accepts index.html result file - Keepalive Jira requirements to avoid disconnection - URL in settings as "unrestricted string" form item so that '&' character is exceptionally authorized - Jira http API: escape username and password - Some report generation does not work with the specs disabled - "missing selection sut" message instead of user - With specific folder names, generating a report from the folder was hanging - Cannot select a campaign (Exception thrown) - Cannot associate a bug to failed tests - Hang while generating images when specification is disabled - When changing a user's details setting, password was automatically emptied - Localization missing - Can't generate project report in 1.5a3 1.5a3 * Custom fields on SUT/reqs/specs/testcases/defects * Restrict visibility on some projects/folder * User groups to apply access rights * Custom notification emails * XStudio objects accessible via a simple URL! * Object's URL in all email notifications * Clickable URLs & Images in Wiki-style text boxes * XStudio now signed using a Trusted Certificate * Versioning/changes tracking on SUTs and defects * Attachments on SUTs, projects, etc. * More detailed (default) notification emails * Requirements tree opened to generic and Jira * Ability to edit campaign session's operator on the fly * Ability to edit campaign session's agents on the fly * Bug's "Send reminder" button * Individual email notification when a test fails * Bug-fix description now a formatted text box * Multiline textfield for steps, parameters and checks * Bugs+Reqs: Jira filters on projects/type/status * Ids in trees * Microsoft Word document parser * Help available on demand in forms * NO-AD add-on support * soapUI launcher * Ability to start XAgent from the browser with no install 1.5a1, 1.5a2 * Privately released to customers 1.4sp8 * Bug-fixes: - Couldn't run XStudio from the browser in extremely rare configurations - 100% cpu issue (due to auto-ads thread) - Create SUT: cannot import requirements from another SUT - In certain conditions, merging campaign sessions was missing outputs - Sort Jira bugs by key ids - Remove invisible and/or forbidden characters (especially during import of data) - Cannot generate test case parameter combinations if user account's language different from English - Inconsistent manual launcher history template - SetTestcaseAsFailedAsSoonAsOneStepFails setting sometimes not read/used - Set the getUncaughtExceptionHandler only if not already running - Keepalive packets not activated for Jira and TRAC bug-tracking systems - Protection against duplicated background threads 1.4sp7 * Support of attachment with AutoIt launcher * New sprint summary XSLT report * Bug-fixes: - Should be able to minimize/maximize tabular launcher dialog window - Dependencies order during execution is not repected in some cases - Lack of escaping with Jira/Mantis/Trac/Bugzilla with status or severity name including '&' character(s) - All Jira issues (not only those with type=1 - defects) should be listed in XStudio - Tabular launcher: focus should be by default on "Submit" button - Support of Jira URL including not-root URI for http access 1.4sp6 * XUnit launcher: support of 32/64 bits + CLR 2/CLR 4 applications (thanks to Michel!) * Add an individual test timeout for python launcher * Bug-fixes: - A few missing refresh - Defecting uniqueIdtoId() function - AutoIt launcher: timeout attribute not used - Reports display Jira + TRAC bugs - Linking existing bug from manual launcher throws an exception if using Jira/TRAC/Mantis/Bugzilla - External bugs details: use original status/severity/priority names with Jira/TRAC/Mantis/Bugzilla instead of converted status - External bugs: unknown equivalent state bugs must be visible (not closed) - Mantis: stats do not include unassigned bugs - Reports: Jira bug's URLs in reports not working (real id instead of the key in the URL) - Tabular launcher: move the cancel function in 2 more intuitive buttons in the top toolbar - Search by id: case insensitive - Merge of session fails in specific cases 1.4sp5 * Trac performances improvments * Bug-fix: - Remove the limit of 100 TRAC issues returned per milestone - Escape all attribute on APIs connecting to 3rd party BTD - Jira connector crashes with & characters in issues/project names - More robust escaping for xml characters - Protection on length of the input when importing data from CSV/XML 1.4sp4 * launcher (with support for 32bits + 64bits application) * WebUI launcher * Shell launcher * Cancel button on Tabular launcher * Bug-fix: - QTP launcher should use cscript and not wscript - Sahi launcher disable proxy not working - Type in NUnit launcher - Wrong redirection when showing/hiding closed bugs in a tree - TRAC bug tree not 100% retrieved when a milestone includes a '&' or a '=' sign - Should verify only enabled parameters in bug-tracking settings - If initialize() fails in ANY launcher, cleanup properly the launcher and report all tests as 'not executed' - Wrong progress string in french - Single quote not supported in comments on Tabular Manual launcher - Campaign session's bugs tab not refreshed after linking a failed test to some bugs - Instance indexes must start from 1 in session content - Selecting test/test cases in embedded tree should not be recorded in history - Global refresh change the right panel if a test/test case was selected in Bug/Tests - Deleting a user (even if strongly discouraged) assigned to a bug makes this bug not accessible anymore (exception thrown) - Sahi launcher: do not quote the proxy enable and disable commands - Test cases dynamically created are not taken in consideration in the email notifications - SQL select launcher: add log as attachment and change default value conf 1.4sp3 * New German localization * New launchers for - TestOptimal (to be reviewed) - SilkTest * Remove deprecated TestComplete7 launcher (replaced with TestComplete7b) * Oracle Test Manager Excel to XML tool * Bug-fix: - Windows pictures and Fax viewer returns immediately when opening picture attachments. For images and only on Windows, MSPaint is now used by default - Email notification could be sent several times to the same person - Security issue while merging 2 sessions; if these sessions have not been executed, the start and stop dates of the merged sessions are invalid and this prevents the tree to being retrieved. - NullPointerException when editing a user - Exception thrown when selecting a bug and refreshing globally - Exception thrown when selecting a testcase and refreshing globally - In some particular conditions, the results/contents are not updated when re-executing a session - Import Excel sheet expect categories for requirements and specs - Protection against localization of "true" and "false" - More protection against special characters in bugs/projects/milestones in third-party bug-tracking systems. Replace using [x24] and [x5c] instead of [] - this must be "revert-able" + keep a mapping between the third-party item's name and the one in XStudio - Weird percentage results in email notification when more manual results submitted than number of test cases - Tabular launcher sends comments on any status click - Bug selection not tracked correctly in the history (back and forward buttons) - After generating some objects (specs or tests) the destination tree is not selected on the left panel + the generated items are collapsed by default - The selectNode() method is not protected against the unlikely case of a simultaneously deleted object - Details form protected against "duplicate" revisions issue - Add testcase index in the tabular manual launcher - Copy folder does not copy the folder description (tests and specs) - When running directly a test, the campaign+session names are now _ 1.4sp2 * Selenium launchers support attchment folder settings (so that for instances screenhots generated by selenium can be attached to the test case execution in XStudio) * Session progress bar visible only when it makes sense (avoid the confusing "0%" message on former sessions) * Change default name of sessions to _ * While creating a new campaign, order the tests by default as in the tree * Possibility to move a document folder to the tree's root node * More traces when retrieving Jira's bug tree * Bug-fix: - "Password changed" confirmation - Character * (star) now authorized (no more problems with parameterized testcase names) - Errors while merging on specific cases - Fake errors may occurs while creating parameterized test cases which prevent from continuing creating the remaining test cases - Inappropriate "object does not exist anymore" messages - Import requirements/specifications does not expect category nodes anymore - Change the default location/sizing to fit small screens (web package) - "Found in" term not found - Label clarification * "Found in (auto)" becomes "Affected SUTs" * "Running ({0} results submitted/{1} test cases)" - Wrong localization "Managers modification" in user's rights - GetNodeStringValueFromXPath() protected against missing nodes - Merged test cases may have wrong results after merging several sessions - When running a global refresh, select the actual last viewed page - Bad refresh target tab of attachments on test cases - Errors returned while searching for req/spec/tests/tasks/bugs when searched plain text includes single quote - Possible to create 2 different folders with the same name in the root folder of the document tree - Different errors while editing a folder name/description in the root node of the document tree - Projects' managers tracked in the changes tab - Wrong "monitored servers" localization 1.4sp1 * Print faulty query and stack trace when SQL fails * Bug-fix: - MAJOR bug in coverage computation - Bad url in JNLP index - New version of the Spanish localization - Initialize the last destination folder to the root of the hard disk where XStudio has been installed so that's it's never null (hence provoking weird things on recent vista versions) - The right RIGHT_ID_TESTCASE_CD should NOT include RIGHT_ID_TEST_SPEC_E - Additional protection on some launcher to accept log with empty payload message 1.4 * New method printTestExecutionVector() available in the SDK API * Bug-fix: - Set stop date in the tree when a whole session (all agents + local) completed - Increase the AGENT_NOT_RESPONDING_TIMEOUT to 15 minutes (if a session - or a subset on a particular agent - did not really start 15 minutes after the session has been armed, the session is stopped nicely) - Differentiate the import from CSV