Install XStudio Docker


A whole instance of XStudio can be deployed using a docker-compose.yml file that will reference the 3 official docker images hosted on Docker Hub.
If you already have a MySql or MariaDb server, the xstudio-mariadb image may not be necessary as you can configure the xstudio-tomcat to connect to any other MySQL/MariaDB server. The xstudio-backup may not be necessary either if you already have your own proper backup mechanism for the database.

How to install and run a complete XStudio server in 2 minutes

If you already know about Docker and doesn't need to go into the details of the images we deliver, you will find in this section a simple procedure to install an XStudio Server in just 2 minutes thanks to Docker.

To do this, here are some some examples of .env and docker-compose.yml files.

On a Windows host

  • Install Docker for Windows on the host
  • cd "C:\Users\<Your Name>"
  • mkdir xqual
  • cd xqual
  • Download and copy the 2 files below in "C:\Users\<Your Name>\xqual\"
    - docker-compose.yml
    - .env
    (ensure the downloaded file is properly named .env (starting with a '.' character). If not, rename it accordingly)
  • docker-compose up

On a Linux host

  • Install Docker for Linux on the host
  • cd /home/<Your Name>
  • mkdir xqual
  • cd xqual
  • Download and copy the 2 files below in /home/<Your Name>/xqual/
    - docker-compose.yml
    - .env
  • docker-compose up

That's it! you'are all set.

From the Docker host, you can access your server by browsing http://localhost:8080/xqual/xstudio.web
Username: admin
Password: password

You can also access your server programmatically through its REST API on http://localhost:8080/xqual/api
Example: http://localhost:8080/xqual/api?command=getInfo

If you prefer using the legacy java/jnlp application, you'll need java 7-9 on your computer and you can start it from:
http://localhost:8080/xqual/xstudio with the same credentials


If you want to make this service accessible from other users on your network, you need to edit the .env file and change the value of the SERVER_NAME parameter so that it matches your Docker host.

For instance:
  • SERVER_NAME= (if the users are on the same subnet than the host, if they can connect to the host's IP@ and if that IP@ is static)
  • SERVER_NAME=my-docker-host (if the users are on the same subnet than the host and can connect to it using its your computer name)
  • (if your users can connect through LAN/WAN to the host using its resolvable name)
You may want to update the network section in the docker-compose.yml file depending on how you want your docker environment to be accessible (from within you host, local network or external network).


You can access to the tomcat container using this commmand: docker exec -it xstudio-tomcat-container bash.
The XStudio server is installed in /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/.
The archived logs are visible in /var/lib/tomcat8/logs/.
The real time log of XQual is visible by running the command docker logs xstudio_tomcat_container.
They can also be seen from the Docker host if you're using it (containers > logs)

You can also access some useful data from the persistant volumes using Docker Desktop (or through the docker CLI). The volumes available are:
  • xstudio-volume-tomcat-logs (XStudio server's log)
  • xstudio-volume-backup (repository containing all daily backups)
  • xstudio-volume-mariadb-dbdata (the database data file)
  • xstudio-volume-mariadb-conf (the database server configuration files)
  • xstudio-volume-tomcat-conf (copy of the configuration files - used when updating XStudio using newer docker images - please check the update instructions)

  • Make the configuration persistent

    XStudio's configuration files are stored in /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual and /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio which is not a persistent volume.
    This means if you do a docker-compose down and a docker-compose up your configuration is lost. This is especially true when you update XStudio by picking a newest version of the image xqual/xstudio-tomcat in your docker-compose.yml.
    To circumvent this, each time you change something in the configuration it's advised to save the configuration files in the xstudio-volume-tomcat-conf persistent volume (/root/conf in the xqual/xstudio-tomcat container).
    To do this, you just to connect to the xstudio-tomcat-container and copy the configuration files to /root/conf/xqual.
    docker exec -it xstudio-tomcat-container bash

    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio.conf /root/conf/xqual/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/requirement.conf /root/conf/xqual/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/bugtracking.conf /root/conf/xqual/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/sso.conf /root/conf/xqual/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio/xstudio.conf /root/conf/xqual/xstudio/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio/requirement.conf /root/conf/xqual/xstudio/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio/bugtracking.conf /root/conf/xqual/xstudio/
    cp /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xqual/xstudio/sso.conf /root/conf/xqual/xstudio/

    While doing this, you indicate docker that those are your reference configuration files.
    When you do a docker-compose up then it checks if there are some files in the persistent volume and, if there are, copy them on the fly in the new container.

    Docker images

    Each of the three docker images can be fetched from Docker Hub the usual way with the following tags:
    For a complete XStudio server:
    • xqual/xstudio-mariadb:v96
    • xqual/xstudio-tomcat:v13sp2
    • xqual/xstudio-backup:v1 (optional)
    The source Docker files and scripts used to generate these Docker images are provided in a separate package and are delivered as open-source here


    To get this image individually: docker pull xqual/xstudio-mariadb:v96

    This Docker image runs the database server (which is MariaDB a real open-source fork of MySQL)
    The tag (i.e. "v96") represents the version of the database schema.
    Please refer to the compatibility table below to use a version compatible with the xqual/xstudio-tomcat image's version.

    The docker needs a few parameter to be customized with your own preferences:
    Parameter Description Example
    MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Root password of the MariaDB database server rootpwd
    MYSQL_DATABASE Name of the database that will host XStudio's data xstudiodb
    MYSQL_USER Name of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use xstudio
    MYSQL_PASSWORD Clear password of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use xstudiopwd
    Based on the above example values, the image can be run individually in a container using the command:

    docker run --name xstudio-mariadb-container --publish 3306:3306
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpwd
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=xstudio_db
    -e MYSQL_USER=xstudio
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=xstudiopwd

    It is not really useful to run this container by itself though. You should use Docker-compose to run it as part as an integrated instance.
    Please refer the sections How to install and run a XStudio server in 2 minutes or Run all the XStudio images in an integrated environment for more details.


    To get this image individually: docker pull xqual/xstudio-tomcat:v13sp2

    This Docker image runs the core system of the XStudio server. This server includes a servlet container (Tomcat) listening on port 8080 in HTTP (and optionally on port 8443 in HTTPS if you provide an optional certificate corresponding to the domain where you will install the service).

    The server will expose several entry-points:
    • the the web client XStudio.web
    • the JNLP client XStudio
    • the XStudio App for Jira
    • the REST API server

    The docker needs a few parameter to be customized with your own preferences:
    Parameter Description Example
    SERVER_NAME Name of the server
    SERVER_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to the server http (or https if you provide a SSL certificate)
    SERVER_PORT Port to connect to the server 8080 (or 8443 if you provide a SSL certificate)
    MYSQL_DATABASE Name of the database that will host XStudio's data xstudiodb
    MYSQL_USER Name of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use xstudio
    MYSQL_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED Encrypted password of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use
    You can encrypt a clear password using our REST API service, however we advise to start with the default value which is 560B599C2331BE79C3ADD6621DBE8BDC which corresponds to the user xstudio with clear password xstudiopwd)
    XSTUDIO_USER Name of the XStudio account that will be used to connect to the REST API admin
    XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED Encrypted password that will be used to connect to the REST API password
    LICENSE_KEY (opt.) The license key you purchased from us
    If you do not provide a license key, the server will stay in community version with all its limitations
    CUSTOMER_INSTANCE_NAME (opt.) Name of the folder on the remote ftp server for backup acme_prod_1
    SSL_KEYSTORE_ALIAS (opt.) The alias to use with the Java Keystore containing the certificate for the SSL access 1
    SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD (opt.) The password to use with the Java Keystore containing the certificate for the SSL access acmepwd
    As you can see, this docker image can take optional parameters which are used only if you wish to:
    • Insert a license key
    • Customize the visuals of XStudio with your own logo, icon, splashscreen or title in the header of the application or the reports
    • Expose the XStudio.web URL as HTTPS

    Based on the above example values, the image can be run in a container using the command:

    docker run --name xstudio-backup-container
    -e SERVER_PORT=8080
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=xstudio_db
    -e MYSQL_USER=xstudio
    -e XSTUDIO_USER=admin
    -e XSTUDIO_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED=984F1197F84B21DDA2A631F72F9D082501B4FA1AA3798DC420A26ADE0B8792504325EBD701
    -e LICENSE_KEY=<license_key>
    -e CUSTOMER_INSTANCE_NAME=acme_prod_1
    -e SSL_KEYSTORE_FILENAME=certificate.jks

    NOTE: When the container is running, you can log in to it (for instance to check the log) by running the command:

    docker exec -it xstudio-tomcat-container bash

    Visuals customization

    If you wish to customize your XStudio instance with some custom visuals, you must copy some files with specific names in the xstudio-volume-tomcat-conf persistant volume.

    You can include only the visuals you are interested in.
    Here is a description of each files your repository can host:
    Filename Description Requirements
    icon.png Will be used as the JNLP client's icon PNG file with a dimension 16x16 pixels
    logo.png Will be used for instance in the header of the paper reports PNG file with a dimension preferably not exceeding 300x300 pixels
    splashscreen.png Will be used as splashscreen of the JNLP client PNG file with a dimension preferably not exceeding 700x700 pixels
    custom.app_title.txt Will be used as application title in the JNLP client's header Text file containing only a one-line text (do NOT add a new line feed at the end) Will be used in the header of the .docx paper reports Text file containing only a one-line text (do NOT add a new line feed at the end)

    Https configuration

    If you wish to customize your XStudio instance to be accessible through https, you must copy your certificate (in Java KeyStore format and renamed as certificate.jks) in the xstudio-volume-tomcat-conf persistant volume.

    It is not really useful to run this container by itself though. You should use Docker-compose to run it as part as an integrated instance.
    Please refer the sections How to install and run a XStudio server in 2 minutes or Run all the XStudio images in an integrated environment for more details.

