Limitations and Known issues
* Required Java versions for XStudio fat client or JNLP versions:
- JRE 8 (<8u331)
- JRE 9 (<9u157)
As we're using signature SHA-1 before version 9sp4.
After version 9sp5, any version of JRE 8 or 9 can be used
XStudio.web is not affected by this limitation as it does not require any JRE client side.
* Required Servlet containers: Servlet 3.0+ / JEE 7-9.
- Tomcat 8.*
- Tomcat 9.*
- Tomcat 10.0
* User Preferences are not working properly with XStudio/XStudio.web 9*
* If you host the service on-premise, only 64bits servers are supported
* Caches are fully operational only with Integrated data and Jira REST, Gitlab, Redmine, Mantis REST, YouTrack connectors
* Multi-source connectors
Users must all use the XStudio.web OR XStudio (fatclient/JNLP) but not both.
Mixing usage of both client can produce unexpected effects.
* XStudio fat-client and JNLP version don't include the Gherkin editor and can't run manually
Gherkin-enabled tests
* Multiple roles per user not supported by XStudio fat-client and JNLP versions
Users must all use the XStudio.web OR XStudio (fatclient/JNLP) but not both.
Mixing usage of both client can produce unexpected effects.
* Team's access-right at connector level is only supported through XStudio.web.
Users must all use the XStudio.web OR XStudio (fatclient/JNLP) but not both.
Mixing usage of both client can produce unexpected effects.
* Timeshifting limitations:
- An object or a link that is deleted is also deleted in the past. Going back in the past by
selecting a former timetag will not recover the object
- After getting back in time by selecting a former timetag, if you edit an object or a link the
change will be recorded as a LATEST change (a side-effect being that you won't even see your
change until you select the LATEST timetag
- Timeshifting is activated only on SUTs, requirements, specifications, tests, test cases, bugs,
exploratory sessions, sql reports, ALL the attachments and ALL the links between objects on
the system
- Dependencies in between tests are not handled by the Timeshifting
* Param names must NOT contain spaces < or > characters
* When integrating with third-party bug-tracking systems such as Jira, Clearquest, VersionOne, TRAC,
Bugzilla or Mantis, the containers (i.e. projects) names MUST NOT contain the following special
characters: $ \ & =. Bug names can include any character though
* Performance of the system may be downgraded with specific configuration parameters (indicated as
such in the settings)
* When interfacing with third-party requirements and/or bugs, some report may include only id and url
but no more details about the third-party objects