label (menu and generate params) - Wrong parsing of the ads parameters - Wrong message when invalid character & is provided in a UTF8 input string - Missing check of estimated effort when creating a new task - More info while importing from an invalid XML - Manual, simple_manual and tabular_manual launcher dialog has XStudio icon - Tabular dialog always on top - Tabular dialog cannot be closed except from the submit button - Sprint of 0 days reported if date selected for start and stop are identical (and that it is not a week-end day) - Bugs manually assigned to a SUT (not through a failed test) are not shown in SUT > bugs - Change the label "SUTs" on integrated defect to "Found in (auto)" and move it next to "Found in" tab - Sprint of 1 day does show a duration of 0 days 1.4b3 * When copying campaign/requirement/specification/test pre-select the current parent folder (as the copy will go 90% of the time there) * After creating a session, automatically select it * Add menu item pointing to online documentation * Remove the "(Group xxx)" string to the testcase name when generating parametrized testcases. When copying a testcase, this information would be duplicated and then would be wrong * Improved version of the Perl launcher (accept parameters and add the log as attachment) * Bug-fix - Cannot execute linux scripts pass all the arguments to all applications - Linux script use "java" to find out the java version instead of %JAVA - Cannot use the JMeter launcher under linux depending on the version installed. Now using directly or jmeter.bat depending on the OS (instead of jmeter-n-r.cmd) - JMeter launcher: new parsing allowing to refine the logic to determine if the test is passed or failed (new optional attribute to set to the tests) - Add simple quote to the firefox profile path for the "option" parameter (-profile 'C:/Program Files/sahi/userdata/browser/ ff/profiles/sahi(dollar)threadNo' -no-remote) - JMeter follow up (remove rm attribute) - Copy test: creates a commonly shared template content shared among all or just a subset of the copied parametrized testcases and associate the param values to the copy - < and > in procedure tree (step, parameter or check) may be hidden in manual launchers (manual, simple_manual or tabular_manual) - SQL errors when generating pairwise TCs (tentative) + add new traces in case the bug is not fixed - labeling Dataset import change to make it clearer that it supports editing - Confusing dataset import help - Never update the start date of a session when it has already been set - Consolidate usage of unique CSS in all help and HTML preview - Tell the user when a global search did not find any item to check there is no filter activated - Possible fake-green with Selenium launchers: WARNING: a new conf needs to be created 1.4b2 * More reliable statistics in the progress details, in the progress bar and in the results tab * All the test cases not executed are now set as not executed in the new "finalization" phase (no more any test case with no status) * Ability to run/pause/resume/stop/finalize sessions dispatched in 1 XStudio + N XAgents from XStudio * Auto-detection of not-responding XAgents (in this case, all the tests can be executed are executed then the session is automatically stopped) * Ability to execute several tabular manual sessions simultaneously on different agents - restore the individual agent's previous results on each agent if the same session is re-started * Removed a few "cursor change" so that it's easier to stop/pause/resume a session * Additional information in the global progress bar (paused, finalizing) * Added some style to all TBD and ABBR items in the reports * [TBD] and [ABBR] are invisible in preview panels but are stylized (same style as in reports) * Ads engine finished (including impressions tracking) * More protection while giving a name to generated/copied/merged items so that it fits the max length in the DB * Cleanup mail factory * Bug-fix: - Wrong results when executing several categories, several agents and several instances - The initial progress details window now reports ALL the statistics even the last one (previously, the updating thread could be stopped before it actually got the last results - even if the results in the DB were actually correct) - Manual launchers: Test and testcase names better formatted to be more readable - Force the font size to 14pt in the HTML preview - Agent notifier never stops (cpu leak) - Parsing results JMeter JMX launcher 1.4b1sp1 * Differentiate email notification from XStudio ([XStudio Session Report]) and XAgent ([Agent Execution Report]) * Framework to add advertising banner on non-registered versions of XStudio * Bug-fix: - Cannot include < and > in param names and values - Couldn't set a step or do a tree search on specific versions of MacOSX - Only the attachment of the last testcase is uploaded to the database - Manual launchers: Test and testcase names better formatted to be more readable - Force the font size to 14pt in the HTML preview screens - Campaign session results email notification includes only 0 success/failures/etc.. when generated by an XAgent 1.4b1 * Create default task folder when creating a project * Param names must be different case INsensitive * New version of the QTP launcher (better parsing + handles spaces in script path) * Add the TBD and ABBR buttons on the wiki-styled text's toolbar to surround ToBeDefined and Abbreviation sections. * Refactoring of the build process: only 4 packages now (one for each OS + the web package) that includes all the applications * Removal of xagent.conf and xcontinuousintegration.conf: now using only xstudio.conf and bugtracking.conf for: - XStudio - XAgent - XSubAgent - XContinuousIntegration - All the manual launchers * Share the same Application Settings Screen with all the applications * Bug-fix: - Faster scroll with mouse wheel in the Tabular Manual Launcher - Data-driven import not working - Import tests throws exception - Manual launcher uses the "smiley" icons for Yes/No - Copy test case fails - Missing localization for TBD and ABBR tags - Task estimation cannot exceed 100 (limit in the DB) - Projects I'm managing: show only projects with at least 1 not finished sprint - Tasks I'm working on: show only tasks with progress < 100% - Merging sessions: truncate the campaign and session names if exceeding 128 characters - Include param values in generated Session/SUT/Testplan reports - Selenium_html generates MalformedUrlException on Linux 1.4a3 * Test parameterization !!! including import from CSV and Pairwise algorithm * Improve performances to retrieve the launchers list * Improve performances when selecting a category * More empty border in warning for deletion * Same icons shared among all the manual launchers * New JMeter launcher to run JMX tests * QTP launcher includes a few new parameters * Exe launcher: attach the log file * new API in the SDK: - setConfiguration(Hashtable<String, Vector<Hashtable<String, CParam>>() - getConfiguration() - Remove setDefaultTestcaseMustBeCreated() (by default this is set to true, if you want to forbid this, implement the method getDefaultTestcaseMustBeCreated() in your launcher to return false) - printParams(Vector<CParam> params) - modified method run(int testId, String testPath, String testName, int testcaseId, int testcaseIndex, String testcaseName, Vector<CParam> params, String additionalInfo); * Bug-fix: - Coverage figures in session's results tab could have been wrong in some cases - Creation of default testcase not ok since the addition of table_testcase_testcase_content - Jira integration doesn't work anymore - JUnit launcher: protection against test without classpath - QTP launcher: protection against QTP isntalled in a path containing spaces - Tabular launcher: comment restored when restarting - Tabular launcher: icon missing when executed from an agent - Exception when a table exceeds the maximum width of all the columns with mouse over - Protection against columns size issue... - Refresh dashboard when deleting/copying/etc. many objects - Refresh dashboard when changing the authored/developed properties - Additional protection against no selection of failed test when creating a bug from the session - SUT inheritance read-only 1.4a2 * Increase size of related URL (128 -> 384) * Sandbox cursor when searching on bug, req, spec, ask or test is occurring * Batch export session+scripting for failed tests at the end of a session * Optimization in the test execution engine (run quick test faster) * Improve reliability of the chart generator * Synchronized the following methods to protect against concurrent access - getCategoryConfNode() - insertInstanceCategorySyncId() - insertCampaignSessionTestcaseResult() - insertCampaignSessionTestResult() - all the getXXXEngine() * Work only on cloned configuration node to avoid conflict under heavy load * testcases results -> test results is done using SQL each time a new testcase result is sent and not manually in the thread !!! * Allows to restart stopped manual campaign sessions * New "tabular_manual" "excel-like" launcher * "tabular_manual" launcher displays previous result status if there are some * "tabular_manual" launcher sets the results directly in the database * Do not set testcase results when they were not declared as failed or passed except when tests prerequisites or description failed * Let ALL the manual launchers to stop the session when the test operator decides so and not when the last testcase is finished * If one of the 3 manual launchers is used, do not stop the session when the number of test cases executed is over the total number of test cases int he session * Add Sut name + sut version in: - test's "Results" tab - testcase's "Results" tab * Sahi 1.3 launcher: more robust against error/failures * Selenium HTML 1.9 launcher: more robust against error and failures * Remove file browser for canonical path (confusing for people who though it was always an absolute path) * setExecutionVector() called before initialize() * Pair wise algorithm (not used yet) * Increase refresh rate of progress details to every 200ms * Increase number max of instances per agent to 32 (LOAD & STRESS add-on) * Remove old version of the XML parser * getTestConsolidationStatus() moved to XStudio generic function instead of the launcher specific functions * Remove useless code about category in generate specifications * Remove localization folder in JNLP package * Remove the flag "isCompaignSessionDetailsEnabled" * Bug-fixes: - URLs in form should accept ? = & : characters (i.e. DOORS URLs in test's related URL) - textfields length checked by string verifier using the VARCHAR max length in the DB - file browser and url fields aligned in height with other text components - NullPointerException when clicking very fast on root node of the Dashboard tree (or testcase subtree) - Sahi launcher throw an exception when some traces includes & characters in it - sahi launchers: again some pretection agains test script including some '.' in their name - more protection on QTP launcher - re-init the completion value to 0% when switching a bug to Resolved - copy session does not keep the cc emails settings - cc emails settings while copying a session must be modifiable - task and test priority sliders does not move to the left when clicking on the left-hand side of the cursor - if a user deletes an item just before I select it an exception is thrown - exception when selecting the root node of the defect tree - never try to reselect highlighted items in dashboard tree as it would lead to switching immediately to another tree - protection against people living in country with no week-ends - localization week-end days internationalization - Generated from --> Copy of - exception when showing/hiding the assigned tasks - Selenium html launcher not handling Selenium server's exception - copy campaign does not copy the campaign description - copy folder does not copy the folder description - empty agent's folder does not delete agents - move folder to category (project link lost in some rare cases) - test run: test operator tab read-only 1.4a1 * Improved performances: - getting category details - getting global information (root node) - searching for bugs * Jira integration * Assignment of some managers to each project * Assignment of some developers to each task (opt.) * Assignment of some developers to each test (opt.) * Tracking of authoring and development of the test cases. Use authCompleted and devCompleted to know, depending on the launcher, if the test case can be executed or not * Dashboard - projects I'm managing - sprint tasks I'm working on - tests I must author - tests I must develop - campaigns sessions I must execute - bugs I must fix - bugs I must verify and close * Localization files externalized (everybody can now customize it) * Continuous integration runner * JMeter launchers (SQL and Web) * QuickTest Pro launcher * Batch file launcher * Replace categories by folders in: - requirements tree - specifications tree - bugs tree * All coverage metrics available from any folder/any tree * All traceability metrics available from anywhere: - suts related to a requirement, spec, test, bug - reqs related to a sut, spec, test, bug - specs related to a sut, requirement, test, bug - tests related to a sut, requirement, spec, bug - bugs related to a sut, requirement, spec, test - bugs found in one session * Load & Stress (commercial add-on) - run session on N agents in parallel - each agent running N instances in parallel - synchronization between agents - session reports supporting N agents & instances * Monitoring (commercial add-on) - monitoring SNMP devices during testing - conf/customization of the monitored feat. - generation of all monitored device charts * Merge/Consolidation of several sessions * Dynamic searches from root node on: - requirements - specifications - project's tasks - tests - bugs * Possibility to create bugs (integrated bug-tracking database) from the session content * Display the number of bugs assigned to each failed test in the session content tab * Create bugs (integrated bug-tracking database) for several failed tests in one operation * Links to several bugs (integrated bug-tracking database) several failed tests in one operation * Possibility to assign several users to a bug * New email factory * Optimization performances when searching for bugs * Colorize all the priorities/severities/status for: - requirements reports - specifications reports - bug reports * Add reporter and assigned to people in the bug reports (XML + HTML) * Import ALL the progress details charts in reports when necessary (commercial add-on) * Spanish new localization * XQual icon in the Windows title bar, login screen and task bar * Related URL field on the tests * Nicer form: alignment, padding and margin * Don't display root node for test cases tree * Display the configuration id (useful for the continuous integration tool) * Bug-fixes: - stack overflow while running a campaign - typo: UNREGISTRED in title bar - wrong refresh when updating defect's suts - test name including < or > makes the test search feature throwing a NullPointerException - requirements report on a category with the graph_in_reports add-on: "Tests" not localized in the titles - wrong test case ids in generated session reports - add some padding to cells withing tables - protection against having duplicated test cases in each test - when logging out/login in (without leaving XStudio) and if the new user logged in has not the right to display the last tab selected by the former user, an exception could be thrown or a wrong tab to be selected - default test case index is 1 (instead of 0) - import from csv: last test case was not imported - close/release the file reader/streams in launchers that read files - invisible dates in calendar headers - integrated defect assignee (wrong rights required) - localization missing on a few right entries - remove useless checkboxes when displaying: . readonly requirement trees . readonly spec trees . readonly test trees . readonly bug trees - ix86 missing in the platform list 1.3sp1 (Service Pack 1) In some specific circumstances, if some tests included special characters in their names, the test/test case search function was throwing an NullPointerException. 1.3 * New reports producing format that can be open directly in Excel: - test plan Excel long - test plan Excel short - report Excel * New offline launcher using test id (thx to Yehuda for these 2 changes) * New import CSV format * Refactored report template naming * Bug-fix: - Folder created by generated specs and tests were not inheritating the categoryId from the destination folder. - After pause, the only authorized action is resume - Readibility instructions on both manual launchers - "null" text in the history panel with manual launcher - New trace for CRunner: better readability - Python launcher: space in test name prevents execution - Python launcher: attach the logFile - "empty folder" displays an error popup at the end of the task - When changing the sprint taks/resources, calendars are not updated - BuildproxyLauncher not working - Bad display when licenses expired - Get nb ENABLED users for license checking 1.3b3 * Add the launcher TestComplete7b to the distribution package * Better presentation of the support licenses and add-ons in help/about * When creating/updating the DB, add a warning message to NOT interrupt the task * Add the localization for "at risk" and "good progress" * Change the ID for campaign and campaign sessions: - campaign: C_ - campaign session: CS_ * Bug-fixes: - Sahi launcher default values on standard path - Session Progress Details window never exceed the screen size and scrollable - Optimization image loading - Add email in the support info popup - Clock in Manual launcher popups display only seconds - Add legend coverage - Add legend sprint velocity - All legends centered - When editing the detail of a requirement and/or specification and submitting no change an non-error was popuped - Without internet connection, image missing in the intro page - French localization: schedule -> échéancement - English localization: defect -> bug - On windows, make the menu bar the same color as the container panel - Document generated are named by default with item's name + id + date - Authorize deletion and copy of configuration only when the combobox is not empty - Cannot open test case using TC_ from the search box - Simple manual launcher: add border to the table (readability) - Add test id in the window title and header of the right panel of the manual launchers - Action request icons changing from red to green 1.3b2 * New Sahi launcher * New Ranorex launcher * Add Chinese localization * Graph dependencies: appropriate message when no dependency to display * About: including licensing text and support keys (including all details: expiration date etc.) * JavaMail library: update of license * For support licensees: - Disabling of information popups - Standard intro page instead of the support page * CXmlDocumentFactory shared (in the SDK) and refered to by TestPartner and Sahi launchers * Bug-fixes: - Major issue when creating a test without default testcase and running it immediately (it was not executed) - Cancel does not exit the application anymore when editing the connection and/or bugtracking settings - 1.3's anterior session's test/testcase execution are now dated from the session start date - Bad refresh when using the future LOAD_AND_STRESS and MONITORING add-ons - Add launcher name in the session reports - Invalid default report in combobox - Test campaign details -> test campaign session details - Manual launchers: remove useless traces and improve readibility - When cycles exists in the dependency tree, exception may be thrown while executing a session 1.3b1 * Versioning of - Requirements - Specifications * Add Description field (wiki-style) for: - Campaign - Folder * Better tracking of changes on requirements and specifications * New dependency graph using hierarchical layout Smaller vertices Update jgraph libary -> * New improved CSwingWorker class + added to the SDK * Downloading attachments to overwrite: "Yes to all" and "No to all" button * Add test case attachments to generated test plans and reports * Removes the trick using '_' character to get the complete path of a node in report - now using the database identifier * Completion % now in green+red (and new style) * Renaming of all the reports * Protection from getting string "null" from the DB * Bug-fix: - Agent information in session reports - Depending on the launcher, the last executed test may have status not executed even if all test cases executed - Test path needed to start with / for CSV import - Correct interpretation of logs including backslashes - escapeValueStringForDatabase() now handles null input - Validation of test procedure - Remove duplicates in launchers combobox - Detection of Solaris or Opensolaris platforms as linux/unix instead of windows - Icon missing (LOGICAL_EXPRESSION and VACATIONS) - Incorrect "Expand to leaves" icon 1.3a7 * New image loader + icon caching system (improving drastically the time to start) * New TestComplete7b launcher for windows * Updated German localization (thanks to Harald Schuh) * Session consolidator tool (thanks to Yehuda) * Added the skin option commented in jnlp and .sh scripts * Increase the initial heap in the .sh (for linux) as for Windows (64MB) * Add a security in the manual launchers: if postrun is not called, terminate() dispose the dialog to avoid freeze * GUI for adding new forms dynamically in a configuration where one form is tagged as "iterative" * Bug-fixes: - Import skip all testcases except the first one - 0ms displayed - Several export not working (regression due to test versioning) - With only 1 manual test with no testcase: freeze - Exception while running manual test (getting useDescAsTestplan property) (regression due to test versioning) 1.3a6 (preview of 1.3a7) 1.3a5 * Launchers combobox * Tests and test cases versioning * Improve perf when selecting a category in the defect tree * Prepend time on the keepalive traces (debugging) * Specify an estimated execution time while creating a test * Add modules support * Keepalive every minute to improve resistance to small timeout settings in MySql configuration * Add the offline launcher to the installer * Bug-fixes: - Implementation of my own SwingWorker to avoid issues of deadlocks (especally in JavaWebStart mode and since JRE 1.6.0_15) due to a bug in Java. This was affecting very seriously import of data - Linux running scripts modified so that java 1.6 is required - Retrieve testplan sentences correctly (auto-completion) - Freeze during auto update of the stats (when using integrated bug-tracking database) - In JWS, force using the same classloader for loading the look and feel to prevent the system using wrong LAF with some OS - Checking existence of remote files did not work - XAgent 1.3a4 does not start (xml-rpc lib missing in the classpath) - Exception when displying the progress details on a not-yet executed session - Refresh revisions tab when changing something in the testcase 1.3a4 * Integration with the external ticket-tracking system TRAC (using the XML-RPC interface. WARNING: you need to update your bugtracking.conf as there is a new entry in it (even if it is not used, the system expects it) * Background processes (i.e statistics update) occurs only when there is no user activity on XStudio (no more popup at startup!) * Import features in a new menu entry Tools" * New version of the offline launcher (thanks to Yehuda) * Small improvment in all launchers that use "test_completed.txt" to improve reliability of the attachments * When there is not already a test/session associated to a defect, disable the filter and expand both trees (test tab) * Rename instances of "testcase" in "test case". Same for "testplan" in "test plan" * Commercial support information screen * Bug-fix: - Refresh of campaign session's tabs after session execution completely messed! - Attributes passed incorrectly to the launchers - 1.3a3 was not usable as a web package! - Cannot associate a defect to some tests of some campaign sessions (incl. agent + instance) - Add an error message when the user tries to link a bug to a test with status "Unknown" because it has not been executed completely - While associating a defect to a test/session, it was possible to select a session without selecting a test! - All localization files encoded in UTF-8 (native2exe used to convert from human edited version to ISO-8859-1 version using a Ant task - Import from XML when UTF-8 files - Import from CSV when UTF-8 files - All stream readers switched to UTF-8 - Encoding set to UTF-8 in exported XMLs 1.3a3 * New progress details window including - Tabbing - Stats consolidation - Adaptive scale * Offline reload of the progress details window * UTF-8 support 1.2 * Java JRE requirements are now 1.6 (using now some 1.6 features) * "Add Step" button always visible * Testcase index visible in the right panel for manual testing * Bug-fix: - English text for XSV/XML filters - Couldn't generate report on Linux - Generate specs (or tests) does not create the root folder - Remove the default driver from the package - Improve the message popuped when the JDBC driver is missing at the first run - Images attached are not rendered in the HTML reports when the extensions are in uppercase 1.2b2 * Add Deutsch language in localization (thanks to Harald Schuh for the translation) * Bug-fix: - NullPointerException when copying testcase with "useDescAsTestplan" - With setTestcaseAsFailedAsSoonAsAStepFails, test is marked as successful - Remove setTestcaseAsFailedAsSoonAsAStepFails for simple_manual launcher - Squish launcher do add the .exe even on linux - Custom JDBC connector deleted during upgrade - Custom launcher deleted during upgrade - Custom logo deleted during upgrade - Custom XSLT deleted during upgrade - Generate tests from specs reinitialize the complete affectation of the specs when it should only add some - Generate specs from reqs reinitialize the complete affectation of the reqs when it should only add some - When creating a testcase, set by defaut the testcase description as the test procedure (but letting the capability to the user to enter the detailed procedure at submission time) - Treat exception while editing the detailed procedure at testcase creation time - Cannot import only testcases (when tests already exist) - Replace any forbidden character with similar authorized characters before importing in CSV or XML (do not treat CDATA fields) - All trees with categories are not refreshed when a new category is imported 1.2b1 * Updated spanish translation * Squish launcher modifications: add options for squish server and runner * Change timeout value to make the stats more precise * Changed time-consuming DB operation messages to indicate specifically if it is about initialization or update of the database * Message to highlight that the stats update task is cancellable/skip-able * Add a "Selenium Server Option" field in ALL the selenium launchers - Removed "Trust all SSL certificates" and "User extensions" params in Selenium HTML launcher as they can be handled through this new option field * Bug-fixes: - Tests not included in schedules's session reports - Empty folder throws an exception - Not possible to empty folders in specific trees - Removed debugging traces in selenium html launcher - GetAgentId() throws exception or drastically slow down the startup time - Get the campaign session configuration for reports throws an exception. - No clock cursor when . Copying campaigns, campaign sessions, folders, requirements, specifications, tests or testcases . Generating specifications or tests . Emptying folders - String textfields have the caret position on the last character instead of the first one (leading to a wrong alignment) - Copy/paste working only on the second try on all the wiki-style fields - When overwriting preselected text the first character typed is ignored - Crash when selecting a campaign including tests having '<' or '>' in their names - Copy test: attributes are not copied - Configuration not included in execution reports - Copy campaign session: dynamic attributes settings not copied - Copy campaign session: cannot modify on the fly the attributes - Copy campaign session: tiny memory leak - Completion not reset when switching a defect to NEW or ASSIGNED - Results icon should have a different shapes to recognize them in balck and white printed reports (new icons) - "testplan" terms becomes "testplan", "scope" or "procedure" depending on where they are used to prevent any confusion - Option to include or not the ancestor nodes in the report - Import: No error reported when category or folder node is missing - Import: No error reported when an SQL failure occurs during import - Specific errors should be displayed when the imported file is incorrect - Remove useless traces in HTML document parser - Include changes entries for the copy of: . campaign . campaign session . requirements . specifications . test/testcase . testcase - Include changes entries for the generation of: . specifications from reqs . tests from specs - No refresh when updating the specs associated to a test - Cannot use the inheritance feature from the specification to select the tests - Exception thrown when the user with not enough rights selects specific items 1.2a4 * Automatic generation of items: - Specifications from requirements - Tests from specifications * Copy configuration * Execution settings: - New GUI defining execution options in the configuration panel - Logic for execution when parent failed (static settings) - Runtime algorithm * BIG Refactoring of the SQL layer (now common to XStudio and XAgent) * Display low-layer information (including credentials) about the SQL connection especially when SQL connection fails * Remove deprecated conf fields in tables campaign_session and schedule * More protection on attachment content * Removal of some dead code * Cleaning up promptForRestart() * Spaces in all the titled borders * Bug-fixes: - When prerequisite fails, all testcases are correctly set - In some cases, the test or testcases status were empty - Missing English Localization - Mispelling error "language" - NullPointerException while setting integer attributes - Wrong label in sprint backlog tree header - While searching for test and testcases, force a minimum height for both lists - Selenium HTML launcher: browser do not includes "*" 1.2a3 * sql_compare launcher (will run 2 queries on different DB servers and will check that they return the same thing. If not, it's a failure * sql_select launcher (will just run one query and expect an empty result) * Both SQL launcher allows execute remotely some command to a server (using plink) * java launcher (allowing to load dynamically a .class file and execute it) * Bug-fixes: - Bug preventing from running any test through JUnit launcher on linux platforms - When no requirements/specifications are associated to a SUT, the session's results tab is empty - Session report shows no defects when failed tests are linked to Bugzilla or Mantis bugs - User's workload not updated in calendar (except avter restarting XStudio - cache problem) - Global refresh button does not refresh also the global calendar 1.2a2 * Coverage on sessions added in the result tab * Quote the file path using ' instead of " on linux and only if the path includes space character(s) * Trim the connection strings before actually