Enjoy significant savings with our volume-based pricing. The more you buy, the cheapest it is!
Our transparent pricing calculator (available below) provides an instant quote including volume discounts.
Plus, our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. Unlike some of our competitors, our existing customers can rest assured knowing their prices will never increase by more than 6% annually.
Releases, Requirements, User-stories, Specifications, Tests, Campaigns, Bugs
Regular price: $439 per user and per year
Universal (without any limit): $35.000 per year
Regular price:
Discount: 0%
Please select the options you wish :
Not SelectedPrice:
Health Science & Regulated businesses (Signature, Audit-log etc.)
Regular price: $199 per user and per year
Universal (without any limit): $15.000 per year
Regular price:
Discount: 0%
Not SelectedPrice:
Documentation Management (Document Versioning, Lock etc.)
Regular price: $39 per user and per year
Universal (without any limit): $1.500 per year
Regular price:
Discount: 0%
Not SelectedPrice:
Single Sign-On (Oauth, SAML, LDAP etc.)
Regular price: $99 per user and per year
Universal (without any limit): $5.000 per year
Regular price:
Discount: 0%
Total discounted price:
Total regular price:
Total discount: 0.0%
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