    Based on the nature of the Docker host server, you may be required to do the following to have wkhtmltopdf library (and hence the PDF reporting) to work nicely on 64bits systems:
    wget apt update apt install ./wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-2.jammy_amd64.deb rm /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/xqual/wkhtml/linux32/bin/wkhtmltopdf ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/xqual/wkhtml/linux32/bin/wkhtmltopdf


    To get this image individually: docker pull xqual/xstudio-backup:v1

    This Docker image runs the backup operations of the database (operated by the xqual/xstudio-mariadb image)
    The tag (i.e. "v1") just represents the version of the image and has no compatibility constraint with the other images.

    This docker image can take optional parameters which are used only if you wish to transfer the latest backup once a week on a third-party FTP server.

    The daily backups are create at 2am local time and stored locally in the /home/backup folder.
    The weekly transfer to a third-party FTP server is executed at 3am local time (if configured).

    The docker needs a few parameter to be customized with your own preferences:
    Parameter Description Example
    MYSQL_DATABASE Name of the database that will host XStudio's data xstudiodb
    MYSQL_USER Name of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use xstudio
    MYSQL_PASSWORD Clear password of the MariaDB account that XStudio will use xstudiopwd
    BACKUP_FTP_HOST (opt.) FTP host where the latest backup can be sent on a weekly basis
    BACKUP_FTP_USER (opt.) Username to connect to the FTP server ftpuser
    BACKUP_FTP_PASSWORD (opt.) Clear password to connect to the FTP server ftpuserpwd
    CUSTOMER_INSTANCE_NAME (opt.) Name of the folder that will store the weekly backup acme_prod_1

    Based on the above example values, the image can be run in a container using the command:

    docker run --name xstudio-backup-container
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=xstudio_db
    -e MYSQL_USER=xstudio
    -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=xstudiopwd
    -e BACKUP_FTP_USER=ftpuser
    -e BACKUP_FTP_PASSWORD=ftpuserpwd
    -e CUSTOMER_INSTANCE_NAME=acme_prod_1

    Thanks to the optional parameters, once a week, the latest recorded backup will be transfered to the FTP server (connecting as ftpuser with password ftpuserpwd) in the root folder acme_prod_1

    It is not really useful to run this container by itself though. You should use Docker-compose to run it as part as an integrated instance.
    Please refer the sections How to install and run a XStudio server in 2 minutes or Run all the XStudio images in an integrated environment for more details.

    More details on docker Compose

    All three images can be run individually in containers as explained above but what is still missing is:
    • Make the three containers communicate together
    • Make some of the data persistent (such as the database data!)
    • Make some of the data shared among different containers (such as the backup repository)

    That's where Docker-compose gets in the game.
    Docker-compose needs a docker-compose.yml file that describes how the 3 containers are integrated together, which volumes are necessary, which container can access them etc.

    Then, Docker-compose fetch the images from Docker Hub, run them in a common network, mount some volumes and make them accessible by some of the containers.
    The volumes are persistent and stored in the docker environment of the host so that the user can access them easily.

    install docker compose
      (green parts are optional)

    You can pass all the customization parameters by having them in a dedicated file named .env

    In the end, the only things you need to do to create a new XStudio instance is:
    • create a dedicated folder on the docker daemon host
    • put the docker-compose.yml in that folder
    • create a .env file in that folder containing all the parameter values you want
    • execute the command docker-compose up
    Docker-compose will search for a .env file (in the same directory) to get all the parameters, and will run the three containers accordingly.


    The xqual/xstudio-mariadb and xqual/xstudio-tomcat services must have some compatible versions to work together (without any additional step).

    xqual/xstudio-tomcat xqual/xstudio-mariadb
    11beta, 11beta2, 11beta3, 11, 11sp1, 11sp2, 11sp3, 11sp4, 11sp5, 12beta, 12beta2, 12beta3, 12, 12sp1, 12sp2, 12sp3, 12sp4, 12sp5, 12sp6, 12sp7, 12sp8, 12sp9, 12sp10, 12sp11, 12sp12, 12sp13, 12sp14, 12sp15, 12sp16, 12sp17, 12sp18, 12sp19, 12sp20, 12sp21, 13beta, 13, 13sp1, 13sp2 v96
    10beta2, 10beta3, 10, 10sp1, 10sp2, 10sp3, 10sp4, 10sp5, 10sp6, 10sp7, 10sp8, 10sp9, 10sp10 v95
    10beta v94
    9beta, 9, 9sp1, 9sp2, 9sp3, 9sp4, 9sp5 v93
    8beta, 8, 8sp1 v92
    7beta, 7, 7sp1, 7sp2, 7sp3, 7sp4, 7sp5, 7sp6 v91
    6beta1, 6beta2, 6beta3, 6beta4, 6, 6sp1, 6sp2, 6sp3, 6sp4, 6sp5 v90
    5, 5sp1, 5sp2, 5sp3, 5sp4, 5sp4c, 5sp6 v89
    4.1, 4.1sp1, 4.1sp2, 4.1sp3, 4.1sp4, 4.1sp5, 4.1sp6, 4.1sp7, 4.1sp8, 4.1sp9, 4.1sp10 v88