use them * Executable names with ".exe" or not depending of the OS hosting the program * Implementation of TLS and SSL for notification emails (support of hotmail and gmail smtp servers etc.) * Support of -trustAllSSLCertificates and -userExtensions parameter in Selenium HTML launcher if necessary (new configuration) * Improved the build scripts (reuse of JAVA_HOME is existing) * Add Selenium python launcher in the package * Improve the squish launcher (normally no need anymore to force to kill anything) * CAgentMain moved to "gui" package (refactoring) * Add bugtracking.conf for XAgent * Preparation to make XAgent usable through JNLP * Bug-fixes: - Shortcut link broken - Hide the preset inheritance buttons in the specification-tests panel (useless) - Launchers: incorrect log in case of timeout - Launchers: return RESULT_SUCCESS when the test process is even not executed properly - Session result tab not refreshed correctly - Slowlyness to open the intro page without an internet connection on linux. - Timeout issue while connecting to internet (huge elapsed time to start XStudio in some specific configurations) - Include runner in XStudio package - JUnit + selenium_java + testNG launcher classpath delimiter = ; or : depending on the OS - Create or link defects while executing a session only when executed from XStudio AND using integrated defect database - Small memory leak when linking defect - Create schedule, wrong date for the next occurrences - Remove path and category information in the test details panel (too confusing) - Incorrect build script for python launcher - Python launcher: wrong python.xml - Incorrect create_22.sql script - All the launchers: when the process fails, set the test as failed 1.2a1 * Create new defect while executing manual tests (manual.jar + simple_manual.jar) * Link to an existing defect while executing manual tests * Add the new parameter DEFECT_SUBMISSION_ENABLED to enable the feature in the conf * add "additional info" field for - Tests - Test cases * Pass the "additional info" parameter to the launcher (WARNING: API change !!!) * Reordering the tests in a campaign by - Dependencies - Priorities * History selector (close to the "Back" and "Next" buttons) * New Python scripts launcher (thanks Yossi Kimron!) * Capability to copy: - A campaign - A campaign session - A testcase * Better search in tree; now more permissive (do not have to start with the string) * Only admin can Update DB (admin password required during this process) * Ordering of the items in reports so that it look more like within XStudio: - Testplans - Projects reports - SUTs reports - Specifications reports - Requirements reports - Defects reports * Ordering of the attachements in reports * Defect report: add a report only for active defects * Sut report: - Add defects found on the SUT + stats - Add defects fixed on the SUT + stats - Add sessions executed on the SUT * Nicer copy/create/move/open (overiden) icons * Remember the width of each column in the reorder panel * Capability to rename a document * HTML Editors/viewers configurable in size * Customize sizes wherever it was useful * Highlighting of mandatory parameters * Alignment of all the forms to the top-left * Create test: by default "implemented" is set * Refactoring of exception handling of SQL requests * Restart program prompt: pass the localized button's texts * Bug-fixes: - Linux startup script (thanks to Harri Porten from Froglogic) - Does not try to upload attachment when it does not exist (robustness improvement) 1.1 * Remove Security Warning when using the web package * Accelerate the connection to third party MySQL when using the web package * Minor perf. improvment when attachments are not viewable * Only the admin can delete a bug (they should just be closed) * Add priority and severity indicators in Mantis and Bugzilla defect trees * Bug-fix: - Bugzilla stats moved to folder and fixed - Mantis and Bugzilla Folder names corrected in the "Details" tab - Refresh mantis and bugzilla folder stats were wrong 1.1b3 * Public Demo Environment !!! * Add the testcaseName to the SDK API * Add the Selenium Python launcher * Update the following launchers: - Autoit 1.5 - Beanshell 1.0 - Exe 1.1 - JUnit 1.3 - Marathon 1.2 - Nunit 1.2 - PyUnit 1.0 - Selenium .NEt 1.1, html 1.1, java 1.1 and Python 1.0: . give some time to the selnium server to start . incorrect default values for selenium server path . incorrect default values for junit path - Squish 1.3 - TCL 1.2 - testComplete 1.3 - TestNG 1.2 - TestPartner 1.2 - VisualStudio 1.5 * Update jarbuilder * Remove all the limitation about open a document under MacOSX * Disabling sandbox in JNLP mode to: - Remove security warnings - Accelerate the connection to MySQL server * Bug-fix: - MacOS release fixed and tested - Campaign session reports corrupted - Do not try to save the last logged user in JNLP - Delete attachment in the document tree - Status wrongly retrieved (for email notification) from integrated defect details - crash under MacOSX when editing an document * Improve notification mechanism fir the integrated BTD 1.1b2 * Bug-fix: Impossible to install XStudio 1.1 ! * Ability to set & export xstudio.conf in JNLP Mode to copy to the server * Ability to set & export bugtracking.conf in JNLP Mode to copy to the server * Enable the menu entries to do so any time from XStudio GUI * Add some helpers for the settings screens * Vista/Windows7 message in the installer 1.1b1 * Documentation Management System including: - Versioning of the different revision - Lock to avoid conflicts * New Document tree * Patch Engine to run complex DB migration tasks (not achievable by the simple update .sql scripts) * JUnit launcher 1.2 * NUnit launcher 1.1 * TestNG launcher 1.1 * Selenium Java (JUnit + TestNG) launcher 1.0 * Selenium HTML launcher 1.0 * Selenium .NET (NUnit) launcher 1.0 * Improved the CRunner class * Bugzilla support tested (no more experimental) * Add the "products" folders in Bugzilla defects tree * Add attachments tab for category and folders in integrated defect tree * Add inherited attachmentd for the defect nodes * Move all SQL scripts in a dedicated folder (to cleanup the bin folder) * Message when an attachment cannot be opened * Remove getCurrentUserId() * Several code factorizations * Updated version of Launch4J to support X64 platforms * Set minHeapSize to 64MB in the executable wrapper * Attachments in all the reports are using the new document system management * Remove the useless report CSS (style.css) and rename style_print.css to style.css * Several bug-fixes including: - A couple of memory leaks (SQL connections/statements) when uploading files to DB - Incorrect path in inherited attachments - Add missing terms for localization - CSS issue in SUT report - Test attachments not displayed/available from the testplan - Add attachments in defect reports - Pre-select only main trees (to avoid glitchy effects) - Search by id not working when a specification has been previously searched 1.0 * Only a very few bug-fixes: - Wrong/incorrect messages when invalid credentials are provided - Invalid OS context with MacOSX when using XStudio alone (without XAgent) - Manual tests: option to skip the execution when a step is failing not working 1.0b3 * Only a few bug-fixes: - Forbid user to close the manual launcher's popup - In some specific case, exception thrown when selecting the root node of a tree - Authentication issue in delivering notification email in some specific cases 1.0b2 * Add SUT reports including a traceability matrix req - spec - test on - root node - company - folder - sut * New User's Manual including Tutorials for: - JUnit - Squish - NUnit - TestNG * Add attachments in Requirements and Specifications (in the reports) * Display attachments name instead of their physical unique name on disk * Factorize Squish launchers * Factorize JUnit launchers * Improved TestNG launcher * Make strong/unify all the XSLT to handle anchors * Unify the anchor mechanism for all reports * Refactoring reports library * Add the commented include for xslt inclusion * Remove 'specifications'/'tests' useless container nodes in XML docs * Test username does not access latest.xml etc. * Change the sizing of the HTML editors * Several bug-fixes including: - Exception rasied while cancel generation of a report/testplan - Selecting a node for the first time in ANY tree, takes too much time as all the calls are duplicated! - table_weekend not created depending on the default charset of the DB - Defect stats not correctly updated in some conditions - Wrong anchors when 2 items have the same name in some specific cases - Workaround of Sun's bug that provokes crashes when opening the browser several times in a row sometimes - Add ids to XML reports where it was missing - Tab to espace conversion - Generate a campaign report then a testplan generates wrong reports - Reports that support projects with no sprint - Anchor problems with projects reports - Wrong css in in the standard reports (not the print) - Add missing localization - Remove 'muenchian' commented routines - '[XXX]' -> '[X_XXX] name' in traceability matrix in Req/Spec reports 1.0b1 * Several minor bug-fixes * History buttons previous/next (browser-like) * Attachments on requirements and specifications * Attachments inheritance on req, spec and tests * Charset for country_id in table_absence 1.0a4 * Coverage metrix on campaigns (full and partial) * Coverage metrix on campaign sessions (full and partial) * Coverage metrix on category (req + spec + test) * Coverage metrix on folders (req + spec + test) * Automatically create testcases if the launcher is requesting it * Progression/Regression metrix on campaign * Bug-fix: - MAJOR bug preventing from installing 1.0a3 from scatch (without updating from a previous version) - Percentage rounding in coverages - Dependency graph modality problems - VisualStudio launcher results parsing finally implemented I also worked on: * New website ( supporting perfectly IE7+, Firefox3+, Chrome and Safari * New open-source section (GPL3) on the website containing all the launchers * Initiation of teh development of automated functional tests on: - the XStudio NSIS installer (using the AutoIt launcher) - the XStudio Java unit testing (using the JUnit4 launcher) In addition, I developed a bunch of new launchers for XStudio: * Froglogic Squish for Qt * Froglogic Squish for the web application * Microsoft Visual Studio Team System * Jalian Marathon * Beanshell * JUnit v3 * JUnit v4 * PyUnit * NUnit (.NET) * TestNG 1.0a3 * Countries management * Absences management (per user) * Holidays management (per country) * Week-ends management (per country) * Better presentation of the calendars (new colors, legend, borders etc.) * Remember scale + expended nodes when moving in time in the calendars * Full implementation of calendars with absences, holidays, personalized week-ends (depending on the country) * Add several new user profiles: - HR Manager - Developer - Test Operator * Add windows7 and snow leopard in OS list * Print stack traces each time a "SQL lost error" is thrown * For sprint velocity, use the most used week-end settings among all users * WeekDaySelect formitems using now Standard identification for days of the week (former schedules to review!) * Add SUT-Requirement association including: - Inheritance of requirements (from SUT) - Inheritance of tests (from SUT) * Factorization of a LOT of SQL functions (LIST and FIRSTRESULT) * Add parameter feature.not_implemented_testcase_notification.enabled * Added a couple of launchers: - AutomatedQA TestComplete 7 - TCL * Improved security of CRunner class * Open-source section on the website including SDK and all sources * Bug-fix: - Tree retrieval when one single element belongs to the root node - Forbid points outside the sprint dates in the velocity charts - Localization fixing - Update global hashtables when updating user's country - Remove useless logs 1.0a2 * Report with test ordered like during the execution * Complete control over manual tests execution through a control bar: - Previous Test - Previous Testcase - Rewind Testcase - Pause execution - Resume execution - Next Testcase - Next Test * Timeout setting per test while executing manually (using attributes) * Bug-fix: - Sometimes some element were hidden in the trees when they were the only child of their container 1.0a1 * Custom XSLT * Traceability matrix * User's profiles * User's Guide update * Executable launcher * Bug-fix: - Cannot export to a shared folder including dollar sign in its path - Could not create a project - Could not create a task - Could not create SUT - Problem with SUT tree - NullPointerException when executing a manual test locally in web mode - Extra spaces in exported XML files - Use temporary folder to store export resources in JNLP (to be able to filter only the necessary ones) 1.0a0 (preview) * Preview version of the performances improvments on: - User tree - Agent tree - SUT tree - Project tree - Test tree - Campaign tree * Closed items filtering on - Sprint - Tasks - Defect * Search tests and testcases * Traceability on: - Requirements - Specifications * traceability in reports for: - Requirements - Specifications * Anchors on subtree items * Items in subtrees selectable * Additional checks against NullPointerExceptions * Bug-fix: - Velocity refresh - Refresh tree by really getting only the required nodes - Link to task does not work - Localization 0.7 * A few additional minor bug-fixes 0.7b3 * Email Notification for integrated defects when changing the details or the - Reporter/assigned to - Found_in/fixed_in sut * Better error reporting when creating session and when data are missing * Send all the emails in background to improve performances * Hide details of useless folders * Reactivate the threads for keep-alives (DB + BTD) * Remove useless traces * A lot of bug fixes including: - Corrupted "reproducibility" field (form including ???) - Lots of memory-leaks profiles and removed: . Sprint details . Integrated defect category stats . Category stats . Campaign session details - Bad percentage values or NaN - Bad escaping of < and > in manual launchers - Cannot create folder in a project where another one in another project has the same name - Reports: . Add systematically global metrics . Short defect description with anchors - Execute on remote agent even if we do not have ourself declared as an agent - Automatically create the current agent if does not already exist - Protect against "]]>" in CDATA fields - Missing refresh when assigning tasks to sprint - Fix a localization issues - Must not verify locally the existence of the company logo in JNLP mode - Remove backlog edition limitation when not running - Imports: . Testplans from XML does not work in all cases . Requirements from XML does not work in all cases . Specifications from XML does not work in all cases . < and > characters wrongly rendered . Import only the first category 0.7b2 * Improvements of all the reports (requirements, specifications, projects/tasks, testplans, campaign sessions and defects) - More informations in the statistics and in the summary: status, priority, severity, is formal etc.) - Improved stylesheets * Attachment managements in reports: - Include images (jpg, gif, png etc.) in the report itself - Add the attached files to the zip and add link to the attachements in the report * Give the filename being overwritten to the user for confirmation * Simplification of the initial load of the trees * Optimization/Refactoring of some code * Some bug fixes including: - Bad presentation of tables, ul and ol (i.e. included in description) in reports - Slider not completely visible in the manual laucher configuration - NaN in the summary statistics in the campaign session reports - Crash when some complete tree access are forbidden to the user - Refresh campaign session attachments 0.7b1 * Sprint backlog editable in RUNNING and IDLE state * Remove license.dat file * Search requirements feature (from a category node) * Search specifications feature (from a category node) * Search tasks feature (from the root node) * Suppress resources_signed.jar (copy all the sql script + theoretical_integrity.dat in bin * Update theoretical_integrity.dat.init * Error message when the launcher xml/jar is not found * Some bug fixes including: - Fix the problem to create and autoupdate the DB if using the webpackage - Open attachments uses temp folder - Missing localizations 0.7a3_patched * Urgent patch on the web package * Bugfix: cannot create a configuration or run a compaign session 0.7a3 * Add the "dynamic" property to attributes ("dynamic" means can be overwritten by the operator when starting the campaign session) * Ability to edit attributes * New icons for attributes (bool, int and string) * Integer/String attribute can now accept ':' and ';' to specify list and range of values (these values can then be used by the test itself to execute code with "sliding" variables) * Filtering adapted to work with range of integers and range of strings * Dynamic refresh of the test tree when necessary to update when some attributes are changed on a specific test * Edit dynamic attributes when creating session * Display dynamic attributes in session * Add a right to enable or not to view the dynamic attributes tab in session * Pass all the static + dynamic attributes to the launchers * Add the utilities to retrieve the variants (an enumeration of integer, strings) from the launcher etc. * Identify tasks (different icons) already assigned to a sprint - in the main tree - in the backlog panel * copy of a requirement * copy of a specification * copy of folders (req, spec and test) * calculate automatically the new names during copies when duplicate * Add the Perl launcher * Better visibility of tables's rows * Add Apache install instruction in the Installation Guide * Some bug fixes including: - JNLP . bug-tracking driver not found . in case the settings (xstudio or bugtracking) are incorrect, exit directly . while exiting, do not try to save the position/size of the window - after editing a specification, cannot copy a test - forbidden duplicate folder names in different categories and companies 0.7a2 * Java WebStart distribution for Tomcat/Apache/etc. allowing to use XStudio without having to install it * Export reports (requirements, specifications, etc.) in a folder chosen by the user * Zip the result of the reports * Remember the last download/upload location 0.7a1 * Brand new (Scrum-oriented) Project Management module - Versioning and stats on projects - Graph velocity charts - Export in XML/HTML reports about projects - New rights to control access to project management features * Implementation of users's calendars checking - global and/or individual users - graphical visualization of the availability of users * Capability to graphically display dependencies between tests 0.6 * Some bug fixes including: - [218] Previous version shortcut remains upon upgrade - [219] No validation for the email entered - [221] Uncaught exception detected thrown on running test - [222] Unable to proceed further - needs to terminate XStudio - [223] Email changes not considered - [226] NullPointerException on remote agent exec 0.6b3 * automatically send email to when an integrity issue is found * major bugfix about node selection in tree !!! * Some other bug fixes including: - [213] cannot delete a conf when running a test 0.6b2 * changes in the integrity checker to be compatible with different database servers * Some bug fixes including: - [202] Can create session without any configuration - [203] Can run test without a configuration selected - [204] Dots not appearing in the graph during execution - [205] Localization: elements.some_tests missing - [208] Cannot create schedule 0.6b1 * Implementation of a Database Schema Integrity checker * Major bug-fix on the previous database schema updater * A few minor bug-fixes 0.6a4 * Implementation of the configuration Management Module * A few minor bug-fixes 0.6a3 * Button labelling changes in the manual launcher * Behavior of manual launchers when one step fail now configurable * Huge improvements in performances to get defect stats (integrated BTD) * Add information on the resolution rates * Report on the integrated defect database on - root folder - category - folder * Some bug fixes: - Fix database schema corruption introduced by 0.6a1 and 0.6a2 fresh install - En/Us Localization: many fixes - Data range in defect stats has no effect with Mantis connector 0.6a2 * Defects - Stat generation configurable for a specific range (by default last 30 days) - Add severity + priority in defect tree * Requirements - Add priority in requirement tree * Specifications - Status/State-machine for Specifications - Add priority in specification tree 0.6a1 * Requirements: - Implement requirement workflow - Display type, priority and status in Requirements report * Campaign: order test execution * Campaign session - Attachments management - Add description - Display more information in the report * Manual Launcher: display