
TypeVer.Command parameterParameters
GET3.3 getUsersTree
Example of success:

GET4.0b3+ getUserForm
Example of success:

GET4.0b3+ getUserDetails userId=<id>
Example of success:

GET4.0b3+ getUserTeams userId=<id>
Example of success:

GET4.1+ getEncryptedPassword username=<username>
password=<clear password>
Example of success:

This can be used to encrypt ONLY XQual user's password.
GET9+ getEncryptedString input=<clear input>
Example of success:

This can be used to encrypt any kind of string, for instance password or token used in the configuration files.
GET3.2+ getUserActionRights See the details of all values for
module rights and action rights
This method should not be called explicitly.
User's action rights are automatically handeled by the authenticate method.
Example of success:

Important: This API applies for all users except "admin" which has anyway all the rights.

GET3.2+ getUserAccessRights
This method should not be called explicitely.
User's access rights are automatically fetched by the API when retrieving a tree.
Example of success:

All the <ids> listed in the response corresponds to folder, company or category <ids>.

Important: This API applies for all users except "admin" which has anyway access to the whole system.

POST4.0b3+createUser parentFolderId=<id>
Content of the form with values
(see getUserForm)
must be passed in the request's body
as multi-part.
Example of success:

POST4.0b3+updateUserDetails Content of the form with values
(see getUserDetails)
must be passed in the request's body
as multi-part.
Example of success:

Example of failure:
POST4.0b3+updateUserTeams userId=<id>
teamIds=<id, id, ...>
Example of success:

Example of failure:
POST4.1+setUserProfile userId=<id>
Example of success:

Example of failure:
POST4.0b3+moveUsers userIds=<id, id, ...>
Example of success:

POST4.0b3+deleteUsers userIds=<id, id, ...>
Example of success:

Example of failure:
POST10+updateUserPassword password=<password>
Example of success:

The password is updated for the currently logged in user (this information is known by the server).
POST9+resetUserPassword username=<username>
Example of success:

Example of failure:

The user will receive a link by email to reset and update his password.
GET4.1+ getProfiles
Example of success:

GET4.1+ getProfile profileId=<id>
Example of success:

See the details of all values for module rights and action rights
GET4.1+ getUserProfile userId=<id>
Example of success:

See the details of all values for module rights and action rights
POST4.1+createProfile profileName=<name>
A JSON representation of a list of modules and rights (see getProfile)
must be passed in the request's body
as multi-part.
Example of success:

Example of failure:
POST4.1+updateProfile profileId=<id>
A JSON representation of a list of modules and rights (see getProfile)
must be passed in the request's body
as multi-part.
Example of success:

Example of failure:
GET10+ getUserRoles userId=<id>
Example of success:

POST10+insertUserRoles userIds=<id, id, ...>
Example of success:
POST10+deleteUserRole userId=<id>
Example of success: