Launchers / Automated tests

Cerberus Launcher (Cerberus.jar)

The Cerberus launcher allows interfacing with Cerberus Testing tests.


The cerberus.xml file is just a template and must NOT be edited. It's used by the system to build dynamically the form that the user will be able to fill in from the GUI when creating a custom execution configuration.

Parameter Description
REST Connection
Base URL This must indicate the base URL of your Cerberus's REST API.
This URL MUST not include an ending slash.

Default value is:
API Key This must indicate the authentication key to connect to the REST API.

Default value is: <empty>
Country This must indicate the country where will be executed the tests.

Default value is: FR
Environment This must indicate the country environment will be executed the tests.

Default value is: PROD
Robot This must indicate the robot name.

Default value is: CerberusChrome

These values can be changed while creating the campaign session from XStudio.


The tests are executed by the launcher by some calls to the REST API:

  • When the session is started a connection is establed with the REST API.
  • For each test in the campaign, all the testcases are queued to be executed by Cerberus (using the addToExecutionQueue method).
  • Then the launcher waits for all the testcases to be executed (using the resultCI method).
  • All the details are fetched (using the getTagDetails method).
  • The details then parsed to retrieve the results and a few other information of each testcase and all the data are stored in XStudio.


  • In XStudio you need to create a testcase for each Cerberus testcase
  • Testcase names must be unique
  • Test or ancestor folder names are not used