descriptions and prerequisites * Testplan: display the author of each test * Added 'found in' and 'fixed in' in the defect search feature * Added AutoIt Launcher (including sources) * Import: - Requirements in XML - Specifications in XML - Tests in XML * Some bug fixes including: - [171] Fix the JFreeChart warning at compilation - [162] Scheduling test cases in reports 0.5 * Only some bug fixes: - [46] Traceability feature will be very useful - [140] Overwriting message not displayed - [141] Status's checkbox caption are as '???' - [142] Test node: rename 'history' tab in 'results' - [144] Incorrect message displayed in an error dialog - [145] The GUI of 'defect creation' went shaky - [146] Bugs submitted gets deleted if user is deleted - [153] Previous date can be assigned for 'Corr. date' 0.5b3 * Only some bug fixes: - [89] Refresh subnodes - done twice - [128] Couldn't add attribute - [130] Try to create twice the same bug - [131] Localization: element.an_sut missing - [135] download attachments - open - [136] ClassCastException thrown when clicking preset filter setting - [138] Expand the tree and show all leaves before filtering 0.5b2 * Only some bug fixes: - [16] improved problem reporting - [79] update schema warning - [102] add lastmomdified to the bug search panel - [111] improve btd search - [112] coundn't create sut - [113] numberFormatException with NULL dates - [114] couldn't create requirement - [118] Defect tree should be orderer by status then name - [119] tab couldn't be displayed - [120] bad id in requirement/specifications export - [121] couldn't search testcase in global search - [123] wrong message when XML launcher is absent - [124] couldn't upload attachment - [125] wrong refresh when uploading attachment 0.5b1 * Some bug fixes including: - [93] defect changes: status/priority/severity should be named - [95] add rights for the integrated BTD - [96] create bug does not use the nice forms with sliders - [97] bug search update does not refresh - [104] Possible bug with attachments (create attachments folder fails during install) * Integrated Bug-Tracking database improvements - new graphics - new dynamically-enabled status widget - dynamic generation of the form depending from the current status - better change tracking * Introduction of new parameters: - platform - os - reproducibility - steps to reproduce - sut where the bug has been found - sut where the bug has been fixed - progress % - etc. * Rights managements for integrated bug-tracking database access * Improved search mechanism for the integrated bug-tracking database * Query building process redesigned 0.5a2 * Some bug fixes including: - [86] exception when trying to select default tab - [84] not the figures on the pie for defects stats - [83] resolution rates always 0 - [78] crash when entering 'commercial and' - [76] settings > cancel: kill the client - [65] tooltip 'taratata' - [64] add a testcase does not refresh the test tree - [13] nullpointerException for limited user - [12] tests tab gives classCastException * Coverage metrics generation on - requirements <-> specs - requirements <-> tests - specifications <-> tests - tests not covering any specifications * Search/Reporting/Filtering of integrated bug-tracking database * Tests attributes are now passed to the launcher - WARNING: the API of preRun() has then been modified 0.5a1 * Bug fixes (submitted by users after delivery of 0.4) * Integrated bug tracking database * Bug traceability + lots of metrics/graphics on the product quality on - Integrated bug-tracking database - Mantis - Bugzilla (experimental) * Developers/Testers performances evaluation tools (tracking of resolved and submitted bugs per user) on - Integrated bug-tracking database - Mantis - Bugzilla (experimental) * background thread to regularly update stats for tests and defects (for the history) 0.4 * pure html and deported home page * localized home page * added a timeout for automatic check of new version (not yet for homepage) for users that do not have internet connection * added "buy a book" button in home page * bug fixes: - cancel after downloading an attachment - copy init_6.sql in the package 0.4b4 * improved categories's statistic graph * added new graph for the campaign sessions * automatic check on the web for new releases at start time * agent GUI automatically select the last line of the log * improved logging of xagent * added cancel on the login page * freeing of the resources when cancelling in different dialogs * after mofifying a company details, refresh the last edited element * file browser added to easy the setting of canonical path * updated the about dialog box * activated experimental "Generic" interface for bug-tracking system * depending on the bug-tracking system selected, enable only relevant fields * added a "hide" button in the campaign session details dialog that allows to hide the panel during the execution (a "show" button is available on the right panel to display it again whenever the user wants to) * added a comment text field in "manual" and "simple_manual" launchers. Each time a dialog box is prompted to the user, he can add a comment that will be inserted in the messages log * sort the statistics in the revert order to see first the last data * user can choose the destination folder when downloading a file attachment (folder "attachments" is still used for temporary storage) * new dynamic (content from the web site) home page with donate button * several bug fixed including: - removed dev. traces in "success" launcher - removed last memory leak in xagent - wrong data displayed in campaign session details tab - wrong escaping of the messages returned by the tests if they included & of \ characters - refresh root node of the tree after deletion - prevent to writeInOnce() to a file is the file cannot be overwritten - bug in naming convention in the MacOSX package - dispose dialog box when changing bug-tracking settings - "attchments" folder was not created by the installer - download the attachments in the "attachments" folder and not in the "bin" folder 0.4b3 * new distribution package for Linux * executable stub in the MacOS package * implemented all (useful) sub-refresh * experimental bugzilla integration (still need access to a real bugzilla db to test * better error reporting in the global search * enable/disable user * removed useless activity icon * protect the system against log generated by the tests including characters that must escaped * when deleting an item in a tree, select the root node of that tree * autoupdate of all the stats at each start * renamed "getAttachements()" API in "getAttachments()" * add "download attachement" feature to all places that handle attachements 0.4b2 * important bug fix (exception when running campaign sessions in certain circumstances) * additional memory leak fixes * localization add'ons * help for the global search feature 0.4b1 * global search within all trees * huge memory leak fix - while navigating through campaign sessions - run a forced garbage collection every 10 minutes * improvement in the auto-update mechanism * add a link to the agent executable * GUI for the agent * fixed a security issue in the tracing system * refresh of the testplan tab when setting a testcase as implemented * check driver path and company logo while filling the settings * handling of autoupdate of the database schema even with multiple versions * autoupdate bug-tracking conf * detect virgin configuration to propose better messaging * XStudio forum bugs fixes - export testplan: open instead of save 0.4a2 * keep the settings when upgrading XStudio * huge performances improvement when - editing/deleting/inserting a new testcase - getting/refreshing the test tree * completely new agent (windows service not used anymore) ! - can now run ANY kind of tests - even GUI-based - fix the bug: java registry entries not found (need only jre now) - fix the bug: installation steps for XAgent (simpler now) * capacity to attach file (i.e. screenshots to a testcase execution) - new API for the launcher: [addAttachment(File file)] - display of testcase execution attachment in the campaign session content * import data fixed * remember the splitpane position for the test tree * ordering of SUTs in the tree * localization of the action tracking feature * remove thread usage for SQL requests (performance improvement) * display of estimated time to run for a campaign (incl. probability) * testplan generation including description of testcase * capability to use the testcase description as testplan; handled by - the new manual launcher - the new simple_manual launcher * better implementation for the "hourglass" pointer * bug fixes including: - dual execution of campaign when run remotely - classCastException when editing a filter * XStudio forum bugs fixes - possible bug with export req/spec - possible bug with attachments - possible bug with test copying - launcher: convert path from java style to windows style - action tracking not localized yet 0.4a1 * implementation automatic tracking including charts generation on - nb tests - nb implemented tests - nb testcases - nb implemented testcases - implementation ratio * per-user change tracking * management/storage of attachments for requirements, specifications, tests, test cases * Italian localization * export of requirements and specifications * automatic calculation of estimated time to execute a campaign * better css for all exported documents * possibility to use simplified testplan (just formatted text) (handled by all manual launchers) * new experimental launchers (including sources) for - Microsoft Visual Studio - HP/Mercury QuickTestPro - HP/Mercury WinRunner - Compuware TestPartner - SQL * numerous bug fixes including 0.3 * remove the very basic defect tracking feature (version 0.4 will includes full connection to external databases such as Mantis and Bugzilla and a 100% generic connector * some bug fixes * XStudio forum bugs fixes - no check on special char for step, checks etc - invalid SMTP Port makes XStudio to error - testplan/test reports borders 0.3b5 * numerous bug fixes 0.3b4 * bug fix in test report generation * metrics/statistics available for tests as well as for testcases * differentiator betwen implemented or not testcases in testplan * forbid '&' characters in forms * open testplan and report with the default app. when finished * icon in testplan/report is now customizable * Copying a test * XStudio forum bugs fixes - NumberFormatEx after network conn failure - Poor English grammar in database conn msg 0.3b3 * Simplified manual testing * generation of an additional testplan/report customized for printing * Testcase name in the exported testplan * XStudio forum bugs fixes - Initial Table setup SQL has an error - Exp. SimpleManual Launcher miss result - CDialog popup's size in reinitialized - Check tables validity at runtime - Special characters in passwords - When a suggest. list too long popup hidden - Localized messages issues - Special characters are not supported 0.3b2 * new Manual launcher * better CDialog component * added JDBC connector in the distribution * lots of internally-found bugs fixes * XStudio forum bugs fixes - Couldn't import testplan at creation time - Subtree not refreshed when changing of dir - smtp account password in clear - Couldn't stop a crashed session - The focus is not set to the textfield - testplan export xml: extension not added - With the "user edit details" rights... 0.3b1 * localization * filtering capablities * java 1.6 migration (generics etc.) * login capability with encrypted password * uniqueness of company/category/user/folder names at creation * graphics change * Xagent introduction 0.2 * java 1.5 migration 0.1 * first version
