Typical Project Flow

Typical project flow

Let's take a typical project and see how you can build your traceability matrix and your test campaigns.
The company you work for wants to create a new product. It's a cheap four-color pen.
This pen is going to be delivered in 3 internal releases:

  • Pen v0.1 that is the first prototype of a cheap ball-point pen capable of writing in black only
  • Pen v0.2 is an improved version that can also write in red
  • Pen v1.0 is the final version of the 4-colors pen
For each of these releases, we may be delivered several builds.

Pen project

Pen 0.1

The Pen v0.1 contains 3 basic requirements (these requirements can be organized the way you want in the requirements tree).
To test this pen we'll need to test the 3 requirements. For this, 6 tests will need to be performed.

Pen v0.1 project
  • Create the SUT Pen 0.1a in the SUTs tree
  • Create the 3 requirements in the requirements tree
  • Link the SUT with these 3 requirements
  • Create the 6 tests in the tests tree
  • Link each of the 3 requirements with the relevant tests

These 6 tests are not so long to execute so we don't need to split it in several campaign. We can just create 1 test campaign (X on the above schema). We'll be able to generate a testplan based on this campaign. Each time we receive a new build we'll be able to execute (fully or partially) this campaign on the newly delivered build and generate a test report. We'll also be able to generate a consolidated report.

  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v0.1 in the campaign tree
  • Use the Import from SUT feature to let XQual select automatically the 6 tests corresponding to Pen v0.1 for you
  • Generate the test plan from the campaign

Build Pen v0.1a is delivered

  • Create a session Session Pen v0.1a targeting Pen 0.1a and assign it to Mary
  • Mary executes the session

Build Pen v0.1b is delivered

  • Create a new SUT Pen 0.1b (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from the Pen 0.1a)
  • Create a session Session Pen v0.1b (or Copy Session Pen v0.1b and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 0.1b)
  • Assign it to John
  • John starts executing the session but get sick in the middle and has to go home
  • Use the residual campaign generation feature to let XQual create automatically a campaign Campaign Pen v0.1 (follow-up John) that contains only the tests that have not been successful previously
  • Create a session Session Pen v0.1b (follow up John) on the follow-up campaign
  • Assign it to Jim
  • Jim executes the residual session

Reporting on the product Pen v0.1

  • Use the merge feature to let XQual consolidate ALL the 3 sessions in Session Pen v0.1 consolidated
  • Generate a test report on the consolidated session
  • It's also possible to generate a test report on each individual session and/or to check the individual results of each session independently

Pen v0.1 campaigns

Pen 0.2

Pen v0.2 is an improved version of Pen v0.1 since it includes a new feature (it can write in red).
8 tests will need to be executed to fully test this release so we decide to split the execution on 2 campaigns:
- one to test the features inherited from Pen v0.1 that will be executed by Jim (X on the schema below)
- another one focusing on the new feature that will be executed by Cindy (Y on the schema below)

Pen v0.2 project
  • Create a new SUT Pen 0.2a (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from Pen 0.1a and add a link to the new requirement)
  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v0.2 Set X in the campaign tree
  • Use the Import from SUT feature to let XQual select automatically the 6 tests corresponding to Pen v0.1 for you
  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v0.2 Set Y in the campaign tree by selecting manually the new required tests
  • Generate the test plan from the campaign

Build Pen v0.2a is delivered

  • Create a session Session Pen v0.2a Set X under the campaign Campaign Pen v0.2 Set X
  • Assign it to Jim
  • create a session Session Pen v0.2a Set Y under the campaign Campaign Pen v0.2 Set Y
  • Assign it to Cindy
  • Jim and Cindy execute the sessions

Build Pen v0.2b is delivered

  • Create a new SUT Pen 0.2b (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from the Pen 0.2a)
  • Create a session Session Pen v0.2b Set X (or Copy Session Pen v0.2a Set X and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 0.2b)
  • Assign it to Jim again
  • create a session Session Pen v0.2b Set Y (or Copy Session Pen v0.2b Set Y and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 0.2b)
  • Assign it to Cindy again
  • Jim and Cindy execute the sessions

Reporting on the product Pen v0.2

  • Use the merge feature to let XQual consolidate ALL the sessions in Session Pen v0.2 consolidated
  • Generate a test report on the consolidated session
  • It's also possible to generate a test report on each individual session and/or to check the results of each session independently

Pen v0.1 campaigns

Pen 1.0

Pen v1.0 is the final release candidate since it includes all the feature wished.
10 tests will need to be executed to fully test this release so we decide to split the execution on 3 campaigns. This time, we want to dispatch the tests in the campaigns manually based on some tags.

Pen v0.3 project
  • Create a new SUT Pen 1.0a (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from Pen 0.2a and add a link to the new requirements)
  • Create a test attribute Group
  • For each test, affect the Group attribute with one of the value X, Y or Z
  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set X in the campaign tree
  • Use the Filter feature to let XQual select automatically all the tests having the attribute Group set to X
  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set Y in the campaign tree
  • Use the Filter feature to let XQual select automatically all the tests having the attribute Group set to Y
  • Create a campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set Z in the campaign tree
  • Use the Filter feature to let XQual select automatically all the tests having the attribute Group set to Z

Build Pen v1.0a is delivered

  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0a Set X under the campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set X
  • Assign it to Mary
  • create a session Session Pen v1.0a Set Y under the campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set Y
  • Assign it to John
  • create a session Session Pen v1.0a Set Z under the campaign Campaign Pen v1.0 Set Z
  • Assign it to Jim
  • Mary, John and Jim execute the sessions

Build Pen v1.0b is delivered

  • Create a new SUT Pen 1.0b (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from the Pen 1.0a)
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0b Set X (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set X and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0b)
  • Assign it to Mary again
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0b Set Y (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set Y and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0b)
  • Assign it to John again
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0b Set Z (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set Z and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0b)
  • Assign it to Jim again
  • Mary, John and Jim execute the sessions

Build Pen v1.0c is delivered

  • Create a new SUT Pen 1.0c (use the inheritance feature to inherit all the requirements from the Pen 1.0a)
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0c Set X (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set X and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0c)
  • Assign it to Mary again
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0c Set Y (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set Y and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0c)
  • Assign it to John again
  • Create a session Session Pen v1.0c Set Z (or Copy Session Pen v1.0a Set Z and just change the target SUT on the fly to Pen 1.0c)
  • Assign it to Jim again
  • Mary, John and Jim execute the sessions

Reporting on the product Pen v1.0

  • Use the merge feature to let XQual consolidate ALL the sessions in Session Pen v1.0 consolidated
  • Generate a test report on the consolidated session
  • It's also possible to generate a test report on each individual session and/or to check the results of each session independently

Pen v0.3 campaigns