13beta, 13, 13sp1, 13sp2, 13sp3, 13sp4 12beta, 12beta2, 12beta3, 12, 12sp1, 12sp2, 12sp3, 12sp4, 12sp5, 12sp6, 12sp7, 12sp8, 12sp9, 12sp10, 12sp11, 12sp12, 12sp13, 12sp14, 12sp15, 12sp16, 12sp17, 12sp18, 12sp19, 12sp20, 12sp21 11beta, 11beta2, 11beta3, 11, 11sp1, 11sp2, 11sp3, 11sp4, 11sp5, 11sp6, 11sp7 Database 96: * historization of the bug stats per folder 10beta, 10, 10sp1, 10sp2, 10sp3, 10sp4, 10sp5, 10sp6, 10sp7 Database 95: * Storage of the tree filters Database 94: * Access rights on connectors * Profile per team 9beta, 9, 9sp1, 9sp2, 9sp3, 9sp4, 9sp5 database 93 * Support for multi-source connectors 8beta, 8, 8sp1 database 92 * Support of Remote scan of tests * Gherkin Step Definitions * Optional Gherkin field on tests 7beta, 7, 7sp1, 7sp2, 7sp3, 7sp4, 7sp5, 7sp6 database 91 * Add executor_id column on table_exec 6beta1, 6beta2, 6beta3, 6beta4, 6, 6sp1, 6sp2, 6sp3, 6sp4, 6sp5 database v90 * Support for free/signature on defects (locked to table_def_int) * Bug: new datetime field for closing_date * Delete deprecated results * Initialize all empty procedures 5b1, 5b2, 5b3, 5b4, 5b5, 5, 5sp1, 5sp2, 5sp3, 5sp4, 5sp5 Database v89 * Support for freeze and signature of documents * Track which new feature have been read already per user 4.1b1, 4.1b2, 4.1b3, 4.1, 4.1sp1, 4.1sp2, 4.1sp3, 4.1sp4, 4.1sp5, 4.1sp6, 4.1sp7, 4.1sp8, 4.1sp9, 4.1sp10, 4.1sp11, 4.1sp12, 4.1sp13 database v88 * Support of (push) notifications * Add database support of new password constraints * User profile picture * Support for agent real-time tracking * Status field on sessions 4.0b1, 4.0b2, 4.0b3, 4.0, 4.0sp1, 4.0sp2, 4.0sp3, 4.0sp4, 4.0sp5, 4.0sp6, 4.0sp7, 4.0sp8 3.3b1, 3.3b2, 3.3, 3.3sp1, 3.3sp2, 3.3sp3, 3.3sp4, 3.3sp5 database v87 * Add external_id field on sut, req_int, spec, test and def_int database v86 * Self service sessions * definitions 3.2, 3.2sp1, 3.2sp2, 3.2sp3 database v85 * Requirement types 3.2b2, 3.2b3 database v84 * Test types (unit, integration, functional, acceptance etc.) * External ids on SUTs, integrated requirements, specifications, tests and integrated bugs (for import synchronization) 3.2b1 database v83 * SUT's start and stop date * Drop test stats on category (keep testcase's) database v82 * SUT's stats database v81 * Test status and executability 3.1b1, 3.1b2, 3.1b3, 3.1, 3.1sp1, 3.1sp2, 3.1sp3, 3.1sp4, 3.1sp5 3.0b1, 3.0b2, 3.0b3, 3.0, 3.0sp1, 3.0sp2, 3.0sp3, 3.0sp4, 3.0sp5, 3.0sp6, 3.0sp7, 3.0sp8, 3.0sp9, 3.0sp10, 3.0sp11 database v80 * Introduction and Conclusion fields on SUTs database v79 * e-signature on SUTs, Requirements, Specifications, Tests, Test cases, Campaigns and Sessions * increase size of user's email field database v78 * Item freezing database v77 * Tracks extensions to all major trees 2.4sp8, 2.4sp9, 2.4sp10, 2.4sp11 database v76 * Ensure all the foreign keys are present (only SQL Server) 2.4sp1, 2.4sp2, 2.4sp3, 2.4sp4, 2.4sp5, 2.4sp6, 2.4sp7 database v75 * Foreign key issues with SNMP monitoring on SQLServer/Oracle 2.4b2, 2.4 database v74 * Private tracks 2.4b1 database v73 * Public tracks database v72 * Additional table to store defects stats per SUT * Increased size of the procedure fields * Renamed the "Manuals" folder to "[Playground]" 2.3b2, 2.3b3, 2.3, 2.3sp1, 2.3sp2, 2.3sp3 database v71 * Last_user_name column in agent table 2.3b1 database v70 * New option of campaign sessions executable on any agent database v69 * Extension REST API for the future Hallway Dashboard database v68 * Risk analysis on requirements * Requirements filters database v67 * User's title field * SUT description field * Inner links 2.2b2, 2.2b3, 2.2, 2.2sp1, 2.2sp2, 2.2sp3 database v66 * Custom fields support for reusable test cases database v65 * Reusable objects database v64 * Fix update 60-61 + Ms SQL server bug in case monitored_results have duplicate entries 2.2b1 database v63 * SMB attachment storage 2.1b2, 2.1b3, 2.1, 2.1sp1, 2.1sp2, 2.1sp3 database v62 * Assets management 2.1b1 database v61 * Add primary keys on ALL the tables for the master-master synchronization support 2.0b3, 2.0, 2.0sp1, 2.0sp2, 2.0sp3, 2.0sp4, 2.0sp5, 2.0sp6, 2.0sp7, 2.0sp8, 2.0sp9, 2.0sp10, 2.0sp11, 2.0sp12, 2.0sp13 database v60 * Only for Oracle: . Remove TRIG_category_stat and SEQ_category_stat . Optimization all triggers 2.0b2 database v59 * All the new tag tables for the Timeshifting feature * Rename table_case_exec in table_exec (oracle constraints on name length when adding the timeshifting feat.) database v58 * New operating systems in the OS lists 2.0b1 database v57 * increase max length of param string values to 2000 characters 1.9sp2, 1.9sp3, 1.9sp4, 1.9sp5, 1.9sp6, 1.9sp7, 1.9sp8, 1.9sp9 database v56 * <Nothing> (new version necessary to insert a patch for defect stats duplicates) 1.9b1, 1.9b2, 1.9, 1.9sp1 database v55 * Exploratory testing * SQLServer: add an ON DELETE CASCADE 1.8b4, 1.8 database v54 * add exploratory testing tables (preparation) 1.8b3 database v53 * add ldap and ldap_dn fields in the user table 1.8b1, 1.8b2 database v52 * remove useDescAsTestplan 1.7sp5 database v51 * minor change ONLY on SQLServer: remove trigger "trig_folder" 1.7b3, 1.7, 1.7sp1, 1.7sp2, 1.7sp2, 1.7sp3, 1.7sp4 database v50 * normal values on params and attributes * remove output_format * params at session/schedule level * attributes at schedule level * add 2013 US and FR public vacation days 1.7b1, 1.7b2 database v49 * Migration embedded images (may be time consuming!) database v48 * Save and restore search/filters * String custom fields as VARCHAR(512) instead of CLOB * Add default monitoring conf * auto-correct default values custom fields database v47 * All fields with type TEXT as utf8 * All attachment data as LONGBLOB 1.6a7, 1.6b1, 1.6b2, 1.6, 1.6sp1, 1.6sp2, 1.6sp3, 1.6sp4, 1.6sp5, 1.6sp6 1.6sp7 database v46 * Auto-correct coverage 1.6a6 database v45 * Delete all the day-duplicates from table_def_stat 1.6a4, 1.6a4sp1, 1.6a5 database v44 * Oracle support * parallel vs serial execution 1.5, 1.5sp1, 1.5sp2, 1.5sp3, 1.5sp4 database v42 * output format on session (for Bamboo) * remove duplicate test-execution/bug 1.5b1, 1.5b2, 1.5b3 database v41 * tracking tests and test cases authored 1.5a5 database v40 * user profiles * cc emails on bugs 1.5a4 database v39 * user groups * attachments on company, sut, project, task, sprint, campaign * images in formatted text fields * custom fields * requirement connector * specification tree disabled 1.5a1, 1.5a2, 1.5a3 database v38 1.4b2 + 1.4b3 + 1.4 + 1.4sp1-sp8 database v33 * tracking of session-agent status for global pause/termination 1.4a3 + 1.4b1 database v32 * fix the test dependencies foreign keys database v31 * test case parameterization 1.4a2 database v30 * table_param_xxx database v29 * increase size of related URL 1.4a1 database v28 * replace categories by folders in req, spec and bug trees * project's managers * an assignee to each task * integrated bugs: several assignees * test url * test author + developer * test case authCompleted + devCompleted * add ix86 in the platform list 1.3b2 + 1.3b3 + 1.3 database v27 * 1.3's anterior session's test/testcase execution dates set to the session start date (and not 1970-01-01) 1.3b1 database v26 * Description field on folder and campaigns 1.3a5 + 1.3a6 + 1.3a7 database v25 * Test and test case versioning 1.3a3 + 1.3a4 database v24 * Huge refactoring that will allow to make XStudio a load/stress platform in the future * utf-8 support 1.2a4 + 1.2b1 + 1.2b2 + 1.2 database v23 * New fields to handle execution options * Remove deprecated conf fields 1.2a1 + 1.2a2 + 1.2a3 database v22 * New additional info fields for tests and testcase 1.1b1 + 1.1b2 + 1.1b3 + 1.1 database v21 * Convert standard attachments to versionned documents (patch engine) 1.0b2, 1.0b3, 1.0 database v20 * cleanup table_weekend * cleanup table_holiday 1.0b1 database v19 * requirement attachements * specification attachements 1.0a3 + 1.0a4 database v18 * absences * countries * holidays * week-ends * sut - requirement 1.0a2 database v17 * timeout attribute 0.7a3 + 0.7b1 + 0.7b2 + 0.7b3 + 0.7 + 1.0a0 + 1.0a1 database v16 * dynamic attributes 0.7a1 + 0.7a2 database v15 * project management 0.6b2 + 0.6b3 + 0.6 database v14 * no change (integration of the integrity checker) 0.6b1 database v13 * no change (integration of the integrity checker) 0.6a4 database v12 * configuration management 0.6a3 database v11 * cleanup defect_integrated * fixes: - table_test_campaign - specification state-machine 0.6a2 database v10 * specification state-machine 0.6a1 database v9 * requirement state-machine * session introduction/conclusion * session attachments * campaign test order 0.5b1 + 0.5b2 + 0.5b3 + 0.5 database v8 * table_defect_integrated_sut * table_platform * table_os 0.5a1 + 0.5a2 database v7 * table_defect_stat * table_defect_attachment * all names in VARCHAR(XXX) instead of text 0.4b4 + 0.4 database v6 * BOOLEAN -> BOOL (compatibility) * increase message size to MEDIUMTEXT * create table_defect_generic and table_defect_integrated 0.4b3 database v5 * user enabled 0.4a2 + 0.4b1 + 0.4b2 database v4 * attachments to testcase execution 0.4a1 database v3 * nb tests/testcases implemented tracking * attachments * change tracking * estimated time to execute * simplified testplan 0.3b1 + 0.3b2 + 0.3b3 + 0.3b4 + 0.3b5 + 0.3 database v2 * Database v2 encryption of security data 0.2 0.1 database v1 * first version